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OT: Austrailian Lives Matter too


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2 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

So you became part of White Flight. Figures.

Gated neighborhood. What is your fence for, to keep people out or to keep people in? Won't work. I am moving there in 2 weeks.

 Actually there are plenty of people of color here.  My beliefs are conservative  and last time I checked that is not a race or gender. 

 And for the record I hate the gate. Lol.  It serves no purpose.  Someone that wants to come in  can just wait for A car to open it .

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1 minute ago, Sportsnut said:

A man does not move to a place he hates. What do you mean the gate serves no purpose?

 The gate to get in and out of the community.  It serves no purpose. Any human being that wants  to get into the  neighborhood  no matter what their intentions are  can get in regardless of the gate.  All they would have to do is wait for someone to open it. 

 There's nothing more to read into 

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2 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I know man. 

The premise of this thread was to take a shot at the media though.

The coverage isn't the same because no one has started an Aussie lives matter movement.

Some people are seeing it as a slight against light skinned people that the BLM movement has traction with the media and the Aussie lives matter movement doesn't. 

We shouldn't even be wondering what the difference is, or why the coverage is different should we? I mean really. 

It's silliness.

As far as cops killing unarmed folks, yeah, it's bullshit on a regular basis. Happening seemingly every day somewhere. Our solution...

Call the media out for covering one killing different than another when there is plenty of differing circumstances in reasoning for coverage difference.



Well put.  

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47 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:


 All across college campuses, social media, political rally's, protests, etc the message is loud and clear. White males are the enemy. 


There are some people who blame white males for shit that goes wrong. But to suggest any kind of a majority on college campuses or social media consider white males as the enemy is ridiculous. That would be like us viewing all people who consider themselves republicans to have the same opinions as you do, which would be equally ridiculous.

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The thing I take from this latest senseless killing is the fear so many police officers must have when they go to work in the morning. Being cautious, careful, alert, and smart should be a given, but if you're afraid in uniform you shouldn't be wearing the badge. Sure the job is thankless, dangerous and despised by many and quality individuals most certainly must be hard to come by. But too many of these men and women in blue are scared. Pulling a gun and shooting should be a last resort, not an introduction.

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53 minutes ago, ron169 said:

Everyone is asking why, but no one wants to really know why. The why is scary, the why will cause too much problems. Oh well, maybe I will say why (from my cop prospective)

Go for it. Tell why you think these happen, from your cop perspective. I'm curious.

Do white cops shoot black people sometimes because they ultimately don't care for them? Do black cops sometimes shoot white people because they don't care for them? What is the scary reason that will cause too many problems if let be known? No one wants to know the "real" why? I find that hard to believe.

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First of all, I won't speak to the shooting in Minnesota. I have very few facts about the case, there is no video, which is understandable, and it is being investigated. I've read that the cop has thus far refused to give an interview to the investigators which will just about guarantee that he gets charged. 


Ok, now to problems in policing in 2017. I personally call this the black lives matter effect, but can also be termed the Michael Brown effect, social media effect, etc.


In my decade plus experience in law enforcement, I have noticed a pretty severe change in the level of employees working in law enforcement. From being a member of several police groups, speaking to cops around the country, it appears this issue isn't necessarily a local one, but one prevalent throughout the country. 

To me theunintended consequence of the black lives matter movement is that people that once served as law enforcement are no longer getting in the job. You could not make me begin a career in law enforcement today, and I'm not the only one. There are deputies, police officers, and constables wearing a badge and gun today that 10 years ago would have never even applied, met qualifications, or been hired. But they are out there. Our application pool at our department has plummeted. 


So what happens when your applicant pool dwindles? You have two options, raise the pay or lower the standards. Well, coming out of a recession, raising the pay wasn't an option, so lower standards won out.


So now you have police patrolling the streets that shouldn't be. What's the net effect? Over reaction! But what about training? Guess what... You can't train someone to be a type A personality. 


So until the pay equals the risk in today's climate, get ready to see more of this.


Want an example of what I'm saying? Look to the Walter Scott case in South Carolina or to the case last year in Minnesota. Both videos show a scared cop that completely over reacts and loses control.

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2 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

Man this dude shot from the passenger seat across his partner with the woman talking to his partner. 

No excuse for this one. Cops should be retrained and taught to neutralize without killing. Most times it is possible

There is a lot more to this story than we are getting. The cops were afraid of something the woman knew, like who the perps were and I wouldn't be surprised if they are involved with the why she called 911 in some way.

Cops can wear the uniform to get away with crimes too.

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2 hours ago, ron169 said:

First of all, I won't speak to the shooting in Minnesota. I have very few facts about the case, there is no video, which is understandable, and it is being investigated. I've read that the cop has thus far refused to give an interview to the investigators which will just about guarantee that he gets charged. 


Ok, now to problems in policing in 2017. I personally call this the black lives matter effect, but can also be termed the Michael Brown effect, social media effect, etc.


In my decade plus experience in law enforcement, I have noticed a pretty severe change in the level of employees working in law enforcement. From being a member of several police groups, speaking to cops around the country, it appears this issue isn't necessarily a local one, but one prevalent throughout the country. 

To me theunintended consequence of the black lives matter movement is that people that once served as law enforcement are no longer getting in the job. You could not make me begin a career in law enforcement today, and I'm not the only one. There are deputies, police officers, and constables wearing a badge and gun today that 10 years ago would have never even applied, met qualifications, or been hired. But they are out there. Our application pool at our department has plummeted. 


So what happens when your applicant pool dwindles? You have two options, raise the pay or lower the standards. Well, coming out of a recession, raising the pay wasn't an option, so lower standards won out.


So now you have police patrolling the streets that shouldn't be. What's the net effect? Over reaction! But what about training? Guess what... You can't train someone to be a type A personality. 


So until the pay equals the risk in today's climate, get ready to see more of this.


Want an example of what I'm saying? Look to the Walter Scott case in South Carolina or to the case last year in Minnesota. Both videos show a scared cop that completely over reacts and loses control.

Pretty much spot on. It's a new generation and LE is not attracting the best and the brightest. You are right the talent pool is slim. The pay is never going to be great, you will not get rich. Even when the economy is good like now, your best and sharpest candidates aren't gong to pick shift work for 90K a year when they can go into the private sector and make more and not deal with the shit.

Guess what? You get what you pay for. Pay now or pay later. Even in the past it was not always about the money, it was a good, noble and respected job. But now it is second guessed, scrutinized thankless job. In all honestly I don't know why anyone would want to enter LE in this day and age I know I wouldn't.

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5 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

I don't have to be paranoid or  endangered to know  there is a possible threat. 

 All across college campuses, social media, political rally's, protests, etc the message is loud and clear. White males are the enemy. 

Just because BLM isn't destroying my car or neighborhood doesn't mean there isn't a toxic message being taught to millions of people across the country 

So is it a civil war or a race war?  You know what nevermind.  I gotta coming into these threads but at the end of the day I need to kill time since I dont want to work.  Carry on fool

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2 hours ago, ron169 said:

First of all, I won't speak to the shooting in Minnesota. I have very few facts about the case, there is no video, which is understandable, and it is being investigated. I've read that the cop has thus far refused to give an interview to the investigators which will just about guarantee that he gets charged. 


Ok, now to problems in policing in 2017. I personally call this the black lives matter effect, but can also be termed the Michael Brown effect, social media effect, etc.


In my decade plus experience in law enforcement, I have noticed a pretty severe change in the level of employees working in law enforcement. From being a member of several police groups, speaking to cops around the country, it appears this issue isn't necessarily a local one, but one prevalent throughout the country. 

To me theunintended consequence of the black lives matter movement is that people that once served as law enforcement are no longer getting in the job. You could not make me begin a career in law enforcement today, and I'm not the only one. There are deputies, police officers, and constables wearing a badge and gun today that 10 years ago would have never even applied, met qualifications, or been hired. But they are out there. Our application pool at our department has plummeted. 


So what happens when your applicant pool dwindles? You have two options, raise the pay or lower the standards. Well, coming out of a recession, raising the pay wasn't an option, so lower standards won out.


So now you have police patrolling the streets that shouldn't be. What's the net effect? Over reaction! But what about training? Guess what... You can't train someone to be a type A personality. 


So until the pay equals the risk in today's climate, get ready to see more of this.


Want an example of what I'm saying? Look to the Walter Scott case in South Carolina or to the case last year in Minnesota. Both videos show a scared cop that completely over reacts and loses control.

Out of likes.  Good post.  But dang it change your avitar. Its hard to read about something serious when I keep seeing George posing. lol

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1 hour ago, Sportsnut said:

The cop that did not shoot, the driver, says they were startled by a loud noise and that prompted the officer to shoot. That does not make sense since the woman was standing next to the car talking to them. 

Where did you see that they were talking to her before the shot being fired? First I've heard that aspect.

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3 hours ago, ron169 said:

First of all, I won't speak to the shooting in Minnesota. I have very few facts about the case, there is no video, which is understandable, and it is being investigated. I've read that the cop has thus far refused to give an interview to the investigators which will just about guarantee that he gets charged. 


Ok, now to problems in policing in 2017. I personally call this the black lives matter effect, but can also be termed the Michael Brown effect, social media effect, etc.


It's a shame that because a certain segment wants their lives to matter.... cops can pin their fear on that


Here's my theory... this generation of cops were bitches long before BLM became a thing and all Social Media did was shine a light to this new age stupdity...


Though violence has gone down to all time lows across this country.. Police shootings and Killings are at an all time high..  that's the direct result of a sorry generation


While I appreciate you rightfully attributing this to scared policeman... I take offense to you blaming this on anything else but them ....


I dont sympathize with cowards becoming cops... they need to find a new job...

I hate the sight of blood, so I wont go into the lobotomy field

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12 minutes ago, ron169 said:

Where did you see that they were talking to her before the shot being fired? First I've heard that aspect.


Curious about BWC? I can see why it initially it wasn't actived. The Axon camera goes back with 30 seconds of video (no sound) after you activate them. Of course guy just had an OIS and his partner was most likely a bit shocked and possibly pissed.

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9 minutes ago, Cossacks said:


Curious about BWC? I can see why it initially it wasn't actived. The Axon camera goes back with 30 seconds of video (no sound) after you activate them. Of course guy just had an OIS and his partner was most likely a bit shocked and possibly pissed.

Ok now I'm mad. She was hot!!

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21 minutes ago, Cossacks said:


Curious about BWC? I can see why it initially it wasn't actived. The Axon camera goes back with 30 seconds of video (no sound) after you activate them. Of course guy just had an OIS and his partner was most likely a bit shocked and possibly pissed.

That article doesn't say anything about her talking to the officers prior to being shot

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3 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

But the newscaster on the side does with words in the English language. 

Just watched, he did say it. Wonder what their source is. Everything I've seen there were absolutely no witnesses to the even and only one cop has been interviewed and he didn't mention anything about talking to her. Guess our five news media knows all though.

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1 minute ago, Bones said:

If I was that bicyclist I'd never be found. He'll be next with some accidental hot ones.

Your totally right. Could be the CIA set this up and the Somali born cop was just a shill for the government in some kind of world wide conspiracy to start a race war with Muslims.

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