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Liberal BOMBSHELL #2,365!!!


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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

But I'm not.

I'm pelting you with facts and you're reacting like any dope would. Hailing Trump for doing nothing and yelling at "leftist" people.

Yes. You are.  You haven't given any facts that mean shit.  If I had the time, and I don't...like you apparently do, I could refute every little BS "fact" that you present.  Newsflash, dude. You're not that smart.

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

These people hated Obama who's a real Christian but love Trump who is as fake as hell.

I have a sneaky suspicion that they hated a black President.  Imho of course.  Unless someone can come up with a reason for hating him, I'm sticking with him being black as the only reason.  Maybe it can be attributed to hate radio/Fox news and taking their rhetoric as gospel and a sound reason for the hate.  Either way it's not a good look.  

I'm not sure what #'s are now but I heard somewhere a while back that around 50% of Repubs believe Obama was a Muslim and slightly less believes he was not born here.  Astonishing.

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

So you just claimed that the stock market didn't rise under Obama.

But now you're saying that of course it rose under Obama!

So basically all that's happened under Trump is that the market spike that started under Obama has continued.

So what has Trump done, again?

There you go lying again. Show me where I said the market didn't rise under the community organizer. You sure throw around the word lie a lot for somebody who's pathological.

It did rise under Obama. Are you that stupid...and a liar?

Uh...no.  Trump's "spike" is his own. THAT is how it works.

I listed just but a few of the things that has happened under Trump's watch. Go back and read it if you'd like.

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

How can he make real differences when you've just argued for pages that the economy is doing great?

So you just said that the market rose 140% under Obama but that Trump will make real differences, that Obama didn't?

When are you going to start making a lick of sense?

What FINALLY makes sense is that the liberal leftist commie DNC will be dead for years. You(WE) can thank your community organizer and the criminal Kill-liar-y for that.

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

This whole time you've been screaming at us about how good the Obama economy is.

But now we need to head in the right direction?

Your statements aren't even coherent.

Whatever you say. They seem pretty coherent to me. I know that the country is going "in the right direction" due to the way you rage monkeys act on a daily basis.  I love it!

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21 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

I have a sneaky suspicion that they hated a black President.  Imho of course.  Unless someone can come up with a reason for hating him, I'm sticking with him being black as the only reason.  Maybe it can be attributed to hate radio/Fox news and taking their rhetoric as gospel and a sound reason for the hate.  Either way it's not a good look.  

I'm not sure what #'s are now but I heard somewhere a while back that around 50% of Repubs believe Obama was a Muslim and slightly less believes he was not born here.  Astonishing.


But they hate it so bad when people eventually come to this conclusion. It always kind of ends up at this same conclusion via deductive reasoning. 

Blueliner at least is onto the kicking the can down the road thing, but it's been the same for every president besides Bill Clinton for my lifetime. Bill got a blowjob under the desk and left us with an actually budgetary surplus, but they hate him for the BJ. 

They've turned the corner on out of wedlock sex, adultery, homosexual encounters in airport bathrooms and this type of behavior in republican elected officials since then though. 

Now they hate Obama for kicking the can down the road in spite of being a god fearing, morally decent family man. Yeah idk. 


Deductive reasoning lends to not finding a great reason for all of the hate for Obama considering all the different positions the right has taken on morals, lack of morals and kicking the can down the road or not in just my lifetime. 

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26 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

What FINALLY makes sense is that the liberal leftist commie DNC will be dead for years. You(WE) can thank your community organizer and the criminal Kill-liar-y for that.

Nah. It wasn't them that caused the DNC's demise for the last decade, and probably for the next decade too if the DNC doesn't wise up and go back to winning a lot more state seats and governorships so they can reverse all of the gerrymandering and/or veto the legislation in places they can't win enough seats back to reverse it. 

The DNC put their eyes on the top prize for too long and lost sight of the importance of the "small" elections where the voting districts boundaries get drawn. It's an uphill battle until 2020 for sure because of the republican super majorities in so many states that have redrawn the voting districts and will get to again in 2020 if the democrats don't wise up sooner than later. 

The Democrats actually picked off a couple of wins in the SCOTUS over some of the gerrymandering that went on pertaining to racial make up of the districts, but the SCOTUS has usually held short of messing with the political gerrymandering. Justice Kennedy could swing over on that though if they can get the argument heard there again. 

In spite of all the gerrymandering in the red states, the hate for Trump and the current congress is enough that the Democrats have started picking up some seats in red states state legislatures, which is a good sign, but hardly a real win. Gonna be a tough 10 or 12 years if they don't get onto the right strategies soon. 

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Guest LOSer
59 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Didn't argue that clown.


13 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Stocks didn't jump like THIS under Obama.

You said that stocks didn't jump like THIS under Obama.

They actually jumped by more.

So what were you arguing here?


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Guest LOSer
1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

My argument is that the economy is doing just fine under Trump. 

No, I think this was your argument.

13 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Stocks didn't jump like THIS under Obama.

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Guest LOSer
1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

At this rate it will far exceed what the community organizer did in 7 1/2 more years.

You do know that percentages aren't raw numbers, right?

So it's something that can be compared directly.

140% > 10%

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Guest LOSer
58 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

I understand economics just fine.

You clearly don't.

You're like a child who just says the opposite of what someone else (or the facts) say.

"I'm not a poopy-head!"

You're not capable of demonstrating that you're not a "poopy-head" so you just post wishful thinking.

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Guest LOSer
59 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

I could care less what Bush did. Obama created 5.5 million burger flippers.

So when Trump "creates" millions of burger flippers you'll do this same thing to him?

I doubt it.

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Guest LOSer
1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

He inherited a fucking multi-Trillion dollar deficit that your savior increased dramatically. 


Ironically, you say this right after you made this claim.

1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

I understand economics just fine.

You apparently don't understand economics well enough given that you don't know the difference between the deficit and the debt.


Total Receipts: $3.21T

Total Outlays: $3.65T

So the budget deficit in 2017 is roughly $440 billion. When Obama took office in 2009 it was $1.4 trillion.

So Obama inherited a trillion dollar deficit. Trump inherited one that was more than a 1/3 of that.

You make stupid people cringe when they read your stuff.

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Guest LOSer
1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

Obama kicked the can down the road for others to fix.

Obama decreased the deficit by almost a trillion dollars.

This was after Bush inherited a surplus and turned it into a $1.4 trillion deficit.

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Guest LOSer
58 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

I never once said the economy was bad. So stop lying.

Then what did Trump fix?

Or why does the country need to taken in the right direction?

Everything you've said is contradictory.

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Guest LOSer
59 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

The pessimsm was there because everyone that isn't a communist sees that the can was kicked down the road. 

The pessimism was wrong though, right?

Since you just got done telling us how great the economy is.

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Guest LOSer
1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

The pessimsm was there because everyone that isn't a communist sees that the can was kicked down the road. Obama used his executive power to pass shit if we liked it or not. There is CLEARLY consumer and confidence now with Trump at the helm.  

This is like random boilerplate that you'd get off the back of a cracker jack box when you don't know anything about a subject.

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1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

I understand economics just fine. I could care less what Bush did. Obama created 5.5 million burger flippers. Strong work.

That's a lie too, but if it were true that's over 3 million more jobs than Bush created in 8 years. xD

Obama, did well enough with what he was dealt with and support he had. Only a bluefish would say otherwise.



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Guest LOSer
57 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

I love the evidence too.  I saw it first hand. And I'm making the claim. Can't get any less convoluted  than that.  

Apparently you're too dumb to understand sarcasm because anecdotal evidence is some of the worst kind of evidence.

For example, I saw a 70 year old man grabbing pussies yesterday. It was disturbing. I think we have a serious problem of old white men grabbing pussies. It's an epidemic. I saw it myself!

Do you even understand why that's not a good argument?

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Guest LOSer
59 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Again, dumbass. Stop making shit up.  


Says the guy who ignores evidence and posts anecdotes that he saw yesterday.

Nothing can be made up in that fashion. Nope. No way.

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Guest LOSer
58 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

If I had the time, and I don't...like you apparently do, I could refute every little BS "fact" that you present.

Ah yes.

It's about that time for the tried and true "I don't have time to refute you!" while you spend time making dozens of posts.

You have time to do that but not enough to read anything or learn something about economics.

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Guest LOSer
58 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Show me where I said the market didn't rise under the community organizer.


14 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Stocks didn't jump like THIS under Obama.

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