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Liberal BOMBSHELL #2,365!!!


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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

And then their income to the household is supplemented by government assistance.  I saw that shit everyday out here. 

I love anecdotal evidence.

It can always be manipulated by whomever is making the claim.

Of course all the real evidence says that the economy didn't become strong on January 20, 2017.

If you think it did then you're an idiot.

(I already know you're an idiot though)

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

You're so dumb. 

But I'm not.

I'm pelting you with facts and you're reacting like any dope would. Hailing Trump for doing nothing and yelling at "leftist" people.

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Your delusional leftist BS is the reason why this country will thankfully head back in the right direction. 

This whole time you've been screaming at us about how good the Obama economy is.

But now we need to head in the right direction?

Your statements aren't even coherent.

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3 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Idk guys... We probably all ought to be praying for that retard. Even those of us that aren't religious in that way.

I mean that. 






I don't know brother.  It may be more of the same ( without the daily drama )but add the super religious nut to the mix and then gay couple's get no wedding cake.


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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

The stock market was so low when Obama took over that YOU could've raised the stocks 100%.

So you just claimed that the stock market didn't rise under Obama.

But now you're saying that of course it rose under Obama!

So basically all that's happened under Trump is that the market spike that started under Obama has continued.

So what has Trump done, again?

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Trump is going to make REAL differences...unlike the community organizer.

How can he make real differences when you've just argued for pages that the economy is doing great?

So you just said that the market rose 140% under Obama but that Trump will make real differences, that Obama didn't?

When are you going to start making a lick of sense?

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

I could give a shit if Germany likes us.

You say this after you just crowed about how Germany would respect us now.

This is another in a long line of incoherent nonsense.

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

I'll just say that I stand by my stats. If the effin' bureaus are incorrect or the publications are publishing BS, then that's on them.


You just don't know what you're reading.

You think Trump made stocks just 10% but Obama had nothing to do with 140%.

You think Trump made people look for work again.

That's stupid even for concha.

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

You clowns don't get that it's the looney left who said the effing world was going to end under Trump. Life is good for anyone not a delusional leftist rage monkey.

You said that everything was terrible 6 months ago but now's good for anyone who's not delusional.

So the Obama economy was good?

Please make a coherent argument.

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Guest LOSer
10 hours ago, Blueliner said:

The point is, numbnuts, is that clean energy isn't DECREASING as the looney left has preaching during their collective sky-is-falling campaign. Effing idiots.

Just like oil production didn't decrease under Obama but we had to hear how anti-petroleum he was.

Obama didn't appoint anti-administrators to government agencies.

Trump did.

His people want to destroy the agencies they run.

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Guest LOSer
2 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

You guys are offended by prayer? 66, you attended a Catholic high school, where this is done all day long. And has been for 100+ years. It's head scratching that anyone that graduated from an STA, DBP, or Rummel would find that pic offensive or inadequate in any way.

I believe in separation of church and state.

See, you believe in whatever is good for your tribe.

So since you went to Catholic school (I presume) you think it's great that government leaders pander to religious people and use taxpayer money to fund their ministries.

I think that's entirely selfish and should kept out of government.

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Guest LOSer
2 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

In a perfect world, we should all be concentrating on the important tasks at hand, while embracing the positive results thus far. 



This stuff is just complete bullshit.

Trump hasn't been around long enough to do anything except pump out rhetoric.

He stole a Supreme Court Justice.

That's all he's actually done.

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Guest LOSer
2 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Yeah, I always have had a problem with prayer, when it's used for show like that to garner attention and votes. It's the worst. Probably lowest of the low actually. 

These people hated Obama who's a real Christian but love Trump who is as fake as hell.

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When Los is here you can just sit back and watch the destruction of these clowns without having to contribute.

But when nearly 60% of repubs think college has a negative effect on society you can expect this type of stupidity.


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22 minutes ago, Bones said:

When Los is here you can just sit back and watch the destruction of these clowns without having to contribute.

But when nearly 60% of repubs think college has a negative effect on society you can expect this type of stupidity.


The GOP has NEVER been high on education...........watch FOX News for 8 minutes. xD

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

On Obama's first day the Dow Jones was 7,949. On his last day it was 19,827.

An increase of over 140%.


You just don't know shit from shinola. Just like your leader.

Didn't argue that clown. My argument is that the economy is doing just fine under Trump. At this rate it will far exceed what the community organizer did in 7 1/2 more years.  Pull your head outta Obama's ass already.

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1 hour ago, World Citizen said:

Was that a shot at Obama for being a community organizer?  Is that a negative to you?  If it is, why?  I have heard this as being a negative before and don't see why.  Seems to be a pretty solid background that would be a benefit in public service.  

I understand you hold a failed business man, unashamed lie machine, and assaults women as a model human being who will make is great again.   Not to mention the obvious need for therapy.  Yeah I can see how you could see a community organizer as a negative.  


Yes. It is a negative.  The man gave a shit more about the rest of the world and what other countries think of us rather than take care of his own citizens.  

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

You fundamentally misunderstand economics.

The United States has been a service and tech economy for a long time now. The jobs that were created under George Bush (before they were wiped out by the recession) were almost entirely in the service industries.

This has nothing to do with Obama.

Just like the stock market has nothing to do with Trump right now.

I understand economics just fine. I could care less what Bush did. Obama created 5.5 million burger flippers. Strong work.

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

Obama doesn't count anything since he's not the one who does the accounting. That would be the Bureau of Labor Statistics which is the office that you misnamed earlier in this thread.

So once again you show a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and the economy as a whole.

I shortened it idiot.  You're such a tard.  And once again, I'm telling your dumbass that I understand economics just fine.

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

But this line of thinking makes no sense since Trump hasn't done anything. He's merely inherited a strengthening economy.

Then he's left it up dopes like you to give him credit for it despite not doing anything.

You can't name a single economic policy that he's enacted and the affect it's had on the economy.

He inherited a fucking multi-Trillion dollar deficit that your savior increased dramatically. Obama kicked the can down the road for others to fix.  Trump will do that over the next 7 1/2 years. Enjoy.

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1 hour ago, Bones said:

When Los is here you can just sit back and watch the destruction of these clowns without having to contribute.

But when nearly 60% of repubs think college has a negative effect on society you can expect this type of stupidity.


out of likes....right on!

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

They had confidence 4 years ago too when people like you were wringing their hands at how bad the economy was.

And look where we are now. That confidence seemed to be well-placed and your pessimism ill-placed, huh?

As usual, you're just talking outta your ass. I never once said the economy was bad. So stop lying.  The pessimsm was there because everyone that isn't a communist sees that the can was kicked down the road. Obama used his executive power to pass shit if we liked it or not. There is CLEARLY consumer and confidence now with Trump at the helm.  

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1 hour ago, LOSer said:

I love anecdotal evidence.

It can always be manipulated by whomever is making the claim.

Of course all the real evidence says that the economy didn't become strong on January 20, 2017.

If you think it did then you're an idiot.

(I already know you're an idiot though)

I love the evidence too.  I saw it first hand. And I'm making the claim. Can't get any less convoluted  than that.  

Again, dumbass. Stop making shit up.  Nobody is saying that the economy wasn't doing ok when Trump took over. But if you're going to count burger flipping as long term health for our economy, more power to ya.  Are you going to give Obama credit from here til the end of time? Probably, since you're clearly in love with the community organizer.

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