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Liberal BOMBSHELL #2,365!!!


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5 hours ago, Blueliner said:

You clowns don't get that it's the looney left who said the effing world was going to end under Trump. Life is good for anyone not a delusional leftist rage monkey.


Life is good for me too, and there's a really big point to make from that... My life was just as good 10 months ago too. 

 Not sure if I'm a rage monkey or not though.

*looks in mirror*


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Oh damn! There goes that argument out the window. 


Rien n’est plus dangereux que lorsque l’ignorance et l’intolérance sont armées de pouvoir” -- Voltaire

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1 hour ago, TheRealCAJ said:



True story.....I was on twitter early this morning and caught one of trump tweets just as he posted it, about a minute after, I guess....it's where I got this meme from. 

In 2 minutes it had over 5,000 likes....I was watching the numbers just roll up you could see it......went from like 198 likes to 4,000 likes in the blink of an eye..how is that possible?

I don't believe one single damn thing about Donald J Trump.


#3 in action this morning

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^^ he's pushing his own propaganda....the same old B.S.?!?!...."fake news"...is killing our country??...he's is a bigger danger to our Democracy than any foreign county by constantly trying to divide  Americans 24-7 with his "fake news" agenda......and the nutty righties eat his B.S. up as gospel...maybe they'll come to their senses???...O.o

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21 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

You guys are offended by prayer? 66, you attended a Catholic high school, where this is done all day long. And has been for 100+ years. It's head scratching that anyone that graduated from an STA, DBP, or Rummel would find that pic offensive or inadequate in any way. Hell, it's done on football fields across America every week during the Fall. Smdh.

At Rummel we were taught that "spooky" does NOT mean "offended"....

anyways, King Orange has a lifetime of ripping people off, I bet those people would love putting their hands on our righteous King Orange.



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46 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

You guys are offended by prayer? 66, you attended a Catholic high school, where this is done all day long. And has been for 100+ years. It's head scratching that anyone that graduated from an STA, DBP, or Rummel would find that pic offensive or inadequate in any way. Hell, it's done on football fields across America every week during the Fall. Smdh.

I believe in prayer....does Donny??..I wonder if he went to church this a.m.??....or is this just part of the CIRCUS act???.....it's a photo op shot....you know that...you're in advertising.

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2 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Yeah, I always have had a problem with prayer, when it's used for show like that to garner attention and votes. It's the worst. Probably lowest of the low actually. 

Lower than Pappy O'Daniel siezing the moment with the Soggy Bottom Boys.



Orange, working extra hard for 100% of the evangelical vote....

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12 hours ago, stanscript said:


What liberals have learned from posts like this:


First, be suspicious of laundry lists without links.

Second, while some of the lists start out with mostly or somewhat true assertions, the veracity of the

statements go south pretty quickly.

Third, they use dubious sources. 

Fourth, this one doesn’t even start out being truthful.

Let’s examine the first two assertions:

Clean Energy stocks model up 13.2%, 2% over it's benchmark (Renewable Energy World)...all other major models reporting the same. (Couldn’t find a source for this. Care to supply a link?)

But let’s assume there is a link supporting your claim. That’s still not a plus for Trump.

Energy use is very close to a zero-sum game. Trump supports oil and coal production over wind (think of his golf courses here), solar and natural gas. When clean/renewable energy competes effectively with fossil fuels, fossil fuels take it in the shorts.  Do you think that the coal and oil industry along with RUSSIA want competition from clean/renewable sources?  (In the infamous words of Mike Pence…”Of course not”) The conclusion is that any increase in clean energy stocks is in spite of Trump not because of him, unless of course you actually believe there is such a thing as “clean” coal.

US GDP up 3.5 % since Nov. (bureau of stats) (Link?)

First, the US Real GDP would be on a link from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), which is part of the Department of Commerce, not the Bureau of Stats (although that sounds pretty official).

Second, the BEA doesn’t report month to month but quarterly, so there is no way you could have started with November.

Third, President Obama was President in November, December and most of January. 

Fourth, there is no information for quarter #2 (Q2) so Trump could only be responsible for 1/3 of January, all of February and March from Q1.  Most people wouldn’t give credit nor blame to an incoming President for at least a few months or until his first budget took effect which hasn’t even been written, let alone starting to take effect.

Fifth, the number that BEA uses as most important is the Real GDP which for 2017 Q1 is 1.4%

Note: There is a difference between Real GDP and Nominal GDP.  Real GDP adjusts for inflation. Nominal GDP doesn’t account for inflation.  The BEA uses Real GDP thus comparing numbers after adjusted for inflation.  Without adjusting for inflation a millionaire in 2017 would be as rich as a millionaire in 1930 and we all know that isn’t so.  The BEA uses Real GDP which will always (as long as there is no deflation) be lower than Nominal GDP. Those that want to falsely promote the health of the economy will use Nominal GDP.  Those that want to accurately portray the economy will use Real GDP.


Below is a cut and paste from the BEA and the link is below in blue print. 

“Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.4 percent in the first quarter of 2017

(table 1), according to the "third" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the fourth

quarter of 2016, real GDP increased 2.1 percent.”


or Google search for “BEA 17-32”


To get to 3.5%, did you add 1.4% (Q1 2017) + 2.1% (Q4 2016) to get 3.5% and call it “starting

From November?” If so, that is so wrong.  Even averaging those two numbers (1.75%) would be

wrong but at least it would be closer to the actual annual real GDP rate for October 2016 thru

March 2017. There is no way the annual Real GDP will be 3.5% for Trump’s first six months or

first year, regardless of when you to start.


Sixth, the quarters are compared in a “seasonally adjusted manner”…Q1 2016 is compared to

Q1 2017. How you could come up with 3.5% since November? That is taking

cherry-picking to a new art form.


I’m not going to waste my time trying to source and comment on the rest. 

Suffice to say that you need to do some serious research before you put out a laundry list

like this and expect anyone to be feeble minded enough to bite on it hook, line and



When you post in the future use verifiable links “not sources.”  Sources are usually a dead give

away that something is fishy.


U6 Unemployment down from 9.4 to 8.0% since Nov. (bureau of stats)

U3 down to 4.4% (bureau of stats)

Gap between black and white workers at a historical low (Washington Post)

Stock market over 21K (Google

Southern border apprehensions down 61% since Nov (Homeland Security)

....the list goes on and on.  But hey, he grabbed that pussy and is in discussion with the Russians regarding a nice fondue recipe.  Rage on, monks!

The thing that inspired me to post this was that I was looking at the U3, and all the stat outlets were reporting it was low. THEN CNN (gasp) attempts the shell game and trying to make Trump look bad states "the real indicator of unemployment is the U6 (which it is). And that is at 8.0. So unemployment is not as low as it may seem".  Well, they conveniently forget to state (another gasp) that number is down from 9.4 from when DJT took over in Nov.  



Seriously. Nice job.

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Guest LOSer
12 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

My world is real. 100%. It appears to me that yours is made up of fantastic lies, deceit and desperation. 

So all of these killings were commence in October.

But somehow what you're saying is real?

And this post of yours constitutes a response to my facts?

You're living in a fantasy world.

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10 hours ago, Blueliner said:

You're so dumb. Your delusional leftist BS is the reason why this country will thankfully head back in the right direction. The stock market was so low when Obama took over that YOU could've raised the stocks 100%. FYI Trumps 11.5% increase in his first 100 days is the 2nd highest only to JKF. Trump is going to make REAL differences...unlike the community organizer.

Was that a shot at Obama for being a community organizer?  Is that a negative to you?  If it is, why?  I have heard this as being a negative before and don't see why.  Seems to be a pretty solid background that would be a benefit in public service.  

I understand you hold a failed business man, unashamed lie machine, and assaults women as a model human being who will make is great again.   Not to mention the obvious need for therapy.  Yeah I can see how you could see a community organizer as a negative.  


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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

The only reason that unemployment was going down under the leftist extremist regime is because McDonalds and effing Jack in the Box franchises were hiring unskilled labor. 50%...look that number up, smart guy, and get back to me.

You fundamentally misunderstand economics.

The United States has been a service and tech economy for a long time now. The jobs that were created under George Bush (before they were wiped out by the recession) were almost entirely in the service industries.

This has nothing to do with Obama.

Just like the stock market has nothing to do with Trump right now.

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

 Obama counted the service industry as REAL jobs.

Obama doesn't count anything since he's not the one who does the accounting. That would be the Bureau of Labor Statistics which is the office that you misnamed earlier in this thread.

So once again you show a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and the economy as a whole.

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

They have everything to do with Trump.

They don't but if you're so sure that they do then tell us what he's done that has directly led to them.

I know you'll fail.

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

He's the sitting (your) president of the US.

But this line of thinking makes no sense since Trump hasn't done anything. He's merely inherited a strengthening economy.

Then he's left it up dopes like you to give him credit for it despite not doing anything.

You can't name a single economic policy that he's enacted and the affect it's had on the economy.

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Guest LOSer
11 hours ago, Blueliner said:

They'll never admit it but even the leftist elite commies have confidence as to where this country is headed. 

They had confidence 4 years ago too when people like you were wringing their hands at how bad the economy was.

And look where we are now. That confidence seemed to be well-placed and your pessimism ill-placed, huh?

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