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Liberal BOMBSHELL #2,365!!!


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Clean Energy stocks model up 13.2%, 2% over it's benchmark (Renewable Energy World)...all other major models reporting the same.

US GDP up 3.5 % since Nov. (bureau of stats)

U6 Unemployment down from 9.4 to 8.0% since Nov. (bureau of stats)

U3 down to 4.4% (bureau of stats)

Gap between black and white workers at a historical low (Washington Post)

Stock market over 21K (Google

Southern border apprehensions down 61% since Nov (Homeland Security)

....the list goes on and on.  But hey, he grabbed that pussy and is in discussion with the Russians regarding a nice fondue recipe.  Rage on, monks!

The thing that inspired me to post this was that I was looking at the U3, and all the stat outlets were reporting it was low. THEN CNN (gasp) attempts the shell game and trying to make Trump look bad states "the real indicator of unemployment is the U6 (which it is). And that is at 8.0. So unemployment is not as low as it may seem".  Well, they conveniently forget to state (another gasp) that number is down from 9.4 from when DJT took over in Nov.  




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7 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Clean Energy stocks model up 13.2%, 2% over it's benchmark (Renewable Energy World)...all other major models reporting the same.

US GDP up 3.5 % since Nov. (bureau of stats)

U6 Unemployment down from 9.4 to 8.0% since Nov. (bureau of stats)

U3 down to 4.4% (bureau of stats)

Gap between black and white workers at a historical low (Washington Post)

Stock market over 21K (Google

Southern border apprehensions down 61% since Nov (Homeland Security)

....the list goes on and on.  But hey, he grabbed that pussy and is in discussion with the Russians regarding a nice fondue recipe.  Rage on, monks!

The thing that inspired me to post this was that I was looking at the U3, and all the stat outlets were reporting it was low. THEN CNN (gasp) attempts the shell game and trying to make Trump look bad states "the real indicator of unemployment is the U6 (which it is). And that is at 8.0. So unemployment is not as low as it may seem".  Well, they conveniently forget to state (another gasp) that number is down from 9.4 from when DJT took over in Nov.  





U6 is actually at 8.6%, well down from when he was inaugurated (nearly a full point).

U6 is a better unemployment figure, but you are pulling shit if you jump from U3 to U6 just for the shock value (not a surprise that FNN would pull such a stunt).

The U6 actually went up from 8.4% in May despite non-farm payroll being up by 222k. Why?  People are actually starting to look for jobs again.


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Guest LOSer
17 minutes ago, Blueliner said:


Do you realize that there's no better sign that Trump is floundering than these posts?

It's the dictionary definition of changing the subject.

And you're doing it with numbers that were all good or trending up during the last 8 years.

And people like you claimed that they didn't matter.

But now they do.

I wonder why?

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Guest LOSer
10 minutes ago, concha said:

U6 is actually at 8.6%, well down from when he was inaugurated (nearly a full point).

What did Trump do to impact this number?

This will be a good example of the hero worship done by people like concha and those on the right.

His mere presence will be credited. Which is of course nonsense.

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Guest LOSer
4 minutes ago, concha said:

Why?  People are actually starting to look for jobs again.


concha, you're the guy who thought Trump had a 59% approval rating.

You don't even understand the statistics of basic polling but you're going to give us an economic lesson?

Eight years of Obama policies had nothing to do with the unemployment rate but 6 months of Trump bumbling around has decreased the U6 by a whole point?

This is so stupid that even you can't be serious.

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Guest LOSer
35 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

US GDP up 3.5 % since Nov. (bureau of stats)

U6 Unemployment down from 9.4 to 8.0% since Nov. (bureau of stats)

U3 down to 4.4% (bureau of stats)

So Republicans went from claiming that Obama was fudging the numbers to now embracing those same numbers that have absolutely nothing to do with Trump.


Anybody with half a brain should be able to understand this chart.

All measures of unemployment falling rapidly after about 2010.

Trump has literally nothing to do with it.

Any honest person would admit this.

concha and blueliner are certainly not honest.

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Welcome back, Los.

Honest? I took the stats right out of the respected publications.  We get that unemployment has been falling steadily since '10. But the point is that it hasn't jumped up to 35% like the looney left were claiming as the sky was falling. The continued fall in unemployment and the massive increase in the stock market and GDP have everything to do with Trump and his policies. Germany and the likes may not think we're playing nice anymore, but they damn sure respect us. I personally like the 61% drop in border apprehensions.  Time will certainly tell how that affects our social service, education, and health systems.

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5 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

concha, has you on ignore, los 

bluefish, will soon. xD

I'm guessing that you're speaking out of you ass....again.  Although, I certainly don't blame concha and half of the board in general for having you on ignore, I've never ignored anyone and won't start now. 

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4 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Clean Energy stocks model up 13.2%, 2% over it's benchmark (Renewable Energy World)...all other major models reporting the same.

US GDP up 3.5 % since Nov. (bureau of stats)

U6 Unemployment down from 9.4 to 8.0% since Nov. (bureau of stats)

U3 down to 4.4% (bureau of stats)

Gap between black and white workers at a historical low (Washington Post)

Stock market over 21K (Google

Southern border apprehensions down 61% since Nov (Homeland Security)

....the list goes on and on.  But hey, he grabbed that pussy and is in discussion with the Russians regarding a nice fondue recipe.  Rage on, monks!

The thing that inspired me to post this was that I was looking at the U3, and all the stat outlets were reporting it was low. THEN CNN (gasp) attempts the shell game and trying to make Trump look bad states "the real indicator of unemployment is the U6 (which it is). And that is at 8.0. So unemployment is not as low as it may seem".  Well, they conveniently forget to state (another gasp) that number is down from 9.4 from when DJT took over in Nov.  




clean energy?....who needs that...we're bringing back the coal industry....all 50,000 jobs....you can thank Obama and Co. for our clean enery industry that Trump threw out the window to go back to coal...

unemployment wasn't an issue in Nov....

there were more Mexicans leaving America prior to the election than entering...

...I believe the republicans only [assed one bill so far since they took control...a V.A. Bill both sides supported....other than that they have been the gang the can't shoot straight....they can't get out of their own way and Donny's Russia scandal  has taken this gov't. at a stand still...and that's all on them...they can't blame the big bad media for their dysfunction....but they still try

but everything is peachy...Jr. is a good guy....and "almost everyone would take that meeting"......I wonder what Donny shot today on the course?....SAD.....

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Guest LOSer
3 hours ago, Blueliner said:

.Honest? I took the stats right out of the respected publications.

And those stats were all good when Obama left office and Trump hasn't enacted any policies that would have affected them.

They have literally nothing to do with Trump.

You're incredibly ignorant.

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Guest LOSer
3 hours ago, Blueliner said:

We get that unemployment has been falling steadily since '10.

That's news to me since concha was claiming (as early as 6 months ago) that the unemployment rate didn't mean anything.

Now he's proclaiming that Trump is making people look for work again.

A normal person would be embarrassed to say such obvious nonsense.


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Guest LOSer
3 hours ago, Blueliner said:

But the point is that it hasn't jumped up to 35% like the looney left were claiming as the sky was falling. 

What are you talking about?

The "left" has spent the last 8 years explaining to dopes like you that the unemployment rate was going down. Nobody in their right mind would claim that it was 35% right now.

(Trump actually said the real unemployment rate was almost 42% during the campaign)

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Guest LOSer
3 hours ago, Blueliner said:

The continued fall in unemployment and the massive increase in the stock market and GDP have everything to do with Trump and his policies.

This is voodoo economic analysis.

Trump hasn't enacted any policies. So how could his non-existent policies affect the market?

The stock market went up 200% under Obama. Under Trump it's up, what? 10%?

So the stock market was skyrocketing under Obama and the unemployment rate was falling like a rock but since the trends have continued for 6 months after he left now it's all Trump's doing?

You are the reason why this country is so ignorant. People like you refuse to educate yourself.

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Guest LOSer
3 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Germany and the likes may not think we're playing nice anymore, but they damn sure respect us.

Exactly what gives you the idea that Germany now respects us?

Because we have a circus clown as President?

People like you said the same thing about Bush. That since we had an idiot in office that now people would respect us.

There's literally no truth to anything you say.

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Guest LOSer
3 hours ago, Blueliner said:

I personally like the 61% drop in border apprehensions.

That could mean any number of things.

But if it means less migrant workers to pick the fields then I bet you'll really love it when the cost of putting food on the table increases across the board.

People like you are too stupid to understand the consequences of your stupidity.

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Guest LOSer
2 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Meanwhile....our drones are looking like Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie with their number of ISIS "picks" this month!!

Something else that was going on under Obama.

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Los, you know this is what America looks like when it's great, man. 

It wasn't great 7 months ago and all those type numbers were fake news, but for some reason those numbers from all of those fake ass media places are real now and it's the one damn thing that they have reported that wasn't fake this year. 

It's lunacy man. It's the only real explanation. 

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4 hours ago, DBP66 said:

clean energy?....who needs that...we're bringing back the coal industry....all 50,000 jobs....you can thank Obama and Co. for our clean enery industry that Trump threw out the window to go back to coal...

unemployment wasn't an issue in Nov....

there were more Mexicans leaving America prior to the election than entering...

...I believe the republicans only [assed one bill so far since they took control...a V.A. Bill both sides supported....other than that they have been the gang the can't shoot straight....they can't get out of their own way and Donny's Russia scandal  has taken this gov't. at a stand still...and that's all on them...they can't blame the big bad media for their dysfunction....but they still try

but everything is peachy...Jr. is a good guy....and "almost everyone would take that meeting"......I wonder what Donny shot today on the course?....SAD.....

You're a dumb motherfucker if you think Trump is looking to move completely away from clean industry sources.


You are 100 times worse than Trump when it comes to speaking in hyperboles...

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44 minutes ago, CCBlackhatter said:

You're a dumb motherfucker if you think Trump is looking to move completely away from clean industry sources.


You are 100 times worse than Trump when it comes to speaking in hyperboles...

...oh yea....I forgot...the new wall that Mexico is paying for is going to be "solar wall"....and you're a dumber mothefucker to believe anything Donny says....he has no clue like you.

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45 minutes ago, CCBlackhatter said:

You're a dumb motherfucker if you think Trump is looking to move completely away from clean industry sources.


You are 100 times worse than Trump when it comes to speaking in hyperboles...

He may not undermine each business but he is undermining the main benefit for clean energy, which is slowing down climate change.  He has got rid of a lot of regulations and anything Obama did in that regard.  Sad.  Bigly sad.

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1 minute ago, World Citizen said:

He may not undermine each business but he is undermining the main benefit for clean energy, which is slowing down climate change.  He has got rid of a lot of regulations and anything Obama did in that regard.  Sad.  Bigly sad.

one of the first things the dope did....fold to the failing and soon to be obsolete coal industry....Bigly is right.....

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