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OT: Rogers Waters US + Them Tour


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During part of the set from the album "Animals", he has a the pig floating around the arena with Trump's face on it and he has derogatory pics all over the video boards of Trump. But the music was so good, I just listened and tuned out the BS. There was certainly no anti-Trump chanting in Tampa. Look at the demographic he is drawing, white males between 35-60. I'm sure a majority were not anti Trump. But if it's the price we pay to see a living legend, one of the last still performing, so be it.

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Never understood why celebrities hate Trump. They don't have anything at stake and supposedly the republicans only look out for the rich so why would they hate that? 

I think they gravitate towards trends or what's popular and don't want to outcast themselves to the fans. Look what happened to Tim Allen 

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Saw him solo at the Meadowlands area few years ago....he was walking around in the crowd dressed as a bum pushing a cart around on the ground level before the show started...I spotted him....it was pretty cool...Animals is my favorite Floyd album...wore that one out....

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Waters, caught a little hell in NOLA couple days ago........people just don't understand King Orange is one of the most hated individuals of our lifetime


I've seen Pink Floyd twice and was never disappointed at whatever political views they had at the time which has been many.


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2 hours ago, 181pl said:

During part of the set from the album "Animals", he has a the pig floating around the arena with Trump's face on it and he has derogatory pics all over the video boards of Trump. But the music was so good, I just listened and tuned out the BS. There was certainly no anti-Trump chanting in Tampa. Look at the demographic he is drawing, white males between 35-60. I'm sure a majority were not anti Trump. But if it's the price we pay to see a living legend, one of the last still performing, so be it.

As left as Jon Bon Jovi is, I always respected him after I saw an interview with him. He stated that people come to our concerts to get away from everyday crap and murder and politics so he never talks politics at his shows or at least he didn't up to that interview. I say good for him.

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3 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

What do you mean they don't have anything at stake? They live here. They are citizens of the United States. 

So they gravitate to what's popular? Like Chump not being good for America?

Its less about Trump and more about the loss of power for the democrats.

You rage monkeys would be putting on the same clown show regardless of what Republican was elected.

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7 minutes ago, CCBlackhatter said:

Its less about Trump and more about the loss of power for the democrats.

You rage monkeys would be putting on the same clown show regardless of what Republican was elected.

Its more about the small town Republicans across the USA and their voters who are ok with murderous cops and a country benefiting the 1% over anything else while our cities are left to rot. Trump is too far removed from most Americans to be THAT big a deal.


As you may have seen on a sign recently, we don't accept the things we cannot change. We change the things we can't accept.

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1 minute ago, chalmetteowl said:

Its more about the small town Republicans across the USA and their voters who are ok with murderous cops and a country benefiting the 1% over anything else while our cities are left to rot. Trump is too far removed from most Americans to be THAT big a deal

Spread that propaganda Owl.

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12 minutes ago, chalmetteowl said:

Its more about the small town Republicans across the USA and their voters who are ok with murderous cops and a country benefiting the 1% over anything else while our cities are left to rot. Trump is too far removed from most Americans to be THAT big a deal.


As you may have seen on a sign recently, we don't accept the things we cannot change. We change the things we can't accept.

Republicans are not causing "your" cities to rot. I assume you are referring to inner cities which are run by a majority of democrats.

Murder constitutes a very very small percentage of police killings in the US. Outside of a few dumbasses here and there, there is no basis in saying that Republican voters support the very small number of murders by the police.

You are correct in your last statement however. Which is why the Democrats are no longer in power.

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Who are the people that moved OUT of those cities back in the day to places where they never thought they'd have to care about them again? Who are the people that maintain our outdated county system like we were still farming and it was still 1817? These people rape the cities during the day and bring the revenue back home at night to the sticks

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2 minutes ago, chalmetteowl said:

Who are the people that moved OUT of those cities back in the day to places where they never thought they'd have to care about them again? Who are the people that maintain our outdated county system like we were still farming and it was still 1817? These people rape the cities during the day and bring the revenue back home at night to the sticks

Are you referring to "white flight"?

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Just now, CCBlackhatter said:

Are you referring to "white flight"?

Yep... You might have had reasons to have a Jefferson or St. Bernard or St. Tammany parish in Louisiana when New Orleans was barely bigger than the French Quarter, but in 2017, there needs to be a regional consolidation.

And who would whine if that were to happen?

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8 minutes ago, chalmetteowl said:

Who are the people that moved OUT of those cities back in the day to places where they never thought they'd have to care about them again? Who are the people that maintain our outdated county system like we were still farming and it was still 1817? These people rape the cities during the day and bring the revenue back home at night to the sticks

You are delusional. Tons of wealthy people live in big cities. But big cities are by and large run by Donkeycrats who continue to take advantage and abuse the disadvantaged.  Also, how long can poverty perpetuate. At some point, the people "rotting in big cities" need to right their own ship in those places or move on to places where they may have more success if they aren't finding it there. 

Don't blame, act. 

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1 minute ago, chalmetteowl said:

Yep... You might have had reasons to have a Jefferson or St. Bernard or St. Tammany parish in Louisiana when New Orleans was barely bigger than the French Quarter, but in 2017, there needs to be a regional consolidation.

And who would whine if that were to happen?

I suppose it is easier to blame Republicans (because obviously, to you, Democrats do not own businesses ?) for moving their businesses and living establishments to more desireable conditions. 

You all want to desperately hate and blame the "makers" in our society (many who are not in the top 1%) while pleading to freeload off these very same persons. "What's yours is mine and fuck you for not giving me what is unrightfully mine" seems to be your motto.

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"Keep your business in our city so we can tax the hell out of your property and revenue after you purchase our overly inflated real estate. We have freeloaders to support" is going to be nonstarter for any entrepreneur (large or small) despite political affiliation.

"If you choose not to, I guess we will just consolidate and force you to supply our needs".

That is what freedom is dadgum it! #'Merica

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1 minute ago, 181pl said:



It was interesting that you posted this topic about the same time I was listening to these guys on youtube. I couldn't help but post the video after seeing the topic. Pretty wild seeing Jewish guys in Jerusalem street performing Pink Floyd, and doing it well too. Amazing stuff to me. 


Glad you enjoyed the concert. I wish that they would come close enough to me for me to catch a show. If I had followed closely and knew they were in Tampa, I'd probably had tried to find a way to go. Cool stuff. 

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13 hours ago, DBP66 said:

Saw him solo at the Meadowlands area few years ago....he was walking around in the crowd dressed as a bum pushing a cart around on the ground level before the show started...I spotted him....it was pretty cool...Animals is my favorite Floyd album...wore that one out....

Too cool that he would dress like a bum... what a different world he lives in.

I have to go with the Wall as my favorite album, but I like all their stuff. Dark Side of the Moon comes in second.


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