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King Oranges, National Voting Registry?


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18 minutes ago, aZjimbo said:

Why then are insurers pulling out of states if it's so good. We had a county in Az. that for a time had no insurers because they all  pulled out.

Insurers are basically greedy.  Add to that...the uncertainty of what the government is going to do.  There is no clear direction...and if there's one thing Insurance companies despise more than losing money...it's uncertainty.  Like I posted...the ACA needs tweaking.  TWEAKING.  The decision to repeal it and start over was in a nutshell...absurd.

And now...Trumpy the Clown wants to repeal the ACA...and wait till they can agree before replacing it.  ABSURD to the nth power.




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1 minute ago, Rufus69 said:

Insurers are basically greedy.  Add to that...the uncertainty of what the government is going to do.  There is no clear direction...and if there's one thing Insurance companies despise more than losing money...it's uncertainty.  Like I posted...the ACA needs tweaking.  TWEAKING.  The decision to repeal it and start over was in a nutshell...absurd.

And now...Trumpy the Clown wants to repeal the ACA...and wait till they can agree before replacing it.  ABSURD to the nth power.




Under this scenario, it would never be replaced. At the end of the day, it is no health care for those that don't have jobs with insurance or, the financial resources to pay for it out of pocket. 

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15 hours ago, Rufus69 said:

Insurers are basically greedy.  Add to that...the uncertainty of what the government is going to do.  There is no clear direction...and if there's one thing Insurance companies despise more than losing money...it's uncertainty.  Like I posted...the ACA needs tweaking.  TWEAKING.  The decision to repeal it and start over was in a nutshell...absurd.

And now...Trumpy the Clown wants to repeal the ACA...and wait till they can agree before replacing it.  ABSURD to the nth power.





15 hours ago, DarterBlue said:

Under this scenario, it would never be replaced. At the end of the day, it is no health care for those that don't have jobs with insurance or, the financial resources to pay for it out of pocket. 


Hating to  point out the obvious here, because pointing out that stuff as it pertains to the president generally causes ire among his supporters on here...


This guy, the one saying just repeal now and do the rest later, is... well, I think it's the same guy, that said the house bill was "too mean". It was the same guy wasn't it? 



Image result for captain obvious meme

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23 hours ago, zulu1128 said:

As of today, about 96-97% of Trump voters say they'd easily vote for him again.



23 hours ago, Rufus69 said:

Oh come on....you could have used 98-99 percent.  Or maybe 99-100 percent.  Or if you REALLY wanted to inflate the numbers...you could have said...100-105 percent.  But shoot, if you use your numbers...that's over 2 million voters.  





23 hours ago, zulu1128 said:

It was a pretty widely published poll by Pew Research. You could google it if you were so inclined. The interesting number was that only 85% of Hillary voters would vote for her again.

The key to a second Trump term is easy. The democrat party has to run someone that will turn out the minority vote. If they do, they have a shot. If not, Trump will be re-elected. Depending on the economy, he might win pretty handily.

Image result for captain obvious meme



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On 7/1/2017 at 8:56 AM, Rufus69 said:

It's a couple or so...years away...so it's hard to really say who'll run...but if you're asking my opine...

I would support a Biden/Warren ticket.

In a heartbeat.




Biden is to old and Warren is to liberal. It would be like wanting to see Pence and McCain running for the conservatives.

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19 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

Biden is to old and Warren is to liberal. It would be like wanting to see Pence and McCain running for the conservatives.

Reagan was 74 at the start of his 2nd term.  Biden is currently 74 (I believe).  But let's be honest...Biden/Warren gets elected....Joe serves for a year...then recuses himself for health reasons and Lizzie becomes President.  Maybe brings in AndyCuomo as VP.

Sound like a Plan?




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23 hours ago, thc6795 said:

The New York Times has retracted its claim that all 17 US intelligence agencies agreed that Russia was behind the hack of Democratic emails in an effort to influence the 2016 election in favor of Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Bro, do you want another 4 years of this type of reporting? First CNN and now NYT.

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1 minute ago, Rufus69 said:

Reagan was 74 at the start of his 2nd term.  Biden is currently 74 (I believe).  But let's be honest...Biden/Warren gets elected....Joe serves for a year...then recuses himself for health reasons and Lizzie becomes President.  Maybe brings in AndyCuomo as VP.

Sound like a Plan?



LOL, okay, that was funny.

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Sale of Voter Registration Data Raises Questions, Objections

If you're a registered voter, are you aware that what you write on your registration form is publicly available?

"Commercial" interests are barred from that data.

But all sorts of other people have legal access to it.

A lot of people think only government agencies can access voter registration information – the courts, for instance, to summon you for jury duty.

But it can be purchased for purposes such as scholarly and journalistic research, and for use in "elections" and "politics".

Buyers are only a phone call away from you.

"So I received a phone call and was invited to be paid to share my political opinions,” says Jennifer Armour, a voter registered in the city of San Diego. “And I was told the reason I was being called was because of information that was tied to my voter registration."


Source: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Sale-of-Voter-Registration-Data-Raises-Questions-Objections-213421531.html#ixzz4lgMQbTVw 
Follow us: @nbcsandiego on Twitter | NBCSanDiego on Facebook

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Within an hour the tweet had over a 100,000 likes.  Members of the media responded. Twitter was abuzz.

One tweet said: “We can expect Jim Acosta to be crying about Trump’s CNN tweet in 3..2..1.


Asa J ?? @asamjulian

We can expect Jim @Acosta to be crying about Trump's CNN tweet in 3..2..1. 

9:35 AM - 2 Jul 2017





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Then shortly thereafter CNN’s Jim Acosta tweeted: “Isn’t Pro Wrestling Fake?” and Donald Trump Jr replied: “Yes, just like your coverage.”



Donald Trump Jr. ✔@DonaldJTrumpJr

Yes, just like your coverage. https://twitter.com/acosta/status/881508839006380033 …  xDxDxD

9:59 AM - 2 Jul 2017





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One tweet responded that Trump’s tweet: “This beats the Gettysburg Address. Not even close.”


Scott Greer ✔@ScottMGreer

This beats out the Gettysburg Address. Not even close https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/881503147168071680 …

10:22 AM - 2 Jul 2017





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1 minute ago, concha said:





Within an hour the tweet had over a 100,000 likes.  Members of the media responded. Twitter was abuzz.

One tweet said: “We can expect Jim Acosta to be crying about Trump’s CNN tweet in 3..2..1.


Asa J ?? @asamjulian

We can expect Jim @Acosta to be crying about Trump's CNN tweet in 3..2..1. 

9:35 AM - 2 Jul 2017





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Then shortly thereafter CNN’s Jim Acosta tweeted: “Isn’t Pro Wrestling Fake?” and Donald Trump Jr replied: “Yes, just like your coverage.”



Donald Trump Jr. ✔@DonaldJTrumpJr

Yes, just like your coverage. https://twitter.com/acosta/status/881508839006380033 …  xDxDxD

9:59 AM - 2 Jul 2017





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One tweet responded that Trump’s tweet: “This beats the Gettysburg Address. Not even close.”


Scott Greer ✔@ScottMGreer

This beats out the Gettysburg Address. Not even close https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/881503147168071680 …

10:22 AM - 2 Jul 2017





It was even shorter than the Gettysburg Address, if that is possible.

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6 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

I relent not. You are forever attached to me. As long as you are here posting, So shall I be. 


Hey, Chip, if you want to continue to advertise your ignorance and stupidity (and resulting complete lack of dignity), then have at it.

Carry on.


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13 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Crackdown on illegal immigration. 

Those are taxpaying sucking citizens of those cities they are being taken from. No tax base, no city. 

Do most work under the table, and how would you know they pay taxes if they do work under the table? Do they even have a SS number if they are illegal? 

Not trying to be a smart ass, just asking for the answer here.

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2 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

What brought all this on? Could it be the center of conversation, Chump??????

Seems some media giants are flailing in the water because of Chump and the off center reporting. What do they have against Chump that they would Report before Facts are checked? Is there some underlying motivation, some pissed off super elitist groups that want Chump disgraced and dead? He does enough on his own without making up stupid crap most of America doesn't believe anyway. Why ruin your name over the hate of one crazy president? Here is what I know about Chump. He is relentless. He never quits the game early. He will do whatever it takes to get his way, even lie, but never have someone off'd, some say the Clintons will even order hits to protect their secrets. He always walks away from a deal a little more dirty but smelling like a rose. He hides his income and says FU to the complainers. He donates his profits from his foreign hotels to the government. He never plays it straight unless he trusts you. He Lies because he is playing with liars in the big leagues, he just outsmarts them. He condemns negative people and press. He is more religious than you are, but not a saint. And last but most important, He makes packs with Devils then cheats them.

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6 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

He never has considered what the people want outside his base. His numbers have not improved. He has less support now than he did 3 months ago. 17 percent and one poll shows 12 percent of the people support this new health plan. Does he listen, no. Why? Because it has Obama's name on it. He is trying to finish the work that the Tea Party started. To make sure Obama was not a success. He did not win the majority vote so there are more people against him than there is for him. 

He is not donating anything to the government. Don't you for one minute believe that. There is a hotel very near the capital with his name on it. 

This man is bad for this country. 

I won't argue with you about Obamacare. I didn't want it for one reason only, it was being forced on me... plain and simple. It wasn't a choice, and the politicians didn't have to abide by the same rules with Obamacare. 

More to say, but I have to go.

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Louisiana won't comply with Donald Trump request for voter information

Secretary of State Tom Schedler said he won't turn over Louisiana voter information to an election integrity commission set up by President Donald Trump in May. Some of the data the Trump commission has requested is publicly available, but the president's commission will have to purchase it from Louisiana like political parties do, according to Schedler's office. 

"The President's Commission has quickly politicized its work by asking states for an incredible amount of voter data that I have, time and time again, refused to release," said Schedler, an elected Republican, in a written statement Monday (July 2).  

"My response to the Commission is, you're not going to play politics with Louisiana's voter data, and if you are, then you can purchase the limited public information available by law, to any candidate running for office. That's it," Schedler said. 


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