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The election to end all elections


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On 6/21/2017 at 4:30 AM, HawgGoneIt said:

I hope Karen Handel does a good job for district 6. She was pretty sucky as secretary of state, which is the reason I sent some of my cash to Osoff. 

I have a personal ax to grind with her actually as I had to enter a provisional ballot myself in the 2008 election cycle. Myself and around 5000 other registered democrats all had to enter provisional ballots. She has actively removed democrats from the ballot, been sued for it and lost the suit, and still removed the persons name from the ballot, posted signs that any votes for that person wouldn't count etc. 

Those aren't lies or false accusations. She used her office to suppress voter involvement, remove at least one Georgia Supreme Court affirmed democrat candidate for office and she basically dumped around 5000 registered voters forcing them to either cast provisional ballots or never vote at all. 

Great lady. 9_9

That is pretty fu@&ed up.  And she still has a career and job.  Should be in jail for that shit.  How can people support someone who does something to take away our most important right as Americans?  As long as it was Democrats who had their right to vote taken away it's all good I guess.  

Hawg, have you ever heard of a Democrat doing that sort of thing?

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41 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

That is pretty fu@&ed up.  And she still has a career and job.  Should be in jail for that shit.  How can people support someone who does something to take away our most important right as Americans?  As long as it was Democrats who had their right to vote taken away it's all good I guess.  

Hawg, have you ever heard of a Democrat doing that sort of thing?

They were clearing voter roles and some people got booted due to mismatches in personal data between databases.

They were still permitted to cast provisional or challenge ballots, if not outright correct things before the election. And as far as I know there was no way of knowing party affiliation.

It's hardly surprising that folks that think you should not even have to prove citizenship get upset about efforts to have correct and updated voter roles.

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54 minutes ago, concha said:

They were clearing voter roles and some people got booted due to mismatches in personal data between databases.

They were still permitted to cast provisional or challenge ballots, if not outright correct things before the election. And as far as I know there was no way of knowing party affiliation.

It's hardly surprising that folks that think you should not even have to prove citizenship get upset about efforts to have correct and updated voter roles.

Your argument might hold water if there wasn't an orchestrated effort by the GOP to take away the vote.  It's not just GA that this has happened.  It wouldn't be right if it happened to Republicans and it's not right when it happens to Democrats.  As far as I know, Hawg is an American and according to him, she was taken to court for it and lost.  How did she lose when all she was doing was making sure that only citizens are voting.  If you think that her efforts were an honest attempt to make sure only Americans are voting then you have more faith in politicians than I do. 

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It was a weird situation with Handel and this sudden desire to fight against possible voter fraud etc. The entire republican party kind of took up this message around that time which like was said, does seem to be a tactic to suppress voting over all. The funny thing about the deal in Georgia is, there hadn't really been any complaints of voter fraud or illegals voting etc., so it was simply another right wing scare tactic which has appeared to be one of the cornerstones of their message over the last few cycles. 

I think most everyone agrees that illegal immigrants shouldn't be allowed to vote in our elections. Legitimate citizens should never ever be penalized in the name of keeping illegals from voting though.

My situation was maybe unique. I don't know if it was or not to be honest. It was certainly disheartening and weird though. I had my voter registration card proving that I was at the correct precinct, at least two of the poll workers had seen me vote there several times before, I had my ID., and just had been purged from the computer listing, so I had to do the provisional ballot. I am left to assume that my vote was eventually counted and added, but really have no idea if it ever was or not. Supposedly, once a person goes back and registers again, with all of the proper ID's and paperwork etc., then the vote gets counted. In the national election, it probably didn't matter much either way as far as one puny little vote (mattered a lot to me that night standing in a long line though, only to find out my stuff was in a mess), but in the state and local stuff that was going on it carried more weight. 

It was just weird mainly that after voting so many times, that suddenly there was an issue. Also, it seems to me that, if you are getting booted from the voter lists, they should have to inform you, rather than you finding out from a poll worker on election night. I had no warning that I was being removed or challenged or whatever it all was about, therefore I had no opportunity to straighten it out in advance. 

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3 hours ago, World Citizen said:

That is pretty fu@&ed up.  And she still has a career and job.  Should be in jail for that shit.  How can people support someone who does something to take away our most important right as Americans?  As long as it was Democrats who had their right to vote taken away it's all good I guess.  

Hawg, have you ever heard of a Democrat doing that sort of thing?


I can't say that I have heard of any mass purging of the voter rolls by a democrat. I think before Karen Handel, we had a democrat as secretary of state for years in Georgia and never had vast fraud reports or any huge reason to suddenly want to take up the sword against voters that had been on the rolls for years. 

Here is a story that I'm sure will be deemed biased/slanted or fake that pretty much covers the makes of it all, spanning Handel's political career all the way up til this last special election, and how she was still fighting to stop voter registrations a mere couple of weeks ago. Claiming partisan reasons were why her opposition candidate wanted to keep registrations open, while ignoring that it's partisan reasons why she wanted them closed. 





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3 hours ago, World Citizen said:

Your argument might hold water if there wasn't an orchestrated effort by the GOP to take away the vote.  It's not just GA that this has happened.  It wouldn't be right if it happened to Republicans and it's not right when it happens to Democrats.  As far as I know, Hawg is an American and according to him, she was taken to court for it and lost.  How did she lose when all she was doing was making sure that only citizens are voting.  If you think that her efforts were an honest attempt to make sure only Americans are voting then you have more faith in politicians than I do. 

The vote wasn't taken away. And it was the Obama administration that stepped in. The ones who feel you don't have to prove you are an American in order to vote.


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