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OT: CNN is ISIS... hilarious


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10 hours ago, NorCalRuss said:

So your only comcerned with possible Russian hacks or leaks. You never once have complained about any other leaks from anonymous sources, our FBI, CIA, etc. 

I personally feel any leak from any of our intelligence community should be found and prosecuted to full extent of the law. Not just those that I don't like for political reasons. 


Totally agree. The leaks have to stop. The hacks have to stop. Not just the Russian hackers either, all hackers, especially from foreign nations have to be stopped

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Just now, Cat_Scratch said:

California is going to fight handing over voter data hardest. For good reason I suspect.

You seem to be way off a lot of the time....tell us the reason though

Louisiana is pushing back hard and King Orange won the state big.


Most sensible people on either side could care less about King Orange's ego and fake claims.



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1 hour ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I think it's rather telling and funny that the guys on here have such disdain for liberalism, when it's the very thing that has always set America apart from the rest of the world. America has forever been the most liberal country on the planet, and the weirdies claim to want to make America great again by "removing" liberalism. 

It's laughable and sad at the same time. This country has never been Marxist,  Fascist or Communist, yet the right seeks to take us toward one over the rest. I challenge you to really reflect and consider what always made America great... aside from all of the confusion and distractions. 

The funny thing is the guys telling others if they don't like America, that they should leave, when they themselves obviously are confused as to what America is and has always been. They yearn to MAGA even while ignoring what it is that made America great for so long. They turn out to be the architects of the decline of the greatest country by trying to make us something we never were because they are confused as to what we have always been. 


..these dopes have been brain washed since a young age to think all "liberals hate America"...or "liberals are lazy and want free hand-outs"...or "liberals are crazy tree huggers" exc... and they go along with the BS stereo-types that are out there...O.o

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3 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Where is King Orange's "Special Commision on Russian Meddling in US Elections" headed by the Vice President?

Oh yeah, there isn't one because......we ALL know why.

Quit defending King Orange's ego.......that's what his family is for.


...he's too busy trying to find those 2.9 MILLION votes that went MIA...because he really did win the popular election too..at least that's what he said....and he doesn't lie so it must be true!

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9 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Yes it is and that's why I asked you to explain yourself.

If you can't, no worries...

This country was founded on the principle that our rights come from God, and are not granted to us by the government.  Therefore the government cannot infringe those rights.  As opposed to the European model where rights were granted to the people - for example the Magna Carta.  The government grants and it can take away.

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30 minutes ago, Bormio said:

This country was founded on the principle that our rights come from God, and are not granted to us by the government.  Therefore the government cannot infringe those rights.  As opposed to the European model where rights were granted to the people - for example the Magna Carta.  The government grants and it can take away.

like King Orange wanting to take health care away from 30? million people...that sort of thing?

GOD wants everyone to have health care...it's in the Bible.

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14 hours ago, CCBlackhatter said:

You'd think...

Had it been the RNC outed to the public, then Georgie would be over joyed and applauding the Russians.

Bullshit on that.  That is not even close.  A lot of us have been saying for a while now that Russians did this, we think it is wrong, it didn't matter which party, we as Americans were attacked.

This whole time those on the right kept saying those on the left were just upset about losing the election.  Bullshit.  We were attacked by Russia.  All of us were attacked.  Why is that so hard to understand? 

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12 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Absolutely a travesty.  San Fran, despite having real estate booming, it is become one of the nastiest cities around. The liberal establishment has run that city into the ground.  People are actually moving to frickin' Oakland....ANOTHER effing liberal disaster.

Where do you come up with this?  What do you know of San Fran?

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4 hours ago, Bormio said:

Modern liberalism has nothing to do with either classic liberalism or the idea of natural rights ( i.e. from God) on which this country was founded.  Nothing is more "illiberal" than modern liberalism.

And nothing is more dangerous than trying to force "We are a country because of God" on other people who don't happen to believe in your fairy tales.  

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28 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

And nothing is more dangerous than trying to force "We are a country because of God" on other people who don't happen to believe in your fairy tales.  

People are twisted, man. This country was founded on people searching to be fucking free to worship what-the-hell-ever they wanted to, and how they wanted to. It just so happens that the ones at the time were Christian, so these turds twist it to be that it all was about being Christian. 

Lucky for the rest of us there is the bill of rights and there is a separation of church and state. I am so glad that the Christians that founded this country had the foresight to protect us all from their own damn selves. 

I read this shit on here and just get dumbfounded at times. I mean, in general, these are smart people that twist it like this. 

It's damned lunacy is what it is. It's all of the distractions and deep seeded beliefs in one's own faith that leaves them so damned confused I think. 



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3 hours ago, TheRealCAJ said:

He wins the sickest and loneliest guy in TX award.......confuses being sick with tough. :o


Still dancing in that little space that holds your brain I see. Right along with the little bitch who walks around holding your pocket douchebagpuss66. My buddy and lil me how cute

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30 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

And nothing is more dangerous than trying to force "We are a country because of God" on other people who don't happen to believe in your fairy tales.  

Maybe you ought to read the Declaration of Independence - in fairness it does say "endowed by their Creator".  Of course NPR was reading the DOI as they do every July 4th - and people were tweeting them to stop reading that nationalist crap.  

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37 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

And nothing is more dangerous than trying to force "We are a country because of God" on other people who don't happen to believe in your fairy tales.  

You missed the point - whatever their beliefs, people have natural rights not subject to the whims of any government.

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17 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

People are twisted, man. This country was founded on people searching to be fucking free to worship what-the-hell-ever they wanted to, and how they wanted to. It just so happens that the ones at the time were Christian, so these turds twist it to be that it all was about being Christian. 

Lucky for the rest of us there is the bill of rights and there is a separation of church and state. I am so glad that the Christians that founded this country had the foresight to protect us all from their own damn selves. 

I read this shit on here and just get dumbfounded at times. I mean, in general, these are smart people that twist it like this. 

It's damned lunacy is what it is. It's all of the distractions and deep seeded beliefs in one's own faith that leaves them so damned confused I think. 



SMDH - the DOI was hardly a Christian plot.

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5 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I think it's rather telling and funny that the guys on here have such disdain for liberalism, when it's the very thing that has always set America apart from the rest of the world. America has forever been the most liberal country on the planet, and the weirdies claim to want to make America great again by "removing" liberalism. 

It's laughable and sad at the same time. This country has never been Marxist,  Fascist or Communist, yet the right seeks to take us toward one over the rest. I challenge you to really reflect and consider what always made America great... aside from all of the confusion and distractions. 

The funny thing is the guys telling others if they don't like America, that they should leave, when they themselves obviously are confused as to what America is and has always been. They yearn to MAGA even while ignoring what it is that made America great for so long. They turn out to be the architects of the decline of the greatest country by trying to make us something we never were because they are confused as to what we have always been. 


I don't necessarily disagree with the bold print.  Liberalism is not what it was years ago. The problem is when liberalism goes too far left, and the left subsequently batshit crazy because of it.  Liberalism has shifted from freedom to express to entitlement and fascism. Forced diversity and anti-establishment to the point of domestic terrorism has resulted. I love my brother as much as the next guy...a compassionate conservative...but I'm so 100% disenfranchised with democratic party in it's current state.  And so is pretty much everyone in the USA outside of Ca and NY.  The behavior of the extremist looney left right now is absolutely disgusting. I want no part of it.  And I'm not going to ever advocate for the rights of illegals and people who don't want to be Americans.  I have a big problem with Muslims, and I feel that I have good cause for concern as the religion continues it's war on Christianity and western civilization.  That does not make me a racist.  it make me prudent. And I will never support a party(theology) that advocates foregoes keeping America safe in the name of diversity. 

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5 hours ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Well said. Couldn't agree more..

These same "guys" hide on the internet though and won't even post a photo of themselves online.  Anonymous wing nuts.

They are tough though, you understand........and ready to kick everyone out of the country who doesn't buy their opinions or look like them which no one knows what they look like. One can only guess?. xD


Post your photo and I will post mine.

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