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OT: CNN is ISIS... hilarious


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1 minute ago, TheRealCAJ said:

That's about the 3rd or 4th time today you've posted this kind of bullshit...

Here's the bottom line for you, jimmy......if you don't want to live with people not quite as square as you...YOU get the fuck out and we will be a much better people for it. King Orange is still a piece of shit if you decide to pack your bags..

Understand me?

Your shit is getting quit old, tough guy...


Hey swamp boy, king racist, chip, loser and whatever else people acknowledge you as, if you don't like what I have to say put me back on ignore. Very easy. The country as a whole would be way better off without liberals and I'll say it day after day to piss you and your commie friends off. Understand me boy?

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13 minutes ago, concha said:

Just in case CNN was too preoccupied persecuting a guy who made a joke video to report this minor human interest story....

In the liberal utopia of Chicago...


Chicago police express frustration after more than 100 shot in violent Fourth of July weekend


Fifteen people were killed and 86 others were wounded. 

Rahm is doing such a superb job in Chi-town. How those people do not revolt and throw that ass out of office is beyond me. Another big city run into the ground by liberals.

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Just now, aZjimbo said:

Hey swamp boy, king racist, chip, loser and whatever else people acknowledge you as, if you don't like what I have to say put me back on ignore. Very easy. The country as a whole would be way better off without liberals and I'll say it day after day to piss you and your commie friends off. Understand me boy?

Since King Orange was elected your confidence level has grown off the charts on message forums......go out and pick up some tail or something. Put that confidence to the real test, you little loudmouth punk.

I remember when you were a baby mouse here though......sad thing is so do you. -_-


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Just now, TheRealCAJ said:

Since King Orange was elected your confidence level has grown off the charts on message forums......go out and pick up some tail or something. Put that confidence to the real test, you little loudmouth punk.

I remember when you were a baby mouse here though......sad thing is so do you. -_-


No, Iv'e despised liberals like you loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong before Trump. 

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46 minutes ago, aZjimbo said:

No wonder the lying bitch had a complete meltdown election night. she's another one that believed the lying media that the election was hers. Slowly it all slipped away state by state. How sweet it is. And she still has the balls to blame everyone else except looking in the mirror.

EXACTLY!  I still can remember getting home, flipping the tube on, Trump was already fairly comfortably ahead, and the media was just on a slow meltdown after that...state by state.  They were using all sorts of calculus equations trying to come up with one that would make Kill-liar-y the winner.  Then the reality set in that she was going to lose, and the left loonies began raging instantaneously.  It was worth the price of admission!!  Cankles wouldn't even show her face.  Liberals crying in their safe spaces. Fuc8ing epic!

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1 hour ago, concha said:


Many polls were oversampling Dems, making Cankles look better.

Then what did you see on the tv news? Trump bad, no chance. Hillary good, she'll win.

It was much like Brexit. The establishment looked to have it in the bag. Trouble was that nobody asked Joe Sixpack how he felt.


Outta likes...(click)LIKE

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1 minute ago, Blueliner said:

EXACTLY!  I still can remember getting home, flipping the tube on, Trump was already fairly comfortably ahead, and the media was just on a slow meltdown after that...state by state.  They were using all sorts of calculus equations trying to come up with one that would make Kill-liar-y the winner.  Then the reality set in that she was going to lose, and the left loonies began raging instantaneously.  It was worth the price of admission!!  Cankles wouldn't even show her face.  Liberals crying in their safe spaces. Fuc8ing epic!

Exactly. she didn't even have the guts top show up and ass kiss all her crying voting block. Notice how long it took for the commie media to call the elcetion for Trump. They were and still are in a state of denial. Love it.

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8 minutes ago, aZjimbo said:

Rahm is doing such a superb job in Chi-town. How those people do not revolt and throw that ass out of office is beyond me. Another big city run into the ground by liberals.

Absolutely a travesty.  San Fran, despite having real estate booming, it is become one of the nastiest cities around. The liberal establishment has run that city into the ground.  People are actually moving to frickin' Oakland....ANOTHER effing liberal disaster.

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The media is still seething over the election and continue to have a temper tantrum.  They thought they could beat Trump - they did everything they could to help her.  On Election Day they were stunned to find out how little actual influence they had and they were enraged that the dumb, hick Americans did not appreciate their brilliance.  So, as revenge and to prove their power, they are bound and determined to drive him from office.

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1 hour ago, Bormio said:

The media is still seething over the election and continue to have a temper tantrum.  They thought they could beat Trump - they did everything they could to help her.  On Election Day they were stunned to find out how little actual influence they had and they were enraged that the dumb, hick Americans did not appreciate their brilliance.  So, as revenge and to prove their power, they are bound and determined to drive him from office.


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2 hours ago, TheRealCAJ said:

That's about the 3rd or 4th time today you've posted this kind of bullshit...

Here's the bottom line for you, jimmy......if you don't want to live with people not quite as square as you...YOU get the fuck out and we will be a much better people for it. King Orange is still a piece of shit if you decide to pack your bags or not.

Understand me?

Your shit is getting quit old, tough guy....


You're a pile of shit understand me? You clear?

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2 hours ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Since King Orange was elected your confidence level has grown off the charts on message forums......go out and pick up some tail or something. Put that confidence to the real test, you little loudmouth punk.

I remember when you were a baby mouse here though......sad thing is so do you. -_-


I remember when you went by gator bitch. Still not man enough to pay you're debts bitch boy

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8 hours ago, Blueliner said:

I swear. You just can't make this shit up. So lemme get this straight, the DNC rigs their own election so Kill-liar-y gets the nomination. The Clinton News Network leaks the debate questions to the see you next Tuesday.  The leftist-extremist commie news networks basically had the nation believing that Kill-liar-y had a 99% chance of winning...we're talking months leading up to the election...And you say that this election was rigged FOR Trump(aka OUR President)?  You clowns effing kill me.  After I cast my Trump vote, I went home thinking the killar destroyed the Donald.  Only to find on my TV that the media apparently didn't ask the rest of the country what they thought, as we all got to see the curb-stomping, bloodbath, carnage that was a resounding Trump beatdown of everything liberal, in all of it's glory.  You rage monkeys are not saddled in reality.  It has become very clear of that.  Hey, but you guys keep ragin'!

..yea....all the media including Fox news had Clinton winning not just the left....and what's your point??...he did lose the elecion by 2.9 MILLION votes...and Russia hacked our election to get Trump elected...a fact. Stop with the rage monkeys B.S. exc.... Your boy has  a 35% approval rating and it's stuck there (lowest ever)...I wonder why?...the media's fault too I guess??...stop you rage against the media...they are the only one's PROTECTING us from the Trump Administration....if not for the media Gen. Flynn would still be talking with the Russians....;)

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I think it's rather telling and funny that the guys on here have such disdain for liberalism, when it's the very thing that has always set America apart from the rest of the world. America has forever been the most liberal country on the planet, and the weirdies claim to want to make America great again by "removing" liberalism. 

It's laughable and sad at the same time. This country has never been Marxist,  Fascist or Communist, yet the right seeks to take us toward one over the rest. I challenge you to really reflect and consider what always made America great... aside from all of the confusion and distractions. 

The funny thing is the guys telling others if they don't like America, that they should leave, when they themselves obviously are confused as to what America is and has always been. They yearn to MAGA even while ignoring what it is that made America great for so long. They turn out to be the architects of the decline of the greatest country by trying to make us something we never were because they are confused as to what we have always been. 


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5 hours ago, thc6795 said:

I remember when you went by gator bitch. Still not man enough to pay you're debts bitch boy

So we have gator bitch, chip, swampboy, loser, hillary, king racist, the clown, the jester, Pee Wee Herman. Am i missing any important ones?

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8 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I think it's rather telling and funny that the guys on here have such disdain for liberalism, when it's the very thing that has always set America apart from the rest of the world. America has forever been the most liberal country on the planet, and the weirdies claim to want to make America great again by "removing" liberalism. 

It's laughable and sad at the same time. This country has never been Marxist,  Fascist or Communist, yet the right seeks to take us toward one over the rest. I challenge you to really reflect and consider what always made America great... aside from all of the confusion and distractions. 

The funny thing is the guys telling others if they don't like America, that they should leave, when they themselves obviously are confused as to what America is and has always been. They yearn to MAGA even while ignoring what it is that made America great for so long. They turn out to be the architects of the decline of the greatest country by trying to make us something we never were because they are confused as to what we have always been. 


Modern liberalism has nothing to do with either classic liberalism or the idea of natural rights ( i.e. from God) on which this country was founded.  Nothing is more "illiberal" than modern liberalism.

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32 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

I think it's rather telling and funny that the guys on here have such disdain for liberalism, when it's the very thing that has always set America apart from the rest of the world. America has forever been the most liberal country on the planet, and the weirdies claim to want to make America great again by "removing" liberalism. 

It's laughable and sad at the same time. This country has never been Marxist,  Fascist or Communist, yet the right seeks to take us toward one over the rest. I challenge you to really reflect and consider what always made America great... aside from all of the confusion and distractions. 

The funny thing is the guys telling others if they don't like America, that they should leave, when they themselves obviously are confused as to what America is and has always been. They yearn to MAGA even while ignoring what it is that made America great for so long. They turn out to be the architects of the decline of the greatest country by trying to make us something we never were because they are confused as to what we have always been. 


Well said. Couldn't agree more..

These same "guys" hide on the internet though and won't even post a photo of themselves online.  Anonymous wing nuts.

They are tough though, you understand........and ready to kick everyone out of the country who doesn't buy their opinions or look like them which no one knows what they look like. One can only guess?. xD


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