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1 minute ago, aZjimbo said:

And yet you never once called out hillary for lying. Still believe Benghazi was because of a youtube video georgie? 

are you going to have "Benghazi" written on your headstone?...Hillary was far from perfect and like ALL politicians she lied...BUT she's head and shoulders smarter than Donny and more respected around the world than Donny will ever be....he's an international joke..

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8 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

are you going to have "Benghazi" written on your headstone?...Hillary was far from perfect and like ALL politicians she lied...BUT she's head and shoulders smarter than Donny and more respected around the world than Donny will ever be....he's an international joke..

No big deal. Only 4 Americans died. The bitch should be in an orange jumpsuit.  

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1 minute ago, Drummer61 said:

"Like all politicians" !!!! That's what we need to rid America of...... At least have term limits... Those like Nancy,Chuck,Maxine " James Brown wig and all" Waters,Debbie " the turncoat anti- Christ" Wasserman Schultz, all the Jewish leftists from Calf and NY and all the other,on both  sides, career criminals must go... Clean out the swamp And rid society of career politicians..Democrats have lost all credibility and nothing more than intolerant Marxists.. Perfect example is the Clinton Criminal  Family Enterprise...

That is why we now have 32 governors and the House, Senate and presidency. The more clowns like georgie and cajun show up the better it is for us.

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38 minutes ago, aZjimbo said:

No big deal. Only 4 Americans died. The bitch should be in an orange jumpsuit.  

So you think she lied about it, whatever, wouldn't they still be dead if, according to you, she had not lied?  Were you as outraged when we lost people at embassies during Bush Pres?  Were You outraged when Repubs denied  money for embassy security?  

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27 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

So you think she lied about it, whatever, wouldn't they still be dead if, according to you, she had not lied?  Were you as outraged when we lost people at embassies during Bush Pres?  Were You outraged when Repubs denied  money for embassy security?  

Who the hell you think gave the stand down order at Benghazi?

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1 hour ago, DBP66 said:

are you going to have "Benghazi" written on your headstone?...Hillary was far from perfect and like ALL politicians she lied...BUT she's head and shoulders smarter than Donny and more respected around the world than Donny will ever be....he's an international joke..

Trump has became the most popular and respected man in the world. America starting to be recognized as great again!

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4 hours ago, Drummer61 said:

Oh, watch MSNBC and CNN... The worst...You should move to a Marxist country .... You would love France or Germany.....

My comment which I just deleted (and is noted below) is worthy of an apology for my (pick an adjective...).


Edited by BigDrop
stupidity (mine)
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3 hours ago, DBP66 said:

^^..I wouldn't be embarrassed by any other person who ran for Pres. from the right...expect for gentle Ben...who like Trump doesn't have a clue about politics...my livelihood?? what does that have to do with this?

I'm looking for someone who understands how Wash. works..someone who doesn't watch Fox and Friends for his info. vs. a daily briefing...someone who doesn't embarrass our country around the world...doesn't tweet like a teenage girl...someone who doesn't lie constantly...just a few things I'm looking for...

Try looking for your balls

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17 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

Is your's a serious post?  Germany and France have stood by our side against a Marxist country, Russia.  You do know that Karl Marx was Russian?  That Germany and France are pillars of freedom which Russia, THE Marxist country, is not.



Prussian.  With a "P".

As in German.

Not Russian.

ohno.gif ohno.gif ohno.gif

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2 hours ago, DBP66 said:

are you going to have "Benghazi" written on your headstone?...Hillary was far from perfect and like ALL politicians she lied...BUT she's head and shoulders smarter than Donny and more respected around the world than Donny will ever be....he's an international joke..

It better the the "enter here" tramp stamp tattoo you have Georgie boy

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5 hours ago, Bestcoast said:

Trump has became the most popular and respected man in the world. America starting to be recognized as great again!

Exactly! Other countries may talk shit behind his back(who gives a shit?), but when the chips are down, they all know DJT means business. For the socialists, who cares if our county suck ass, as long as the rest of the world appears to like us, it's all good. Good grief.

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6 hours ago, Bestcoast said:

Trump has became the most popular and respected man in the world. America starting to be recognized as great again!

...what world are you living in?....rather what planet are you living on?...respected?!?...he's a international punch line....the rest of the world laughs and mocks him...how could you not??...how deep in the sand is your head buried??.......

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23 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

...what world are you living in?....rather what planet are you living on?...respected?!?...he's a international punch line....the rest of the world laughs and mocks him...how could you not??...how deep in the sand is your head buried??.......

Sounds like your talking about yourself again

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29 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Somebody better check their pulse. If you can't see or hear what is going on now, you're dead. 


Are you referring to the evidence-free witch hunt?

You people are making spectacles of yourselves.

Any anti-Trump crap someone puts out there gets gobbled up like a chocolate sundae.


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1 minute ago, Sportsnut said:

Common sense would tell anyone that if the police wants to talk to you, there IS a reason. When people get a lawyer, there IS a reason. When people retire instead of facing the truth there IS a reason. When people recuse themselves from an investigation, there IS a reason. When a lawyer that was hired hires a lawyer, there IS a reason. When your approval rating is at 35% and sinking, there IS a reason. When 65% say you are no good, there IS a reason. 


Yes, the Dems are apoplectic about losing the election and the press - their lapdogs - are only too willing to go along.

Zero evidence of Russian collusion. Z-E-R-O.

Obstruction of justice? Laughable in so many ways.

Here's a reason:  The left are so desperate that they don't mind making fools of themselves. Again. And again. And again...


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By Jennifer Harper - The Washington Times - Thursday, June 15, 2017

Liberal strategists, it seems, have weaponized certain news headlines to convince the American public that President Trump and Republicans in general are an evil bunch. It is a powerful and ongoing campaign — talking points tossed like incendiary devices into news coverage. Some are worse than others, however. Megan Fox, a columnist for PJ Media, has identified the top-six strategic headlines, which she says are “media lies that radicalized the violent left.”

Her meticulous analysis is lengthy, citing examples from The New York Times, CNN and other sources. In essence, however, here are the half-dozen headlines she says feeds the outrage:

“Trump is colluding with Russia!”; “Donald Trump hates the planet and so do all Republicans”; “Republicans hate gays”; “Republicans have launched a war on women’s health”; “Republicans want you to DIE”; and finally, “Nationalism is synonymous with racism.”

Much of the news media itself, of course, enables this effort, which has been around for a while, and grown in intensity. Consider that 31 years ago, veteran media researcher Robert Lichter examined voting records of what he termed the “media elite” to find that 81 percent to 94 percent of the nations journalists voted Democratic in presidential elections from 1964 to 1976. Since then, U.S. News & World Report, the Los Angeles Times, the Freedom Forum and other organizations have also tracked the liberal leanings of the press with similar findings; one report found that 90 percent of the White House press corps voted Democratic. And according to ongoing analysis of polling data by Indiana University, only 7 percent of journalists now say they are Republicans.

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