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Latest Trump poll numbers..


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Read em' weep my amigos on the right.........

Donald Trump's Latest Approval Rating Plunges As Support Among Republicans, Whites Drops

92ab3d90-bae2-11e6-9da6-3b7a932389dd_NEWT.marcin,Newsweek 2 hours 40 minutes ago



In the early hours of Thursday morning, President Donald Trump fired off a tweetstorm complaining that "they made up a phony collusion with the Russians story" and that he was the subject of the "single greatest WITCH HUNT in American political history."

But while Trump might think issues facing the White House have been created by a mysterious "they," Americans don't seem to trust the president's commitment to running the government properly—in fact, many think he is downright undemocratic. Sixty-five percent of respondents in an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released Thursday said the president either doesn't have much or any respect for the "country's democratic institutions and traditions." Nearly a third of Republicans or Republican-leaning independents said the same. 

The Associated Press-NORC survey also found Trump wasn't a particularly popular president. Just 35 percent of Americans approved of the job he's doing as president, the poll found. Sixty-four percent—and one-quarter of Republicans—disapproved of Trump's job performance. In March, the the Associated Press-NORC poll found 42 percent of Americans approved of the job Trump was doing. Just one-in-five Republicans disapproved of the president in March.

In the latest poll, roughly 50 percent of whites without a college degree—one of Trump's strongest demographics in the 2016 presidential election—approved of the job the president was doing. That's down 8 percentage points from Associated Press-NORC poll in March.

The Associated Press-NORC survey interviewed 1,068 adults both online and over the phone from June 8 through June 11. It had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.1 percentage points. 

Trump's approval rating has trended downward since he took office in January. The weighted average from data-focused website FiveThirtyEight pegged his approval rating at just 38.4 percent Thursday and his disapproval at 55.7 percent. The RealClearPolitics average of polls, meanwhile, had Trump's approval at 39.6 percent Thursday morning, while it had his disapproval rating at 54.7 percent.

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6 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Look who it is...the twins. Didn't Newsweek coronate Killiar as President a month before the election?  Only an dumbass would believe numbers provided by them. Well look who posted it and replied. Not surprising.  

The liberal twins? The dumb twins? The Trump derangement twins? The commie twins? The useless twins? What do you think?

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2 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:



the most righty poll out there..I think they survey Fox news watchers only...he's a mess...Real Clear politics has him at 41%-50%??..LOL..never....did you guys see the spoof the Prime Minister of Australia on your boy Donny??...he's an international punch line these days....as he brings our country into the gutter and the guys on the right think everything is just peachy...too funny...any legislation EVER going to get passed this year....not looking too good at the moment...but everything is just peachy...right P.C grads??

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6 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

the most righty poll out there..I think they survey Fox news watchers only...he's a mess...Real Clear politics has him at 41%-50%..LOL..never....did you guys see the spoof the Prime Minister of Australia on your boy Donny??...he's an international punch line these days....as he brings our country into the gutter and the guys on the right think everything is just peachy...too funny...any legislation EVER going to get passed this year....not looking too good at the moment...but everything is just peachy...right P.C grads??

So dick head post the most lefty poll there is and calls it gospel while calling the Rasmussen poll garbage. Seriously this bitch is a reflection of DBP?

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13 minutes ago, steeler01 said:

Not that I care, but is this taking into account the people that stopped looking for jobs like we heard during the Obama term?


Neither President has determined my way of life(Fuck Bill Frist though)


The labor participation rate plummeted in the Obama years and has more or less stabilized.


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