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Why N Korea should be dealt with harshly


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Why in the actual hell do American idiots go to places like North Korea or Iran anyway?

Then we are all supposed to sit over here and feel sorry or get all worked up for their dumb asses for getting locked up over there. 

I'd come a lot closer to giving some fucks if the kid was visiting a friendly country and got locked up. 


Stupid kid! Over there fucking with North Korea to start with was stupid as hell. 

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3 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Why in the actual hell do American idiots go to places like North Korea or Iran anyway?

Then we are all supposed to sit over here and feel sorry or get all worked up for their dumb asses for getting locked up over there. 

I'd come a lot closer to giving some fucks if the kid was visiting a friendly country and got locked up. 


Stupid kid! Over there fucking with North Korea to start with was stupid as hell. 

Dennis Rodman sure seems to like the frequent flyer miles.   Not sure wtf he goes there for...  other than publicity of course.  

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15 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Why in the actual hell do American idiots go to places like North Korea or Iran anyway?

Then we are all supposed to sit over here and feel sorry or get all worked up for their dumb asses for getting locked up over there. 

I'd come a lot closer to giving some fucks if the kid was visiting a friendly country and got locked up. 


Stupid kid! Over there fucking with North Korea to start with was stupid as hell. 

Because many have the mistaken belief that the stuff they get away with here is okay everywhere.  They have no sense of the world being a dangerous and uncaring place.  I just got back a couple of weeks ago from backpacking through Europe with my daughter.  At one of the hostels we had recent college grads in our room.  I just shook my head as they didn't have a clue and had already been scammed out of some of their money.  Too many times kids get in trouble attempting to exercise American freedoms in non American countries.

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My first cousin's daughter went to Iran and one the "stans" that neighbors it (can't remember which one) with her boyfriend. She is about 27. She is getting her PHD in chemical engineering from USC. Her boyfriend is lawyer in L.A. Both are Jewish. Not dumb people.

But a very dumb decision. They came back fine and raved about what a good time they had and how nice the people they met were. I can't tell you how PO'd her parents were when they found out. Our young travelers failed to account for the folks that might alert the bad guys to their location and take them for $ or political purposes. 

When you are in one of the "hostiles", you are seconds away from having your life ruined or taken at any given moment. 


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Im not on sportsnut favorite list but I agree with him here. That kid went to another country that he new was nothing like America. If he didn't that is not the NK's fault. We as Americans can not just think we can go into another country and be ruled by American laws. Otherwise the Arabs who want to be governed by Sharia law here in America could do so.

As for their human rights violations? Again nothing we can do about it. Other then staying the hell out of their country.

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5 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

We have the death penalty. We lock away kids. We let killers off because of a sickness called "Affuence", or Richness.


Go figure

Do you fucking liberals ever stop whining and bashing this country? Don't bother answering becasue we all know the answer.

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2 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Is that your response to the job of the Electoral College? 

I burn the flag if it touches the ground or prevention of capture. 


Trump won. Get used to it. The electoral college has been in play for how long? Because you loser liberals lost an election you want to over turn every possible law to make yourself look better. The left wing loonies are the best thing that ever happened to the crappy GOP. It's idiots like you that will keep the Republicans in power. Get used to it. 

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50 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

We have a prison population higher than any other country in the world. It was planned. Plan still in effect. 

So This was a result of the 1994 crime bill..... known as the violent crime control and law enforcement act of 1994. 

It led to mass incarceration by creating incentives for states to build prisons and increase sentences and thereby contributed to increased incarceration. 

The bill's terms included almost 9 billion for prison construction. 

It was a 3 strikes provision essentially: 

mandatory life imprisonment w/o possibility of parole for violent felonies for those w 2 or more previous felony convictions. 

The bill devastated mostly urban/black communities. 

Oh and one more thing ... it was signed and implemented by Mr. Bill Clinton 

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You all would be raising hell and blocking traffic if this guy were beat into a coma in an American prison. Just saying.

I'm not condoning his breaking the Korean Law. Just merely, speaking to the hypocrisy of ridiculing a young adult who was subjected to inhumane treatment; basically saying he deserved what happened. In another thread, I'll read the preachings of tolerance, morality, progressiveness, equality, and the like from the same people.

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1 hour ago, thc6795 said:

Don't forget more prisons than schools.


The American Criminal justice system consist of 1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 901 juvenile facilities, and 3,163 local jails. That's 5,885 CJ institutions.

By comparison, there were 98,817 PUBLIC schools in America as of 2010. Although that figure is 7 years old, I know without a doubt some 93,000 schools have not closed down since 2010.


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3 minutes ago, CCBlackhatter said:


The American Criminal justice system consist of 1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 901 juvenile facilities, and 3,163 local jails. That's 5,885 CJ institutions.

By comparison, there were 98,817 PUBLIC schools in America as of 2010. Although that figure is 7 years old, I know without a doubt some 93,000 schools have not closed down since 2010.


I guess I should have put that in quotes. It is always a lib fall back when talking about crime.

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6 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

That happens quite often in US prisons. Take your feeling and apply it to others, such as myself and my background with such inequities but also allow for the tolerance, morality, progression forward with equality all inclusive. The problem is no one wants to take responsibility for what got us to this point in life. "Stop blaming me, I was not here and did nothing to you or your relatives". A common line associated with attempts to communicate the emotions of one looking to deflect blame. Instead, accept that it happened and the results, adverse mas they may be, do exist. Understanding and allowing acceptance is important to getting over the barrier that pervades our society. 


Not objecting to the prison but the way the spaces are being calculated. PBS has a special on schools in Philly. Do a little work and you will see my point. 

I choose not to narrow my thoughts and feelings to one particular race. If this were a black man given 15 years for removing a poster, and subjected to equal treatment; my sentiments would remain the same.

You're way off topic in this discussion. Unsurprisingly, you found a way to interject race into this discussion. It is engrained in you.

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