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7 minutes ago, concha said:

Every damn bastard on these boards over the years thinks I'm a race-baiter...

The ones who read these forums know you are.

And you're not doing anything to dispel it.

I know you said and you know you said it.

Man up and admit what a hypocritical clown you are.

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2 minutes ago, LOSer said:

So now you're trying to weasel your way out of it?

You said basically word-for-word what that woman said tonight.

You said STA exploited black kids for football glory.

That's what you said.

And you're dishonest enough to claim that all you said were that they took transfers?

Who am I kidding. I knew you were dishonest enough to do that.

I stated clearly what I did.

Get Hooked on Phonics.

And get take a yellow pill and stop being a hysterical bitch.


You sad-ass opinions and lies don't equate to truth.  You are laughable.


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3 minutes ago, LOSer said:

BTW beat both STA and Southridge.

But keep changing to cover the shame you feel for backing a program that hasn't been able to win that division in 12 years.

Southridge....wow I'm Dazzled! 

STA has only beat 2 teams ranked higher than the very worst team on X's 15 team schedule this year lol



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11 minutes ago, concha said:

Me pointing out that some kids transferred to STA to play for a stacked regional al-star team is a racial attack on them?

This is what you 'stated' you did.

It's a lie.

A boldfaced lie.

You said STA exploited black kids for football wins.

Now you're trying to lie your way out of it.

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

You sad-ass opinions and lies don't equate to truth.

The only person lying here is you when you claim that you never made any racial statements about those kids and the school.


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I wonder...

If we were take a poll of the board...


Pick the most true:

A)  That it is factually true that STA has sucked in predominantly black transfers for years and a huge proportion of young black males wandering their halls are ballers...




B)  "A"  - a factually correct statement - is race-baiting ("A" being your only claimed example that I am supposedly a race-baiter)


What say you, hysterical bitch?  LMAO

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3 minutes ago, Coletrain06 said:

Southridge....wow I'm Dazzled!

BTW isn't close to top 100 but St. X is?


I think people should have to have a team that won more than one playoff game in order to comment on these threads.

See ya.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:

A)  That it is factually true that STA has sucked in predominantly black transfers for years and the proportion of young black males wandering their halls are ballers...

So now you're willing to say it?

What was this about then?

15 minutes ago, concha said:

 Me pointing out that some kids transferred to STA to play for a stacked regional al-star team is a racial attack on them?

You are twisting yourself into a pretzel to get out of this.

Too late though.

You've been exposed as a hypocritical buffoon who race-baits constantly.

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

What say you, hysterical bitch?

Again, this guy whined like a girl when somebody said something insensitive about his kid.

But I'm hysterical.

Then he lies about having made racial claims.

Then he doubles down on said racial claims that he previously denied having made.

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

Try harder.  That's not the only thing I said.

You denied having said it at all.

Of course now you're doubling down on it.

You are literally a pretzel right now.

Making racial claims, then denying having made them, then claiming that they weren't racial, then doubling down on them.

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2 minutes ago, LOSer said:

So now you're willing to say it?

What was this about then?

You are twisting yourself into a pretzel to get out of this.

Too late though.

You've been exposed as a hypocritical buffoon who race-baits constantly.

When did I criticize the kids, Canes?


You are a fool.  LMAO.


Wipe your chin.  You're really working yourself up into a froth.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:

When did I criticize the kids, Canes?

You said they willfully attend a school (and love said school) that exploits young black kids.

You are saying that a black head coach who is loved by his players is an exploiter of black kids.

This is really all you can muster in defense?


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4 minutes ago, concha said:

Wipe your chin.  You're really working yourself up into a froth.

I'm here addressing it.

Not a pussy coward like you who runs away when somebody says something insensitive.

What a clown.

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3 minutes ago, LOSer said:

You denied having said it at all.

Of course now you're doubling down on it.

You are literally a pretzel right now.

Making racial claims, then denying having made them, then claiming that they weren't racial, then doubling down on them.

This is hilarious.

I haven't denied that I have accused STA of accepting large numbers of black kids to pump up it's team.  Everyone knows it. I wrote it in a post on this very thread. It is as obvious and true as the sun rising in the east.


You're so worked up you're confusing yourself.


What a comical idiot.  xD

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1 minute ago, LOSer said:

You said they willfully attend a school (and love said school) that exploits young black kids.

You are saying that a black head coach who is loved by his players is an exploiter of black kids.

This is really all you can muster in defense?


Please find me the folks on this board who disagree that STA has exploited transfers over the years and many if not most are black and that a statistically curious proportion of young black men wandering the halls there are ballers.


You appear to think that "everyone" would disagree.


Knock yourself out.  LMAO


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2 minutes ago, concha said:

I haven't denied that I have accused STA of accepting large numbers of black kids to pump up it's team.  

You just did!

28 minutes ago, concha said:

Me pointing out that some kids transferred to STA to play for a stacked regional al-star team is a racial attack on them?

You avoided admitting any racial context whatsoever.

You don't know whether to deny it, massage it or just double down on it.

In fact you've done all three tonight.

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1 minute ago, concha said:

Please find me the folks on this board who disagree that STA has exploited transfers over the years and many if not most are black and that a statistically curious proportion of young black men wandering the halls there are ballers.

It's the implication that you make.

That's something else that everybody knows.

You are a turd and hypocritical coward.

Always have been.

No amount of time away from a message board can give someone character.

You'll always be a shithead who displayed some of the worst hypocrisy I've ever seen.

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2 minutes ago, LOSer said:

You just did!

You avoided admitting any racial context whatsoever.

You don't know whether to deny it, massage it or just double down on it.

In fact you've done all three tonight.

Now you are simply lying, Canes.

See post 157 as just ONE example.


Now you are just being a LYING hysterical bitch. xD

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Just now, concha said:

Now you are simply lying, Canes.

See post 157 as just ONE example.

Post #157 is an example of your massaging it.

You're all over the place tonight. Careful not to come off a complete race-baiter but content to ease into it.

I quoted you several times avoiding any racial context. Now you want us to look at a post where you massaged it.

You said it mulitple times over multitple years. You can't deny it now.

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2 minutes ago, LOSer said:

It's the implication that you make.

That's something else that everybody knows.

You are a turd and hypocritical coward.

Always have been.

No amount of time away from a message board can give someone character.

You'll always be a shithead who displayed some of the worst hypocrisy I've ever seen.

It's amazing how so many appear to read your "perceptions" and come away marveling at how fucked up in the head and dishonest you appear to be.



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