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Murderer of Portland Trump supporter


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13 minutes ago, Bormio said:

Sister of the murderer had this comment about his passing “I wouldn’t say this counts as bad news”.

Sister April identified her brother to police after the deadly Portland shooting, saying he was verbally abusive to their dementia-stricken mother and in a “downward spiral” of debt after a failed career as a professional snowboarder.

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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is rich.

Police kill unarmed people all the time and the response is always "well, he thought he was armed!" or "he could've been armed!" or "he was reaching for something!"

The guy said that the victim had a knife so he reacted to defend himself. Nothing else is required, in your view, to claim self-defense.

Amazing that you would not accept a self-defense claim from this guy.

Said nobody, ever.

Ive given up on idiots like cunt they will follow their ignorant racist beliefs along with trump straight to hell. That's their only option.

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7 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

His behavior afterwards is irrelevant.

He claimed self-defense. You're denying him that because you don't like his politics.

Simple as that.


There is no proof he was defending himself against anything, Andy.

Do you enjoy making yourself look this stupid?


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4 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

Reflect for a moment on this.

There has seemingly never been a self-defense argument for a cop or a civilian that these goofballs didn't buy wholeheartedly and defend to the death.

Until this one.

I wonder what's different?



We defend claims that actually have evidence of self-defense?

Like video of people being attacked?

Are you fucking with us being this stupid?  🤣




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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

There was no proof that George Zimmerman was defending himself.

No video evidence of any kind.

I bet you bought and sold his self-defense argument wholeheartedly.


In fact, a pathologist testified as to evidence of Trayvon being top of him. Which supports Zimmerman's claim he was  smacking his head in the pavement?

Witnesses didn't testify as to seeing Trayvon on top of Zimmerman and some of them to seeing Martin assaulting Zimmerman?

Zimmerman did have injuries consistent with the above.

You just can't stop lying.





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Just now, concha said:

In fact, a pathologist testified as to evidence of Trayvon being top of him. Which supports Zimmerman's claim he was  smacking his head in the pavement?

Of course you defended George Zimmerman.

A guy who was armed (against the rules of neighborhood watch), was in his car away from danger and followed an unarmed teenager into a walkway (against police instructions).

He was "defending" himself.

Thanks for proving my point.

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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Of course you defended George Zimmerman.

A guy who was armed (against the rules of neighborhood watch), was in his car away from danger and followed an unarmed teenager into a walkway (against police instructions).

He was "defending" himself.

Thanks for proving my point.


You lied.


You claimed there was no evidence that Zimmerman was defending himself.

A lie.

Now you're butthurt.


I'll bet your face looks like a spanked baby's ass. 🤣



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5 minutes ago, concha said:

You lied.


There was no evidence that George Zimmerman was defending himself at the time you almost certainly began defending him.

What you mentioned was testimony of a defense witness at his trial.

Anybody can find a doctor to say whatever they want.

Had this killer had a trial I bet he could've found a witness or some piece of "evidence" to support his claim.

You will jump at any scintilla of evidence to support your preconceived position.

Again, every single one of these people you have defended except this guy.

Everybody here knows why. Even your pals.

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concha has never needed evidence to support a self-defense claim.


On 9/1/2020 at 4:01 PM, concha said:

Jacob Blake got shot because he was stupid.  He put the police in a position where they had reasonable belief that Blake was reaching for a weapon.

All that's been required until now has been a reasonable belief that the person was reaching for a weapon.They didn't even have to have one.

But now after the Portland shooting he needs hard evidence.

He's not fooling a single person.

We all know his game.

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9 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

There was no evidence that George Zimmerman was defending himself at the time you almost certainly began defending him.

What you mentioned was testimony of a defense witness at his trial.

Anybody can find a doctor to say whatever they want.

Had this killer had a trial I bet he could've found a witness or some piece of "evidence" to support his claim.

You will jump at any scintilla of evidence to support your preconceived position.

Again, every single one of these people you have defended except this guy.

Everybody here knows why. Even your pals.


So now Andy starts his bullshit schpiel off with an ASSumption.

And Andy's point is that what we're SUPPOSED to do is ASSume that the person Andy dislikes is guilty. You know, the old American tradition of guilty until proven innocent if Andy says so.  



Hey, Andy... here's a suggestion...

Find someone who has defended them-self where there isn't video or other evidence that they were being assaulted. Where there aren't photos of their bashed head or fucked up nose. Or witnesses corroborating the person's claim of self-defense...


🤣  🤣  🤣  🤣  🤣  🤣  🤣  🤣  🤣  🤣



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1 minute ago, concha said:

So now Andy starts his bullshit schpiel off with an ASSumption.

And that preconceived position is to always support a self-defense claim except if it's made by someone whom he disagrees with politically.

In that case his position is to look up their criminal record and call them names.

Again, not surprising.

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

And Andy's point is that what we're SUPPOSED to do is ASSume the person Andy dislikes is guilty. You know, the old American tradition of guilty until proven innocent if Andy says so. 

You just assumed that the Portland shooter was indeed guilty until proven innocent.

Because you don't presumably don't like his politics.

Why do you keep trying to fight such obvious truth, concha?

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Andy hates that the people I have actually defended have had ACTUAL EVIDENCE to prove their claims of self-defense.  🤣


Andy, can you point to someone I've claimed was acting in self-defense where there was no substantial evidence to back it up?

Can you point to someone who you think was acting in self-defense and there's actual substantial evidence where I've said "not so"?



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1 minute ago, concha said:


Andy hates that the people I have actually defended have had ACTUAL EVIDENCE to prove their claims of self-defense.  🤣


Andy, can you point to someone I've claimed was acting in self-defense where there was no substantial evidence to back it up?

Can you point to someone who you think was acting in self-defense and there's actual substantial evidence where I've said "not so"?



Anus Flinch appears to not understand the internet....

Videos are available immediately these days.

Some even live streamed  LOLOL

No wonder he ass clenches all day long in a fit of epileptic self responses, spam, and self denial.


3 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

No, you fish for evidence and believe scant "evidence" if you like the person's politics.

This has all been proven.

Yo dummy...

you can never 'prove' someone's  "intent".

Even if they 'state one'


Hope this helps 👍


PS: maybe you should look up "proof" in the dictionary. 👌...appears as a personal problem with you



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10 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

No, you fish for evidence and believe scant "evidence" if you like the person's politics.

This has all been proven.


You may be the biggest lying sack of shit on the planet.  🤣

This is CLASSIC Andy schtick.

"This has all been proven".  B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T.  🤣



Literally everyone who acted in self-defense who I have defended in any way has had clear video evidence of being assaulted, had been beaten and had the injuries to prove it, had eyewitnesses...

The murderer in Portland (who was so innocent that he evaded arrest and shot at the cops who tried to arrest him) is shown shooting at a guy at least several feet away who was empty-handed.  The only threat Andy can point to is that the victim may have shot paint pellets earlier in the day.  🤡

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2 minutes ago, Troll said:

Anus Flinch appears to not understand the internet....

Videos are available immediately these days.

Some even live streamed  LOLOL

No wonder he ass clenches all day long in a fit of epileptic self responses, spam, and self denial.


Yo dummy...

you can never 'prove' someone's  "intent".

Even if they 'state one'


Hope this helps 👍


PS: maybe you should look up "proof" in the dictionary. 👌...appears as a personal problem with you


He's an imbecile.

He gets upset that I defend certain people, and acts like it is a grievous wrong that I point out that these people actually have EVIDENCE to prove their claims.




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Just now, concha said:


He's an imbecile.

He gets upset that I defend certain people, and acts like it is a grievous wrong that I point out that these people actually have EVIDENCE to prove their claims.




Stating 'actual facts' or even 'personal analysis' is not "defending" anyone....

(unless you want it to be)

Just another "fact"

lost on the imbecile


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