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Enthusiasm Gap & Secret Voters?


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2 hours ago, concha said:

There are silent supporters for both parties and have been for a very long time. I have to believe there are more for Trump than for Biden. I know a lot of people who will not put a Trump sign in their yard because they don't want to piss of their neighbors. Same for a bumper sticker for fear of their car being keyed in a parking lot.

I'm sure some on here, given the chance to get away with it, would key a Trump car without remorse.

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33 minutes ago, concha said:

An example of this bullshit I just ran across:

From the Denver Post





Surely you ran across this bullshit below too, when looking at Denver news.

Denver realtor admits removing Black Lives Matter signs from Hilltop neighborhood



Signs are as "offensive as KKK signs" and movement is a "terrorist organization out to destroy America." I don't think she is a regular on our site, but perhaps...

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36 minutes ago, concha said:


They rolled into Portland in counterprotest to the bullshit that's been going on there for months now. Right, wrong, indifferent... they were there for a day. The leftist agitators and rioters have been there, again, for months.

The man who was murdered was just walking down the street. Not in a crowd, Not in a mob. Not assaulting anyone. He had every right to peaceably be there. And he was pointed out and BLM supporter walked up and shot him dead.

Share that with the class.



So shooting people with paintball guns and spraying mace in people's faces is now protesting?

Huh, somehow I think you'd say otherwise if anyone but 600 guys with Trump flags did it. If 600 skinny kids on skateboards showed up with that same gear set up, you'd be flipping a shit over it.

Guess it didn't work out for the camo'd out idiot - he was pictured earlier in the day at a different gathering with a friend that was equipped with a paintball gun, and both had knives...sounds like he was definitely there for a PEACEFUL PROTEST...yea fucking right! He showed up hoping to stir shit up and got his ass rolled by some 48 year old shit-stain. 

And based on eye-witness accounts, the guy that got smoked was the aggressor, witness accounts say he pulled out pepper spray BEFORE the shots were fired.

So, Kyle Rittenhouse is a badass freedom fighter to you, but this is somehow different? - Okay pal. 

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/31/video/portland-protests-shooting-investigation.html (NY Times did a detailed breakdown of the indecent):

"Mr. Danielson was a supporter of Patriot Prayer, according to the group’s leader, Joey Gibson, and was wearing the group’s hat at the time. Patriot Prayer describes itself as a conservative Christian group but has attracted white supremacists and previously taken firearms to Portland protests that frequently became street brawls."

"we again see a man who appears to be Mr. Danielson. His companion, Chandler Pappas, carries a paintball gun, and according to Mr. Sparling, the men had also come armed with knives."

"In multiple videos posted to Twitter, members of the caravan can be seen firing pepper spray and paintballs at the protesters."

"Mr. Danielson can be seen raising his arm and beginning to spray a pepper spray-like substance, followed almost immediately by the gunshots. The man in white backs away with his arm raised and then runs, along with the man dressed in black."


Sounds like SELF DEFENSE TO ME (I'm being sarcastic). Had Kyle from IL done the same thing you'd be saying self defense all over this forum.

You sound so hypocritical man. You're actually calling these people protesters, yet have been accusing "leftists" of traveling all over the country to start shit...but this is somehow cool with you. Whatever.

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31 minutes ago, DownSouth said:

So shooting people with paintball guns and spraying mace in people's faces is now protesting?

Huh, somehow I think you'd say otherwise if anyone but 600 guys with Trump flags did it. If 600 skinny kids on skateboards showed up with that same gear set up, you'd be flipping a shit over it.

Guess it didn't work out for the camo'd out idiot - he was pictured earlier in the day at a different gathering with a friend that was equipped with a paintball gun, and both had knives...sounds like he was definitely there for a PEACEFUL PROTEST...yea fucking right! He showed up hoping to stir shit up and got his ass rolled by some 48 year old shit-stain. 

And based on eye-witness accounts, the guy that got smoked was the aggressor, witness accounts say he pulled out pepper spray BEFORE the shots were fired.

So, Kyle Rittenhouse is a badass freedom fighter to you, but this is somehow different? - Okay pal. 

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/31/video/portland-protests-shooting-investigation.html (NY Times did a detailed breakdown of the indecent):

"Mr. Danielson was a supporter of Patriot Prayer, according to the group’s leader, Joey Gibson, and was wearing the group’s hat at the time. Patriot Prayer describes itself as a conservative Christian group but has attracted white supremacists and previously taken firearms to Portland protests that frequently became street brawls."

"we again see a man who appears to be Mr. Danielson. His companion, Chandler Pappas, carries a paintball gun, and according to Mr. Sparling, the men had also come armed with knives."

"In multiple videos posted to Twitter, members of the caravan can be seen firing pepper spray and paintballs at the protesters."

"Mr. Danielson can be seen raising his arm and beginning to spray a pepper spray-like substance, followed almost immediately by the gunshots. The man in white backs away with his arm raised and then runs, along with the man dressed in black."


Sounds like SELF DEFENSE TO ME (I'm being sarcastic). Had Kyle from IL done the same thing you'd be saying self defense all over this forum.

You sound so hypocritical man. You're actually calling these people protesters, yet have been accusing "leftists" of traveling all over the country to start shit...but this is somehow cool with you. Whatever.


FYI, if you watch the liberal media,  having just one inferno in the background counts as "mostly peaceful protest".

And I'd say paint balls and some mace - during a short period on one day - are nothing compared to what leftists have been doing in many cities for months now. Rocks, bricks, frozen water bottles, industrial fireworks...  then there's the arson, looting, assorted murders...

Reality check for you:  Those right-wingers showed up because they're sick of the leftist riots, looting and violence that have occurred REGULARLY for months now around our country.

There's no comparison.


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10 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

You make too much sense though.

Has anybody met a timid Trump supporter?

Has any Trump supporter on this board had a single second of pause before they spouted their ridiculous pro-Trump propaganda?

The idea itself is pretty laughable.

What's laughable is that the people you are using as examples are anonymous posters. Things are much different in real life, where people know who you are, and can find out where you live, and where you work. Whole 'nother ballgame.

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13 hours ago, concha said:

He was downtown.

He was walking around. Not in a crowd.

He was murdered in cold blood by someone who no doubt would vote for the guy you prefer.

It's almost as if you can't stop lying.

He was a right-wing agitator.

But unlike you I actually believe that killers of agitators should still go to prison for their crimes.

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13 hours ago, concha said:

They rolled into Portland in counterprotest to the bullshit that's been going on there for months now. Right, wrong, indifferent... they were there for a day. The leftist agitators and rioters have been there, again, for months.

There's always an excuse for someone if they agree with concha.


He can never just admit that they were agitators there to agitate. Right-wingers love to glory in "owning the libtards" or "making the libtards crazy" but the moment that they actually do it in plain sight clowns like concha deny that it's their intention.

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12 hours ago, Cat_Scratch said:

Funny you talk about ''Trumpers are the loudest'' when talking about the ''Silent Trumpers'' and the topic of Concha's post. We don't know who the silent Trumpers are. Isn't that the point of Concha's silent trump voter post? You don't know who they are... Question is, how do you know who the silent ones are? Are you clairvoyant?

Yeah, but if you could actually read you'd see that there's no evidence for his claim.

And then I chimed in with an observation that people who support Trump are not exactly timid. So why would we assume that silent ones exist in the millions?

It's wishful thinking.

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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

He was a right-wing agitator.

But unlike you I actually believe that killers of agitators should still go to prison for their crimes.


1) He was walking at night. Peaceably.  Until murdered in cold blood by one of yours.

2) Unlike you, I can actually tell the difference between acting in self-defense and murder.


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12 hours ago, DownSouth said:

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/31/video/portland-protests-shooting-investigation.html (NY Times did a detailed breakdown of the indecent):

"Mr. Danielson was a supporter of Patriot Prayer, according to the group’s leader, Joey Gibson, and was wearing the group’s hat at the time. Patriot Prayer describes itself as a conservative Christian group but has attracted white supremacists and previously taken firearms to Portland protests that frequently became street brawls."

An armed street brawler.

Like any good conservative christian.

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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

There's always an excuse for someone if they agree with concha.


He can never just admit that they were agitators there to agitate. Right-wingers love to glory in "owning the libtards" or "making the libtards crazy" but the moment that they actually do it in plain sight clowns like concha deny that it's their intention.


They were. For a day.

Outrage at them is comical given the excuses from the left for literally MONTHS of rioting and looting from those on your side.  "Mostly peaceful protests" << as inferno rages in the background>>... 🤡


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12 hours ago, concha said:

FYI, if you watch the liberal media,  having just one inferno in the background counts as "mostly peaceful protest".

And I'd say paint balls and some mace - during a short period on one day - are nothing compared to what leftists have been doing in many cities for months now. Rocks, bricks, frozen water bottles, industrial fireworks...  then there's the arson, looting, assorted murders...

Reality check for you:  Those right-wingers showed up because they're sick of the leftist riots, looting and violence that have occurred REGULARLY for months now around our country.

There's no comparison.

concha defending a guy who was killed for agitating after condemning the agitators that were killed just last week.

Knock me over with a feather!

"There's no comparison!"


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3 hours ago, Slotback Right said:

What's laughable is that the people you are using as examples are anonymous posters. Things are much different in real life, where people know who you are, and can find out where you live, and where you work. Whole 'nother ballgame.

concha has tried to find out who every single person who owns him on this forum is. Like obsessively.

Hasn't stopped them from continuing to own him.

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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

concha defending a guy who was killed for agitating after condemning the agitators that were killed just last week.

Knock me over with a feather!

"There's no comparison!"



Your lies are just "breathtaking", Andy.

Andy doesn't know what self-defense is.

At least not when it's a conservative who has to do it.



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7 minutes ago, concha said:

Outrage at them is comical given the excuses from the left for literally MONTHS of rioting and looting from those on your side.  "Mostly peaceful protests" << as inferno rages in the background>>... 🤡

I'm not outraged.

I think the killer needs to be found and tried.

But I have as much sympathy for those losers as I do for the two men killed in Kenosha.

They're fuckwads who put themselves in those situations.

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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

So if they're only there to agitate for a day then it's OK.


concha bending over backwards to defend fuckwads.

No surprise.


I'm not going to lose my shit over a one day thing while you people quietly act as though MONTHS of far worse behavior by your side goes on, Andy.  🤡


"Good for me but not for thee" Andy.... 🤣


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5 minutes ago, concha said:

There is no evidence that he was armed. Or brawled in the street.

That didn't stop you from condemning the agitators in Kenosha.

Again, concha, everybody knows your game.

You are going to defend anybody who agrees with you. This is not new.

The only person that we know for sure was breaking the law in either case was Kyle Rittenhouse.

You have not said one single word about him.

But two dead men in Kenosha? Criminal agitators. An anonymous shooter in Portland? Left-wing looter.

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