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How do you know that Donald Trump's sister is wrong??


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

This is the kind of whiny dishonesty that concha has perfected over the years.

Tim Scott is not a token grifter.

He's a serious person with real responsibilities as a Senator.

You are simply flailing as usual. The idea that somebody would go to such lengths to defend obvious grifters like Candace Owens, Diamond and Silk and Vernon Jones is pathetic.

Nobody here is shocked and nobody here thinks that this is beneath you.


Well, at least you are acting like there might be one.  👍

I think the one who is "flailing" is you, Andy.

You are a bigot.

Now your story is "if they win public office then I won't crack the whip (at least for the one guy), but apart from that they are tokens".

You are a despicable human being.

Flail that, jackass. 🤣


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4 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

You have missed Donald Trump, Diamond and Silk, Candace Owens, Vernon Jones.

So only the greatest conman in history and some of his grifting followers.

But you're not bad at all.



Your opinions of people could not possibly mean less to me, Andy.

You are a bigot.


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1 minute ago, Atticus Finch said:

If concha doesn't have a comeback after being destroyed = you're a bigot!



I'm going to get a gin & tonic and bite to eat and watch tonight's convention.

You are a bigot, Andy.

It's not a comeback.

It's an observation of fact.

Go treat yourself to a Shirley Temple.



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1 minute ago, concha said:

Now your story is "if they win public office then I won't crack the whip (at least for the one guy), but apart from that they are tokens".

concha really hates when people make stuff up!

Except he routinely makes stuff like this.

Tim Scott doesn't use the plantation rhetoric that so many un-serious people (like you) do. That's to be respected.

No, the tokens are the ones who are obvious tokens. The ones who aren't, aren't.

Not that difficult for people with some ability to judge.

Very difficult for people like you.

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9 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

Dumbasses like concha don't do any research or even use any brain cells before blindly cheering on an obvious crook and opportunist.


We all know why.

Because he's black and he likes Trump.

There's no standard of conduct.

They just need a token to say things that many white Republicans think.

Well, the facts of Vernon Jones don’t fit the narrative. Keep in mind Conchita is a resident of Dunwoody and chooses to overlook that bit of information. 


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On 8/25/2020 at 3:24 PM, concha said:


Why would the Democratic Party be honest about how they treat blacks who dare venture off?



You think black people are on a plantation and you call me a clown?  

Hint.  Black people don't need saving, it's people like you who are in need of saving and are the reason we can't move forward as a country.  



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44 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

You think black people are on a plantation and you call me a clown?  

Hint.  Black people don't need saving, it's people like you who are in need of saving and are the reason we can't move forward as a country.  




You are a clown.

And blacks who dare have a different opinion than the liberal Democratic Party are Called Uncle Toms, Coons and the like... derided and abused by the Dems. Dare think differently and pay the price.

If you don't vote for Joey you ain't black, right?

Trump will get more of the black vote than normal for a Republican candidate. 




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