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How do you know that Donald Trump's sister is wrong??


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3 hours ago, Cat_Scratch said:

I'm sure his sister would never curve the truth to make money.

She said things that everybody else sees every day and are only the most obvious things about the man.

The constant deflection is embarrassing.

Everybody else is motivated by greed and avarice except the one guy who's the most greedy and avaricious of them all.

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20 hours ago, World Citizen said:

Have they EVER really replied to any criticism of the guy?  It's all deflection and distraction and projection.  

BTW, how's it going brother?  No fires around you?  

Ha.  Deflection is their game.  It's all they have ever had and ever will.  How many times have we had to read Obama Obama or Hillary Hillary.  Why not just answer the OP's question?  Seems pretty simple.  Anyways.  Doing great brother.  Fires are on the other side of the mountain from me, but we do get the smoke which has spread as far as Nebraska.  Crazy.  Hope you and yours are great.  Will have to meet up at a DLS game once all this madness is over. 

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18 hours ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

@AztecPadre she looks like Donald just with worse hair, how do you know she’s not a bigger sociopath liar than Donald is. 

for all we know she can be x5 worse than he is


Good Lord, if she were and was able to make it as high as a federal judge, then we are worse off than I thought.  Dang he's fat. Lol

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22 hours ago, Cat_Scratch said:

I'm sure his sister would never curve the truth to make money. 

Let's put the ball in your court. How do you know she is more honest that Donald?

Wall Street Journal; 

WASHINGTON—The White House dismissed as politically motivated recordings of President Trump’s sister disparaging her brother’s conduct and saying he lies and has no principles.

“What I find interesting is any family member that would secretly tape 15 hours of a conversation with somebody, obviously, to promote an agenda,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Sunday on Fox News. “She’s been very vocal in her support for Joe Biden. This is really a sad day.”


Why don't you explain to us WHY his sister will vote for his opponent? Was she kidnapped and forced into the Democrat tribe, unable to support anyone else? Or might it be that, using her immense first-hand knowledge, she's concluded it's a bad idea to support Donny?

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4 hours ago, badrouter said:

Why don't you explain to us WHY his sister will vote for his opponent? Was she kidnapped and forced into the Democrat tribe, unable to support anyone else? Or might it be that, using her immense first-hand knowledge, she's concluded it's a bad idea to support Donny?


I'm still trying to figure out what kind of father raises a kid who fucks his own dead brother's wife.


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22 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Anybody ever notice how it's always the right who uses the term 'plantation'?  

Not for nothing.  ;)


That's how I know that they're token candidates.

Whenever I hear that word or a phrase including that word I immediately know not to take that person seriously.

Vernon Jones.

Kim Klacik.


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20 minutes ago, concha said:

Why would the Democratic Party be honest about how they treat blacks who dare venture off?


I assume that they treat them like anybody else who uses embarrassing language and has been himself an embarrassment.

Nothing proves his token nature more than the fact that the Republican Party would accept seemingly anybody as long as they were black.


I am, perhaps, understating how much local Republicans dislike Jones. Here’s the background.

Before Jones became a spokesperson for Trumpism, he served as CEO of DeKalb County from 2001 to 2009, the top elected official for the county. Among his many failures while running county government, Jones’s hiring practices caused his administration to be found responsible for creating a hostile work environment and racial discrimination.

Jones was personally fined $27,750 in punitive damages by a court in 2011. The county lost over $3 million in damages and legal costs fighting the case.

A 2012 grand jury described Jones’s administration as corrupt, recommending that he be investigated for bid-rigging and theft. “Mr. Jones had an opportunity to assist this Special Purpose Grand Jury in its efforts to address and make right the many flaws of his administration. He failed to rise to the occasion,” the grand jury wrote. Also among its observations: wholesale corruption of the kind that gave a million-dollar tree-trimming contract to a company that didn’t even own a chainsaw. Nothing happened.

One would also think that the someone in the RNC’s ranks would have flagged Jones’s connection to the late, shamed megachurch leader Rev. Earl Paulk. A woman sued Paulk for sexual abuse in 2005, and Jones was set to testify in the case. His appearance was called off when Jones’s fraternity brother and current DeKalb Superior Court Judge Mark Anthony Scott ruled the case frivolous and awarded $1 million in attorney’s fees to Paulk – a bizarre ruling overturned on appeal.

The Republican enclave of Dunwoody, in DeKalb’s northern third, so detested the regular reports of corruption and Jones’s race-baiting response to criticism that they formed a new municipality in 2008 — the city of Dunwoody — in order to minimize their contact with county government.

“Vernon Jones has gotten himself out of more jams than Smuckers,” said Mike Hassinger, a political strategist in Georgia and a longtime observer of DeKalb politics. “The only reasons so few politicians get a second act is because Vernon Jones stole them all.”

His increasing appearances in national politics began a couple of years ago when he spoke at the National Rifle Association convention in Atlanta. Since then, it’s become increasingly apparent that he had burned all the bridges left at the local level and was trying to find some purchase in the national conversation.

“Seriously, the great opportunist rises from the ashes,” said former state Sen. Fran Millar, a Republican who represented the northernmost district in DeKalb for decades. “Twenty years I battled with him, but like Biden he is resilient.”

In full disclosure, Jones and I have a little history. I’ve been writing about corruption issues in DeKalb County for about a decade. Jones has regularly been accused of corruption in office. And Jones has taken issue with my commentary and the commentary of others in fairly personal terms before. As he was losing his race for county sheriff in 2014, he suggested that I was drinking Clorox — a racial insult — and then likened me to the house slave played by Samuel L. Jackson in the movie “Django.”

This is par for the course for Jones. Over the last couple of years in the legislature, he has managed to offend and insult much of the Democratic delegation in DeKalb, journalists, and observers, in similarly stark terms. Jones likes to be offensive. Perhaps that’s what Trump sees in him.

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24 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I assume that they treat them like anybody else who uses embarrassing language and has been himself an embarrassment.

Nothing proves his token nature more than the fact that the Republican Party would accept seemingly anybody as long as they were black.


I am, perhaps, understating how much local Republicans dislike Jones. Here’s the background.

Before Jones became a spokesperson for Trumpism, he served as CEO of DeKalb County from 2001 to 2009, the top elected official for the county. Among his many failures while running county government, Jones’s hiring practices caused his administration to be found responsible for creating a hostile work environment and racial discrimination.

Jones was personally fined $27,750 in punitive damages by a court in 2011. The county lost over $3 million in damages and legal costs fighting the case.

A 2012 grand jury described Jones’s administration as corrupt, recommending that he be investigated for bid-rigging and theft. “Mr. Jones had an opportunity to assist this Special Purpose Grand Jury in its efforts to address and make right the many flaws of his administration. He failed to rise to the occasion,” the grand jury wrote. Also among its observations: wholesale corruption of the kind that gave a million-dollar tree-trimming contract to a company that didn’t even own a chainsaw. Nothing happened.

One would also think that the someone in the RNC’s ranks would have flagged Jones’s connection to the late, shamed megachurch leader Rev. Earl Paulk. A woman sued Paulk for sexual abuse in 2005, and Jones was set to testify in the case. His appearance was called off when Jones’s fraternity brother and current DeKalb Superior Court Judge Mark Anthony Scott ruled the case frivolous and awarded $1 million in attorney’s fees to Paulk – a bizarre ruling overturned on appeal.

The Republican enclave of Dunwoody, in DeKalb’s northern third, so detested the regular reports of corruption and Jones’s race-baiting response to criticism that they formed a new municipality in 2008 — the city of Dunwoody — in order to minimize their contact with county government.

“Vernon Jones has gotten himself out of more jams than Smuckers,” said Mike Hassinger, a political strategist in Georgia and a longtime observer of DeKalb politics. “The only reasons so few politicians get a second act is because Vernon Jones stole them all.”

His increasing appearances in national politics began a couple of years ago when he spoke at the National Rifle Association convention in Atlanta. Since then, it’s become increasingly apparent that he had burned all the bridges left at the local level and was trying to find some purchase in the national conversation.

“Seriously, the great opportunist rises from the ashes,” said former state Sen. Fran Millar, a Republican who represented the northernmost district in DeKalb for decades. “Twenty years I battled with him, but like Biden he is resilient.”

In full disclosure, Jones and I have a little history. I’ve been writing about corruption issues in DeKalb County for about a decade. Jones has regularly been accused of corruption in office. And Jones has taken issue with my commentary and the commentary of others in fairly personal terms before. As he was losing his race for county sheriff in 2014, he suggested that I was drinking Clorox — a racial insult — and then likened me to the house slave played by Samuel L. Jackson in the movie “Django.”

This is par for the course for Jones. Over the last couple of years in the legislature, he has managed to offend and insult much of the Democratic delegation in DeKalb, journalists, and observers, in similarly stark terms. Jones likes to be offensive. Perhaps that’s what Trump sees in him.



This has literally NOTHING to do with the Democratic Party's treatment of blacks who choose to adopt conservative beliefs.



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Just now, concha said:

This has literally NOTHING to do with the Democratic Party's treatment of blacks who choose to adopt conservative beliefs.

It has everything to do with how they treat Vernon Jones.

I love how concha is a part of a movement that espouses individualism but then immediately adopts the language of group politics when he's cornered by inconvenient facts.

Kim Klacik and Vernon Jones have been attacked individually for their actions and statements.

concha can't refute so he just starts peddling group identity politics.


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24 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Dumbasses like concha don't do any research or even use any brain cells before blindly cheering on an obvious crook and opportunist.


We all know why.

Because he's black and he likes Trump.

There's no standard of conduct.

They just need a token to say things that many white Republicans think.


Andy is looking for another Simon Legree Merit Badge.

You keep those negroes on the plantation, Andy!


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5 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

It has everything to do with how they treat Vernon Jones.

I love how concha is a part of a movement that espouses individualism but then immediately adopts the language of group politics when he's cornered by inconvenient facts.

Kim Klacik and Vernon Jones have been attacked individually for their actions and statements.

concha can't refute so he just starts peddling group identity politics.



I never mentioned Vernon Jones, Andy.

In fact, the discussion was about a couple of black women you called tokens.

You are a reprehensible human being.


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Just now, Atticus Finch said:

And when left without a cogent response lyin' concha does what everyone has been accusing him and other Republicans of doing.

Too easy.



If there was a point in the above post I challenge anyone to find it.

It looks like Andy has been left to engage in self-praise for... nothing.


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