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People fleeing San Francisco in droves, 3.3 million Californians face blackouts this week


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5 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

I always have to repeat this because concha is fundamentally dishonest:

That is not what @Bormio said.

He was wrong.

You then swooped in to change the subject and mislead everybody.

Rinse, repeat.


He said California has the highest poverty rate.

The most accurate poverty measure published by the Census says exactly that among the 50 states.

Note the link address below ("census.gov").


We can go all day Andy.

I'm having a blast. 😂


Andy thinks the best government measure of poverty is based on "Three times the cost of a minimum food diet in 1963".  🤡

Even though the Census itself called for a better one to be developed. The one I'm using.  🤣


All day, Andy...


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7 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

concha burning up the internet to find alternative measures that align with claims that nobody made is a like a coke fiend looking for his next score.


Andy typing bullshit is pure comedy gold.

The Census department publishes TWO poverty measures.

I chose the more accurate and modern one. 

As Bormio did.


Jesus, Andy, your unhinged lying and intellectual dishonesty are breathtaking to behold.  🤣


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7 minutes ago, concha said:

The most accurate poverty measure published by the Census says exactly that among the 50 states.

The most accurate poverty measure is the poverty rate.

You needed to swoop in and defend something that nobody said and so you fished out another measure in the vain of Labor Force Participation Rate.

This is what you always do.


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Just now, Atticus Finch said:





That list, which looks like you typed it yourself...

Or what the Census Departments most modern and accurate published measure says?



Your embarrassment by-pass surgery was a complete success, Andy.

I'd like to personally thank you for permitting me yet another opportunity to humiliate you.  🤣



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6 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

The most accurate poverty measure is the poverty rate.

You needed to swoop in and defend something that nobody said and so you fished out another measure in the vain of Labor Force Participation Rate.

This is what you always do.



So now Andy is arguing with the Census Department, which is on charge of measuring poverty and commissioned the SPM to has an- and I quote - "improved" measure.

Please keep going, Andy.

This is like an early Christmas.



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1 minute ago, concha said:

That list, which looks like you typed it yourself...

That's actually a quick Google search of the list I linked earlier.

The state with the highest poverty rate is the one with the highest poverty rate.

Bormio didn't know what he was talking about as usual and you, as usual, swooped in to defend a falsehood.

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Just now, concha said:

So now Andy is arguing with the Census Department, which is on charge of measuring poverty and commissioned the SPM to has an- and I quote - "improved" measure.

I'm being accurate as usual and you're being unhinged as usual.

I'm sure you'll have another alternative measure to throw at me about how unhinged you are.

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I hate talking bad about Mississippi because I have good friends there and there are some really nice places in the state, but most of that state especially rural Mississippi is pretty sad...... they eat pokeweed, shit fish, and parts of pig you really don't want to know about. Just the way it is.

Pokeweed can kill you...very toxic.

For the most part Mississippi has that whole Appalachia thing working....fact!


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28 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

That's actually a quick Google search of the list I linked earlier.

The state with the highest poverty rate is the one with the highest poverty rate.

Bormio didn't know what he was talking about as usual and you, as usual, swooped in to defend a falsehood.


He was spot on.

You are a fool.



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27 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

But Florida has a worse "SPM" than Mississippi.

Why use a measure that's called poverty rate to measure what the poverty rate is?

That'd be stupid!


"Supplemental Poverty Measure"



"...a new measure that would improve our understanding of the economic well-being of American families and enhance our ability to measure the effect of federal policies on those living in poverty."


You're doing great humiliating yourself, Andy.


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44 minutes ago, concha said:

He was spot on.


16 hours ago, Bormio said:

It also has the highest poverty rate in America

16 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:


Here are 2018 poverty rates for the 10 poorest states:

  • Mississippi – 19.6%
  • Louisiana – 19.0%
  • New Mexico – 16.6%
  • Alabama – 16.0%
  • West Virginia – 15.9%
  • Arkansas – 15.9%
  • Kentucky – 15.7%
  • Georgia - 14.8%
  • District of Columbia – 14.7%

100% incorrect is considered "spot on" in concha's world.


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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:


100% incorrect is considered "spot on" in concha's world.



If Andy thinks he's winning and being clever arguing with the Census Department's newest and improved poverty measure, well who Am I to stop him from humiliating himself?

"Supplemental Poverty Measure"



"...a new measure that would improve our understanding of the economic well-being of American families and enhance our ability to measure the effect of federal policies on those living in poverty."




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2 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:

This simple concept eludes concha.


That's why California's quality of life is far superior.

They keep lying about poverty and whining about cost-of-living while ignoring what you get by paying that cost: a better life.

do you always prove your self wrong and then try to blame others for your faults.  

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1 hour ago, Atticus Finch said:

But Florida has a worse "SPM" than Mississippi.

Why use a measure that's called poverty rate to measure what the poverty rate is?

That'd be stupid!

cryin'  chuck definitely cares more about the poverty rate in California than Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul do in Kentucky.....

It's crazy...


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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

Someone says poverty rate and then is proven wrong by the poverty rate and concha freaks out about alternative measures that he wants to substitute for the actual words his fellow clown said.

It's amazing.



Andy never ceases to amaze.

So a Census Bureau-published, improved poverty rate measure sent out the very folks in charge of measuring the poverty rate is wrong according to Andy.

Andy has no shame.

If Andy were a physician (laughable notion), he'd still be bleeding his patients and using leeches as his go-to cure all.



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2 minutes ago, Atticus Finch said:

They're crazed loons.

If they couldn't use the words California, Chicago and Baltimore I think they'd cease to exist as a political movement.


Or I'm arguing the topic you faced planted on, Andy.


You and the site's premier racist are a cute couple.



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