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John Kasich's DNC speech tonight..


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Debate...mano v mano......nothing taped...speak and answer in real time...Biden is toast....and if cowers and refuses the ad campaign's against him will bury him....aka why is Joe so scared?how will he deal with China....Russia...Iran...etc...face to face if he is too much of a pussy for a real time debate?

Win win for the good guys!

The radical left is shaking.

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The Hill notes:

The Democratic National Convention drew 6.13 million viewers on broadcast television networks ABC, CBS and NBC on Tuesday night, according to preliminary data, marking a 48 percent drop from the second night of the convention in 2016.

The Nielsen Media Research numbers come after broadcast ratings dropped by 42 percent on Monday night when compared to the first night of the convention in 2016. When including cable news networks MSNBC, CNN and Fox News, the total viewership on the first night of the 2020 convention was 18.6 million, an overall decrease of 27 percent from four years ago.

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7 hours ago, Bormio said:

I didn’t watch, but I assume Harris’ speech was a dud, because no one is talking about here or on the news.  Just has-beens Obama and Hillary.

Why watch?....

The reviews are much better...😝

Ratings ForCommie Fest 2020” Ghost Convention Collapse As Friday Marks Trump Finale Start

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing some of the top moments and highlights from day two of the 2020 Democratic National Convention, that’s otherwise been branded as “Commie Fest 2020” and the “Ghost Convention”, says that aside from its featuring a parade of old white men called “Party Elders” and a gaggle of demented “Never Trumpers”, its most prominent moment was when Joe Biden officially won the socialist Democratic nomination to battle President Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election by his having received over 3,550 votes, as compared to the over 1,150 votes received by his closest opponent Bernie Sanders—and upon winning, then saw Joe Biden being introduced by his wife Dr. Jill Biden—whom while wrapping his arm around, then saw Joe Biden looking at the camera and stunningly telling the American people “Hi everybody. I’m Joe Biden’s husband”.

An actual live Joe Biden senile moment that was followed by former President Bill Clinton lecturing President Trump about his conduct in the Oval Office—the same Oval Office where President Clinton infamously placed in his mouth a cigar after his intern Monica Lewinsky removed it from her vagina while giving him oral sex—and in a seriously “You Can’t Make This Up Moment”,  photos of former President Clinton being massaged by a Epstein “sex slave” surfaced just in time for his convention speech—though for sheer lunatic socialist Democrat hypocrisy, former President Clinton is now competing with US Senator Elizabeth Warren—who’s most infamously known as “Pocahontas”, because she lied her way to power falsely claiming she was a native American—yet in another “You Can’t Make This Up Moment”, saw this convention choosing Senator “Pocahontas” Warren to be the featured speaker before their Native American caucus meeting.  

Shocking moments, though, it’s uncertain how many of the American people will ever know about, as evidenced by the information contained in the article “Journalists Will Not Be Center Stage: As Political Conventions Go Virtual, The Party's Over For The Press”, that describes the plight of reporters covering “Commie Fest 2020” with the words “It feels like showing up at the prom on the wrong night”—a plight equaled by the 10 US television networks covering this convention whose day one viewership was only 19.7-million people—as opposed to the 26-million who watched the day one opening night of the convention in 2016—and is an historic ratings collapse for this socialist Democratic convention made even more meaningful when noting that of the 19.7-million viewers who did bother to watch it, about 4-million of them were watching it on a Fox News that’s crushed all of TV in the summer ratings—mainly, one supposes. for comic relief.

And are Fox News viewers undoubtedly, like the vast numbers of the American people, caring not at all about the socialist Democrats, as they are all eagerly awaiting the end game finale being planned for by President Trump—that’s set to start in two days time on Friday—and is when feared United States Attorney John Durham has just announced he will interview top coup plotter former CIA Director John Brennan—the last witness US Attorney Durham needs to hear from—a fact known to Brennan, who’s already acknowledged “I’m in their crosshairs”—and after which can begin the arrests and prosecutions for what President Trump has called “The Biggest Political Crime In American History”. 


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7 hours ago, RedZone said:

That's why you are one of the least informed posters here.......don't feel alone though. 


It was a solid speech at an empty convention.....far from a dud.


Solid is the nicest thing I have read about it among the chattering class, and solid is hardly a ringing endorsement.  Dud seems to be a common description - and not just on the right.  But her presidential campaign told us how good she was at this.

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3 hours ago, Atticus Finch said:


Trump Throws “Q Bomb” As “Commie Fest 2020” Ghost Convention Dumpster Fire Burns

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing some of the highlights from day three of the 2020 Democratic National Convention, that’s otherwise been branded as “Commie Fest 2020” and the “Ghost Convention”, says as expected it “showed the socialist Democrats love Obama, hate Trump, and have no new ideas”—a fact evidenced by these socialist Democrats starting day three of their convention by launching an assault on gun owning Americans, as detailed in their platform that calls for the banning of online ammunition sales and the licensing of all gun owners.

After which Kamala Harris was officially nominated to be Joe Biden’s vice presidential running mate—an official nomination coming just 9-days after Biden choose the Asian woman Harris with a slave owning heritage to be his running mate—and while virtually accepting this nomination on video, saw Harris doing so against a backdrop of fake supporters double-imaged into the crowd shot behind her—but did see it being correctly observed that “It's Kamala's Party Now”, as everyone knows Biden is so senile he in no way can be president of anything—though to protect both of them, Amazon has now banned the sale of the popular “JOE and the HOE” t-shirts.

Events that were then followed by a “crazy eyedHillary Clinton spewing forth her conspiracy theories about President Trump, while still claiming she actually won the 2016 election—a bizarre performance followed by former President Obama shredding President Trump’sreality show presidency”, while comically claiming that Biden will save democracy in America and solve all of its problems—though to be noticed, it’s Obama and his wife Michelle that have a multi-million-dollar reality show deal with Netflix, not Trump.

A shady deal President Trump has previously called for an investigation into—and makes sense to do as Netflix has just debuted an actual demonic trailer for a new reality show that sexualizes 11-year-old girl children wearing basically underwear—that puts into greater context what happened earlier yesterday when President Trump was asked about the QAnon movement and whether he was saving the world from pedophiles and satanists, and saw him responding with the question: “I Haven’t Heard that But is that Supposed to Be a Bad Thing?”.

A “Q Bomb” throwing moment for President Trump he followed with an all-cap Twitter firestorm against Obama writing such things as: “WHY DID HE REFUSE TO ENDORSE SLOW JOE UNTIL IT WAS ALL OVER, AND EVEN THEN WAS VERY LATE?...WHY DID HE TRY TO GET HIM NOT TO RUN?” and  HE SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN, AND GOT CAUGHT!”. 

A firestorm seen by President Trump’s 85.4-million followers on Twitter—as opposed to barely anyone who saw what Obama said at a convention whose ratings have now “entered into dumpster fire territory”—a “Commie Fest 2020” convention whose day one ratings across 10 television networks saw only 19.7-million watching it, as opposed to the 26-million that watched day one of this convention in 2016—and whose day two viewership plunged even further to a paltry 6.13-million.

Though this is an explainable collapse of ratings of American people not wishing to have forced on them any more socialist Democrat Party hypocrisy—and as best documented by popular YouTube personality Conservative Mama in her just released epic video “The Party of “Unity” and “Empathy”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]




According to this report, most remarkable to notice about the “Commie Fest 2020” ghost convention is not what its socialist Democrats are talking about, but what they’re not even mentioning—such as the hoax impeachment of President Trump, and as explained by Melissa Michelson, a professor of political science at Menlo College, who noted the fact: “They don’t want to remind voters about the impeachment fight — first of all, because they lost...And because a lot of people felt that impeachment was the wrong thing to do”—and while ignoring, also sees these socialist Democrats still failing to denounce their own leftist rioters whose violence has now killed 30 innocent human beings—deaths that now include innocent animals, as demonically just demonstrated by the radical leftist Black Lives Matter who deliberately ran over a raccoon and beat this terrified animal to death while proclaiming that only white people worry about animals—and as one would expect to occur from supporters of a socialist Democrat Party convention that omitted the words “Under God” from The Pledge Of Allegiance.

And with President Obama’s former White House doctor now shockingly admitting “Biden is Just Lost…He Can’t form Sentences…He Can’t Complete a Thought”, this report notes, most dangerously not being mentioned at the “Commie Fest 2020” ghost convention is anything having to do with Communist China—and if mentioning, would then see these socialist Democrats having to explain to the American people why Communist China’s most powerful English language newspaper, the Global Times, just endorsed Joe Biden for president, because they say “Joe Biden Is Smoother to Deal with than Donald Trump”—a shocking interference in the American election President Trump has just countered with the withering video “Joe Won’t Stand Up For Us” exposing Joe Biden and socialist Democrat Party crimes with Communist China against the American people, that in the past 24-hours alone has had an astounding over 1.9-million views.    



The reviews are in .... 🤣

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