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I hope this puts the NCAA out of business.


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14 hours ago, Columbiafan said:

Kinda like when the NCAA investigators tried to use the lawyer of a ponzi schemer to get dirt on a program so they could punish them

The NCAA has no form of integrity because they have shown time and again (likely due to the fact their leader is a spineless coward) that they only have the interest of the rich in play

What came first the chicken or the egg

Say that tomorrow









Florida State


Ohio State

Penn State


Notre Dame



All pull out and form their own coalition, would the NCAA really have more weight at their back then that coalition? The top programs hold more power than the NCAA does because networks would follow the talent and the brands, a coalition like that removes the middle man in the NCAA

Also I've seen no evidence of the NCAA helping smaller schools, most schools fend for themselves as is


13 hours ago, HooverOutlaw said:

That deal was when they investigated Miami at the end of the day the NCAA admitted they broke their own rules during the investigation. How about the NCAA investigators that were have sex with Ole Miss booster's wife while investigating Miss State. They are a dirty bunch. 

They don't care about small schools can't make tv money off them.

Y'all exhibit a focus on the big schools.  There are thousands on smaller schools that do benefit from the NCAA.  Don't believe me?  Simple.  Check out the small schools playing on TV on the various ESPN or other sports networks.  Do you really believe they would be able to negotiate favorable deals on their own?  If so, you miss the power of economies of scale.  The NCAA can go to the various networks and say here is a package of x number of games in x sports that fulfills your programing needs.  The NCAA acts as the agent for all of its member schools and handles the distribution of those funds to those schools.  While there have been some highly visible oops, the NCAA also helps level the playing field and ensure everyone has basically the same chances within the guidelines and frameworks established by those schools.  It is the same thing at the state level. The GHSA exists because the high schools in GA banded together to set up a regulatory body charged with enforcing rules that the schools themselves agree on to create as level a playing field as possible.  The NCAA is the same thing at the college level.

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2 minutes ago, HooverOutlaw said:

Every student should be equal and have the same rules applied to each person.

This is gibberish.

Student-athletes have different privileges and responsibilities than other students.

No student on campus can be a professional and play that sport as an amateur.

You're just spouting nonsense now because you refuse to accept how uninformed you are on this topic.

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3 minutes ago, Fred said:

Y'all exhibit a focus on the big schools.  There are thousands on smaller schools that do benefit from the NCAA.

Just like the image and likeness crowd focuses on the 1% of athletes that it would actually benefit.

The other 99% are receiving tremendous benefit from being a student-athlete.

As are all the other athletes that wouldn't have scholarships at all if not for the NCAA bringing in so much revenue for the schools.


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12 hours ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

It’s a job on the plantation Fred, nothing more.... not even sure it meets minimum wages while the NCAA  and member coaches are killing it. 

I could go over everything, every commitment required and so forth, but I believe you to be intelligent enough to figure it out. 



12 hours ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

There’s no such thing as “free education”, the school owns these athletes and their time, nothing “free” about that. 


Do you know what a 4 or these days more likely a 5 year degree program costs at a good school?  I do.  I just paid for a computer science degree with a minor in aeronautical engineering at GA Tech for my child.  It pushes and exceeds 6 figures.  That's pretty good pay for the work involved and doesn't take into account the stipend many athletes get for pocket money.  The larger schools put a lot into making sure their scholar athletes succeed. I know a Grayson player that did not move to the NFL that played for GA Tech and came out of there with a bachelor's degree in business and master's level work.  That set him up for financial success for life if he continues to work at it.

It is no different than any other job.  You sign a contract, you agreed to abide by the rules of the contract/job.  In exchange, the school provides you with an education and degree that should help you provide for yourself for the remainder of your life.  If you don't take advantage of it then shame on you.

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3 minutes ago, The Guru said:

Just like the image and likeness crowd focuses on the 1% of athletes that it would actually benefit.

The other 99% are receiving tremendous benefit from being a student-athlete.

As are all the other athletes that wouldn't have scholarships at all if not for the NCAA bringing in so much revenue for the schools.


It's the schools/players that bring In the revenue not the NCAA.  

How do we read stories every year about the players not even have money for things like being able to eat out, take their girlfriends out, no money for clothing,  etc. This is because the NCAA states they can't have a job or help from anybody associated with the school. 

In the early 90's an Auburn player's family was starving to death a booster gave them some food. This was a charge by the NCAA. Why does the NCAA care if a players family was given groceries. 

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46 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Dear Dumbassery,

NCAA is not going anywhere, largest farm system in the world excepting baseball. Baseball has its own farm system. 
Espn pays out millions to SEC and now the ACC. BigTen has own network that shells out 126 million to members annually and the NCAA cuts a check to members. However the P5 have the most clout. 

Are you really this far behind on all of this and possess the biggest mouth? Tried to help your fucking ass, and this is what I get?

Just curious,


I am asking you a simple question. How much do you pay people? Doesn’t everyone get paid? Why? Why not? What about basketball, where most schools don’t generate enough revenue to keep there program afloat. Baseball? Fuggedaboutit! All women’s sports? ABCya! Pretty much CFB and that’s it. Everybody else takes their ball and literally goes home. 


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22 minutes ago, The Guru said:

Just like the image and likeness crowd focuses on the 1% of athletes that it would actually benefit.

The other 99% are receiving tremendous benefit from being a student-athlete.

As are all the other athletes that wouldn't have scholarships at all if not for the NCAA bringing in so much revenue for the schools.


The athletes and the colleges actually doing the work bring in the money 


The NCAA is a figure head organization for enforcing rules 


You have produced nothing to the contrary, at least @Fred can say a competent argument for his case even if I don't agree with it, you have produced nothing yourself so take your ass out of the discussion and let the adults here talk football

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3 hours ago, HooverOutlaw said:

Students in law school get paid all the time by the firm they going to work for. 

False analogy.  Law students are paid by the law firms for work produced.  If the kid doesn't produce it impacts no one but him/herself.  Their work is reviewed and critiqued by those that hire them.  Law school kids also already have an undergrad degree and have some experience.  College athletes exist in a system where what they do has consequences for lots of people other than themselves.  These others have no say so in what the kid does.  The NCAA framework provides guidelines so that undue outside influences do not impact the kid's performance.

You keep ignoring the fact that the NCAA *IS* the schools themselves.  The schools control what the NCAA does.

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29 minutes ago, Fred said:


Y'all exhibit a focus on the big schools.  There are thousands on smaller schools that do benefit from the NCAA.  Don't believe me?  Simple.  Check out the small schools playing on TV on the various ESPN or other sports networks.  Do you really believe they would be able to negotiate favorable deals on their own?  If so, you miss the power of economies of scale.  The NCAA can go to the various networks and say here is a package of x number of games in x sports that fulfills your programing needs.  The NCAA acts as the agent for all of its member schools and handles the distribution of those funds to those schools.  While there have been some highly visible oops, the NCAA also helps level the playing field and ensure everyone has basically the same chances within the guidelines and frameworks established by those schools.  It is the same thing at the state level. The GHSA exists because the high schools in GA banded together to set up a regulatory body charged with enforcing rules that the schools themselves agree on to create as level a playing field as possible.  The NCAA is the same thing at the college level.

Yes this right here


The NCAA is an enforcement agency, they aren't the colleges like the moron Los keeps claiming


And in terms of enforcement their investigations have come into question because they have been seen to use anything they can to go after schools even while taking the most shady route (like the investigation into Miami and using the lawyer of a ponzi schemer to get dirt on a program) 


And that clown Emmett can pretend to know nothing about it but he is nothing but a wannabe politician, they just backtracked because they got caught red handed and had to do damage control

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17 minutes ago, Fred said:

That's pretty good pay for the work involved and doesn't take into account the stipend many athletes get for pocket money. 

I bet that every single one of these muppets don't even know that the players get a cost of attendance stipend each semester and they damn sure don't know how much it is.

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4 minutes ago, Fred said:


Do you know what a 4 or these days more likely a 5 year degree program costs at a good school?  I do.  I just paid for a computer science degree with a minor in aeronautical engineering at GA Tech for my child.  It pushes and exceeds 6 figures.  That's pretty good pay for the work involved and doesn't take into account the stipend many athletes get for pocket money.  The larger schools put a lot into making sure their scholar athletes succeed. I know a Grayson player that did not move to the NFL that played for GA Tech and came out of there with a bachelor's degree in business and master's level work.  That set him up for financial success for life if he continues to work at it.

It is no different than any other job.  You sign a contract, you agreed to abide by the rules of the contract/job.  In exchange, the school provides you with an education and degree that should help you provide for yourself for the remainder of your life.  If you don't take advantage of it then shame on you.

The NCAA takes advantage of these young poor kids who many have terrible home situations.  These stipends did not exist say 20 years ago.  The NCAA hides behind education but it is really nothing more than a pimp with schools and athletes as the prostitutes.

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Just now, The Guru said:

The schools are the NCAA.

I don't know how many times it has to be repeated before you understand.



The NCAA is an enforcement agency of schools


They are not the schools, that would be like claiming the president of the University of Miami is the NCAA which is bullshit


The NCAA works as a rule enforcement agency and while they work with the colleges, they are not the colleges but why should I expect a second rate clown like you to ever understand this


I'll keep my discussion with @Fredsince he actually seems to know what he's talking about, unlike you 

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2 minutes ago, The Guru said:

I bet that every single one of these muppets don't even know that the players get a cost of attendance stipend each semester and they damn sure don't know how much it is.

You don't either because you were never a college player you fucking idiot


Towel boys like you would never get a scholarship at the college level

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21 minutes ago, HooverOutlaw said:

How do we read stories every year about the players not even have money for things like being able to eat out, take their girlfriends out, no money for clothing,  etc. This is because the NCAA states they can't have a job or help from anybody associated with the school.

Those stories are bullshit or the players are blowing the thousands of dollars that the school gives them each semester.

The job thing is funny.

Yeah, because these kids want to get minimum wage jobs on top of school and athletics.

Why would they need a job? They get paid!

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Just now, HooverOutlaw said:

So each school owns a % of the NCAA. So you are telling me Alabama and Auburn own part of the NCAA headquarters building itself and anything else that falls under NCAA ownership. 

That's exactly what he's claiming but hasn't posted a shred of proof to back it up 


Just his "opinion" even though he was never a coach or player at the college level nor does he work for the NCAA


He knows nothing

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13 minutes ago, HooverOutlaw said:

The NCAA takes advantage of these young poor kids who many have terrible home situations.  These stipends did not exist say 20 years ago.  The NCAA hides behind education but it is really nothing more than a pimp with schools and athletes as the prostitutes.

This is the language of ignorance and stupidity.

The modern day sheep are bozos like HooverOutlaw who just spout cliches.

Literally every word that he's posted on this topic is a cliche that could've been written by Ed O'Bannon himself.

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4 minutes ago, HooverOutlaw said:

So you are telling me Alabama and Auburn own part of the NCAA headquarters building itself and anything else that falls under NCAA ownership. 

It's a nonprofit and Alabama/Auburn are members.

Just like if you have your money in a credit union. You are a member of that credit union.

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