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5 hours ago, ngdawg said:

The hypocrisy is real. You want less violence in society, yet you won't ban the single item that causes all this violence. Make up your mind.

They should ban Meth also... oh wait, it is banned and yet law breakers still get it fairly easily. Same could be said if we ban guns... only one type of person will have a gun... the one that will control your life from then on.

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3 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

They should ban Meth also... oh wait, it is banned and yet law breakers still get it fairly easily. Same could be said if we ban guns... only one type of person will have a gun... the one that will control your life from then on.


Did you know that shootings never happen in gun free zones?

Because people aren't allowed to have guns.


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31 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

They should ban Meth also... oh wait, it is banned and yet law breakers still get it fairly easily. Same could be said if we ban guns... only one type of person will have a gun... the one that will control your life from then on.

Funny how criminals get their hands on everything 

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55 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

Do you know the reason Japan saif they didn't Invade America during WW2?

Let me guess, our second amendment? Again, I don't mean that we should take guns away from our military. In fact, you can supply them more. That would be great for our defense. 

53 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

And FOR Protection Against Criminals...

Not always. It's more commonly associated with violence, rather than defense.

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50 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

They should ban Meth also... oh wait, it is banned and yet law breakers still get it fairly easily. Same could be said if we ban guns... only one type of person will have a gun... the one that will control your life from then on.

It's worth a shot. If meth was legal, there would be so many more people using it. Likewise with guns.

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4 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

Still using that Russian news network, eh?

Here's a better one for you for today...😝

Trump End Game Moves Have Rumors Swirling That “Something HUGE Is About To Drop

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today reviewing the end game moves being made this past week that saw President Donald Trump cryptically warning “I have a lot of very rich enemies out there…This might be the last time you’ll see me for awhile” and his then smashing the Taiwan “Red Line” to provoke war with Communist China, while during this same time, socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden had a medical team rushed into his home and hasn’t been publically seen since after one of his top campaign officials likened black people to monkeys, says most mysteriously being noticed is that when President Trump departed from the White House on Friday, and for reasons unknown, the entire staff of the White House lined up to wish him well—an event never before witnessed—and makes explainable the headline that just appeared saying” RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump’s Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About To Drop”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]




According to this report, as to what the “Something HUGE” thing might be that President Trump is preparing to drop, many are speculating it will be an “October Surprise” revelation coming from feared United States Attorney John Durham, who for nearly a year has been criminally investigating the coup plot against President Trump—a revelation that most certainly will come before October, and when United States Attorney General William Barr was asked this past fortnight during public testimony by socialist Democrat Party leader US Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell whether he would commit to not releasing any report by Durham before the November election, Barr said bluntly, “No”—a blunt answer General Barr followed yesterday by saying that socialist Democrats are now “a Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system...They’re not interested in compromise...They’re not interested in a dialectic exchange of views…They’re interested in total victory…It’s a substitute for religion”—and then saw General Barr describing what these vile socialist Democrats did to President Trump with the scathing words: “They were trying to impeach him from day one…They have done everything they can…They’ve shredded the norms from our system to do what they can to drive him from office and to debilitate his administration…And I think its because of the desire for power”.

Joining General Barr in attacking these power crazed coup plotting socialist Democrats, this report notes, was powerful Republican Party leader United States Senator Lindsey Graham—who yesterday erupted in righteous anger after being given documents proving the FBI lied to the US Congress about the role they played in the coup plot against President Trump, that caused Graham to declare: “Somebody Needs To Go To Jail”—a “somebody” that most certainly  includes the shadowy Deep State operative Steven P. Schrage, PhD—who yesterday released his beyond shocking confession document titled “The Spies Who Hijacked America” he says is the first of many more to follow, and he claims were confessions given to US Attorney Durham—wherein in both testimony and stunning audio recordings he exposes the “Cambridge Four” architects who masterminded the Russiagate hoax to bring down both President Trump and General Michael Flynn—and after releasing the first of his confession documents, then saw Dr. Schrage suddenly appearing out of nowhere to be publically interviewed by esteemed financial journalist Maria Bartiromo on her Sunday Morning Futures programme—an interview most critical note about saw it being observed: “Schrage notes he was interviewed by John Durham…Horsepucky…Durham doesn’t interview anyone; someone else does, someone very specific; and the fact that Schrage has no clue who that person is implies an aspect to the side-show he now presents as total nonsense…In short, this is a distraction story…. Look over there…. Shiny things”—which led to it being asked about Dr. Schrage: “Is He a True Patriot or Deep State Slime?”.





The least being noticed or talked about “Something HUGE” thing that President Trump might be preparing to drop, this report details, is centered around the four executive orders he signed on Friday to give relief to the COVID-19 virus stricken American people—that now leaves furious socialist Democrats facing the daunting question: “Will They Dare To Challenge Trump's Stimulus Orders?”—and to understand what is really going on, sees it being explained in the article “Court Decisions Upholding DACA Set Stage For Pres. Trump To Use Executive Orders For Brilliant End Run of Pelosi and Schumer” that points out:

A federal program that was created by Executive Order, in conflict with established federal immigration law, and which was not itself enacted in conformance with the procedural requirements of the APA, could not be canceled by the next Presidential Administration due to a failure to precisely follow the APA. 

A program that had no lawful basis for its legitimacy would be protected from termination on the basis that such an action was “arbitrary and capricious”.

In understanding these Supreme Court rulings declaring that even though executive orders may not be based on any law they’re nearly impossible to get rid of, this report concludes, the  really “Something HUGE” that’s being prepared for by President Trump was noticed last week when it was revealed that his aides are working on an executive order to curb mail in voting—an executive order that would be based on the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Voting Rights Act of 1965—both of which combined give President Trump the full power to federalize the 2020 Presidential Election and take it over from the States if he declares it might disenfranchise voters—and if doing, would see President Trump being supported by United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who, in 2013, struck down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 because it was outmoded and “based on 40-year-old facts having no logical relationship to the present day”—a ruling that itself was based on the 12 December 2000 landmark decision in the case Bush v. Gore that decided the 2000 Presidential Election—wherein the Supreme Courtruled that the use of different standards of counting in different counties violated the Equal Protection Clause, and ruled that no alternative method could be established within the time limit set by Title 3 of the United States Code”—a ruling most critical to note about saw the Supreme Court ordering that presidential elections must be decided by the time limit set by Title 3 of the United States code—and going unnoticed by the American people, was a time limit changed by the Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019—a law that changed Title 3—Chapter 1—Section 1 to read: “The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President”—which means President Trump is constitutionally and legally bound to make sure that after the 3 November presidential election, each State has appointed their electors by the following Tuesday on 10 November—even if he has to sign an executive order to make it so—will see the Supreme Court backing this executive order—and predictably would see socialist Democrat Party heads exploding all across America. 






enjoy 🤣

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21 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Okay, that’s it... you used up quota of funny on one zinger, this ain’t it. 

Btw, speaking of mayors not being all that important how does this look to you, think tank?



It looks like IDGAF about their views and they should STFU and listen to a guy that presided over the lowest unemployment rates we've ever had.

Is that clear enough, Sling Blade?



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49 minutes ago, Troll said:

Here's a better one for you for today...😝

Trump End Game Moves Have Rumors Swirling That “Something HUGE Is About To Drop


By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today reviewing the end game moves being made this past week that saw President Donald Trump cryptically warning “I have a lot of very rich enemies out there…This might be the last time you’ll see me for awhile” and his then smashing the Taiwan “Red Line” to provoke war with Communist China, while during this same time, socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden had a medical team rushed into his home and hasn’t been publically seen since after one of his top campaign officials likened black people to monkeys, says most mysteriously being noticed is that when President Trump departed from the White House on Friday, and for reasons unknown, the entire staff of the White House lined up to wish him well—an event never before witnessed—and makes explainable the headline that just appeared saying” RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump’s Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About To Drop”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]






According to this report, as to what the “Something HUGE” thing might be that President Trump is preparing to drop, many are speculating it will be an “October Surprise” revelation coming from feared United States Attorney John Durham, who for nearly a year has been criminally investigating the coup plot against President Trump—a revelation that most certainly will come before October, and when United States Attorney General William Barr was asked this past fortnight during public testimony by socialist Democrat Party leader US Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell whether he would commit to not releasing any report by Durham before the November election, Barr said bluntly, “No”—a blunt answer General Barr followed yesterday by saying that socialist Democrats are now “a Rousseauian Revolutionary Party that believes in tearing down the system...They’re not interested in compromise...They’re not interested in a dialectic exchange of views…They’re interested in total victory…It’s a substitute for religion”—and then saw General Barr describing what these vile socialist Democrats did to President Trump with the scathing words: “They were trying to impeach him from day one…They have done everything they can…They’ve shredded the norms from our system to do what they can to drive him from office and to debilitate his administration…And I think its because of the desire for power”.

Joining General Barr in attacking these power crazed coup plotting socialist Democrats, this report notes, was powerful Republican Party leader United States Senator Lindsey Graham—who yesterday erupted in righteous anger after being given documents proving the FBI lied to the US Congress about the role they played in the coup plot against President Trump, that caused Graham to declare: “Somebody Needs To Go To Jail”—a “somebody” that most certainly  includes the shadowy Deep State operative Steven P. Schrage, PhD—who yesterday released his beyond shocking confession document titled “The Spies Who Hijacked America” he says is the first of many more to follow, and he claims were confessions given to US Attorney Durham—wherein in both testimony and stunning audio recordings he exposes the “Cambridge Four” architects who masterminded the Russiagate hoax to bring down both President Trump and General Michael Flynn—and after releasing the first of his confession documents, then saw Dr. Schrage suddenly appearing out of nowhere to be publically interviewed by esteemed financial journalist Maria Bartiromo on her Sunday Morning Futures programme—an interview most critical note about saw it being observed: “Schrage notes he was interviewed by John Durham…Horsepucky…Durham doesn’t interview anyone; someone else does, someone very specific; and the fact that Schrage has no clue who that person is implies an aspect to the side-show he now presents as total nonsense…In short, this is a distraction story…. Look over there…. Shiny things”—which led to it being asked about Dr. Schrage: “Is He a True Patriot or Deep State Slime?”.







The least being noticed or talked about “Something HUGE” thing that President Trump might be preparing to drop, this report details, is centered around the four executive orders he signed on Friday to give relief to the COVID-19 virus stricken American people—that now leaves furious socialist Democrats facing the daunting question: “Will They Dare To Challenge Trump's Stimulus Orders?”—and to understand what is really going on, sees it being explained in the article “Court Decisions Upholding DACA Set Stage For Pres. Trump To Use Executive Orders For Brilliant End Run of Pelosi and Schumer” that points out:

A federal program that was created by Executive Order, in conflict with established federal immigration law, and which was not itself enacted in conformance with the procedural requirements of the APA, could not be canceled by the next Presidential Administration due to a failure to precisely follow the APA. 


A program that had no lawful basis for its legitimacy would be protected from termination on the basis that such an action was “arbitrary and capricious”.


In understanding these Supreme Court rulings declaring that even though executive orders may not be based on any law they’re nearly impossible to get rid of, this report concludes, the  really “Something HUGE” that’s being prepared for by President Trump was noticed last week when it was revealed that his aides are working on an executive order to curb mail in voting—an executive order that would be based on the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Voting Rights Act of 1965—both of which combined give President Trump the full power to federalize the 2020 Presidential Election and take it over from the States if he declares it might disenfranchise voters—and if doing, would see President Trump being supported by United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who, in 2013, struck down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 because it was outmoded and “based on 40-year-old facts having no logical relationship to the present day”—a ruling that itself was based on the 12 December 2000 landmark decision in the case Bush v. Gore that decided the 2000 Presidential Election—wherein the Supreme Courtruled that the use of different standards of counting in different counties violated the Equal Protection Clause, and ruled that no alternative method could be established within the time limit set by Title 3 of the United States Code”—a ruling most critical to note about saw the Supreme Court ordering that presidential elections must be decided by the time limit set by Title 3 of the United States code—and going unnoticed by the American people, was a time limit changed by the Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019—a law that changed Title 3—Chapter 1—Section 1 to read: “The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President”—which means President Trump is constitutionally and legally bound to make sure that after the 3 November presidential election, each State has appointed their electors by the following Tuesday on 10 November—even if he has to sign an executive order to make it so—will see the Supreme Court backing this executive order—and predictably would see socialist Democrat Party heads exploding all across America. 








enjoy 🤣

Did you just vomit all over the bandwidth?

Why? Nobody is gonna read that shit. 


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18 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Yeah, the service sector is exploding think tank. 

What else you got, any real fucking jobs think tank?



Well, since I apparently know more than you - which is shocking to no one - let me inform you of a couple of things.

Under Trump the manufacturing sector added hundreds of thousands of jobs. These were jobs the last guy deemed lost forever.

Wages for low earners rose at a faster rate than for the wealthy for the first time in decades.

Do you have any real fucking knowledge or competency, Sling Blade?

Or does your dumb ass just wave pom-poms for whatever the latest woke bullshit cause is?

Stupidity should be painful.


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16 minutes ago, concha said:


Well, since I apparently know more than you - which is shocking to no one - let me inform you of a couple of things.

Under Trump the manufacturing sector added hundreds of thousands of jobs. These were jobs the last guy deemed lost forever.

Wages for low earners rose at a faster rate than for the wealthy for the first time in decades.

Do you have any real fucking knowledge or competency, Sling Blade?

Or does your dumb ass just wave pom-poms for whatever the latest woke bullshit cause is?

Stupidity should be painful.


Yeah, you know more than me, which is very little to begin with. So you celebrate low benchmarks and low hanging fruit because you’re fragile... I get that. 

Im in the market and I see service sector, part time bullshit and kids still living at home because real estate is out of reach, so yeah you don’t know Jack shit and before you pull up some bullshit charts that you’re famous for, it would just confirm... fucking nothing think tank. 

Then you didn’t flesh out the context of the “lost forever” jobs you were alluding to by the “last” guy because your fucking head is still stuck on stupid as in partisan politics and political football. 

This is why America is in deep shit, shitty thinking along party lines, propping up Uncle Toms and assorted ethnic horseshit showcasing. 

Wake up shithead, you’re no way near the the 3% nor do they give two fucks about your fragile ass.

You gotta give up millions like DeVos to get invited, Dumbfuck from Dumbwoody to have the spotlight for 4-8 years and the last four are in doubt. 

Keep banging the “stupid” drum, wailing and raging about inner city bullshit and who’s left to govern them. 



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9 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Yeah, you know more than me, which is very little to begin with. So you celebrate low benchmarks and low hanging fruit because you’re fragile... I get that. 

Im in the market and I see service sector, part time bullshit and kids still living at home because real estate is out of reach, so yeah you don’t know Jack shit and before you pull up some bullshit charts that you’re famous for, it would just confirm... fucking nothing think tank. 

Then you didn’t flesh out the context of the “lost forever” jobs you were alluding to by the “last” guy because your fucking head is still stuck on stupid as in partisan politics and political football. 

This is why America is in deep shit, shitty thinking along party lines, propping up Uncle Toms and assorted ethnic horseshit showcasing. 

Wake up shithead, you’re no way near the the 3% nor do they give two fucks about your fragile ass.

You gotta give up millions like DeVos to get invited, Dumbfuck from Dumbwoody to have the spotlight for 4-8 years and the last four are in doubt. 

Keep banging the “stupid” drum, wailing and raging about inner city bullshit and who’s left to govern them. 




You seem upset about your ignorance and lack of intelligence, Larry.

Look upon it as beginning to recognize your faults and limitations. A good thing.


That said, it's a little sickening how you bend over for this woke shit and claim to care, yet you're willing to vote for a presidential candidate who has decades of political experience accomplishing nothing of value, unless you count pushing criminal reforms that have sent a generation of black men to the big house.  He's got a litany of racist shit to answer for. Yet you're willing to vote for a party that has presided over millions of blacks living in violence and poverty - for decades and decades - and doing fuck all about it as long as those very people keep voting for them.

The reality is you're kind of a disgusting fuck, Larry.



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3 minutes ago, concha said:


You seem upset about your ignorance and lack of intelligence, Larry.

Look upon it as beginning to recognize your faults and limitations. A good thing.


That said, it's a little sickening how you bend over for this woke shit and claim to care, yet you're willing to vote for a presidential candidate who has decades of political experience accomplishing nothing of value, unless you count pushing criminal reforms that have sent a generation of black men to the big house.  He's got a litany of racist shit to answer for. Yet you're willing to vote for a party that has presided over millions of blacks living in violence and poverty - for decades and decades - and doing fuck all about it as long as those very people keep voting for them.

The reality is you're kind of a disgusting fuck, Larry.



Not at all, I know my limitations. If I want to know something I poke you, then I go the other direction because who wants to be a miserable prick like you? Nobody I know. 

And yes, voting for a candidate that is levels above the moron currently in office, indisputably correct. Current woke shit, absolutely Conchita, it’s called giving a fuck because if we give a fuck, we fucking move forward and fucking dominate and NOT mire in partisan Bullshittery and identity politics. Right now it’s the right party to pull it back to center. 

Now, you’re drama queening pretty hard right now, take a deep breath... we’ve been over the inner city violence, poverty bullshit and again you’re looking at it topically and superficially, stop looking at the symptoms. 

Anyways, thanks for playing.... I’m out. 

Peace ✌️ Puto,


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13 hours ago, ngdawg said:

Let me guess, our second amendment? Again, I don't mean that we should take guns away from our military. In fact, you can supply them more. That would be great for our defense. 

Not always. It's more commonly associated with violence, rather than defense.

The reason Japan didn't invade America is because Yamamoto said there is a gun behind every blade of grass. Or it is attributed to him.

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30 minutes ago, Cat_Scratch said:

The reason Japan didn't invade America is because Yamamoto said there is a gun behind every blade of grass. Or it is attributed to him.

But then, why did Pearl Harbor occur? They directly attacked a major hold of weapons. I realize that chain of command was broken right before, but Japan came right after our hub for weapons in the Pacific.

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Bombing a hub from the air is much easier then sending troops to America to fight an enemy hidden behind every blade of grass.  Also 3 air craft carriers were supposed to be docked at Pearl Harbor...thank God they weren't..Japan thought they would wipe out the Pacific fleet rendering the USA navy useless in the Pacific theatre.

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