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Still hoping all those pricks from USA


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3 minutes ago, imaGoodBoyNow said:

Lol he has no idea how serious pickems are, @RedZone almost shot up his house cause the guy in charge didn’t have enough Louisiana teams that week


i shit u not

No way. But for real, I'd be as equal as possible in terms of quality matchups. This is all dependent on whether a certified pick-em will be done or not.

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11 minutes ago, Cossacks said:

Isn’t that why there are moderators? I never got into those Q&A’s because I was always skeptical of the reasons you pointed. Who was actually on the other end and how legit it was. I always  wondered the vesting process and who actually spoke to these coaches. Should be more than one person arranging these things and verifying who it is and make sure it’s transparent to them to let them know what this site is all about and what they can expect. 

Man, you're telling me. xD


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9 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Every Q&A was authentic and thoroughly enjoyed by every invited guest. Unfortunately, the mob drove these opptys away. At least we can still hear them on @HSFBAs podcast going fwd. 

Like I said I didn’t really tune into them. But how did the mob turn those opportunity’s away? By asking questions? Expecting answers? Seems like that was the point.

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6 minutes ago, Cossacks said:

Won’t you be back in school by then? Shouldn’t you be more worried about the Pythagorean theory and reading Silas Marner and the Tuba gig


I'd actually be focusing on Multivariable Calculus. But I always find time to do the things I love. I'd be happy to do a pick-em if I'm given the opportunity. I did one of a Georgia newspaper's last year and I placed 3rd out of 1000+ participants.

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Apparently the site admin is a lawyer, but, he had a USA Academy sponsor logging on to "coach" accounts with virtually zero repercussion. Allowed the same USA Academy sponsor to promote the fake school he was sponsoring. Operated as a do boy for the USA Academy sponsor, removing content from this site to suit the will of the sponsor. Then allowed the same sponsor and culprit that logged onto the site from one of the "coach" accounts and interact with members from it, to start rewriting the history on the Q&A sessions blaming the members here for the cancelation of said sessions. Same lawyer apparently was removing the content from the site to protect his own assets but did not alert the active content moderator to be on the watch for the content. 

Then to top all of that off, we have that same sponsor and culprit of logging on to the "coach" account and interacting with members from it on here today, apparently speaking for the site admin, who is a lawyer about why he took certain actions as the site admin.



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3 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Really hateful, libelous stuff was posted after a few of them. So much so that our guests contacted me after the fact. We had a great thing going. No other site was getting the quality of guests that we were. Very sad. 

Who else did the guests contact? Why just you? Why not me or any other posters? No moderator? Just contacting you and the lawyer (I’ll hold the jokes) is a joke inslef. With no transparency from the beginning it’s hard to claim after the fact and there is no credibility whatsoever. 

I mean the guys that allowed  that Dusty fellow on were complete dipshits. Hence the feeling that questions that needed to be removed. Would have been much smarter to  have pitched to a conglomerate of guests and I’m sure smart minds would have said this guy is a scum bag, not on “our” site. It’s a community board not a 2 person show. Hell put up a poll, does anyone want to have coach X on. And then use the preface no hard questions or he’s not on.

 I never saw his Q@A but I’d guess a bunch softballs like “how do you feels about IMG and places like yours, is this the future”.  More prudent would be how is this being funded. Let’s talk about the permits you have (big endeavor prob should been one of the first questions. Why not open a school first and in a few years and sports later if it’s prospering etc? Legit question.

I did tune into the Almbaugh Q&A and did not recall seeing anything close to libelous questions thrown out there. Why not? Were any if that were deleted 

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5 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

A player or family’s quest for a college scholarship and/or a prospective NFL career will never end. They’ll always do whatever it takes to maximize those odds. Wealth trumps Poverty. 

But out and out lying and being complicit in fucking kids over trumps nothing. 

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58 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Totally agree. Justice will prevail. 

A major issue as I see it is that there had to have been a long stretch of time between the point where you (ostensibly) believed the USAA was legitimate or worthy of your promotion and when it could be assumed it was over where you said NOTHING, or even tried to continue pushing the job. There had to have been time where you were feeling increasingly unsure about things and yet continued promoting them and saying #itshappening. If you wish to preserve any bit of credibility, you need to go into much greater detail about the transition from believing in it and promoting it to stating DD is a con-artist who should be behind bars.

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3 hours ago, ngdawg said:

No way. But for real, I'd be as equal as possible in terms of quality matchups. This is all dependent on whether a certified pick-em will be done or not.

Cool it with the pick ‘ems.

We have experienced pick ‘em organizers should the situation allow.

We’re good for now.

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14 minutes ago, GardenStateBaller said:

If you care to check my post dates I stopped posting about them a few months ago. It was around that time I was alerted by several other plaintiffs what was going on. Justice will prevail. 

Right. You stopped promoting them. The comments and posts promoting them remained up, and you said nothing to contradict any of them. And other folks like KWat and the "coach" were posting about them in early May. So, you made no effort to alert the very public you courted all along that it was a fake school. As far as I can tell, you were the LAST person on this board to concede it wasn't happening. And you didn't do that until it was abundantly obvious, with DD on to his lawnmowing business etc.

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