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Is there a difference in being republican and being racist ?


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7 minutes ago, concha said:


Do you think uncontrolled borders, a Green New Deal that costs more than the combined GDPs of every nation on earth, shutting down our oil and gas industries and losing millions of jobs and energy-independence, shit-canning the police etc are "moderate"? I'm curious.

You seem to feed at this "Republicans have gone far-right" propaganda trough.

The fact is that the left has has been the side going over the cliff.  I am happy for you to point out all the new laws and policies of the Republican Party that are materially different from what they were 20 or 30 years ago.  Relative to the Dems, they appear farther right because the left has shifted farther left over the years. It's like A Dem candidate shifting several steps to the left and then screaming how far to the right the Republican guy is. It's bullshit.

Pew Research has tracked this over the years.  The net shift by Republicans has been small since 1994.  It is FAR smaller than the shift by the Dems. Look at the word "Consistently" under the colored section as a reference point.


Look at the peaks for both Republicans and Democrats in 2017. Why is the peak for the Republicans to the right of the median line? This shows that more and more Republicans are becoming increasingly radical. I see that the Democratic peak has also shifted, but it is in line with the median, which seems to be more equal.

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6 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

I meant what did you mean by when I said I had expert knowledge of generational history.

sorry missed the "generational history" highlight....

You just come across as some 16 yo who is gonna try and tell those old folk how it really was...

you know...

how they actually lived it...🙄

That's prevalent  thru out your posts....IE

3 hours ago, ngdawg said:

See, that's not really correct. Based off of name, it would the Democratic Party at the time, but their platform was that of modern day Republicans. Therefore, they would actually be considered Republicans, not Democrats.

C'mon man..

seriously ???




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Just now, Troll said:

sorry missed the "generational history" highlight....

You just come across as some 16 yo who are gonna try and tell those old folk how it really was...

you know...

how they actually lived it...🙄

That's prevalent  thru out your posts....IE

C'mon man..

seriously ???




What you quoted of me just now is fact. You didn't live through the 1800s and 1900s and neither have I. Refer back to my example about the book and the pillow. HSFBFan even seemed to understand it then.

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48 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

Look at the peaks for both Republicans and Democrats in 2017. Why is the peak for the Republicans to the right of the median line? This shows that more and more Republicans are becoming increasingly radical. I see that the Democratic peak has also shifted, but it is in line with the median, which seems to be more equal.


You claim to be non-partisan but it is increasingly evident you are no such thing. Or perhaps you just don't know how to read a graph.

The line for the median respondent is the general indicator of how the party as whole has shifted.

Republicans? Slightly to the right over the last roughly quarter century.

Democrats? SIGNIFICANTLY to the left.

The center of mass for Republicans has shifted somewhat to the right, yes.

But look at the blue section. Piled high and WAY to the left.

Look at the amount of blue hitting the far left side of the graph 1994 vs 2017 and rethink your comment above.



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9 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

What you quoted of me just now is fact.

Who told you that ???


9 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

. You didn't live through the 1800s and 1900s and neither have I.

Many people here have experienced SEVERAL generations and lived much of the history your (many)  posts refer to....while you have barely experienced one...

Some pretty fancy preaching tho...😝


PS: I kinda liked this quote LOLOL...

On 7/16/2020 at 12:45 PM, ngdawg said:

At the time, racism is heavily prevalent. For the effect MLK had on that generation and generations to come, I would consider MLK's efforts to be a huge success.

Lived during MLK's efforts did you? 🙄



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3 hours ago, concha said:


You claim to be non-partisan but it is increasingly evident you are no such thing. Or perhaps you just don't know how to read a graph.

The line for the median respondent is the general indicator of how the party as whole has shifted.

Republicans? Slightly to the right over the last roughly quarter century.

Democrats? SIGNIFICANTLY to the left.

The center of mass for Republicans has shifted somewhat to the right, yes.

But look at the blue section. Piled high and WAY to the left.

Look at the amount of blue hitting the far left side of the graph 1994 vs 2017 and rethink your comment above.



Well, true. But both parties are scaring me. Neither one is drifting towards the middle, as they should. I would also like to see how that data is currently, because I bet it has changed. 

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3 hours ago, Troll said:

Who told you that ???


Many people here have experienced SEVERAL generations and lived much of the history your (many)  posts refer to....while you have barely experienced one...

Some pretty fancy preaching tho...😝


PS: I kinda liked this quote LOLOL...

Lived during MLK's efforts did you? 🙄



Here's the problem. You all live through that history, and yet you find a way to distort it in the way that you see best fit. Claiming that MLK's efforts haven't made considerable change to our country would be an incorrect evaluation, whether you lived through that time or not. Also, school textbooks exist. And yes, they are written by Republicans. And yes, they still seem to provide a relatively unbiased view on history. Why can't others do the same?

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I think I should just make this clear. I don't hate Republicans, and I'm not a fan of Democrats either. But I hate...yes, I said hate...Donald Trump. He isn't a good representation of how amazing and welcoming this country is. But hating Trump doesn't mean I hate Republicans. I just hate ones that are too radical, either Democratic or Republican.

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12 hours ago, ngdawg said:

Here's the problem. You all live through that history, and yet you find a way to distort it in the way that you see best fit.

Could you be any more prejudicial ? 🙄


12 hours ago, ngdawg said:

Claiming that MLK's efforts haven't made considerable change to our country would be an incorrect evaluation, whether you lived through that time or not. Also, school textbooks exist. And yes, they are written by Republicans.  Also, school textbooks exist. And yes, they are written by Republicans. And yes, they still seem to provide a relatively unbiased view on history.

Psssst....I said nothing of MLK other than as a posted example of how you "think" you know better....than those who were there...

Speaking for others is one thing....telling others you know how they feel, more than they themselves do...

well... that's sheer idiocy....🤣

congrats 👍


12 hours ago, ngdawg said:

 Why can't others do the same?

Why can't you ?..... Mr prejudicial preacher...hmmmm?


12 hours ago, ngdawg said:

I think I should just make this clear. I don't hate Republicans, and I'm not a fan of Democrats either. But I hate...yes, I said hate...Donald Trump. He isn't a good representation of how amazing and welcoming this country is. But hating Trump doesn't mean I hate Republicans. I just hate ones that are too radical, either Democratic or Republican.

Were you a never-trumpet for all those "generations" he was a Democrat as well?

or was that just "before your time" 🤔



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1 minute ago, Troll said:

Could you be any more prejudicial ? 🙄


Psssst....I said nothing of MLK other than as a posted example of how you "think" you know better....than those who were there...

Speaking for them is one thing....telling others you think you know how they feel, more so than they themselves do...

well... that's sheer idiocy....🤣

congrats 👍


Why can't you ?..... Mr prejudicial preacher...hmmmm?


Where you a never-trumpet for all those "generations" he was a Democrat as well?

or was that just "before your time" 🤔



Dude, one at a time. When you can't English, I can't understand you and neither can others. Let me attempt to decipher this.

I don't think I know better, I'm seeing the results of his actions now and over the past 5 or more years. Comparing how the world is now to when it was before MLK is relatively easier, because of how history has been widely recorded. Considering the injustices in his time and now, things have gotten much better. However, is isn't completely fixed, and there is always the occasional incident that proves this point. 

Also, how am I prejudicial if I'm pointing out how certain parts of history are often neglected to prove a Democrat or Republican's point? The Republican will ignore those parts of history which oppose his view, and so will the Democrat. That isn't prejudicial.

What's a never-trumpet? And since when has Trump cared about anyone but himself?

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On 7/17/2020 at 6:00 PM, ngdawg said:

I don't think I know better...

Then just exactly why, are you STILL trying to convince everyone... you know...

that somehow you do?



PS: You're just blithering on now junior preacher....you can keep hitting those books...

or just open your ears once in a while...

after you dry them off, that is.



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2 minutes ago, Troll said:

Then just exactly why, are you STILL trying to convince everyone... you know...

that somehow you do?



PS: You're just blithering on now junior preacher....you can keep hitting those books...

or just open your ears once in a while...

after you dry them off, that is.



BTW: English much?


Ok, you don't make any sense. I am not trying to convince others that I know everything, I'm trying to present another viewpoint in a less confrontational manner. I don't think it's worth my time talking with you anymore. Sorry.

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1 minute ago, ngdawg said:

Ok, you don't make any sense. I am not trying to convince others that I know everything, I'm trying to present another viewpoint in a less confrontational manner. I don't think it's worth my time talking with you anymore. Sorry.

That's probably fine when you are not presenting that 'viewpoint' from a picture...

...to people that actually lived in the scenery.


Just something to bear in mind....carry on. LOL


BTW: I 'm sure everyone is looking forward to more never-trumpet meltdowns from you....

but the old krusty's here, might have a head start on you there as well....better get running 😝

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1 hour ago, ngdawg said:

Well, true. But both parties are scaring me. Neither one is drifting towards the middle, as they should. I would also like to see how that data is currently, because I bet it has changed. 


I bet the Dems are even more to the left and the Republicans are little different.


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2 hours ago, ngdawg said:

Ok, you don't make any sense. I am not trying to convince others that I know everything, I'm trying to present another viewpoint in a less confrontational manner. I don't think it's worth my time talking with you anymore. Sorry.

shhh...don't tell Troll he doesn't make sense..he supplies a lot of laughs!....it's painfully obvious how incoherent he gets at the drop of a hat..he tries to take you down silly rabbit holes...AKA taking you down Incoherent Lane...be careful grasshopper!..😉

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1 hour ago, concha said:


I bet the Dems are even more to the left and the Republicans are little different.


I wonder if our leader plays any part into the state of the union??....4 years of pissing vinegar around day after day tends to affect a society...😔

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1 hour ago, Troll said:


It may "effect" you....

But it certainly hasn't "changed you"


Trump's behaviors doesn't effect our society Ronnie??....he unites people with his B.S. or divides the country??...you don't have to answer and embarrass yourself once again...we all know the answer.....😔

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39 minutes ago, concha said:


Just seeing 11 people shot in Chicago tonight. Might be as high as 14.

Apparently they were at a funeral.

I'm sure a community organizer or whatever will solve the case and prevent any more of this. Who needs cops.



Chuck is really fixated on the city of Chicago.

Truth of the matter is shootings and violence are up in lots of cities and states..... the summer spike always happens then add in Coronavirus. Perfect Storm of sorts.

Poor, Chuck......he's working Chicago though.

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