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I know many don't think there will be a season


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1 minute ago, Ga96 said:

But I've seen a lot of youth football games, high school camps, actual football tournaments etc... 

What do you all think?

Hines from the GHSA said that plans are in place to continue the season as is at the moment. Do you think GA football will be postponed or cancelled like NJ or NM?

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10 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

Hines from the GHSA said that plans are in place to continue the season as is at the moment. Do you think GA football will be postponed or cancelled like NJ or NM?

I think its still on but things will be more region based i assume.

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1 hour ago, ngdawg said:

Ah dang. I wanted to see us play Archer and Parkview. Lowndes vs. Hoover would have been nice.

True I definitely wanted to see it. I do know Alabama and Georgia hsfb were on the same page up until like last week and Alabama slowed down on how their season would be compared to Georgia's.

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Talked to CRP earlier and he gives it a 50/50 whether we have a high school football season in Georgia right now. 

There is a huge amount of variables involved. Like me, seems like he thinks, having seen some of the decisions of college conferences and all, makes the thoughts drift toward the snowball effect where one decision sets precedent for others. 

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4 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Talked to CRP earlier and he gives it a 50/50 whether we have a high school football season in Georgia right now. 

There is a huge amount of variables involved. Like me, seems like he thinks, having seen some of the decisions of college conferences and all, makes the thoughts drift toward the snowball effect where one decision sets precedent for others. 

It seems in Florida if they even have a season a postseason is unlikely


Could be something we see in most if not all states where they may have a few games at most with local teams but no long travel or postseason games 


Definitely won't be a normal season for sure 

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3 minutes ago, Columbiafan said:

It seems in Florida if they even have a season a postseason is unlikely


Could be something we see in most if not all states where they may have a few games at most with local teams but no long travel or postseason games 


Definitely won't be a normal season for sure 

Yeah, I'm thinking maybe local or even just region games in an abbreviated season if at all, but, it's so fluid with the pandemic and different areas having different outlooks, infection amounts and etc. 

Just all very wishy washy. 

Kids aren't really dropping like flies from this virus, but, seems like teachers are concerned for their own safety, then of course we need to be concerned about kids taking it to people that are more high risk. 


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2 hours ago, ngdawg said:

Hines from the GHSA said that plans are in place to continue the season as is at the moment. Do you think GA football will be postponed or cancelled like NJ or NM?

New Jersey isn't cancelled. They're starting their season on Oct 2 assuming things are ok over there. 

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Washington pushed it back a few weeks and they can start practice on Sep 5th and first game is 2 weeks later.  

They said they will be updating in 2 weeks.  

I just can't see it happening.  It would be a miracle of sorts to not have a single player have at least one person they know have it.  Once that happens it sidelines everybody unless they test everyone every day.  Every opponent would need the same good fortune. 


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Another issue here is so many different entities making decisions on how best to deal with everything to do with this. 

For an example, if you ask infectious disease experts, you get one answer, an MD may give a totally different answer. A governor one answer then a mayor a totally different one. One system superintendent chooses one path to reopening schools and another a totally different one. 

One school may deal with a positive test from a kid by just sending the kid home for 14 days and cleaning overnight with no direct contact tracing quarantine stuff while another school may lock down the entire class/athletic dept. Etc.,for several days.

All of this inside of just one region of play as well. Like Region 1 for instance. 

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2 hours ago, Columbiafan said:

It seems in Florida if they even have a season a postseason is unlikely


Could be something we see in most if not all states where they may have a few games at most with local teams but no long travel or postseason games 


Definitely won't be a normal season for sure 

Your governor is saying there is nothing to worry about and that the virus will disappear. Pretty sure he will force schools to open and by default there will be a football season. 

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1 hour ago, AztecPadre said:

Your governor is saying there is nothing to worry about and that the virus will disappear. Pretty sure he will force schools to open and by default there will be a football season. 

He's saying that because he is nothing but a trump puppet


And not in the slightest, they can force schools to be in session but if FHSAA can't get liability protection there won't be nobody playing nothing, the FHSAA ain't gonna risk getting sued just because the moron desantis says it's safe 

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1 hour ago, AztecPadre said:

Your governor is saying there is nothing to worry about and that the virus will disappear. Pretty sure he will force schools to open and by default there will be a football season. 

Trump could come out and say that every person with Latin descent is a illegal and desantis would be on the next press conference defending it and telling reporters to shut up and agree with him 


Neither of those morons have a clue what's going on and they have made the virus spread worse because they couldn't beat the flu, they are pathetic losers 

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I was in Italy when they went on lockdown and then came back to the states for our "lockdown" that wasn't really a lockdown. In Italy you had to fill out a paper every time you left your home saying where you were going and why. They closed all businesses except for groceries and pharmacies. You were not allowed to leave your home for exercise or really anything other than shopping. If you were in a multiple person household the same person had to leave every time. All inter-regional (in Italy regions = US states) travel was shut down. The army was deployed to check papers and make sure you had a valid reason for being out. If you thought you had COVID you called a number and they sent a crew in full hazmat gear right to your door to test you which they could do because of universal health care. Most importantly, the same policies were in place throughout the entire nation.

If we had done 6-8 weeks of true European-style lockdown nationwide starting in March I think we'd be looking at HS/college football starting on time this fall and would have pro sports back right now. International travel within the EU has restarted and people are flocking to the Mediterranean beaches with no problems so far. Japan and Taiwan have limited fans back in the stands for baseball right now.

For better and worse, Americans aren't Europeans. The same bold, reckless, pioneering, questioning spirit that won 2 World Wars, invented electricity, radio, film, TV, flight and put a man on the moon is biting us in the ass hard right now. The fact that we're as starkly divided as we've been in the last 150 years only serves to exacerbate things. If the army was deployed to enforce a lockdown half the country would scream about Trump using it as cover to become a military dictator and the other half would yell about it being a deep state coup. There would be lots of questions about states rights. I could see some states fighting a federal lockdown mandate just because of politics. 

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As much as I say I will go to games, depending on what is happening at the time I may/probably will not.  I'm in a couple of the high risk categories as is my wife, even more so than I.  It kills my soul to think I may have to sit home but if it comes to that, so be it.

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2 minutes ago, Fred said:

As much as I say I will go to games, depending on what is happening at the time I may/probably will not.  I'm in a couple of the high risk categories as is my wife, even more so than I.  It kills my soul to think I may have to sit home but if it comes to that, so be it.

Thanks for being unselfish. One of my mom's work colleagues' parents had COVID confirmed, and yet attended a large party the next day. What annoyed me is that they knew she had COVID, yet she still went to the party and infected others. Thanks for not being like that. That goes to everyone here who follows the mask rule.

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7 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Talked to CRP earlier and he gives it a 50/50 whether we have a high school football season in Georgia right now. 

There is a huge amount of variables involved. Like me, seems like he thinks, having seen some of the decisions of college conferences and all, makes the thoughts drift toward the snowball effect where one decision sets precedent for others. 

He has some things he needs to fix immediately in the program and himself. Idk if you seen what happened in the news and on Facebook this past week but its a hot mess.

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