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In case anyone is missing it, guess what? Colquitt would have beat Chandler last year had they played.


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3 hours ago, Pops said:

1). 60 is enough games (it's apparently the # you used to conclude GA was undervalued so I don't understand how it can be good enough for you to make that conclusion but insufficient to link GA to other states) -- there's no reason to start dividing by state 

2). Are you saying there are 60 schools in GA that do not play a single game vs the other 420?  Because even in states that hate privates (i.e. Tx), they play other teams in the state.  That would be peculiar and news to me.  Those 60 schools played over half of GA's OOS games?

On #1, read above... 61 isnt the # that matters technically... its about how many games vs how many states... the GHSA only played 9 of the 50 states. And on average, only 7 games per state (61/9=~7).. the most games were played vs Alabama... 19... obviously the GHSA is more scaled to Alabamas teams than any other states. But 19 is still a very miniscule # when you think those teams played 10-15 other games, and theres still 402 other teams that DIDNT even play Alabama at all. Thats not nearly enough for that to scale Alabama and the GHSA correctly. And thats the state the GHSA played the most. Of those 9, the GHSA only played 2 of those states 1 time... New Jersey and New York. So the GHSAs connection to NJ and NY may as well not even exist because 1 teams rating being slightly affected,  of the 421 in the GHSA... isnt going to make the slightest shift in scaling the GHSA to NY or NJ.

On #2... Youd be surprised...

Just take South Carolina... it says GA is 21-33-1 vs SC... thats 55 games... but the GHSA only played 11 of those. Many of them are between little Christian schools in Augusta vs other little SC teams right across the border from Augusta. The GHSA also played 16 of 24 vs Florida, 19 of 36 vs Alabama, 6 of 17 vs North Carolina, 0 of the 5 vs VA, LA, MS and IN. Thats 52 of 137 right there.

So when you see the GHSA only played 11 of the 55 vs SC, Im sure you can see how the GHSA only played 61 of the 148 OOS games it says GA played.

So those "other schools" played 58.8% of the OOS games in Georgia.

Let me also say, I appreciate the dialogue you and I have going Pops... this is far more than NOR has attempted. Lets keep going so we can continue to dive into CP.


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4 hours ago, ECHS05 said:

But 60 ISNT enough games... do you not understand whats happening?  

It isnt 60 game to ALL states... its 60 games vs 9 states, but not all 60 are connected to all 9 (and if theres only 9, The GHSA didnt play 41 other states)

The GHSA played 3 OOS games vs Tennessee... lets look at 1...

Peachtree Ridge beat McCallie 20-9...  11 of Peachtree Ridges 12 games are Bolded... (without taking into account their 2 playoff games counting slightly more) meaning  their game vs McCallie essentially only accounted for   1/11th of PTRs final rating...or 9.1% roughly...

So 9.1%(actually a little less) of 1 of the 421 (0.24%)GHSA teams rating was affected by this game. That is nothing. 

Considering how many games took place between those 421 teams... thousands... and you are saying that 3 games Georgia played vs Tennessee scaled GA to TN? Ridiculous. Just those 3 teams that played TN had their ratings affected just minorly. 

This is exactly why, I show you the Average Rating of all the GHSA teams combined at the beginning of the year, and at the end, so you can see it barely changes ALL season... and that is because the only real way for it to change is OOS games. There has to be a team, go outside of the GHSA circle, and either bring points back into the GHSA circle by winning vs an OOS team, or lose them by losing to an OOS team.  And 1 games does essentially nothing but slightly change 1 team...

Heres how many games the GHSA played vs each state.

19 games vs Alabama

1 vs Arizona

3 vs Colorado

16 vs Florida

6 vs North Carolina

1 vs New Jersey

1 vs New York

11 vs South Carolina

3 vs Tennessee

So the actual # is 61 total... but the TOTAL isnt what is really important... its how many games vs how many states...

Im going to stop here to give you a chance to catch up.

Which do you think has more connectivity?

2 games vs every state or 98 games vs 1 state?


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9 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

He is totally correct. That is in every description he gave, correct. The two organizations have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Well, every now and then, A GISA school will make the move and join the GHSA, though that is fairly rare. They do not play at all. So they could not be rated as a whole.

I am well aware of what you say.

That does not change the fact, he is an idiot. 

That is what my post spoke to. 


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9 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

I think he has a valid point concerning Calpreps. I talk more about state than national. We do get ripped in the ratings. The football is better than that in Georgia.


Many look jaundice at all algorithms. 

I find it to be more a personality trait. An approach.

Tell me specifically, which team is "ripped off" from GA in Cal? 

For example, is Grayson properly rated at #6? If so, how did they get that right if the entire state is undervalued? 


But the real point is, why don't you take Cal for what it is? A neutral math model not the final arbiter of high school football. 


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3 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

For me, the only way to rate or rank them is for them to play one another. I do take it that way. I have no doubt that many schools here in Georgia are better than many ranked ahead of them at Calpreps.


then all they need to do is prove it on the field and Cal will raise them up as they did Grayson. 

In Cal you have to prove your metal. Headcounts don't matter. 


It is the terrible schedules that most all top GA teams play that keep them from being rated as the GA folks would like. Not bias against GA in Cal. This fact is ultra obvious. 

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Just now, Sportsnut said:

It is not hard to pull up some highlights and compare teams.

confirmation bias on steroids 

Honest, I don't think there is a person alive who understands the mechanics of human thinking who would not favor an algorithm. 

in any event, all you GA folks screaming that Grayson should have been ranked better than #6, I disagree with. I think 6 was fair. (and I had them preseason #1)

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2 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

I am not with such a widely recognized school. Lovejoy Wildcats. We are 6A but we played most of the 7A schools as that class is new. We fell below the cut-off. Never played Grayson but went to the Championship game vs Norcross when we were all in 6A. Played Colquitt twice, at Colquitt and lost both times, 14-7 and 17-13. That championship vs. Norcross was the year prior to their embarrassing by BTW.


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1 hour ago, Sportsnut said:

I am not with such a widely recognized school. Lovejoy Wildcats. We are 6A but we played most of the 7A schools as that class is new. We fell below the cut-off. Never played Grayson but went to the Championship game vs Norcross when we were all in 6A. Played Colquitt twice, at Colquitt and lost both times, 14-7 and 17-13. That championship vs. Norcross was the year prior to their embarrassing by BTW.

Still talking about the glory days of Lovejoy I see...

They had a couple of good teams a few years ago. Unfortunately, they are now irrelevant.

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4 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

I see Colquitt did not invite us back.

Its not uncommon for Colquitt or any other team to play out a two game contract and then move on to another opponent.

Why you want to believe this is evidence of Colquitt being scared to play Lovejoy is beyond me. A very dumb assumption on your part. Lovejoy would have been run off the field in any game with Colquitt since their last meeting.

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3 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

I am not with such a widely recognized school. Lovejoy Wildcats. We are 6A but we played most of the 7A schools as that class is new. We fell below the cut-off. Never played Grayson but went to the Championship game vs Norcross when we were all in 6A. Played Colquitt twice, at Colquitt and lost both times, 14-7 and 17-13. That championship vs. Norcross was the year prior to their embarrassing by BTW.

I hate y'all still to this day! Lol. Y'all beat us (Warner Robins) in the 4A semifinals back in 2011. Y'all and Tucker screwed up the "same city state championship" that year for us and Northside. 

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42 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Yeah, we had fun doing that. Our secret that year was that we did not leave Clayton county until the Dome. We played 2 years in a row playing all our playoff games at home. 8-0 and 2 at the Dome. Good days.

Must've sucked to play in the Dome two years in a row and walk away empty handed.... 

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20 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

You bet it did. What made it even worse is that the first year vs. Tucker, we were 4A. The next year, 6A was created and we went back in 6A.  Never been done. We lose to Norcross 21-14 in one of the best Championship games ever and they turn around and get blown out to start the next season by BTW. Really sucked.

Yeah BTW put it on those boys lol. At least they made up that loss by winning the 6A championship. They ought to redeem themselves by playing another Florida power.

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The guy that called me a liar is the one that made this thread, which was made based on lies.

This guy knows nothing, absolutely 0 about CalPreps, he has not the mind nor know how to reply to my challenges on his knowledge of it. He simply says its a neutral math model... this is not true as Ive literally PROVEN if you have the mind to understand it. Which hes proven he does not. He'd rather write 1 liners personal attacks with no meaning .. hes Donald Trump Jr. 

And no ,  you are wrong all a team has to do is prove it on the field in CalPreps land. There are regions within CP given a far higher ceiling, making it impossible for some teams to catch others no matter how much better they are than the team ahead of them.

Ive spoken on the connectivity that CP relies on, and NOR cant say a word about it because he has no knowledge it. Atleast admit that, instead of using the Donald Trump dictionary "idiot, moron"... etc...

You are wrong, and you simply cant stand. If you didnt KNOW you were wrong, you wouldnt feel the need to invade every CalPreps discussion by subjecting us to your 1st grade insults.

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19 hours ago, Pops said:

Which do you think has more connectivity?

2 games vs every state or 98 games vs 1 state?


Its according... you cant really say 1 has more "connectivity" than the other. 1 leaves just 2 states fairly connected (still not that much), and the other leaves a state very, very slightly connected to all... that very slightly wont be enough to make any noticable difference in the national ratings.

2 games vs every state would leave them VERY slightly connected to every state. Not connected enough to any state for it to matter, bc 2 teams slightly being scaled to another state isnt going to do very much for the whole state. For example, lets say Georgia was the state that played 2 games vs every state... for 2 of the games vs California, those 2 teams that played Cali would be scaled slightly to those 2 teams in Cali they play... if the rest of the 2 GA teams games were vs Georgia teams, all the teams that played those 2 teams would be VERY, VERY slightly connected to the 2 CA teams. The problem is, just 2 levels in, the connectivity isnt enough to do anything at that point... it wouldnt have even a .1 change in rating for any of those connected teams at the 2nd level.

Now... 98 games vs 1 state, would mean those 2 states have started to scale together slightly.... while on a team by team basis, those games only account for a fraction of their rating, a large amount of teams (98) have been affected, so thats going to move the needle some. In reality, 98 still isnt enough BUT it will have some effect.

98 games vs 1 state isnt going to scale either state to the other 49 states though. Only to each other.

Itd take 98 games vs all 50 states for their to be any noticable national scaling and even then it wouldnt be perfect. But its be a hell of a lot better than it is.


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