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Ivy League Fall sports decision Wednesday


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1 minute ago, ngdawg said:

Not everything. But yes, societal norms will always change. And when they do, they may look back at supposed "mistakes" we have made an attempt to improve on them to create a better society.

So let's say they say being gay in public is atrocious and shouldn't be part of society. Are we doing it wrong then? If so should we stop them now? 

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2 hours ago, SJR89 said:

yes that part is true....is not a reverse carpet bagger.....would gladly trade him for someone.....southern bias...maybe a little bc of whats going...midwest as well.....I guess a little fatigued like everyone else up after locking down for 11 weeks in New Jersey  and basically the south never shut down ...the spikes in C19 effect everyone including the overall economy......

Copy, trade him for Block maybe?



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28 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

So let's say they say being gay in public is atrocious and shouldn't be part of society. Are we doing it wrong then? If so should we stop them now? 

But that phase is over with. There already was a time where being gay was considered wrong. Now things have changed. There is more acceptance worldwide with regards to sexuality. With the way society is progressing, I highly doubt that being gay will be considered wrong in the future.

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2 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

But that phase is over with. There already was a time where being gay was considered wrong. Now things have changed. There is more acceptance worldwide with regards to sexuality. With the way society is progressing, I highly doubt that being gay will be considered wrong in the future.

But let's say the mentality changes and we go back to them not being accepted. Whose correct? 

My point being dont live in black and white. There is a lot of gray 

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10 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

By assuming a position of total equality of all people regardless of race, religion or any other measure,  you'll never find yourself on the wrong side of history today or in the future. Basically you will always be correct. 


Just remember Alabama fans are always right.

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39 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

But let's say the mentality changes and we go back to them not being accepted. Whose correct? 

My point being dont live in black and white. There is a lot of gray 

Saying it goes back, future society would view us as incorrect on this issue. However, they would not generalize that we were wrong on everything. We would have only been wrong on this issue.

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40 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

First off, who is Block and why is he famous?

Second, why does SJR89 have a phobia of periods?

Block is quite possibly in my short sojourn here, the most prolific troll of spam posts of the same theme. 
Folsom is number 1, very little transfers, Cali is great except for the recruited up transfer privates, the South sucks and is a shithole, yada yada, yada, et al.

On the Klan Rally page, Bock is reasonable and quite knowledgeable but that’s it  

IDK, LDT was dating Block then had a nasty break up. 



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1 minute ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Block is quite possibly in my short sojourn here, the most prolific troll of spam posts of the same theme. 
Folsom is number 1, very little transfers, Cali is great except for the recruited up transfer privates, the South sucks and is a shithole, yada yada, yada, et al.

On the Klan Rally page, Bock is reasonable and quite knowledgeable but that’s it  

IDK, LDT was dating Block then had a nasty break up. 



Oh, I see. Very rich history for a very famous celebrity. Saddened to hear about LDT and Block's breakup. They seem to have been perfect for each other.

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2 minutes ago, SJR89 said:

at least 8  Alabama football players have Covid 19  according to this article 


So out of the whole team 8 players. and they will live. 

Clemson has like 20. 

And they will live. 

My aunt and uncle had it. They lived and are out living their life 

My mother was around it in a hospital. Absolutely fine

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3 minutes ago, HSFBfan said:

So out of the whole team 8 players. and they will live. 

Clemson has like 20. 

And they will live. 

My aunt and uncle had it. They lived and are out living their life 

My mother was around it in a hospital. Absolutely fine

Magic Johnson got AIDS.

He lived.

Hey, no big deal!

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1 minute ago, HSFBfan said:

So out of the whole team 8 players. and they will live. 

Clemson has like 20. 

And they will live. 

My aunt and uncle had it. They lived and are out living their life 

My mother was around it in a hospital. Absolutely fine

lets just end this here and say you are ASS....its ok...just embrace the fact that you are ignorant ...this is the icing in the cake for all the ass backward opinions you have put forth on this forum,,,,,as always ...I will be your huckleberry anytime.....

PS - I like periods...they are underused...........................................................................................................

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Just now, SJR89 said:

lets just end this here and say you are ASS....its ok...just embrace the fact that you are ignorant ...this is the icing in the cake for all the ass backward opinions you have put forth on this forum,,,,,as always ...I will be your huckleberry anytime.....

PS - I like periods...they are underused...........................................................................................................

I meant like why do you have a phobia of complete sentences? So. Many. Dots.

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Just now, SJR89 said:

lets just end this here and say you are ASS....its ok...just embrace the fact that you are ignorant ...this is the icing in the cake for all the ass backward opinions you have put forth on this forum,,,,,as always ...I will be your huckleberry anytime.....

PS - I like periods...they are underused...........................................................................................................

Its not ignorant when over 90% of people live. This might be one of the least deadly pandemic this country every faced in the history of the country 

These kids will live. They will be back on the field ready to play. 

Its people like yourself that keep the hysteria going

Thank god we didn't stop fighting the american revolution due to the smallpox pandemic. We wouldn't have a country today

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