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Ivy League Fall sports decision Wednesday


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2 minutes ago, The Guru said:

What you and others see as level-headedness I see as being an interesting and boring wimp who will never say anything insightful or educational.

As I said before, we are all allowed our own views. Ours just don't seem to align. That's perfectly alright.

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Just now, The Guru said:


You don't have anything to say about anything. You just go around like a sissy telling everybody that their opinion is valuable and they have a right to make choices, blah, blah.

Again, this will go over well with Kindergarten level individuals like @HSFBfan.

Actually, I think that's called being a human being. Now, just because I allow others to express their views doesn't mean I don't have any of my own. I do, but I choose to listen to others' views too.

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Just now, ngdawg said:

As I said before, we are all allowed our own views. Ours just don't seem to align. That's perfectly alright.

I wouldn't know that because you don't say anything.

Again, I'm not dismissing you because we disagree. I'm dismissing you because you don't even say anything at all.

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11 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

I disagree with this, but we are all entitled to our views. Today, emotion is used a platform for civil change. Whether we all would like to admit it or not, there are things that need to improve in terms of equality. I believe the right amount of emotion is the perfect springboard for change. Also, I don't like being a robot stripped of emotion. That's like Rush Propst from Colquitt County. Just had to throw that in there, don't hate me South Georgians.

You make ur equality. 

You want to be financially equal get there

You wanna be accepted in better company act like them

 Thomas jefferson wrote were all equal but he even had a problem writing that line

We in society have never been equal and never will be equal. The whole system would collapse 

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1 minute ago, The Guru said:

I wouldn't know that because you don't say anything.

Again, I'm not dismissing you because we disagree. I'm dismissing you because you don't even say anything at all.

What high school do you support? I'd be willing to start there.

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Just now, ngdawg said:

Actually, I think that's called being a human being.

Human beings are capable of having insight. And saying things that might make other people unconformable in a conversation.

You just waste hundreds of posts telling people that they're valuable and are allowed to have their own views and God loves them.

Nobody needs to be told this silly stuff.

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1 minute ago, HSFBfan said:

You make ur equality. 

You want to be financially equal get there

You wanna be accepted in better company act like them

 Thomas jefferson wrote were all equal but he even had a problem writing that line

We in society have never been equal and never will be equal. The whole system would collapse 

Ah, I do disagree vehemently. But that's ok. My dad has similar views as yours, so I can relate well.

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2 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

Now, just because I allow others to express their views doesn't mean I don't have any of my own. I do, but I choose to listen to others' views too.

When have I not allowed others to express their views?

This is what I mean. You're afraid like a pussy to counter anything somebody says because you think it might be perceived as "shutting them down."

I also read and listen to what others say. And then I counter.

You are clearly 12 years old and can't form a coherent thought other than "God loves you just as much as he loves me!"

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1 minute ago, The Guru said:

Human beings are capable of having insight. And saying things that might make other people unconformable in a conversation.

You just waste hundreds of posts telling people that they're valuable and are allowed to have their own views and God loves them.

Nobody needs to be told this silly stuff.

Not once did I bring God into the picture. Please get a good idea of what just happened for the past few hours. Thank you.

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Just now, The Guru said:

When have I not allowed others to express their views?

This is what I mean. You're afraid like a pussy to counter anything somebody says because you think it might be perceived as "shutting them down."

I also read and listen to what others say. And then I counter.

You are clearly 12 years old and can't form a coherent thought other than "God loves you just as much as he loves me!"

Close, but no cigar. 16 would have been the right answer. And yes, I'm willing to counter. I have made it clear that me and HSFBfan don't see eye to eye, but I will admit that he is entitled to his views. I'm not here to change them. Also, what high school do you support? I'm willing to start a discussion with you about high school sports. And when it comes to sports, I disagree more than I agree. But I will still hold that everyone is entitled to their view.

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4 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

Ah, I do disagree vehemently. But that's ok. My dad has similar views as yours, so I can relate well.

U disagree with that huh?

In what ways? Because I'm not equal to a millionaire I'm not even equal to someone making 6 figure salaries financially 

I wouldn't feel comfortable in the company of people that dont relate to me. We wouldn't be seen as equal 

If everyone is equal that is not capitalism. Capitalism awards people and leaves others behind. It's just the nature of the beast. And with kids coming out college with tens of thousands in debt and it takes them years to pay it back( im in that boat) they seem to be very angry about it. 

I've personally never seen so many people angry and I'm not sure how much of it is actually real anger or the media is just stoking it and with people not working they are buying into it 

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5 minutes ago, The Guru said:

When have I not allowed others to express their views?

This is what I mean. You're afraid like a pussy to counter anything somebody says because you think it might be perceived as "shutting them down."

I also read and listen to what others say. And then I counter.

You are clearly 12 years old and can't form a coherent thought other than "God loves you just as much as he loves me!"



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3 minutes ago, ngdawg said:

I have made it clear that me and HSFBfan don't see eye to eye, but I will admit that he is entitled to his views.

Why would you be so hard-pressed to admit something that nobody has disputed since the dawn of the English language?

You're debating with yourself. Nobody is pushing back on whether somebody is entitled to their views.

Stop with this silliness.

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1 minute ago, HSFBfan said:

U disagree with that huh?

In what ways? Because I'm equal to a millionaire I'm not even equal to someone making 6 figure salaries financially 

I wouldn't feel comfortable in the company of people that dont relate to me. We wouldn't be seen as equal 

If everyone is equal that is not capitalism. Capitalism awards people and leaves others behind. It's just the nature of the beast. And with kids coming out college with tens of thousands in debt and it takes them years to pay it back( im in that boat) they seem to be very angry about it. 

I've personally never seen so many people angry and I'm not sure how much of it is actually real anger or the media is just stoking it and with people not working they are buying into it 

I will assure you, as a child growing up in the next generation, that the anger is more real than it is overstated by the media. And yes, I do disagree. But I'm not willing to get aggressive over it. After all, this is a sports forum and the OT forum is one I don't plan on visiting soon. So before things get out of hand, I'd like to take the opportunity to end this. However, if you would like to discuss this topic, I would be more than happy to over private message. All I ask is to not get frustrated, and this applies to everyone. Frustration is emotion, and as per you, that won't end well.

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Just now, ngdawg said:

I will assure you, as a child growing up in the next generation, that the anger is more real than it is overstated by the media. And yes, I do disagree. But I'm not willing to get aggressive over it. After all, this is a sports forum and the OT forum is one I don't plan on visiting soon. So before things get out of hand, I'd like to take the opportunity to end this. However, if you would like to discuss this topic, I would be more than happy to over private message. All I ask is to not get frustrated, and this applies to everyone. Frustration is emotion, and as per you, that won't end well.

I'm not getting frustrated and your free to PM me any time 

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2 minutes ago, SJR89 said:

This is what happens when people do not listen and or believe in science and data

Texas HS Football may not happen in the FALL


heres someone else opinion on the situation 


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Just now, The Guru said:

Why would you be so hard-pressed to admit something that nobody has disputed since the dawn of the English language?

You're debating with yourself. Nobody is pushing back on whether somebody is entitled to their views.

Stop with this silliness.

Ok, at this point, I have other things to do. I have a final exam to take, and I will revisit this thread after I have finished. Thanks.

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4 minutes ago, SJR89 said:

This is what happens when people do not listen and or believe in science and data

Texas HS Football may not happen in the FALL


This is from Canada 


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1 minute ago, HSFBfan said:

A stupid opinion.

So we should restart schools full-time, even during a pandemic, because parents need child care so they can go to work?

It's interesting how all of the articles that you so proudly link are dipshit opinions from rags like the New York Post.

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