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1 hour ago, thc6795 said:

Yeah man it's tough. I spend a lot of time with Vets who suffer from PTSD. Most of them have addictions of some type. All of them are because of how horrible the VA treated mental illness.

I heard the other day 20 or so military vets are committing suicide each day.  That is incredibly sad and my heart goes out to them and their families.  And my heart goes out to all those who are in such emotional pain right now that are considering suicide.  Every town and community across the country should rally around these people and give one giant group hug and then get to work in helping them.

This is a solution for all who are suffering.  Or Its at least a starting point.  People need to know that other people care about them.  

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5 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

I heard the other day 20 or so military vets are committing suicide each day.  That is incredibly sad and my heart goes out to them and their families.  And my heart goes out to all those who are in such emotional pain right now that are considering suicide.  Every town and community across the country should rally around these people and give one giant group hug and then get to work in helping them.

This is a solution for all who are suffering.  Or Its at least a starting point.  People need to know that other people care about them.  

Yes it is and keep in mind that study was done by the VA. They wont give you the real numbers. They are the ones who are supposed to be helping this kids. They know how to treat lost limbs head injuries, sprains. Things like that, they just make junkies. They do very little for the mental health of our vets. Hell PTSD was not even considered a disability until a few yrs ago.

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28 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Honestly one of the best threads ever!!!!  I have been on pain meds for a long ass time now.  And what THC did is more manly than cutting off your own leg. Lol. To quit cold turkey is insane.  The withdrawls make you feel like death is a better answer.  I do wish however there was a wonder pill where you could only take one and it would take care of you for the full day maybe get a tad little happy high here and there throughout the day but not make you all fucked up or damage any organs.  I ran out of my script a few years ago and thought ok no biggie I will just get some more in a week.  Holy fucking shit was I wrong.  It was mos def a biggie.  I had no idea what was going on and why I was getting all this horrible shakes and restless leg syndrome and could not sleep for 3 days.  Went to the ER and was told I'm going through withdrawls and of course the dr looked at me like I was acting that I didnt know what was going on but I really wasnt.  I had always taken the amount prescribed per day for 2 years and never was with out.  Until that one time when I ran out early.  Fucking the worst I have ever felt in my life.

Are you off them now?  If so, kudos to you. ?

I wish somebody can just hypnotize you and suggest that you are not in pain and you hate taking pain meds.  How sweet would that be.  Oh well, if life was easy what would be the point?  

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For me quitting cold turkey was the best and only way. I tried structuring down on milligrams but without medical supervision and a doctor helping you to structure in that manner you are buying what you can find at the street level. If you are taking 20 mg oxys after 2 years building to that, and then have a surgery... you are in the hospital, connected to what I called r2d2. A little time controlled intraveneous morphine pump that goes where you go as you rehab from surgery. 3 days later, they take r2d2 and give you a script for 30 5mg oxys.

Yeah you blow through them like nothing doing and still have cramps etc. Call the surgeon and he calls you in another 30. Again, gone in a few days. Call the surgeon, calls you in 10 more. The end.

Call the primary care guy, he's like, didn't I refer you to a surgeon? Yep. The end from him too. 

Next stop, ER. Next stop, urgent care center. Eventually you're buyng from the street level pharmacists as long as you can fund your addiction. 

Availability is eventually what got me off of the meds. I was tired of the roller coaster of having some today and looking for them again tomorrow and being sick in between looking. Be sick for two weeks and be done with them. They aren't really helping anyway. 

It's all good as long as a doc is writing them for you... once he's done with you it's a whole different ball game.

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1 hour ago, thc6795 said:

Bro It was for sure one of the hardest things I have ever done. However I feel like I would be dead today if I hadn't of stopped. These fucking doctors don't care. They get you hooked and move on to the next kid. Once you're hooked you go looking for another doctor or visit a bunch of emergency rooms and  care now's. Then they catch on and you're looking in the street. Kids are paying 15-20 a tab right now. Or you can but a dime bag of smack. People wonder why there are addicts?


Bro I would suggest you visit an alternative pain clinic and seek some type of rehab. For a lot of us just admitting the problem is tough. But you have to do it the alternative is death. Never does an addict continue to win. Sooner or later it catches up with you. At first your taking 1 pill every couple of hours then 2 pills at a time then 4 at a time then 5 at a time. Thing about that, 50 mg of hydro in your system in 2 mins, frigging crazy. Bro I am working with a vet right now she takes 10 10's in the morning and 10 more 8 hours later. She has 2 kids both under 10. She is going to die. I've tried to get her into clinics but most if not all are full. The VA is a joke.

Whatever is important to you bro, think if you or they could do without out you or you without them. You have to fight my man. It will be harder then anything else you have done. Find out whats more important. You can do it bro. Man if you ever need to talk or are struggling send me a msg Ill give you my cell Im available day or night bro.

I appreciate the reach out.  I've looked into alternative pain management and even got a pot script, but I can't do that shit it makes me too paranoid.  I've been pretty good about not overdoing it especially since that one time I ran out.  Alls I know is I never want to go through that shit again.  I felt like a crack head.  I get regular blood work done too so that I dont jack up my liver or kidneys.  I do want to get off them tho but I need something else for the shoulder and back pain I have.  I refuse to have surgery too.  I admit this shit is addicting and I totally have an addictive personality which does not help.  I won't move up in strength either.  Oxys would be the next move up but I tried one of those once and was in heaven for like 4 hours.  Thats when I knew I could never take those again.  

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1 hour ago, World Citizen said:

Are you off them now?  If so, kudos to you. ?

I wish somebody can just hypnotize you and suggest that you are not in pain and you hate taking pain meds.  How sweet would that be.  Oh well, if life was easy what would be the point?  

Hell no Im not off them.  The pain would be too much.  Im just waiting for them to invent the wonder drug that I only need to take like once a day and not have to worry about pain or withdrawls.  I have a few friends that are hooked on them and a few that have tried to quit on their own and man seeing them go through hell with the withdrawls scared me to not go straight. Lol.  The only way I could is if I went through a detox facility while getting some other form of pain relief.  The years I put my body through sports and lifting took a toll.  But at the moment Im happy and can still run around with my kids.  

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43 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

For me quitting cold turkey was the best and only way. I tried structuring down on milligrams but without medical supervision and a doctor helping you to structure in that manner you are buying what you can find at the street level. If you are taking 20 mg oxys after 2 years building to that, and then have a surgery... you are in the hospital, connected to what I called r2d2. A little time controlled intraveneous morphine pump that goes where you go as you rehab from surgery. 3 days later, they take r2d2 and give you a script for 30 5mg oxys.

Yeah you blow through them like nothing doing and still have cramps etc. Call the surgeon and he calls you in another 30. Again, gone in a few days. Call the surgeon, calls you in 10 more. The end.

Call the primary care guy, he's like, didn't I refer you to a surgeon? Yep. The end from him too. 

Next stop, ER. Next stop, urgent care center. Eventually you're buyng from the street level pharmacists as long as you can fund your addiction. 

Availability is eventually what got me off of the meds. I was tired of the roller coaster of having some today and looking for them again tomorrow and being sick in between looking. Be sick for two weeks and be done with them. They aren't really helping anyway. 

It's all good as long as a doc is writing them for you... once he's done with you it's a whole different ball game.

Gospel in so many ways.  The restrictions that are being placed on them now is making it harder to get so even the street dealers are running out.  What sucks is thats when folks turn to the H and then thats the end of that.  I wonder what the answer really is?  Allow people to get it when they want or continue to restrict them and they turn to the street for smack?

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47 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

For me quitting cold turkey was the best and only way. I tried structuring down on milligrams but without medical supervision and a doctor helping you to structure in that manner you are buying what you can find at the street level. If you are taking 20 mg oxys after 2 years building to that, and then have a surgery... you are in the hospital, connected to what I called r2d2. A little time controlled intraveneous morphine pump that goes where you go as you rehab from surgery. 3 days later, they take r2d2 and give you a script for 30 5mg oxys.

Yeah you blow through them like nothing doing and still have cramps etc. Call the surgeon and he calls you in another 30. Again, gone in a few days. Call the surgeon, calls you in 10 more. The end.

Call the primary care guy, he's like, didn't I refer you to a surgeon? Yep. The end from him too. 

Next stop, ER. Next stop, urgent care center. Eventually you're buyng from the street level pharmacists as long as you can fund your addiction. 

Availability is eventually what got me off of the meds. I was tired of the roller coaster of having some today and looking for them again tomorrow and being sick in between looking. Be sick for two weeks and be done with them. They aren't really helping anyway. 

It's all good as long as a doc is writing them for you... once he's done with you it's a whole different ball game.

What were you taking and how many and for how long?  Did you start off with like Norco and then move up or just start on oxy?

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23 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

I appreciate the reach out.  I've looked into alternative pain management and even got a pot script, but I can't do that shit it makes me too paranoid.  I've been pretty good about not overdoing it especially since that one time I ran out.  Alls I know is I never want to go through that shit again.  I felt like a crack head.  I get regular blood work done too so that I dont jack up my liver or kidneys.  I do want to get off them tho but I need something else for the shoulder and back pain I have.  I refuse to have surgery too.  I admit this shit is addicting and I totally have an addictive personality which does not help.  I won't move up in strength either.  Oxys would be the next move up but I tried one of those once and was in heaven for like 4 hours.  Thats when I knew I could never take those again.  

Sounds so familiar. Ive had a C5-C6 fusion and I live in constant pain. For me I chose the pain over the addiction. My quality of life improved drastically. Without realizing it I was planning my life around my pills. But I never took them to get high. They work different on me. When I took a vicodin, I got a burst of energy I was happy happy. Then I took them to not get sick. After a while I was like WTF am I doing.

Bless you bro, be careful.

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17 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

What were you taking and how many and for how long?  Did you start off with like Norco and then move up or just start on oxy?

I was a vicodin guy yellow 10's. I wd take 6 a day needed or not. Dude there was a time I could look at a pill and tell you what it was and how strong it was m365 m367, etc.

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1 minute ago, thc6795 said:

I was a vicodin guy yellow 10's. I wd take 6 a day needed or not. Dude there was a time I could look at a pill and tell you what it was and how strong it was m365 m367, etc.

HAHA sounds like me.  I always find myself studying my pills online trying to find something to replace Norcos.  But alls I find is Im just replacing one for another.  I just know I am not going up to Oxys.

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Just now, AztecPadre said:

HAHA sounds like me.  I always find myself studying my pills online trying to find something to replace Norcos.  But alls I find is Im just replacing one for another.  I just know I am not going up to Oxys.

I was the same way. I had myself believing I was addicted as long as stuck to my script I was golden. Bro you realize the FDA just approved some type of Narco that is 10's stronger then an oxy 10? Dude they are trying to kill people.



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4 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

I was the same way. I had myself believing I was addicted as long as stuck to my script I was golden. Bro you realize the FDA just approved some type of Narco that is 10's stronger then an oxy 10? Dude they are trying to kill people.



Dude thats insane.  I wont take Oxys because I know I would love them.  I can't imagine what one of these would do to me. I remember reading that there is some knew synthetic drug on the street that is 1000 times more powerful than fentanyl and it can cause an od just by touching it long enough with no gloves on since it seeps in through your skin.  Its like why?  Why would anybody want to make that shit? Much less take it.

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5 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Dude thats insane.  I wont take Oxys because I know I would love them.  I can't imagine what one of these would do to me. I remember reading that there is some knew synthetic drug on the street that is 1000 times more powerful than fentanyl and it can cause an od just by touching it long enough with no gloves on since it seeps in through your skin.  Its like why?  Why would anybody want to make that shit? Much less take it.

Yep I think they call it grey death, frigging insane.

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36 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

What were you taking and how many and for how long?  Did you start off with like Norco and then move up or just start on oxy?

Started on vicodin 5's and slowly as they became ineffective had to increase milligrams up to norco 10s and then got moved to endocet which is 7.5 oxy then 10 oxy then to oxycontin 20s. 

That was all under a doctors care and over a period of 28 months. 

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2 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Started on vicodin 5's and slowly as they became ineffective had to increase milligrams up to norco 10s and then got moved to endocet which is 7.5 oxy then 10 oxy then to oxycontin 20s. 

That was all under a doctors care and over a period of 28 months. 

Holy shit brother.  You got all the way up to 20's?  And in only 2 and half years?  Wow.  How many were you taking each day?  I have been on my Norcos for like 5 or so years now and I refuse to move up.

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4 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Damn I replied before reading this sorry.

Truth is the opioid problem is bigger then they are even telling us, and the biggest dealers are the doctors we go see who are supposed to help us.

Yeah good call on the name.  Its getting crazy.  People can just create these drugs as their will always be some crazy fools that will actually take them.  Like daredevils with their lives. 

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2 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Yeah good call on the name.  Its getting crazy.  People can just create these drugs as their will always be some crazy fools that will actually take them.  Like daredevils with their lives. 

Bro that is just it, your playing daredevil right now. Sooner or later your tolerance ends. Your body can only take so much and if your drinking at all you put yourself in so much danger. Hell just taking narcos and being in the heat is bad news. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. You know now that they have gotten us hooked on this shit they have come up with another pill that will help you shit. Unfrigginbelievable

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Just now, thc6795 said:

Bro that is just it, your playing daredevil right now. Sooner or later your tolerance ends. Your body can only take so much and if your drinking at all you put yourself in so much danger. Hell just taking narcos and being in the heat is bad news. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. You know now that they have gotten us hooked on this shit they have come up with another pill that will help you shit. Unfrigginbelievable

Luckily for me I don't drink. Was never good at handling my liquor.  But yeah Im looking into ways of just getting off them and maybe just taking the plunge and have surgery.

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48 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Hell no Im not off them.  The pain would be too much.  Im just waiting for them to invent the wonder drug that I only need to take like once a day and not have to worry about pain or withdrawls.  I have a few friends that are hooked on them and a few that have tried to quit on their own and man seeing them go through hell with the withdrawls scared me to not go straight. Lol.  The only way I could is if I went through a detox facility while getting some other form of pain relief.  The years I put my body through sports and lifting took a toll.  But at the moment Im happy and can still run around with my kids.  

I'm glad about the happy part with the kids.  I'm not sure what did more damage to me. Its either football or alcohol.  In both I gave 100% effort. ?  

If I had kids I'm not sure I would let them play football.  That would be an extremely difficult decision being that some of my best times were playing the game.  I got a lot our of it for sure.  

Just out of curiousity, have you ever tried to meditate?  That's the route I would go if I were the type to say what route I would go. ?

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1 minute ago, AztecPadre said:

Luckily for me I don't drink. Was never good at handling my liquor.  But yeah Im looking into ways of just getting off them and maybe just taking the plunge and have surgery.

Bro Im telling you your quality of life will improve so much. It wont be easy by a long shot but you can do it. Like I said if you do and need to talk or ask questions about anything your going thru Im here bro.

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3 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

I'm glad about the happy part with the kids.  I'm not sure what did more damage to me. Its either football or alcohol.  In both I gave 100% effort. ?  

If I had kids I'm not sure I would let them play football.  That would be an extremely difficult decision being that some of my best times were playing the game.  I got a lot our of it for sure.  

Just out of curiousity, have you ever tried to meditate?  That's the route I would go if I were the type to say what route I would go. ?

My mom always tries to get me to go to Yoga with her every morning.  I have been to some places near home where its holistic healing like The Esalen Institute in Big Sur. But I can only take so much of that.  

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