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4 minutes ago, noonereal said:

could have been avoided... that is the infuriating part

Just freakin' taper. 

Does not work well with all drugs but it's pretty effective with opiates. 

For an addict you cant taper, or at least I couldn't. My mind didn't or doesn't work that way. This is why now I refuse to take anything for pain. Hell bro I have had some serious bouts with gout. I went to ER one time and the first thing the DR says is give him a morphine drip. Im like hell no, I tell him why. He thanked me for my honesty, gave me some steroids and anti inflammatory meds and sent me on my way. I have an addictive personality if I like it I like it a lot. Hence the reason I knew to never try coke or smack. I knew my dumb as wd be hooked.   Sad part is I never realized by taking the pills I was taking smack. Really Im thankful I beat it.

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5 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Then one morning I was out of pills and thought no big deal my script will be here in a day or 2. Before I knew it I was sick as hell. 2 days later my script comes I took the pills and felt great in 20 mins. I knew then I needed to get off.

This should never happen. This I blame your doctor for. 


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1 minute ago, thc6795 said:

For an addict you cant taper, or at least I couldn't. My mind didn't or doesn't work that way.\

Then taper inpatient.  

Yes, I know, that is the knock on tapering and why AA does not recommend tapering. 

For it not to be offered however, IMHO is nuts. 



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Just now, noonereal said:

This should never happen. This I blame your doctor for. 


That's my point nor, there are many a DR like this. Not just in the VA. Hell this yr was the first yr I have used company insurance as well as my VA. My first DR appointment after telling the DR my aches and pains. I have had C5-C6 neck fusion. Im still in quite a lot of pain. Not severe just a pain Ive learned to live with. Anyway he give me my scripts and one of them is for 30 vicodin. I didn't even ask for it. I told him I didn't need it. He said ok and we moved on.

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2 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

That's my point nor, there are many a DR like this.

IMHO, most.

Some don't have the knowledge, some the time. Some the interest. 

The bad part is, people look up to doctors and don't take ownership of their health and medications. 

Oh, do I have stories about standing up to doctors...



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4 minutes ago, noonereal said:

Then taper inpatient.  

Yes, I know, that is the knock on tapering and why AA does not recommend tapering. 

For it not to be offered however, IMHO is nuts. 



I understand nor however in my case the VA and most clinics didn't look at me as a full blown addict. You would think getting help and having someone entered into a rehab clinic wd be easy. I can tell you it is not. I have many a friends Vets who are hooked on pain meds that I have tried to help and cant get them into a clinic.

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1 minute ago, noonereal said:

IMHO, most.

Some don't have the knowledge, some the time. Some the interest. 

The bad part is, people look up to doctors and don't take ownership of their health and medications. 

Oh, do I have stories about standing up to doctors...



Exactly, back to Tiger. I bet or I know he is thinking it is ok my DOCTOR prescribed this to me. This is how we justify taking them, when in reality we are nothing more then addicts.  

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21 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

I have a friend now who takes suboxin. She was a 10 vicodin a day person. She is off the pills but when I see her now she looks more faded on the suboxin then when she was taking pills.

Bro tell me about it.

..on Drug Court u got people trying to stay clean but it's hard when ur consistently around the peoples who  are abusing subs and sitting next to you while they're high as shit 

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4 minutes ago, LiberalDonaldTrump said:

Bro tell me about it.

..on Drug Court u got people trying to stay clean but it's hard when ur consistently around the peoples who  are abusing subs and sitting next to you while they're high as shit 

I think people have to be treated for the addiction. You cant treat an addict with a different medication, or at least I couldn't. Like I said they gv me tramadol so I was taking 5 and 6 at a time looking for that high, never realizing that tramadol doesn't give you that high. I agree with nor first step is for the person to realize they have a problem and want help. The next step is understanding you're in for a battle.

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11 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Exactly, back to Tiger. I bet or I know he is thinking it is ok my DOCTOR prescribed this to me. This is how we justify taking them, when in reality we are nothing more then addicts.  

but if he introduced a second drug, even one sip of alcohol, it's on him. IMHO

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1 minute ago, thc6795 said:

IDK. nor have you ever taken aspirin and an hr later had a beer or a glass of whine without thinking abt it?

aspirin is not a narcotic hence this analogy is flawed

I get it, you are a big "bleeding heart" liberal and I am a "take personal responsibility" republican.  

(see how that works? lol) 


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23 minutes ago, noonereal said:

aspirin is not a narcotic hence this analogy is flawed

I get it, you are a big "bleeding heart" liberal and I am a "take personal responsibility" republican.  

(see how that works? lol) 


Ha ha I knew this would come up sooner or later.


I really am torn. I think the addict has to take responsibility but the supplier needs to be punished.

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1 hour ago, thc6795 said:

Bro the VA was giving me 90 vicodin 10's every 30 days without fail. I took them for a yr straight. Like clock work I took 2 in the morning, 2 at lunch and 2 in the eve. I didn't even need it the crap. I was hooked. Then one morning I was out of pills and thought no big deal my script will be here in a day or 2. Before I knew it I was sick as hell. 2 days later my script comes I took the pills and felt great in 20 mins. I knew then I needed to get off. I took the script back to the VA and asked for something else they gv me tramadol. I took that for 4 days I was still feeling like shit so I just said F it and stopped. Cold turkey. I suffered bro, it was horrible. but like I said after about 7 days I was good. I can see how people get hooked. Once it has hold of you it is a fight to get away. I was lucky. I know many a vets who have OD'd and not by choice.  

My team leader od'd about a year ago. Sadly I believe it was on purpose. He posted on FB our team photo with American flag from Middle east @5 am. Got a message at 8 he was found passed away. I figured he was having troubles but anytime I asked him he would go silent for about a month.  I always invited him to meet up with us on our vacations and he would go silent for a month. You know us grunts, we don't want help and we don't want our brothers seeing us in bad shape. 

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Great discussion about the doctor responsibility vs. patient responsibility etc.

Without a doubt, somewhere during the prescribing process, the doctor and/or the pharmacist should explain how these medications can be very addictive and give the pros and cons.

I suffered with a back problem for several years before finally going through with the surgery. Was prescribed varying degrees of pain meds and muscle relaxers both narcotic and non-narcotic. No where along the line was I ever really warned about addiction in a conference with doctors or pharmacists although there was a lot of paperwork that did have something on there about it.

Anyway, the pain killers never really stopped any pain, but they did put my mind to a place where I was like, "pain? Fuck it, Who cares!" 

After riding these things for a couple of years and having a surgery, three months later, the doctors just drop you like a hot potato. No more prescriptions and an addiction to deal with. No help from them at all. Yeah. Tough stuff. Now you're pill shopping with doctors or street level pharmaceutical sales people to maintain the ability to work or function in general. 

Two years later I finally got away from them, and had the same issues as THC did. Flu like symptoms for almost two weeks. Laying on the cold tile in the bathroom floor afraid to venture far from the porcelain god because you might shit out of either end at any time etc. 

Terrible stuff. The doctors could give a shit less that you became addicted. They know the risks but don't properly inform you and then string you along for months or years on them before eventually just dropping you like you were never there.  


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5 minutes ago, NorCalRuss said:

My team leader od'd about a year ago. Sadly I believe it was on purpose. He posted on FB our team photo with American flag from Middle east @5 am. Got a message at 8 he was found passed away. I figured he was having troubles but anytime I asked him he would go silent for about a month.  I always invited him to meet up with us on our vacations and he would go silent for a month. You know us grunts, we don't want help and we don't want our brothers seeing us in bad shape. 

Yeah man it's tough. I spend a lot of time with Vets who suffer from PTSD. Most of them have addictions of some type. All of them are because of how horrible the VA treated mental illness.

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8 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Great discussion about the doctor responsibility vs. patient responsibility etc.

Without a doubt, somewhere during the prescribing process, the doctor and/or the pharmacist should explain how these medications can be very addictive and give the pros and cons.

I suffered with a back problem for several years before finally going through with the surgery. Was prescribed varying degrees of pain meds and muscle relaxers both narcotic and non-narcotic. No where along the line was I ever really warned about addiction in a conference with doctors or pharmacists although there was a lot of paperwork that did have something on there about it.

Anyway, the pain killers never really stopped any pain, but they did put my mind to a place where I was like, "pain? Fuck it, Who cares!" 

After riding these things for a couple of years and having a surgery, three months later, the doctors just drop you like a hot potato. No more prescriptions and an addiction to deal with. No help from them at all. Yeah. Tough stuff. Now you're pill shopping with doctors or street level pharmaceutical sales people to maintain the ability to work or function in general. 

Two years later I finally got away from them, and had the same issues as THC did. Flu like symptoms for almost two weeks. Laying on the cold tile in the bathroom floor afraid to venture far from the porcelain god because you might shit out of either end at any time etc. 

Terrible stuff. The doctors could give a shit less that you became addicted. They know the risks but don't properly inform you and then string you along for months or years on them before eventually just dropping you like you were never there.  


Thanks for sharing man. It is horrible and again I put most of the blame on doctors. They don't treat you for the problem, they treat you for symptom's. At least the VA does.

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Tiger took the breathalyzer, he blew a 0.00. If you have suffered with addiction and worked with those who suffer from addiction you could tell by his mug shot that it was not alcohol. Tiger needs help big time. I really hope he gets it. Right now he is in a really bad place and suffering from denial. His personality will not let him believe that "Tiger" woods is addicted to anything. Today it is just a bad story with out help he will be a tragedy.  I would never wish death on anyone, but he is going to end up like prince unless he checks into rehab.

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9 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Thanks for sharing man. It is horrible and again I put most of the blame on doctors. They don't treat you for the problem, they treat you for symptom's. At least the VA does.

My doctors called it "conservative treatment" because I was too young to have a back surgery.  Do this exercise and take these two pills. Take this one twice a day and this other one once every 4 hours as needed for pain. 

Man, if I had all of it to do over again, I'd have just came out of pocket for an mri instead of going through all the hoops for insurance waiting on a doctor referral/ordered mri. I could have avoided a lot of heart ache and trouble by just getting on with it. 

It seems like a hustle. Conservative treatment etc. for two years. Chiropractors and physical therapists, z-packs of steroids/anti-inflammatory meds was the only thing that ever helped my pain at all. Muscle relaxers like flexeril helped a little and soma helped more. The hydrocodones, oxycodones and tramadol didn't do shit but cause problems that I could tell. 

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2 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

My doctors called it "conservative treatment" because I was too young to have a back surgery.  Do this exercise and take these two pills. Take this one twice a day and this other one once every 4 hours as needed for pain. 

Man, if I had all of it to do over again, I'd have just came out of pocket for an mri instead of going through all the hoops for insurance waiting on a doctor referral/ordered mri. I could have avoided a lot of heart ache and trouble by just getting on with it. 

It seems like a hustle. Conservative treatment etc. for two years. Chiropractors and physical therapists, z-packs of steroids/anti-inflammatory meds was the only thing that ever helped my pain at all. Muscle relaxers like flexeril helped a little and soma helped more. The hydrocodones, oxycodones and tramadol didn't do shit but cause problems that I could tell. 

Yep and then another problem is you need some kind of upper in the morning to get going. I remember I would get up and take hydroxy cut. It was a strong fat burner, I would be wired all day then take 2 pills at night to relax. It was a vicious cycle  Your heart is just being abused horribly

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3 hours ago, thc6795 said:

I agree with having a choice to take or not take the pain meds. However doctors who are freely handing out oxy 100 at a time bare some fault as well. I know the VA cure all is to prescribe 90 vicodin 10's at a time. Every 30 days without fail. How the hell wouldn't you get hooked? I woke up one morning 5 yrs ago and said that's it I wont take another one again. This was after almost a yr straight of taking what the DOCTOR prescribed me. Let me tell you that first 10 days off that crap was horrible. Stayed true to my word and have not taken a pain pill in 5 yrs.

Nice work.  Tough to do my man.


There was a local story the other day about a lady who would cut her dog, take to vet to get Tramadol.  Wtf?  

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Honestly one of the best threads ever!!!!  I have been on pain meds for a long ass time now.  And what THC did is more manly than cutting off your own leg. Lol. To quit cold turkey is insane.  The withdrawls make you feel like death is a better answer.  I do wish however there was a wonder pill where you could only take one and it would take care of you for the full day maybe get a tad little happy high here and there throughout the day but not make you all fucked up or damage any organs.  I ran out of my script a few years ago and thought ok no biggie I will just get some more in a week.  Holy fucking shit was I wrong.  It was mos def a biggie.  I had no idea what was going on and why I was getting all this horrible shakes and restless leg syndrome and could not sleep for 3 days.  Went to the ER and was told I'm going through withdrawls and of course the dr looked at me like I was acting that I didnt know what was going on but I really wasnt.  I had always taken the amount prescribed per day for 2 years and never was with out.  Until that one time when I ran out early.  Fucking the worst I have ever felt in my life.

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2 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Nice work.  Tough to do my man.


There was a local story the other day about a lady who would cut her dog, take to vet to get Tramadol.  Wtf?  

Wow tramadol? Trams don't have the narcotic euphoria that vicodin of oxy's give you. In fact I know a few vets who take trams to help with the withdrawals of oxy's.

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1 hour ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Great discussion about the doctor responsibility vs. patient responsibility etc.

Without a doubt, somewhere during the prescribing process, the doctor and/or the pharmacist should explain how these medications can be very addictive and give the pros and cons.

I suffered with a back problem for several years before finally going through with the surgery. Was prescribed varying degrees of pain meds and muscle relaxers both narcotic and non-narcotic. No where along the line was I ever really warned about addiction in a conference with doctors or pharmacists although there was a lot of paperwork that did have something on there about it.

Anyway, the pain killers never really stopped any pain, but they did put my mind to a place where I was like, "pain? Fuck it, Who cares!" 

After riding these things for a couple of years and having a surgery, three months later, the doctors just drop you like a hot potato. No more prescriptions and an addiction to deal with. No help from them at all. Yeah. Tough stuff. Now you're pill shopping with doctors or street level pharmaceutical sales people to maintain the ability to work or function in general. 

Two years later I finally got away from them, and had the same issues as THC did. Flu like symptoms for almost two weeks. Laying on the cold tile in the bathroom floor afraid to venture far from the porcelain god because you might shit out of either end at any time etc. 

Terrible stuff. The doctors could give a shit less that you became addicted. They know the risks but don't properly inform you and then string you along for months or years on them before eventually just dropping you like you were never there.  


Brother. Kudos to you as well.  Glad you for through it. 

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5 minutes ago, AztecPadre said:

Honestly one of the best threads ever!!!!  I have been on pain meds for a long ass time now.  And what THC did is more manly than cutting off your own leg. Lol. To quit cold turkey is insane.  The withdrawls make you feel like death is a better answer.  I do wish however there was a wonder pill where you could only take one and it would take care of you for the full day maybe get a tad little happy high here and there throughout the day but not make you all fucked up or damage any organs.  I ran out of my script a few years ago and thought ok no biggie I will just get some more in a week.  Holy fucking shit was I wrong.  It was mos def a biggie.  I had no idea what was going on and why I was getting all this horrible shakes and restless leg syndrome and could not sleep for 3 days.  Went to the ER and was told I'm going through withdrawls and of course the dr looked at me like I was acting that I didnt know what was going on but I really wasnt.  I had always taken the amount prescribed per day for 2 years and never was with out.  Until that one time when I ran out early.  Fucking the worst I have ever felt in my life.

Bro It was for sure one of the hardest things I have ever done. However I feel like I would be dead today if I hadn't of stopped. These fucking doctors don't care. They get you hooked and move on to the next kid. Once you're hooked you go looking for another doctor or visit a bunch of emergency rooms and  care now's. Then they catch on and you're looking in the street. Kids are paying 15-20 a tab right now. Or you can but a dime bag of smack. People wonder why there are addicts?


Bro I would suggest you visit an alternative pain clinic and seek some type of rehab. For a lot of us just admitting the problem is tough. But you have to do it the alternative is death. Never does an addict continue to win. Sooner or later it catches up with you. At first your taking 1 pill every couple of hours then 2 pills at a time then 4 at a time then 5 at a time. Thing about that, 50 mg of hydro in your system in 2 mins, frigging crazy. Bro I am working with a vet right now she takes 10 10's in the morning and 10 more 8 hours later. She has 2 kids both under 10. She is going to die. I've tried to get her into clinics but most if not all are full. The VA is a joke.

Whatever is important to you bro, think if you or they could do without out you or you without them. You have to fight my man. It will be harder then anything else you have done. Find out whats more important. You can do it bro. Man if you ever need to talk or are struggling send me a msg Ill give you my cell Im available day or night bro.

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