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King Orange Twitter Archive broken down....


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7 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

When are you going to grow up and quit defending every shit King Orange takes?



This is exactly correct. Concha (and others,about 35% of the country) will not be objective, preferring instead to indulge their want. 

I say it again. There is nothing wrong with being a conservative. There is something very wrong with turning a blind eye to fact and truths as Trump demands of his minions. 

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Just now, TheRealCAJ said:

Not today he hasn't, moron......all about Germany this morning.

Keep up with the rest of the educated who can see what's going on.

Freakin fool.



I hope you make it to the potty before you wet yourself.

Apparently in ChipWorld, the president is not allowed to address Germany directly.

Chip the tiny-minded rage monkey is ragin'.

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1 minute ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Where are the King Orange tough guy twitter posts concerning Canada's NATO obligation this morning, concha.

concha, will now post a toilet photo...and, call someone a name.

So very weak!


Who cares?

Has Canada not been addressed yet?

Rage monkey is ragin'

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any other centrists or liberals think Trump demanding NATO contributions be honored by all nations is not a bad thing?

and even if you don't like it, is it not fair of him to do it as he won election, fair and square, with this front and center? 

Sorry my friends on the left. We need to be fair and balanced. (not Fox fair and balanced, obviously) 

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

Who cares?



Not King Orange...this morning.

He's at war with Germany and Angela Merkel at the moment.....


Angela Merkel – or “leader of the free world” as she is now to be known – did not wait long to see the back of Donald Trump before she made it clear that things have changed. She told a rally of 2,500 people in Munich where she kicked off her campaign to be re-elected that the EU must now be prepared to look after itself, that it could no longer depend on the UK or America. “The times in which we could completely depend on others are, to a certain extent, over … I’ve experienced that in the last few days. We Europeans have to take fate into our own hands.”


This is a truly dramatic statement from a leader who doesn’t do drama. She is not going to be holding Trump’s hand any time soon. He may be relieved to hear that, but then the underestimation of Merkel as a dowdy physicist has often allowed her to run rings around egotistical male leaders.


Our KIng doesn't like it when people think he's a dumbass....proof?

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4 minutes ago, noonereal said:

any other centrists or liberals think Trump demanding NATO contributions be honored by all nations is not a bad thing?

and even if you don't like it, is it not fair of him to do it as he won election, fair and square, with this front and center? 

Sorry my friends on the left. We need to be fair and balanced. (not Fox fair and balanced, obviously) 

It's worse than that.

Many NATO nations have skipped on their agreed obligations for decades, all the while living under an umbrella of protection afforded by the blood and treasure of the USA.

Trump calls them on it. And then the leader of a country that started two world wars and murdered millions of innocents in cold blood has the temerity to mouth off.


Chip's reaction?

Trump is the bad guy.

You can't make this shit up.

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10 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Not King Orange...this morning.

He's at war with Germany and Angela Merkel at the moment.....


Angela Merkel – or “leader of the free world” as she is now to be known – did not wait long to see the back of Donald Trump before she made it clear that things have changed. She told a rally of 2,500 people in Munich where she kicked off her campaign to be re-elected that the EU must now be prepared to look after itself, that it could no longer depend on the UK or America. “The times in which we could completely depend on others are, to a certain extent, over … I’ve experienced that in the last few days. We Europeans have to take fate into our own hands.”


This is a truly dramatic statement from a leader who doesn’t do drama. She is not going to be holding Trump’s hand any time soon. He may be relieved to hear that, but then the underestimation of Merkel as a dowdy physicist has often allowed her to run rings around egotistical male leaders.


Our KIng doesn't like it when people think he's a dumbass....proof?

I don't know why our King struggles SO much with women..

Everyone is NOT the hillbilly Sarah Huckabee or dizzy blonde Kellyanne Conway...

Grow up King Orange and concha..

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Conch seriously why do you bother with this pile of shit? He is a racist pig. When he takes his last breathe no one will give 2 squirts of piss. He is like a turd. You don't move a turd from one toilet to another you flush it. Time for you to flush Cajun the racist.

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18 minutes ago, concha said:

It's worse than that.

Many NATO nations have skipped on their agreed obligations for decades, all the while living under an umbrella of protection afforded by the blood and treasure of the USA.

Trump calls them on it. And then the leader of a country that started two world wars and murdered millions of innocents in cold blood has the temerity to mouth off.


Chip's reaction?

Trump is the bad guy.

You can't make this shit up.

I am not really concerned about a posters reaction, I am concerned about  a nations reaction. 

I have no issues with what Merkel said either. (unless I missed something new) 

Trump did the right thing in this regard, Germany responded. You will get this when you demand of another. 

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Just now, TheRealCAJ said:

You act like King Orange invented this thought...

You are such a blind monkey...shamefully blind and ignorant.

No. I don't, Chip.


Angele Merkel is the leader of a nation that started two world wars, murdered millions of innocents and has knowingly sponged off the US for decades while becoming a world economic superpower. And then she has the gall to mouth off against her country's protector when called on their delinquency.

But Chip is "with her".

Speaks volumes about you, Chip.

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9 minutes ago, concha said:

No. I don't, Chip.


Angele Merkel is the leader of a nation that started two world wars, murdered millions of innocents and has knowingly sponged off the US for decades while becoming a world economic superpower. And then she has the gall to mouth off against her country's protector when called on their delinquency.

But Chip is "with her".

Speaks volumes about you, Chip.

You are truly pitiful and pathetic.......

King Orange, had all that BS on his mind this morning at 5AM?.

Only in your fucked up world...


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I mean REALLY...concha, has reached his all time low. Just when you think he can't possibly sink any lower in his defense of King Orange tweets he brings Hitler up.

OK, OK, concha....King Orange, is now mad at Angela Merkel because of Hitler and company.

Go back to doing whatever it is you do all day. Know this though.

You are just a piece of spinning shit.

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1 minute ago, TheRealCAJ said:

I mean REALLY...concha, has reached his all time low. Just when you think he can't possibly sink any lower in his defense of King Orange tweets he brings Hitler up.

OK, OK, concha....King Orange, is now mad at Angela Merkel because of Hitler and company.

Go back to doing whatever it is you do all day. Know this though.

You are just a piece of spinning shit.

Chip the Dumb Racist comes unhinged.

Please point out where I mentioned Hitler?

I brought up the outrageous gall that Merkel has given her country's history and their status as a fucking deadbeat for 25 years. They haven't met their commitment since 1992, Chip.


But who does Chip the Dumb Racist lose his mind over?  The foreign economic world power sponging off of the US? 



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10 hours ago, concha said:

Throw in the lies and partisanship to pass sweeping change affecting 1/6 of our economy.

You guys focus on things like crowd size.

Us guys focus on crowd size?  How can you say that?  Trump was the one focusing on crowd size, the media just reported on his lies about it.  Fast and Furious was a Bush program.  I guess we will disagree on that fact.  Benghazi=nothing there. 

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2 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Us guys focus on crowd size?  How can you say that?  Trump was the one focusing on crowd size, the media just reported on his lies about it.  Fast and Furious was a Bush program.  I guess we will disagree on that fact.  Benghazi=nothing there. 

Both sides got silly on the crowd thing. Regardless, not important to our lives.

Fast and Furious was initiated in 2009.  There were other arguably similar programs before it, but with key differences.

We could not disagree more on Benghazi, but we won't change each other's minds.

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10 hours ago, concha said:

Throw in the lies and partisanship to pass sweeping change affecting 1/6 of our economy.

You guys focus on things like crowd size.

What lies? Partisanship by repubs, lies by repubs.  Presidents have been trying to do something about health care for quite a while now.  Because it is 1/6 of the economy it is an issue that needed to be dealt with.  What is your problem with people having health care?  Was the health care system great before?  Help no it wasn't.  People forget how it was run by the insurance companies who decided who got care and what kind of care and how much.  

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3 minutes ago, concha said:

Both sides got silly on the crowd thing. Regardless, not important to our lives.

Fast and Furious was initiated in 2009.  There were other arguably similar programs before it, but with key differences.

We could not disagree more on Benghazi, but we won't change each other's minds.

That's ok. We don't have to convince each other.  Did you watch any of the hearings?  

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