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King Orange Twitter Archive broken down....


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Key to solving issues

  1. "Nobody but Donald Trump will save Israel"
  2. "Nobody knows jobs like I do!"
  3. "Nobody understands politicians like I do"
  4. "Nobody beats me on National Security"
  5. "Nobody would fight harder for free speech than me"
  6. "Nobody can beat me on the economy (and jobs)"
  7. "Nobody will protect our Nation like Donald J. Trump"
  8. "Nobody more against ObamaCare than me"
  9. "Nobody has more respect for women than Donald Trump!"
  10. "No-one has done more for people with disabilities than me"
  11. Illegal immigration "Our Southern border is unsecure. I am the only one that can fix it"
  12. Illegal immigration "Such a big problem for our country-I will solve"
  13. Infrastructure "The only one to fix the infrastructure of our country is me"
  14. Infrastructure "I am the only one that knows how to build cities"
  15. Infrastructure "all falling apart. I can fix for 20% of pols, & better"
  16. ISIS "ISIS is still running around wild. I can fix it fast"
  17. ISIS "5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. Also, many in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! I alone can fix this problem!"
  18. Jobs "I will create jobs like no one else"
  19. Jobs "I am the only presidential candidate who will bring jobs back to the U.S.and protect car industry!"
  20. Jobs "I will bring our jobs back to the U.S., and keep our companies from leaving. Nobody else can do it."
  21. Making America great "I am the only one who can Make America Great Again"
  22. Making America great "If I run, and if I win, our country will be great again."
  23. Moving jobs to Mexico "I am the only one who can fix this. Very sad."
  24. Obamacare "We will immediately repeal and replace ObamaCare - and nobody can do that like me"
  25. Slow GDP "I TOLD YOU SO! Only I can fix"
  26. Social Security "I am going to save Social Security without any cuts. I know where to get the money from. Nobody else does."
  27. Tax laws "I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them."
  28. Terrorism "At least 67 dead,400 injured. I alone can solve"
  30. Tough calls "Govt. collapsing in Iraq...Sadly, I called this one and please remember, I alone called it.
  31. Veterans Affairs "I will fix VA quickly."
  32. Why are people upset w/ me over Pres Obama’s birth certificate? I got him to release it, or whatever it was, when nobody else could!"
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47 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Couldn't have found a better link to explain our president's twitter habits, thanks David Lee...

You are good for something....


Listen, Trump indeed does seem to suffer from a rather serious psychiatric disorder but it's not OCD or antisocial personality disorder.

It does no good being the left wing Concha. 

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1 hour ago, TheRealCAJ said:


Key to solving issues

  1. "Nobody but Donald Trump will save Israel"
  2. "Nobody knows jobs like I do!"
  3. "Nobody understands politicians like I do"
  4. "Nobody beats me on National Security"
  5. "Nobody would fight harder for free speech than me"
  6. "Nobody can beat me on the economy (and jobs)"
  7. "Nobody will protect our Nation like Donald J. Trump"
  8. "Nobody more against ObamaCare than me"
  9. "Nobody has more respect for women than Donald Trump!"
  10. "No-one has done more for people with disabilities than me"
  11. Illegal immigration "Our Southern border is unsecure. I am the only one that can fix it"
  12. Illegal immigration "Such a big problem for our country-I will solve"
  13. Infrastructure "The only one to fix the infrastructure of our country is me"
  14. Infrastructure "I am the only one that knows how to build cities"
  15. Infrastructure "all falling apart. I can fix for 20% of pols, & better"
  16. ISIS "ISIS is still running around wild. I can fix it fast"
  17. ISIS "5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. Also, many in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! I alone can fix this problem!"
  18. Jobs "I will create jobs like no one else"
  19. Jobs "I am the only presidential candidate who will bring jobs back to the U.S.and protect car industry!"
  20. Jobs "I will bring our jobs back to the U.S., and keep our companies from leaving. Nobody else can do it."
  21. Making America great "I am the only one who can Make America Great Again"
  22. Making America great "If I run, and if I win, our country will be great again."
  23. Moving jobs to Mexico "I am the only one who can fix this. Very sad."
  24. Obamacare "We will immediately repeal and replace ObamaCare - and nobody can do that like me"
  25. Slow GDP "I TOLD YOU SO! Only I can fix"
  26. Social Security "I am going to save Social Security without any cuts. I know where to get the money from. Nobody else does."
  27. Tax laws "I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them."
  28. Terrorism "At least 67 dead,400 injured. I alone can solve"
  30. Tough calls "Govt. collapsing in Iraq...Sadly, I called this one and please remember, I alone called it.
  31. Veterans Affairs "I will fix VA quickly."
  32. Why are people upset w/ me over Pres Obama’s birth certificate? I got him to release it, or whatever it was, when nobody else could!"

Talk about a big time racist loser. Total Trump obsession. 

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9 minutes ago, aZjimbo said:

Talk about a big time racist loser. Total Trump obsession. 

How is it obsession when my president tells me today (Memorial Day Weekend)  that everything is fake news except his news basically?

Your daddy lit twitter up, not me.

You are so galactically imbecilic it baffles the human mind, believe that...



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34 minutes ago, noonereal said:


Listen, Trump indeed does seem to suffer from a rather serious psychiatric disorder but it's not OCD or antisocial personality disorder.

It does no good being the left wing Concha. 

King Orange suffers from too much stuff to list....

twitter is a compulsion to King Orange....he's convinced himself he can rule the world from it and control people's thoughts..

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2 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

King Orange suffers from too much stuff to list....

twitter is a compulsion to King Orange....he's convinced himself he can rule the world from it and control people's thoughts..


You have convinced the entire board that you are an OCD-suffering racist moron.


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1 minute ago, TheRealCAJ said:

King Orange suffers from too much stuff to list....

twitter is a compulsion to King Orange....he's convinced himself he can rule the world from it and control people's thoughts..

His twitter account is most defiantly impactful. Nothing delusional taking place. By repeating the same thing to people who want to believe, he is most defiantly and effectively solidifying his base. Read the Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich to gain some insight into what Trump is doing and it's effectiveness. 



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2 minutes ago, concha said:


You have convinced the entire board that you are an OCD-suffering racist moron.


Is that right? Since the Black Panther has left the forum I would offer there hasn't been a racist peep from anyone.

Go peddle your weak BS to someone who gives a shit.

Either agree that King Orange is a twitter clown or disgaree with it? Clear?

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Media Disdain

  1. ABC's Cookie Roberts "so wrong for so long...lost all credibility...just another sad case" (11/29/2015)
  2. ABC's Tom Llamas "cannot report the news truthfully...fraudulent story" (08/20/2015)
  3. Anthony Baxter "bias and stupidity...clowns" (09/28/2014)
  4. Arianna Huffington "ugly both inside and out" (04/20/2014)
  5. Arianna Huffington "liberal clown...money losing @HuffingtonPost" (07/18/2015)
  6. Arsenio Hall "very ungrateful...absolutely dying in the ratings" (04/03/2014)
  7. Arsenio Hall "ratings were terrible...Apprentice brought him back from the dead, but he blew it" (06/02/2014)
  8. Associated Press "shameful reporting...no credibility" (09/26/2012)
  9. Associated Press "totally lost its way...stories are fictional garbage" (11/21/2015)
  10. Associated Press "extremely dishonest reporting" (11/23/2015)
  11. Barry Diller "lost a fortune on Newsweek and Daily Beast...sad and pathetic figure" (10/10/2015)
  12. BBC "no surprise that is in a major scandal for shoddy journalism...zero credibility" (11/12/2012)
  13. Bill Kristol "small and slightly failing magazine" (07/23/2015)
  14. Bill Kristol "dopey...lost all credibility with so many dumb statements" (10/26/2015)
  15. Brian Williams "I have long stated that Brian Williams was not a very smart guy" (02/10/2015)
  16. Brian Williams "not the nice guy that people think he is, has now become totally irrelevant" (02/10/2015)
  17. Bryant Gumbel "one of the dumbest racists around...an arrogant dope with no talent...failed at CBS" (08/20/2013)
  18. BuzzFeed "true garbage with no credibility" (02/18/2014)
  19. Buzzfeed "I wonder how much money dumb @BuzzFeed...loooose each year...zero credibility...totally irrelevant and sad!"(02/18/2014)
  20. Buzzfeed's Ben Smith "is that really his last name?...a total mess" (02/18/2014)
  21. Buzzfeed's McKay Coppins "failed and dishonest reporter...irrelevant buzzfeed" (02/15/2014)
  22. Buzzfeed's McKay Coppins "third rate @BuzzFeed site & slimebag reporter" (02/18/2014)
  23. Buzzfeed's McKay Coppins "sleazebag blogger...irrelevant @BuzzFeed" (02/19/2014)
  24. Buzzfeed's McKay Coppins "very dumb reporter(blogger)...very inappropriate behavior while in Florida" (02/23/2014)
  25. CBS's Major Garrett "covers me very inaccurately...total agenda, bad reporter" (01/12/2016)
  26. Charles Krauthammer "one of the worst and most boring political pundits on television...totally overrated clown"(06/04/2015)
  27. Charles Krauthammer "dummy political pundit" (06/04/2015)
  28. Charles Krauthammer "pretends to be a smart guy...dummy...an overrated clown" (06/04/2015)
  29. Charles Krauthammer "dopey @krauthammer should be fired" (08/07/2015)
  30. Charles Krauthammer "the hatred that clown @krauthammer has for me is unbelievable – causes him to lie"(08/07/2015)
  31. Charles Krauthammer "biased...flunky" (01/29/2016)
  32. Charlie Hebdo "magazine would have folded - no money, no success" (01/14/2015)
  33. Cheri Jacobus "begged us for a job...we said no and she went hostile...a real dummy" (02/03/2016)
  34. Cheri Jacobus "really dumb...begged my people for a job...major loser, zero credibility" (02/06/2016)
  35. Chris Matthews "really dumb guy (and I know him well)" (03/19/2013)
  36. Chris Matthews "he gets dumber each & every year--& started from a very low base" (04/16/2013)
  37. Chris Matthews "lowest IQ on television" (04/16/2013)
  38. Chris Matthews "ratings are at new historic lows...single-handedly destroying the entire @msnbc channel" (08/01/2013)
  39. Chris Matthews "is he drinking again?" (08/01/2013)
  40. Chris Wallace "the great Mike Wallace covered me in a much more professional manner than his son" (06/21/2015)
  41. Chuck Todd "sleepy eyes...an absolute joke of a reporter" (10/08/2012)
  42. Chuck Todd "sleepy eyes...one of the dumbest voices in politics" (08/09/2013)
  43. Chuck Todd "sleepy eyes...ratings on Meet the Press are setting record lows..he's a real loser" (01/25/2015)
  44. Chuck Todd "sleepy eyes...he bombed, franchise in ruins" (01/27/2015)
  45. Chuck Todd "sleepy eyes @chucktodd will be fired like a dog from ratings starved Meet The Press" (07/12/2015)
  46. Chuck Todd "isn't he pathetic? Love watching him fail" (07/12/2015)
  47. Chuck Todd "getting terrible ratings...I saved his job, but Chuck still not nice" (12/06/2015)
  48. Chuck Todd "so dishonest in his reporting...no ratings" (12/25/2015)
  49. Chuck Todd "sleepy eyes...he is do (sic) totally biased" (03/27/2016)
  50. Chuck Todd "sleepy eyes...a man with so little touch for politics" (07/06/2016)
  51. CNBC "ratings are really low, worst in many years" (08/29/2013)
  52. CNBC "ratings are going down the tubes" (03/10/2014)
  53. CNN "so totally one-sided and biased against me that it is becoming boring" (11/28/2015)
  54. CNN "nothing but my opponents on their shows...really one-sided and unfair reporting" (03/29/2016)
  55. CNN "so negative it is impossible to watch...terrible panel, angry haters" (04/20/2016)
  56. CNN "very unprofessional...hurting in ratings - bad television" (05/14/2016)
  57. CNN "so negative, getting even worse as I get closer...turning off" (05/21/2016)
  58. CNN "Clinton News Network...getting more and more biased...act so indignant" (06/05/2016)
  59. CNN "so biased against me...shows are predictable garbage...CNN and MSM is one big lie" (06/05/2016)
  60. CNN "total distortion of my words and what I am saying" (06/13/2016)
  61. CNN "totally biased in favor of Clinton" (06/23/2016)
  62. CNN "Clinton News Network is losing all credibility. I’m not watching it much anymore" (06/23/2016)
  63. CNN "all negative when it comes to me. I don't watch it anymore." (06/27/2016)
  64. CNN "is all negative...guests are stacked for Crooked Hillary...I don't watch" (07/17/2016)
  65. CNN "CNN is the Clinton News Network and people don't like" (07/17/2016)
  66. CNN "is the worst...they go to their dumb, one-sided panels when a podium speaker is for Trump" (07/18/2016)
  67. CNN "panels are so one sided, almost all against Trump...don't watch CNN" (07/24/2016)
  68. CNN "a made up story by "low ratings" @CNN" (08/10/2016)
  69. CNN "constant phony reporting from failing @CNN turns everyone off" (08/11/2016)
  70. CNN "so disgusting in their bias" (09/03/2016)
  71. CNN "unwatchable...news on me is fiction...disgrace to the broadcasting industry...arm of the Clinton campaign."(09/09/2016)
  72. CNN Politics "just plain dumb" (07/18/2015)
  73. CNN's Alisyn Camerota "treats me very badly...a disaster" (01/21/2016)
  74. CNN's Ana Navarro "no talent, no TV persona" (11/09/2015)
  75. CNN's Don Lemon "lightweight - dumb as a rock" (08/10/2016)
  76. CNN's Errol Louis "doesn't have a clue" (11/30/2015)
  77. CNN's John King "underachieving...one hour of lies...few people are watching" (07/10/2016)
  78. CNN's Martin Bashir "surprised to find out he is on TV...who knew?!" (01/09/2013)
  79. CNN's S.E. Cupp "totally biased loser who doesn't have a clue" (12/09/2015)
  80. David Axelrod "third rate book...stammering" (02/10/2015)
  81. David Axelrod "the dog hit me even after I made a big contribution to his charity" (02/10/2015)
  82. David Gregory "thrown off of TV by NBC, fired like a dog...being nasty to me...not nice" (03/30/2016)
  83. David Letterman "so boring and mundane...world-shattering poor performance at the Academy Awards a number of years ago" (02/22/2012)
  84. Deadspin "total losers...bad complexions" (01/18/2013)
  85. Des Moines Register "failing...ultra liberal paper that has no power in Iowa" (07/21/2015)
  86. Des Moines Register "seriously failing Des Moines Register is BEGGING my team for press credentials" (07/25/2015)
  87. Erick Erickson "major sleaze and buffoon" (08/08/2015)
  88. Erick Erickson "total low life...dummy with no "it" factor" (10/08/2015)
  89. Erick Erickson "fired like a dog...just doesn't have IT" (10/08/2015)
  90. Erick Erickson "got fired like a dog from RedState" (03/18/2016)
  91. ESPN's Rick Reilly "may be the worst reporter...he gets away with murder" (02/22/2012)
  92. Esquire Magazine "dying (or dead)...lots of hatred...when will this boring magazine close?" (03/02/2013)
  93. Fortune Magazine "few people know that @FortuneMagazine is still in business" (10/31/2015)
  94. Fox News "not fair!" (12/15/2015)
  95. Fox News "pathetic attempt by @foxnews to try and build up ratings...without me they'd have no ratings" (01/26/2016)
  96. Fox News "statement put out yesterday by @FoxNews was a disgrace to good broadcasting and journalism...nasty & dumb " (01/27/2016)
  97. Fox News "only puts negative people on...biased - a total joke" (02/14/2016)
  98. Fox News "so biased it is disgusting...they do not want Trump to win...all negative" (02/17/2016)
  99. Fox News "totally biased and disgusting reporting" (03/10/2016)
  100. Fox News' Chris Stirewalt "one of the dumbest political pundits on television...dope" (11/06/2015)
  101. Frank Luntz "works really hard but is a guy who just doesn't have it - a total loser" (08/03/2014)
  102. Frank Luntz "your so-called "focus groups" are a total joke....you are a clown" (08/07/2015)
  103. Frank Luntz "low class slob who came to my office looking for consulting work and I had zero interest" (08/07/2015)
  104. Frank Luntz "total clown...has zero credibility" (01/16/2016)
  105. George Will "most overrated political pundit...take away his little round glasses and his greasy hair style and he is just another dummy" (03/05/2012)
  106. George Will "political moron...last month he said Romney couldn't win" (10/09/2012)
  107. George Will "perhaps the most boring political pundit on television...got thrown off ABC like a dog" (04/17/2015)
  108. George Will "goofy...boring & often wrong...a total dope" (06/19/2015)
  109. George Will "one of the most overrated political pundits (who lost his way long ago)" (06/26/2016)
  110. Glenn Beck "wacky...always seems to be crying...a real nut job" (10/08/2015)
  111. Glenn Beck "viewers & ratings are way down & he has become irrelevant" (10/08/2015)
  112. Glenn Beck "failing host...mental basketcase" (10/29/2015)
  113. Glenn Beck "got fired like a dog by #Fox...he is irrelevant" (12/16/2015)
  114. Glenn Beck "wacko...a failing, crying, lost soul" (01/21/2016)
  115. Glenn Beck "irrelevant...refused to do his failing show...very few listeners" (01/23/2016)
  116. Glenn Beck "crying @GlennBeck...dumb as a rock" (01/24/2016)
  117. GQ Magazine "dying...no longer relevant—won’t be around long!" (12/02/2013)
  118. Harry Hurt "dummy dope...wrote a failed book about me" (07/29/2015)
  119. Huffington Post "such a loser--it will die just as AOL is dying" (08/16/2012)
  120. Huffington Post "failing...so much false junk about me...BE CAREFUL" (08/12/2013)
  121. Huffington Post "a total joke & laughing stock of journalism, as is gross Arianna Huffington" (02/24/2015)
  122. Huffington Post "dishonest...neither has much money - sue them and put them out of business" (04/06/2015)
  123. Hugh Hewitt "very low ratings radio host" (09/05/2015)
  124. Hugh Hewitt "very low ratings...just a 3rd rate "gotcha" guy" (09/05/2015)
  125. Jeff Zucker "failed @NBC and he is now failing @CNN" (09/09/2016)
  126. Joe Scarborough "not much power or insight" (05/06/2016)
  127. John Oliver "very boring and low rated show" (10/31/2015)
  128. Jon Stewart "dopey...phony last name" (05/30/2015)
  129. Jon Stewart "most overrated joke on television...wiseguy with no talent...not smart, but convinces dopes he is"(05/30/2015)
  130. Jon Stewart "a joke, not very bright and totally overrated...dumb clown humor" (05/30/2015)
  131. Jon Stewart "dummy...a bad filmmaker...last effort was a real bomb" (05/31/2015)
  132. Juan Williams "you ran over like a child and wanted a picture" (07/03/2015)
  133. Katie Couric "third rate reporter...who has been largely forgotten" (05/31/2016)
  134. Meet the Press "1 hour hit job on me today – totally biased and mostly false...dishonest media" (03/06/2016)
  135. Meet the Press "totally biased against me" (07/03/2016)
  136. Meghan McCain "terrible on @TheFive yesterday...angry and obnoxious...she will never make it on T.V." (09/05/2015)
  137. Megyn Kelly "really bombed tonight...funny to watch" (08/07/2015)
  138. Megyn Kelly "must have had a terrible vacation, she is really off her game" (08/24/2015)
  139. Megyn Kelly "lightweight...highly overrated" (09/22/2015)
  140. Megyn Kelly "too bad dopey @megynkelly lies" (12/15/2015)
  141. Megyn Kelly "most overrated anchor at @FoxNews" (12/15/2015)
  142. Megyn Kelly "very bad at math" (12/15/2015)
  143. Megyn Kelly "she is so average in every way, who the hell wants to woo her" (01/11/2016)
  144. Megyn Kelly "conflict of interest and bias...should not be allowed to be a moderator of the next debate" (01/23/2016)
  145. Megyn Kelly "I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo...I will only call her a lightweight reporter" (01/27/2016)
  146. Megyn Kelly "without me her ratings would tank...get a life Megyn" (02/17/2016)
  147. Megyn Kelly "can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore" (03/16/2016)
  148. Megyn Kelly "Crazy @megynkelly is unwatchable" (03/16/2016)
  149. Megyn Kelly "highly overrated & crazy...always complaining about Trump" (03/17/2016)
  150. Megyn Kelly "boycott the @megynkelly show...she is sick, & the most overrated person on tv" (03/18/2016)
  151. Megyn Kelly "if crazy @megynkelly didn't cover me so much on her terrible show, her ratings would totally tank."(03/19/2016)
  152. Megyn Kelly "highly overrated anchor" (03/20/2016)
  153. Megyn Kelly "terrible show...totally misrepresents my words and positions! BAD" (04/02/2016)
  154. Michael Smerconish "he has got nothing going...can't believe that @CNN would waste time and money" (04/04/2014)
  155. Michelle Malkin "she is a dummy--just look at her past" (10/25/2012)
  156. Mika Brzezinski "off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess" (08/22/2016)
  157. Mika Brzezinski "crazy @morningmika...@pastormarkburns was attacked viciously and unfairly" (08/26/2016)
  158. Mika Brzezinski "crazy and very dumb @morningmika had a mental breakdown while talking about me" (09/02/2016)
  159. Morning Joe "rapidly fading" (05/06/2016)
  160. Morning Joe "really hostile ever since I said I won't do or watch the show anymore" (05/09/2016)
  161. Morning Joe "small audience, low ratings...I hear Mika has gone wild with hate" (06/03/2016)
  162. Morning Joe "nobody is watching...gone off the deep end - bad ratings" (06/08/2016)
  163. Morning Joe "weakness is its low ratings...I don't watch anymore...sad & irrelevant" (08/10/2016)
  164. Morning Joe "I'll tell the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika" (08/22/2016)
  165. MSNBC "network that few watch and is very negative" (12/12/2011)
  166. MSNBC "dead last, in the gutter, in their Boston bombing coverage" (04/22/2013)
  167. MSNBC "ratings have sunk even lower in 2013...prime time down 50%" (08/29/2013)
  168. MSNBC's Ed Schultz "truly a guy who shouldn't be on tv" (03/14/2013)
  169. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "dumbest political commentator on television...total loser--a face made for radio!"(02/03/2012)
  170. MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell "poor man's left wing @oreillyfactor(with no ratings)!" (04/30/2013)
  171. MSNBC's Martin Bashir "sleazebag...forced to resign from @msnbc...pathetic apology" (12/04/2013)
  172. MSNBC's Toure Neblett "racist moron...truly stupid guy" (08/30/2013)
  173. National Journal's Ron Fournier "third rate talents with no smarts...boring guy - really bad for ratings" (04/12/2015)
  174. National Review "failing" (01/22/2016)
  175. National Review "William F. Buckley would be ashamed of what had happened to his prize...dying" (01/22/2016)
  176. National Review "very few people read...only knows how to criticize, but not how to lead" (01/22/2016)
  177. National Review "failing publication...circulation is way down w its influence being at an all time low" (01/22/2016)
  178. National Review "dying...have been losing for years" (01/22/2016)
  179. National Review "doomed" (01/24/2016)
  180. National Review Editor Jonah Goldberg "really pathetic job being done by @JonahNRO...no talent means death - sad!"(04/20/2015)
  181. National Review Editor Jonah Goldberg "truly dumb as a rock...dummy" (04/20/2015)
  182. National Review's Brent Bozell "lightweights...came to my office begging for money like a dog" (01/23/2016)
  183. NBC News "very dishonest" (06/30/2016)
  184. NBC's Katy Tur "3rd rate reporter" (12/05/2015)
  185. NBC's Katy Tur "should be fired for dishonest reporting" (12/05/2015)
  186. New Hampshire Union Leader "dying...run into the ground by publisher "Stinky" Joe McQuaid" (12/31/2015)
  187. New Hampshire Union Leader "circulation in NH has dropped...bad management...begged me for ads" (01/05/2016)
  188. New Hampshire Union Leader "failing...how stupid, how desperate" (01/07/2016)
  189. New Hampshire Union Leader "unethical record" (01/09/2016)
  190. New Hampshire Union Leader "lost all credibility...circulation dropping to record lows...aren't worthy of representing the great people NH" (01/10/2016)
  191. New Hampshire Union Leader "kicked out of the ABC News debate like a dog" (01/10/2016)
  192. New Hampshire Union Leader "failing...paper won't survive, highly unethical" (01/11/2016)
  193. NY Daily News "dying" (11/24/2012)
  194. NY Daily News "dying...loser newspaper" (06/23/2014)
  195. NY Daily News "failing...raised its prices because it’s dying...dishonest" (06/23/2014)
  196. NY Daily News "loses fortune & has zero gravitas...let it die" (06/17/2015)
  197. NY Daily News "dying tabloid owned by dopey clown Mort Zuckerman...it is dead" (06/28/2015)
  198. NY Daily News "worthless...liabilities are massive" (02/10/2016)
  199. NY Daily News "worthless...bleeding red ink - a total loser" (02/11/2016)
  200. NY Daily News "failing...destroyed by little Morty Zuckerman...it's dead" (02/12/2016)
  201. NY Mag "dishonest writers...failure" (10/18/2013)
  202. NY Mag's Dan Amira "doing so poorly...with an idiot Sr. Editor" (10/18/2013)
  203. NY Mag's John Heilemann "lightweight reporter...timebomb waiting to explode...nervous and sad mess!" (03/06/2013)
  204. NY Mag's John Heilemann "boring & failing...3rd rate political reporter" (03/15/2013)
  205. NY Mag's Jonathan Chait "no-talent illiterate hack...@NYMag is a piece of garbage" (05/17/2013)
  206. NY Post "really lied when they covered me in Iowa...sad" (01/28/2015)
  207. NY Post "such false reporting about my big hit in Iowa" (01/28/2015)
  208. NY Times "all bad decisions over the last decade...incompetent" (11/25/2015)
  209. NY Times "numbers at the @nytimes are so dismal...once great institution-SAD" (11/25/2015)
  210. NY Times "so poorly run and managed" (11/25/2015)
  211. NY Times "failing...3 boring articles, today" (11/26/2015)
  212. NY Times "really disgusting that the failing New York Times allows dishonest writers to totally fabricate stories"(01/19/2016)
  213. NY Times "truly one of the worst newspapers...knowingly write lies...really bad people" (03/13/2016)
  214. NY Times "purposely covers me so inaccurately" (04/10/2016)
  215. NY Times "happy to hear how badly the @nytimes is doing...seriously failing paper" (04/25/2016)
  216. NY Times "how bad is the New York Times—the most inaccurate coverage constantly" (04/26/2016)
  217. NY Times "high ranking people laughing at the stupidity of the failing @nytimes piece" (05/15/2016)
  218. NY Times "failing @nytimes is greatly embarrassed by the totally dishonest story they did" (05/16/2016)
  219. NY Times "who can believe what they write after the false, malicious & libelous story they did on me" (05/16/2016)
  220. NY Times "disgusting fraud" (05/19/2016)
  221. NY Times "every article is unfair and biased...very sad" (05/20/2016)
  222. NY Times "failing @NYTimes fraudulently shows an empty room prior to my speech, when in fact, it was packed"(06/19/2016)
  223. NY Times "these people are sick" (07/02/2016)
  224. NY Times "failing...has become a newspaper of fiction...very dishonest" (08/13/2016)
  225. NY Times "failing...their reporting is fiction" (08/14/2016)
  226. NY Times "fortunately, it is a dying newspaper" (08/19/2016)
  227. NY Times' Charles Blow "dishonest reporting" (11/02/2015)
  228. NY Times' David Brooks "closing in on being the dumbest of them all...he doesn’t have a clue" (03/06/2016)
  229. NY Times' David Brooks "one of the dumbest of all pundits...no sense of the real world" (03/19/2016)
  230. NY Times' David Brooks "total waste of time, he is a clown with no awareness of the world...dummy" (03/19/2016)
  231. NY Times' Frank Bruni "dope" (01/19/2016)
  232. NY Times' Gail Collins "the least talented of all is frumpy Gail Collins" (03/17/2014)
  233. NY Times' Paul Goldberger "loved the day Paul Goldberger got fired...faded into irrelevance" (06/22/2014)
  234. O'Reilly Factor "bad and very deceptive journalism...show must be heading in wrong direction" (01/28/2015)
  235. O'Reilly Factor "very negative to me in refusing to to post the great polls" (09/21/2015)
  236. O'Reilly Factor "big fat hit job on @oreillyfactor tonight...total waste of time to watch, boring and biased" (02/23/2016)
  237. Palm Beach Post "one of the country’s dumbest newspapers...should be put to sleep" (01/25/2013)
  238. Penn Jillette "goofball atheist...wrote letter to me begging for forgiveness" (07/16/2015)
  239. Politico "not read or respected by many, may be the most dishonest" (09/24/2015)
  240. Politico "failing...losing lots of money...really dishonest!" (09/24/2015)
  241. Politico "clowns...totally dishonest reporting." (10/07/2015)
  242. Politico "has no power...so dishonest" (10/07/2015)
  243. Politico "one of the most dishonest political outlets...losing a fortune...pure scum" (10/08/2015)
  244. Politico "very untalented reporters" (10/29/2015)
  245. Politico "money losing...dumbest and most slanted of the political sites...losers" (10/29/2015)
  246. Politico "3rd rate $ losing...no credibility" (12/03/2015)
  247. Politico "in total disarray with almost everybody quitting...bad, dishonest journalists" (04/05/2016)
  248. Politico's Ben Schreckenger "major lightweight with no credibility...so dishonest" (12/03/2015)
  249. Rich Lowry "truly one of the dumbest of the talking heads - he doesn't have a clue" (09/21/2015)
  250. Rich Lowry "incompetent...should not be allowed on TV" (09/23/2015)
  251. Rolling Stone "a dead magazine with big downward circulation" (07/17/2013)
  252. Rolling Stone "total joke" (04/06/2015)
  253. Salon's Alex Pareene "lightweight reporter...known as a total joke in political circles" (08/15/2012)
  254. Seth Meyers "so unnatural and uncomfortable...bad interviewer, marbles in his mouth" (05/02/2014)
  255. Seth Meyers "just doesn't have what it takes...very awkward and insecure" (05/02/2014)
  256. Seth Meyers "can’t do a simple interview...stumbling & mumbling" (05/05/2014)
  257. Seth Meyers "a total joke...very awkward with almost no talent...marbles in his mouth" (08/25/2014)
  258. Shepard Smith "so totally biased...should be ashamed of himself" (11/13/2015)
  259. Tavis Smiley "hater & racist...waste good airtime" (01/11/2016)
  260. The View "the show is dying for lack of ratings" (04/30/2015)
  261. The View "ratings for The View are really low...get new cast or just put it to sleep...dead T.V." (06/24/2015)
  262. The View "failing so badly...soon be taken off thr air" (03/24/2016)
  263. The View "explain how the women on The View...ever got their jobs...total disaster" (03/24/2016)
  264. The View's Joy Behar "fired from her last show for lack of ratings" (01/07/2016)
  265. The View's Nicole Wallace "doesn't have a clue...the show is close to death!" (06/24/2015)
  266. The View's Whoopi Goldberg "terrible...@TheView...is now in total freefall" (01/07/2016)
  267. Time Magazine "so biased" (12/15/2011)
  268. Time Magazine "cover showing late age breast feeding is disgusting--sad" (05/14/2012)
  269. Time Magazine "lost all credibility when they didn't include me in their Top 100" (10/26/2012)
  270. Time Magazine "a joke...soon be dead" (04/26/2013)
  271. Time Magazine "looks really flimsy like a free handout at a parking lot! The sad end is coming" (05/01/2013)
  272. Tom Brokaw "marble mouth...BORING TOM" (04/27/2013)
  273. Tony Schwartz "irrelevant dope" (09/10/2016)
  274. Tony Schwartz "dummy writer...hostile basket case who feels jilted" (09/10/2016)
  275. Univision "cares far more about Mexico than it does about the U.S...controlled by the Mexican government?"(06/26/2015)
  276. USA Today "boring newspaper with no mojo--must be losing a fortune" (06/05/2012)
  277. Vanity Fair "failing badly...sales are plummeting...third rate stalkers" (04/09/2012)
  278. Vanity Fair "looks like a dying magazine! Really really boring, really really thin!" (12/19/2012)
  279. Vanity Fair "doing so poorly...Graydon Carter should’ve been fired a long time ago" (10/21/2013)
  280. Vanity Fair Editor Graydon Carter "dummy...a real loser!" (12/19/2012)
  281. Vanity Fair Editor Graydon Carter "sissy...owner of bad food restaurants...his V.F. Oscar party is no longer "hot""(03/02/2014)
  282. Vanity Fair Editor Graydon Carter "loser with bad food restaurants" (05/02/2014)
  283. Vanity Fair's Juli Weiner "really dumb blogger for failing...magazine whose ads are down almost 18%" (07/19/2012)
  284. Vicky Ward "poorly written & very boring book...waste of time" (10/13/2014)
  285. Wall Street Journal "ever dwindling...worth about 1/10 of what it was purchased for" (07/20/2015)
  286. Wall Street Journal "some of the dumbest people on television work for the Wall Street Journal" (10/18/2015)
  287. Wall Street Journal "dummies...totally incorrect editorial on me" (11/12/2015)
  288. Wall Street Journal "failing...should fire both its pollster and its Editorial Board...seldom has a paper been so wrong...totally biased" (02/21/2016)
  289. Wall Street Journal "bad at math...nobody cares what they say in their editorials anymore" (03/17/2016)
  290. Wall Street Journal "dummies" (03/17/2016)
  291. Washington Post "tax scam...most inaccurate stories of all...really dishonest reporting" (01/22/2016)
  292. Washington Post "hit job book on me...inaccurate stories....don't buy, boring" (08/23/2016)
  293. Washington Post's Chris Cillizza "one of the dumber and least respected of the political pundits...moron" (05/11/2015)
  294. Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin "highly untalented...a real dummy...low IQ" (12/01/2015)
  295. Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin "one of the dumber bloggers" (12/04/2015)
  296. Washington Post's Ruth Marcus "terrible today on Face The Nation...no focus, poor level of concentration" (01/03/2016)
  297. Weekly Standard "I know your business is failing" (04/20/2015)
  298. Weekly Standard's Stephen Hayes "failed writer and pundit...no success and little talent" (04/20/2015)
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41 minutes ago, concha said:

Every single fucking day:



Says the guy that bashed Obama for 8 years 24/7.....and, Hillary all her life.

Get off this forum

We bash King Orange for being the complete jackass he is for a couple months and concha goes sensitive baby on us. 

The evidence is staring right at.....try to be something else other than a complete moron today? Do it for your kids...


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1 hour ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Joe Scarborough

I am surprised he has not gone after Joe more.

Joe has been ripping him a new one daily, for months. 

I like Joe a lot in spite of him being a conservative and myself more left of center.

He rejects the obvious BS Trump throws to the Concha's of the world but stays true to values, conservatism. 

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