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OT: 25,000+ unit slumlord Jared Kushner under FBI scrutiny in Russia probe


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22 hours ago, World Citizen said:

Good morning brother.  Not ISIS.  Russia just wants to weaken us, weaken NATO.  The biggest threat to things I care about is Trump and his destruction of our Democratic system.  And it's not one big thing but a lot of little things that when taken together add up to real damage.  Just look at how people are talking to each other and treating each other.  Its now ok to attack a reporter for asking a question and doing his job.  We have forgotten we are are all in this together, for better or worse.  Its a choice brother.  We can choose to hate those we disagree with or not.  I choose not to because I think your concerns are valid, it's just that we see the solutions differently.  War against media is the biggest one imo.  The media is not the enemy of the people.  Our Intel community is not the enemy of the people.  Seriously THC, Trump said he alone can fix our problems.  To me that is a huge red flag that someone can think they alone can solve the world's problems.  All by himself.  Nobody does anything by themselves.  

And btw, gov't spying on it's citizens is F.U. but it's been going on since the Patriot Act.  Didn't like it then and still don't.  Have a good day brother.

Can you go into more detail explaining the first three or four sentences? A few specifics to better help me understand your thoughts.


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46 minutes ago, CCBlackhatter said:

Can you go into more detail explaining the first three or four sentences? A few specifics to better help me understand your thoughts.


Thanks for the question.  Let me say that I don't think the world is ending or anything like that.  But the war on the media is no. 1 and has already done incredible damage.  It has sown such distrust and animosity that a large % of this country no longer values the importance of our media.  I know that there is a lot of sensationalism and everything is breaking news nowadays.  But it's not like Trump is not doing what is being reported in.  He creates the story and gets mad when it's reported and claims they are an enemy.  Russia, in what I think is obvious, has seriously messed with our recent election, continues to mess with us by throwing out fake news stories which further cause confusion and further the mistrust.  I don't think they ever imagined how effective it would be though.  This is all icing on the cake where we keep fighting with each other instead of looking at it with eyes forward them.  Russia has always hated NATO for obvious reasons and would naturally want to weaken it or have it die.  NATO has been a crucial part of peace for 60 years and they came through for us after 911 in a big way.  Trump has decided to not commit the US to defend NATO if it's needed.  His speach was clear in that we are not going to stand with our NATO allows unless they pay more money.  I'm not sure he even knows how it all works or not but it didn't make sense.  NATO has already planned to increase the amt they will pay as per their agreed scheduled pay increase.  

The love of Russia and other world strong men is disturbing and the absence of the importance of human rights is as well.  Saudi Arabia, never mentioned their human rights issues and it's no wonder why they liked Trump more than Obama.  Lots of terrorist come from SA and that is ignored.  He treats our friends like not friends and our enemies like friends.  Calling Germany bad people?  Having a Russian meeting in WH and have Russian press but not US press.  

Even given all of this, I don't hate Trump because I see him for what he is.  What is extremely disappointing is that there are so many of us who don't care that there was a serious, successful attack to weaken our democratic system.  Some are more concerned about partisan bullshit.  Just look at how we are today.  We have people who would rather have Putin than have liberal's in this country.  

I understand the want for someone new in the WH but damn man, not someone who is a narcissist and has ADD.  He speaks at a 6th grade level.    He has no interest in learning because he can't concentrate long enough.

We elected a business man who the US banks won't loan any money to because he is such a risk.  Russia will though and that is why he won't call them on their shit they pull.  

One other thing is his lying.  If he speaks you can be sure it's a lie.  If he ever needs anybody to believe him he is going to have a hard time.  I know all politicians lie but this is pathalogical.  You can tell because he lies when there is no reaso to lie, like crowd sizes as an example.  He surrounds himself with people (family) that have no clue or experience doing serious work.  His son-in-law is now suppose to solve the Palestine/Israel problem.  

Again I really appreciate your question and hope I answered some of it but I feel I just rambled on.  

Btw, What do you think of Trumps budget and Trumpcare?  Thanks.

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Trump has gotten inside of our democracy kind of like a possum does a dead animal carcass and is in the process of wriggling around and hollowing it out with the "war" on the press.

No one knows the truth on the Russia/collusion investigation, but the right damn sure hates it hard for some reason. I'm surprised that none of our police officers that post around on here haven't called him out on something he said that seemed pretty elementary to me at the time and I'm not a cop at all. I'm sure the officers among us have initiated a stop/investigation where there was a few people in a vehicle and they ask the driver, "Is there any drugs or anything in there I should know about?" This is key point in the investigation to me and the driver's response can either steer the investigation back into a routine traffic stop or create a situation where the investigation gets hot. 

What's the answer officers? Which answer moves you to investigate further, and which one sets you at ease that this is just a routine ticket stop? 

If the driver says, "No sir, there is nothing in here like that." and the person isn't acting all crazy etc., you are probably easing off now right? Maybe a token, "So if I bring the dog down here and walk him around the car a couple of times, he won't hit on anything then?" Again the driver is sure and at ease in answering. Officer goes back and writes a ticket and turns them loose right?

What if the initial answer by the driver is, "Ummm, not that I know of, officer."? Oh yeah. The officer is frothing now right? "What do you mean by that?" The driver says nervously, "I don't have anything like that and to my knowledge, no one else does." Oh yeah. There's something in there alright. The driver pretty much put his friends/passengers under the bus with that answer didn't he? The officer is thinking, "Shit yeah! I got a hot one here boys! Bring the K-9 down here right away. 

Well didn't the president do just that? He was asked about collusion and he gave the textbook answer that causes the investigation to get hot and dig deeper didn't he? He was asked straightforward and answered, "I didn't collude, and to my knowledge, none of my team did either." 

That's why the investigation is deepening. There is something there. He swatted at it and tried to distance himself from his team. It's a classic guilty answer. Classic. 

Am I wrong, officers? Cossacks? THC, weren't you military police? Am I wrong? Ron? 



Anyway, in my mind, the question is no longer if there is something there, but who was involved in that something? I've moved to that question and it has nothing to do with the constant reporting etc. and everything to do with that classic guilty answer. There was some collusion. Who did it will be found out if it hasn't been already, then, who all knew about it becomes the investigations focus. It will be pretty hard to prove that the president knew for sure without some testimony, recordings or digital trail. As far as he goes personally, there is only circumstantial hooplah, but there was some collusion inside that campaign. 

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17 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Trump has gotten inside of our democracy kind of like a possum does a dead animal carcass and is in the process of wriggling around and hollowing it out with the "war" on the press.

No one knows the truth on the Russia/collusion investigation, but the right damn sure hates it hard for some reason. I'm surprised that none of our police officers that post around on here haven't called him out on something he said that seemed pretty elementary to me at the time and I'm not a cop at all. I'm sure the officers among us have initiated a stop/investigation where there was a few people in a vehicle and they ask the driver, "Is there any drugs or anything in there I should know about?" This is key point in the investigation to me and the driver's response can either steer the investigation back into a routine traffic stop or create a situation where the investigation gets hot. 

What's the answer officers? Which answer moves you to investigate further, and which one sets you at ease that this is just a routine ticket stop? 

If the driver says, "No sir, there is nothing in here like that." and the person isn't acting all crazy etc., you are probably easing off now right? Maybe a token, "So if I bring the dog down here and walk him around the car a couple of times, he won't hit on anything then?" Again the driver is sure and at ease in answering. Officer goes back and writes a ticket and turns them loose right?

What if the initial answer by the driver is, "Ummm, not that I know of, officer."? Oh yeah. The officer is frothing now right? "What do you mean by that?" The driver says nervously, "I don't have anything like that and to my knowledge, no one else does." Oh yeah. There's something in there alright. The driver pretty much put his friends/passengers under the bus with that answer didn't he? The officer is thinking, "Shit yeah! I got a hot one here boys! Bring the K-9 down here right away. 

Well didn't the president do just that? He was asked about collusion and he gave the textbook answer that causes the investigation to get hot and dig deeper didn't he? He was asked straightforward and answered, "I didn't collude, and to my knowledge, none of my team did either." 

That's why the investigation is deepening. There is something there. He swatted at it and tried to distance himself from his team. It's a classic guilty answer. Classic. 

Am I wrong, officers? Cossacks? THC, weren't you military police? Am I wrong? Ron? 



Anyway, in my mind, the question is no longer if there is something there, but who was involved in that something? I've moved to that question and it has nothing to do with the constant reporting etc. and everything to do with that classic guilty answer. There was some collusion. Who did it will be found out if it hasn't been already, then, who all knew about it becomes the investigations focus. It will be pretty hard to prove that the president knew for sure without some testimony, recordings or digital trail. As far as he goes personally, there is only circumstantial hooplah, but there was some collusion inside that campaign. 

Ummm, his answer was exactly like it should've been. " I didn't collude". Very to the point and specific. 

The " to my knowledge none of my team did either". If he doesn't know his team did his answer is spot on. If someone on his team did and Trump said " no one on my team colluded" Everyone would be saying he's a liar and he was part of collusion. 

It doesn't matter what he says on what topic, it will be twisted and turned to be negative. 

Just look at all of CNN headlines over the last few days he's been traveling. They just can't not spin anything. 

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22 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Trump has gotten inside of our democracy kind of like a possum does a dead animal carcass and is in the process of wriggling around and hollowing it out with the "war" on the press.

No one knows the truth on the Russia/collusion investigation, but the right damn sure hates it hard for some reason. I'm surprised that none of our police officers that post around on here haven't called him out on something he said that seemed pretty elementary to me at the time and I'm not a cop at all. I'm sure the officers among us have initiated a stop/investigation where there was a few people in a vehicle and they ask the driver, "Is there any drugs or anything in there I should know about?" This is key point in the investigation to me and the driver's response can either steer the investigation back into a routine traffic stop or create a situation where the investigation gets hot. 

What's the answer officers? Which answer moves you to investigate further, and which one sets you at ease that this is just a routine ticket stop? 

If the driver says, "No sir, there is nothing in here like that." and the person isn't acting all crazy etc., you are probably easing off now right? Maybe a token, "So if I bring the dog down here and walk him around the car a couple of times, he won't hit on anything then?" Again the driver is sure and at ease in answering. Officer goes back and writes a ticket and turns them loose right?

What if the initial answer by the driver is, "Ummm, not that I know of, officer."? Oh yeah. The officer is frothing now right? "What do you mean by that?" The driver says nervously, "I don't have anything like that and to my knowledge, no one else does." Oh yeah. There's something in there alright. The driver pretty much put his friends/passengers under the bus with that answer didn't he? The officer is thinking, "Shit yeah! I got a hot one here boys! Bring the K-9 down here right away. 

Well didn't the president do just that? He was asked about collusion and he gave the textbook answer that causes the investigation to get hot and dig deeper didn't he? He was asked straightforward and answered, "I didn't collude, and to my knowledge, none of my team did either." 

That's why the investigation is deepening. There is something there. He swatted at it and tried to distance himself from his team. It's a classic guilty answer. Classic. 

Am I wrong, officers? Cossacks? THC, weren't you military police? Am I wrong? Ron? 



Anyway, in my mind, the question is no longer if there is something there, but who was involved in that something? I've moved to that question and it has nothing to do with the constant reporting etc. and everything to do with that classic guilty answer. There was some collusion. Who did it will be found out if it hasn't been already, then, who all knew about it becomes the investigations focus. It will be pretty hard to prove that the president knew for sure without some testimony, recordings or digital trail. As far as he goes personally, there is only circumstantial hooplah, but there was some collusion inside that campaign. 

If there was ANYTHING there with the Russians it would've been leaked. We all know that. Zero doubt about it. Instead it's a friend of one of Trumps aids was linked to someone in Russia that did something 12 years ago. 

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2 minutes ago, NorCalRuss said:

If there was ANYTHING there with the Russians it would've been leaked. We all know that. Zero doubt about it. Instead it's a friend of one of Trumps aids was linked to someone in Russia that did something 12 years ago. 



I think he gave the classic guilty answer. If it was a traffic stop, his trunk would be popped open and cops feet would be hanging out of every opening of the car. Anyway, definitely why the investigation is pumping deeper, regardless of the spin. The president's car now has cops feet hanging out of every opening. 

We can pretend to be appalled that it's like that, and pretend we just can't understand why there is cops feet hanging out of every opening, or we can accept the fact that this is exactly what happens when that answer is given. xD


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Just now, HawgGoneIt said:



I think he gave the classic guilty answer. If it was a traffic stop, his trunk would be popped open and cops feet would be hanging out of every opening of the car. Anyway, definitely why the investigation is pumping deeper, regardless of the spin. The president's car now has cops feet hanging out of every opening. 

We can pretend to be appalled that it's like that, and pretend we just can't understand why there is cops feet hanging out of every opening, or we can accept the fact that this is exactly what happens when that answer is given. xD


Yet there's still ZERO evidence as of yet against Trump from the biggest witchhunt in American politics history... lol. 

If CNN keeps saying enough bs daily, the blind public will believe it as fact.

If "John Doe" was who released the Trump bus conversation came up dead from a robbery with zero witnesses and wasn't robbed, how would the media have covered it and blamed it on Trump 24/7? I think we can all be sure it would be a shitshow nonstop blamed on Trump  


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3 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

Good grief..

There was a ton of evidence King Orange was a piece of shit before elected.

BUT, wingnut has to see evidence on the Russians and when wingnut gets said evidence it won't make a damn difference in wingnut's brian.

What a colossal waste of time...

Your a racist piece of shit. It's amazing your still allowed on here. Typical liberal bs. It's ok for you to drop N bombs but someone that the liberal mods don't agree with politically say something similar they get banned. 

Whats even more mindblowing is the minorities on this site communicate with you, like your posts and reply to them. Amazing what liberals will do.....

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13 minutes ago, NorCalRuss said:

Your a racist piece of shit. It's amazing your still allowed on here. Typical liberal bs. It's ok for you to drop N bombs but someone that the liberal mods don't agree with politically say something similar they get banned. 

Whats even more mindblowing is the minorities on this site communicate with you, like your posts and reply to them. Amazing what liberals will do.....

Take a hike.


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35 minutes ago, NorCalRuss said:

Your a racist piece of shit. It's amazing your still allowed on here. Typical liberal bs. It's ok for you to drop N bombs but someone that the liberal mods don't agree with politically say something similar they get banned. 

Whats even more mindblowing is the minorities on this site communicate with you, like your posts and reply to them. Amazing what liberals will do.....

Everyone knows this clown way too well.  

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15 hours ago, noonereal said:

My question is, what other counties did Trump try to establish a back door to and why? 

What is very troubling is opting for secure Russian facilities for talks. 


After all the leaks I would demand secure facilities no matter what leader I was talking with.

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9 hours ago, Cat_Scratch said:

After all the leaks I would demand secure facilities no matter what leader I was talking with.

well, this was before the leaks and I have got to think Trump's behavior is in large part responsible for the leaks. Maybe I am naive but I think some people are truly concerned and should be. 

But Russian secured? 

Too much Russian/Trump connection to not need answers. 

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9 hours ago, Cat_Scratch said:

After all the leaks I would demand secure facilities no matter what leader I was talking with.

maybe we can use Russia's facilities like Jared wanted to do.....O.o...the "leakers" IMO are PATRIOTS trying to save us from our nutty President who doesn't have a clue about anything and is a DANGER to this country IMO....;)

...Gen. Flynn would still be in business if not for the "leakers'............

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11 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

maybe we can use Russia's facilities like Jared wanted to do.....O.o...the "leakers" IMO are PATRIOTS trying to save us from our nutty President who doesn't have a clue about anything and is a DANGER to this country IMO....;)

...Gen. Flynn would still be in business if not for the "leakers'............

I read an opinion piece this morning, I think it valid. 

"The conservative mind has become diseased."

A terrible name for an opinion piece as it will only drive folks to defend their tribe but the opinion is fair within. 

I see many conservatives moving away from Trump's circus. 

Just now I opened my Twitter feed. 

Look. My President acting like a tween girl again. 

I can't imagine the USA surviving a more toxic presidency. People are conditioned to believe a president. The constant misrepresentations and lies need a 25th amendment solution.



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10 hours ago, DBP66 said:

maybe we can use Russia's facilities like Jared wanted to do.....O.o...the "leakers" IMO are PATRIOTS trying to save us from our nutty President who doesn't have a clue about anything and is a DANGER to this country IMO....;)

...Gen. Flynn would still be in business if not for the "leakers'............

Common sense speaks very loudly at me that Russian Security isn't exactly trust worthy. I'm sure every word spoken is recorded and filed away. Probably true that anytime Trump talks to any leader. He should worry more about who he has around him. And eliminate them one at a time until he finds the leaker. Be easy to do. Just say something stupid about something and wait for it to hit the presses.

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