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OT: 25,000+ unit slumlord Jared Kushner under FBI scrutiny in Russia probe


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25,000+ units https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/23/magazine/jared-kushners-other-real-estate-empire.html?_r=0 this speaks for itself.  Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law and right hand trust is now under scrutiny by the FBI in the Russia probe. https://www.washingtonpost.com/regional/

I am going to say it straight out:  for those of you who like Putin you must also like owning slums.  Go for it!  Slums, Russia, Assassinations, bombing hospitals, killing the Press and enabling Trump. You are real Americans.  Putin supporters.  Putin supporters!  Actually saying that on an American message board.  


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9 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

25,000+ units https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/23/magazine/jared-kushners-other-real-estate-empire.html?_r=0 this speaks for itself.  Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law and right hand trust is now under scrutiny by the FBI in the Russia probe. https://www.washingtonpost.com/regional/

I am going to say it straight out:  for those of you who like Putin you must also like owning slums.  Go for it!  Slums, Russia, Assassinations, bombing hospitals, killing the Press and enabling Trump. You are real Americans.  Putin supporters.  Putin supporters!  Actually saying that on an American message board.  


How's that nuclear bomb bunker treating ya. Heard NK launched hundreds at us 3 weeks ago. Should reach you soon. 

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Whoa you might have mixed prescriptions. There hasn't been 1 shred brought to light about anything in regards to Trump and Russia.

However there is a 5 minute long compilation of every democrat interviewed not being able to give a shred of evidence when asked to do so. 

Trump is doing a fantastic job, and you guys are just so damn butt hurt that you will never accept him no matter what so why waste your time and energy? 

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I am pretty sure that worse in private was said about Comey by HRC and crew.  This whole Russia thing is a house of cards of innuendo waiting to coming crashing down.  Unfortunately all the butt hurt establishment GOPers can't wait to dance on Trump's grave.

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25 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

25,000+ units https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/23/magazine/jared-kushners-other-real-estate-empire.html?_r=0 this speaks for itself.  Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law and right hand trust is now under scrutiny by the FBI in the Russia probe. https://www.washingtonpost.com/regional/

I am going to say it straight out:  for those of you who like Putin you must also like owning slums.  Go for it!  Slums, Russia, Assassinations, bombing hospitals, killing the Press and enabling Trump. You are real Americans.  Putin supporters.  Putin supporters!  Actually saying that on an American message board.  


Most everything King Orange touches turns to shit......this doesn't surprise anyone by now even most of King Orange's supporters are growing restless and tired of the BS.

Not the ignorant Orange people here, of course though. .

Just a matter of time for it all blows up big time.


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Just now, BigDrop said:

I'm going to add an addendum to my comments above:  I've posted on this board since a few days after it started.  I liked it and I felt a friendship with many of those who post on here.  But comments about Putin and the several of you who support this-I'm out.

I don't relate to Putin or Russia.  I've been all over eastern Europe and know people who lived under his influence.  If Trump legitimizes Putin that's perhaps fine for others.  But on a high school football message board to say this kind of stuff.

A good run that I enjoyed until now.  Good bye.

Damn, drop.

Don't let these uneducated morons bring you down......it's like a win for these internet scumbags

Fight on, brother..

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6 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

How about the two nuclear subs off the short of North Korea that Trump told the Filipino president about.  

Absolute disgrace.  Post #204 from thc6795 in "nut job Comey thread:"

"man at this point...I don't really know. I didn't think there were many people like Chuck and Nancy. Then I read posts from big drop and DB66. Im telling you I just might rather live with Putin then people like this."  

Disgrace for an American to say they would rather "live with Putin."  thc6705, I've thought about your post ever since I first read it.  Just disgraceful for an American to say that.  Do you really know what you are saying?  Do you really understand what you've said?

I don't know of a patriotic American who would said something like that.

I 100% know what I said and just like Muhammad Ali said ain't no Viet Cong called me nigger.  Ain't no Russian call me deplorable.

people like you are more a threat to my way of life then Putin will ever be.

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2 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

I'm going to add an addendum to my comments above:  I've posted on this board since a few days after it started.  I liked it and I felt a friendship with many of those who post on here.  But comments about Putin and the several of you who support this-I'm out.

I don't relate to Putin or Russia.  I've been all over eastern Europe and know people who lived under his influence.  If Trump legitimizes Putin that's perhaps fine for others.  But on a high school football message board to say this kind of stuff.

A good run that I enjoyed until now.  Good bye.

Drama queen

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4 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

I'm going to add an addendum to my comments above:  I've posted on this board since a few days after it started.  I liked it and I felt a friendship with many of those who post on here.  But comments about Putin and the several of you who support this-I'm out.

I don't relate to Putin or Russia.  I've been all over eastern Europe and know people who lived under his influence.  If Trump legitimizes Putin that's perhaps fine for others.  But on a high school football message board to say this kind of stuff.

A good run that I enjoyed until now.  Good bye.

You will be back. You can't help yourself. You are hear telling us all when the world is ending because of Trump...and take down the stupid portrait of Bill. He was the most disgusting President we have ever had.

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1 hour ago, BigDrop said:

25,000+ units https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/23/magazine/jared-kushners-other-real-estate-empire.html?_r=0 this speaks for itself.  Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law and right hand trust is now under scrutiny by the FBI in the Russia probe. https://www.washingtonpost.com/regional/

I am going to say it straight out:  for those of you who like Putin you must also like owning slums.  Go for it!  Slums, Russia, Assassinations, bombing hospitals, killing the Press and enabling Trump. You are real Americans.  Putin supporters.  Putin supporters!  Actually saying that on an American message board.  


Jared's dad was a piece of American scum too.....like King Orange, but not quite as lucky..

Charles Kushner (born May 16, 1954) is an American real estate developer. He founded Kushner Companies in 1985. In 2005, he was convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering, and served time in federal prison. After his release, he resumed his career in real estate. He is the father of Jared Kushner, who is the husband of Ivanka Trump and son-in-law and senior advisor to President of the United States Donald Trump.

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Why the love for Putin?  Why the hate for your own countryman?  To disagree with a political philosophy is fine but is it necessary to hate as well.  Come on people.  I don't like anything Trump is doing and he is dangerous but I certainly don't hate him or wish bad things for him.  I just disagree.  A lot of posters on here I couldn't disagree with more but I certainly don't hate anyone.  I thought Obama made some bad decisions but hate him?  Bush got is into a war but I don't hate him.  Why can't we have different views without hating the person.  Imo a complete waste of our time.  

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8 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Why the love for Putin?  Why the hate for your own countryman?  To disagree with a political philosophy is fine but is it necessary to hate as well.  Come on people.  I don't like anything Trump is doing and he is dangerous but I certainly don't hate him or wish bad things for him.  I just disagree.  A lot of posters on here I couldn't disagree with more but I certainly don't hate anyone.  I thought Obama made some bad decisions but hate him?  Bush got is into a war but I don't hate him.  Why can't we have different views without hating the person.  Imo a complete waste of our time.  

Honestly world who is  more a threat to your way of life ISIS or Russia?  

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30 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Honestly world who is  more a threat to your way of life ISIS or Russia?  

Good morning brother.  Not ISIS.  Russia just wants to weaken us, weaken NATO.  The biggest threat to things I care about is Trump and his destruction of our Democratic system.  And it's not one big thing but a lot of little things that when taken together add up to real damage.  Just look at how people are talking to each other and treating each other.  Its now ok to attack a reporter for asking a question and doing his job.  We have forgotten we are are all in this together, for better or worse.  Its a choice brother.  We can choose to hate those we disagree with or not.  I choose not to because I think your concerns are valid, it's just that we see the solutions differently.  War against media is the biggest one imo.  The media is not the enemy of the people.  Our Intel community is not the enemy of the people.  Seriously THC, Trump said he alone can fix our problems.  To me that is a huge red flag that someone can think they alone can solve the world's problems.  All by himself.  Nobody does anything by themselves.  

And btw, gov't spying on it's citizens is F.U. but it's been going on since the Patriot Act.  Didn't like it then and still don't.  Have a good day brother.

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Ive been posting on boards for quite a while. I remember a little hate for Bush but it died down. I remember a lot of hate for Obama. Once the media was on board it also died down. I have never see the

35 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Good morning brother.  Not ISIS.  Russia just wants to weaken us, weaken NATO.  The biggest threat to things I care about is Trump and his destruction of our Democratic system.  And it's not one big thing but a lot of little things that when taken together add up to real damage.  Just look at how people are talking to each other and treating each other.  Its now ok to attack a reporter for asking a question and doing his job.  We have forgotten we are are all in this together, for better or worse.  Its a choice brother.  We can choose to hate those we disagree with or not.  I choose not to because I think your concerns are valid, it's just that we see the solutions differently.  War against media is the biggest one imo.  The media is not the enemy of the people.  Our Intel community is not the enemy of the people.  Seriously THC, Trump said he alone can fix our problems.  To me that is a huge red flag that someone can think they alone can solve the world's problems.  All by himself.  Nobody does anything by themselves.  

And btw, gov't spying on it's citizens is F.U. but it's been going on since the Patriot Act.  Didn't like it then and still don't.  Have a good day brother.

Good Morning bro, great post.

IMO ISIS is way more a threat then Russia. As for media? Violence against anyone is BS. However I am not going to blame Trump for that. If this was the case then we all should be able to stuff cigars up interns cooters and rape women like Bill did. You are right we all have choices. I don't recall the media hatred towards Bush or Obama. To me the media is the problem. People like Don Lemon last night, he wanted to act as if Trump himself attacked that reporter. That congressman did this.  He is a grown man. We all are grown ups. You say people feel free to say what they want? This is going on everywhere. On all sides. Our country has been politically correct for so long that you cant say good morning without hurting someone's feelings. I don't trust the media and never have. They don't report news they try to force their opinions down peoples throats. The Intel community has long been a public enemy. They use "it is for your protection" to infringe on our way of life.  I think Trump is just so different from what we have ever seen in politics. He is a threat to the Intel agencies the media and all the crooked ass politician's who have made a living off Americans. For me the more people or should I say the people who hate him are the very people I don't trust. So I welcome the change. I really wish he could drain the swamp. I wish there were term limits for these piles of shit. I wish once their term was up they were forced to get a real job and not be paid a crazy salary for the rest of their lives. I wish every media outlet reported news and not opinions. Dude Harvard did a study nearly 80% of media outlets reported neg news against Trump. Fox news reported more pos news then the other agencies combined. What did the agencies say when this came out? They blasted Harvard and the professor. Dude do you realize that CNN and MSNBC waited for nearly 2 hours to report on the bombing in Great Britain? And when CNN finally did report on it they had some clown say that it was possible Trump and his loonies did this to support his cause? Frigging really man? For 2 hours instead of reporting on a terrorist attack that killed 20 kids CNN and MSNBC reported on what Melania wore and her wrist smack of Trump. Frick the media. Anyway bro Im just having a moment. Have a great day.


Sorry World, but stories like this bullshit from CNN. Why the shove pleased Putin. Frigging seriously? and people like Big Drop and DB^^ eat this shit up.



Peace Brother.

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On 5/25/2017 at 8:12 PM, Drummer61 said:

No evidence at all,but constant innuendo makes for a false narrative and many believe it..NO EVIDENCE....

false narrative??...it's all B.S.??..keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better..

we must have learned all about "false narratives" from the Russians and the "fake" news stories they generated to get Donny elected...and it worked

NO EVIDENCE??...right now there is too much smoke not to have a fire....turn off Fox news for a while and you'll get a real picture of how bad Trump's presidency really is....:$

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Jared seems to be a chip off the old block...a lying, scamming B.S. artist like his father in-law....the man who was going to fix the world was too busy fixing his connections with Russia...hopefully his ass ends up in jail...with Flynn in the cell next to him...Donny can visit them both at the same time then...;)

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3 hours ago, DBP66 said:

Jared seems to be a chip off the old block...a lying, scamming B.S. artist like his father in-law....the man who was going to fix the world was too busy fixing his connections with Russia...hopefully his ass ends up in jail...with Flynn in the cell next to him...Donny can visit them both at the same time then...;)

My question is, what other counties did Trump try to establish a back door to and why? 

What is very troubling is opting for secure Russian facilities for talks. 


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30 minutes ago, Drummer61 said:

Only to those who believe lies and convict on innuendo without evidence. Alan Dershowitz,a friend to left has said,"they are picking laws to try and " FIND SOMETHING "......He blasted the idiot and very biased Jeff Tobin, on CNN telling him this..Tobin had no where to go !!!! Like Sol Alinsky said and many believe,aka Hitler. Keep tellin the lie and keep giving innuendo with proof and eventually the people will believe anything...This is and has been the creed progressives for over 100 years..

This!  This is an investigation in search of a crime - a veritable fishing expedition.  The only collusion is between the media, establishment Washington politicians (of both parties) and members of the intelligence agencies to overturn the result of an election they consider awful.  And that is the real story of this sordid episode.

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