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OT-Trumpy Strikes Out AGAIN!!!


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9 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

Today I see things for what they are. Everyone with the best interest of this country should be wary of this man that has been elected through an antiquated system and is now in the drivers seat as the leader of the free world. His mentally is that of a 12 year old and he is not a positive thing for this country. Tell those people in coal country, the ones he told he would bring back the jobs, where they are seeing the jobs come back. Those jobs a being done no b machine. The human aspect is not coming back to that industry. Those factory jobs everyone trust him to bring back are not coming as they too are mechanized. Not only that but this country and the world is changing in terms of energy. Clean energy is alive and driving ahead. Natural gas is coming to the forefront and coal is becoming  a thing of the past.


He removed restrictions on the coal industry that will now allow them to dump their waste into the creek that runs behind your cousins house where your niece and nephew play and catch pollywogs on warm summer afternoons. His health care is now poised to take away your aunts ability to check her breast for cancer. Or your friend who has a mother that gets her meals from Meals on Wheels.


You look at it and say that this is the best way to go. It is O.K. to speed an extra 300 million on guns and ammo but not right to feed that hungry child that plays with your child everyday. Or the little nephew who was born with a heart problem.


Open your eyes

The N.Y. Slimes could not have said it better. You are so far left there is no more left to go. It's exactly this type of attitude that helped get Trump elected. This attitude that has lost nearly 1200 congressional seats under the anointed one (barry hussein) and this attitude to let the GOP to be able to control all the branches of government. Please stay around, keep posting your far left agenda. We on the right are enjoying every minute of the unhinging. And don't be afraid. Guns aren't bad. They save lives.

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17 hours ago, AztecPadre said:

Federal Appeals court upholds the trumpy travel ban.  Yet again!!!  Give up homie.  Nobody with a half a brain will put anything you write into law.  Hasta la vista BABY!!!

Supreme Court will fix this mess. Liberal, activist judges will be put in their place as they should be. 



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10 hours ago, thc6795 said:

are you aware today the people from the Obama Administration and NSA have reported of abuse of FISA? they self reported on themselves. they admitted they were illeagally spying and searching US citizens. some people besides Trump may want to scury after this investigation is done

Trump should be appointing special prosecutors all over the place and ignoring this complete BS Russia nonsense. It's distracting from his agenda and he needs to get back to work and focus on fixing the country, not on appeasing the fucked up losers on the left hellbent on destroying democracy, capitalism, and individual rights. 


This country is about individual rights. Something long ago lost on the pussies in the Democrat party. Brainwashed idiots.

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1 minute ago, 181pl said:

Trump should be appointing special prosecutors all over the place and ignoring this complete BS Russia nonsense. It's distracting from his agenda and he needs to get back to work and focus on fixing the country, not on appeasing the fucked up losers on the left hellbent on destroying democracy, capitalism, and individual rights. 


This country is about individual rights. Something long ago lost on the pussies in the Democrat party. Brainwashed idiots.

Such talk about the left wing commies? 

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13 hours ago, playballintxandmi said:

"....911 scared the crap out of me."--How come? Curious more than anything.

How easy it was to bring NYC to it's knees... D.C. tasted blood but was in line for bigger a mess if not for the courage of regular Joe's forcing the plane down in Penn.

I thought it was the start of WW3... Nukes being fired was my next thought, with Bush Jr. on the button.

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12 hours ago, thc6795 said:

But why do they want to change? You don't believe there are people right now in the Government maybe Obama leftovers maybe not. May people like Cain who hate Trump who leaked this info? Do you really think Trump and his people leaked this info?


what are your thoughts on the FISA Warrants and illegal searches done by the Obama administration?

Info leaks have gotten out of hand. There is going to be a witch hunt for those that think it's okay to pass on confidential info, didn't they learn anything for what just happened to Hillary. Trump may or may not get the Axe, but sharing confidential info could cost the USA intelligence from across the borders, and that could cost the world lives.

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11 hours ago, thc6795 said:

are you aware today the people from the Obama Administration and NSA have reported of abuse of FISA? they self reported on themselves. they admitted they were illeagally spying and searching US citizens. some people besides Trump may want to scury after this investigation is done

They self reported because it would be easier for them in the end. Someone was going to crack sooner or later and the dam was going to burst taking a lot of people down the river.

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30 minutes ago, 181pl said:

Trump should be appointing special prosecutors all over the place and ignoring this complete BS Russia nonsense. It's distracting from his agenda and he needs to get back to work and focus on fixing the country, not on appeasing the fucked up losers on the left hellbent on destroying democracy, capitalism, and individual rights. 


This country is about individual rights. Something long ago lost on the pussies in the Democrat party. Brainwashed idiots.

Now tell us how you really feel... hahaaa... well, we all can be stubborn at times... Your point is taken, and many will never see the clear issues, and how cloudy the river has become. The time our POTUS has lost because we ignore the important issues, while the world around us just shakes their heads. We can not ignore Russia, they play for world power. We have to have relations with them or we will never know world peace.

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14 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Why does it have to be left and right when it comes to the well being of us all?


"One Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All"


How can I be wrong?

Well it's more than obvious which side you are on. But hey that's your decision. Like I said, please keep posting from the far left. 

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7 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

I'm on your side. I hope you are on mine.

Going off of his musings on here... he is not on your side. It appears there are a few on here that aren't in all honesty. I would have though by now that most normal folks would have come back toward the middle by now, but, evidently, these aren't normal folk. 


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Speaking of leaks... More specifically, White House leaks... 

Is there anyone on here that has the thought that the leaks from around the president could be coming from Mike Pence or his staff? I've been racking my brain over who could be the one dropping all these little tid-bits to the press on the sly and hardly anyone makes much sense. Maybe the press secretary, but he appears so fervent in his spin and lies to the press in conferences that he seems a little like an unlikely source. 

It seems like the person with the single most to gain is Pence. Every time some dumb stuff the president did or said behind closed doors gets leaked, he gets a little closer to the head of the table. 

Who else could/would it be? Who has more incentive to do it? 

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4 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Speaking of leaks... More specifically, White House leaks... 

Is there anyone on here that has the thought that the leaks from around the president could be coming from Mike Pence or his staff? I've been racking my brain over who could be the one dropping all these little tid-bits to the press on the sly and hardly anyone makes much sense. Maybe the press secretary, but he appears so fervent in his spin and lies to the press in conferences that he seems a little like an unlikely source. 

It seems like the person with the single most to gain is Pence. Every time some dumb stuff the president did or said behind closed doors gets leaked, he gets a little closer to the head of the table. 

Who else could/would it be? Who has more incentive to do it? 

Trump reminds me of inspector Clouseau in Pink Panther movies.  I can see Pence setting traps all over the WH and Trump walking around oblivious and never getting hurt.  

In our surreal world we live in nothing would surprise me.  

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On 5/26/2017 at 7:33 PM, HawgGoneIt said:

Speaking of leaks... More specifically, White House leaks... 

Is there anyone on here that has the thought that the leaks from around the president could be coming from Mike Pence or his staff? I've been racking my brain over who could be the one dropping all these little tid-bits to the press on the sly and hardly anyone makes much sense. Maybe the press secretary, but he appears so fervent in his spin and lies to the press in conferences that he seems a little like an unlikely source. 

It seems like the person with the single most to gain is Pence. Every time some dumb stuff the president did or said behind closed doors gets leaked, he gets a little closer to the head of the table. 

Who else could/would it be? Who has more incentive to do it? 

you called it

seems the media pointed this out to him yesterday when he was complaining about others leaking

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6 hours ago, Pops said:

Hard to believe -- I had you pegged as a High Tea guy for sure

must be coffee -- what's your order at starbuck's

dark roast coffee, medium sized, black

I never eat anything there.

but, Frankly I prefer Dunkin Donuts coffee. 


you may find it interesting that i won't allow any "organic" food in the house.

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

dark roast coffee, medium sized, black

I never eat anything there.

but, Frankly I prefer Dunkin Donuts coffee. 


you may find it interesting that i won't allow any "organic" food in the house.

In a few years, I plan on getting a premium from a crop because it is "organic" so I'm disappointed you won't fork over an extra buck or two for the clearly superior product

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10 minutes ago, Pops said:

In a few years, I plan on getting a premium from a crop because it is "organic" so I'm disappointed you won't fork over an extra buck or two for the clearly superior product

If I want food raised in a warehouse under artificial light I'll go organic

when I was a youth I applied DDT to the crops and never had lettuce that was not crisp

I will say, now that DDT has been banned... (40 years is it?), I am plagued with snakes, mice, rats, rabbits....

now I have to shoo away such exotic animals as fox

I am pro DDT, if there is ever a movement to bring it back. :P

hows that for what you call a liberal? 


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