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OT-Trumpy Strikes Out AGAIN!!!


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1 hour ago, paladin4ever said:

Liberals are all against the "ban", which is actually a temporary moratorium.... but would refuse to house a refugee in need. The hypocrisy from the left is beyond comical. This is why I take nothing that SJWs and snowflakes have to say seriously.



How can you say that nobody from the left is willing to take in a refugee?  This video doesn't speak for everyone on the left anymore than Trumps budget speaks for all people on the right.  

Our problem imo is we are attacking each other instead of holding our elected meatheads' feet to the fire.  We should save our disgust at people who have acted in a hypocritical way or have displayed their values as Trump has done in his budget and Trumpcare.  

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14 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

How can you say that nobody from the left is willing to take in a refugee?  This video doesn't speak for everyone on the left anymore than Trumps budget speaks for all people on the right.  

Our problem imo is we are attacking each other instead of holding our elected meatheads' feet to the fire.  We should save our disgust at people who have acted in a hypocritical way or have displayed their values as Trump has done in his budget and Trumpcare.  

I'd be willing to bet a ven diagram depicting those that are opposed to the immigration and those that would be willing to put up or shut up and actually house a refugee would be 2 circles barely touching at 1 data point.

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1 minute ago, NYHSFAN33 said:

I'd be willing to bet a ven diagram depicting those that are opposed to the immigration and those that would be willing to put up or shut up and actually house a refugee would be 2 circles barely touching at 1 data point.

why must one be willing to house a refuge in order to support their entry?

that makes no sense


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3 minutes ago, noonereal said:

why must one be willing to house a refuge in order to support their entry?

that makes no sense


It is a bit of a false equivalency but at the same time they do have to live somewhere.  I pass a ton of homeless people everyday on my way to work....why not find them housing first?  Bottom line is that I do not support many of Trump's policies...the immigration halt is one that I do not object to.

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3 minutes ago, NYHSFAN33 said:

It is a bit of a false equivalency but at the same time they do have to live somewhere.  I pass a ton of homeless people everyday on my way to work....why not find them housing first?  Bottom line is that I do not support many of Trump's policies...the immigration halt is one that I do not object to.

speaking of homeless, the homeless in nyc is out of control once again :(

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10 minutes ago, NYHSFAN33 said:

It is a bit of a false equivalency but at the same time they do have to live somewhere.  I pass a ton of homeless people everyday on my way to work....why not find them housing first?  Bottom line is that I do not support many of Trump's policies...the immigration halt is one that I do not object to.

I am with you 1000%. The homeless rate for Veterans increased under the Obama administration. I say before one ILLEGAL immigrant receives ONE single benefit. EVERY homeless vet should be taken care of first. No one in this country will ever be able to justify to me how an illegal immigrant rates a single benefit before an American does. People want to see what Syria looks like don't need to go to Syria. Go to parts of Flint Mi.


Image result for Abandoned Flint MI

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3 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

I see you fell for all the lies. Our terror has been home grown. The border crossing went down under Obama. The stock market went up under Obama. Chump is riding the coat-tails of everything Obama did to bring the US back to stability. When Obama took office, we were losing 200,000 jobs a month. We had a record number of foreclosures. Many became homeless. Hell, McDonalds had a problem borrowing. Obama changed all that. Every high that the country is experiencing, of positive note, is due to Obamas policy.


There was no National emergency, the excuse given for the travel ban. That is the only way the president can enact such policy. That is why he keeps losing in court.

I see you are one of the sheep. You obviously bow at the altar of barry hussein.

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

speaking of homeless, the homeless in nyc is out of control once again :(

Very true, NOR. And aside from the usual vice-addicted population, there are tons of twentysomethings in the mix. I wonder if they came from other parts hoping to make it in the big city and quickly realized it's not all sunshine and roses. It takes a special breed to make it here. However, like Frank Sinatra once sang, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.

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1 minute ago, Sportsnut said:

From my perspective, I am sure of my thoughts. I have lived history in the making on several different social planes. Gone through the killing of King and the beating of the other King. Ran from the Klan and went to school with them. Served my country and protested against it's inequities.


Question, just why was white America so afraid of him as president that they immediately, from day one, vowed to make his presidency a failure? The constant cry of "We want our country back". It was never yours.

It seem to me there are now minorities who from day have be vowed this presidency will be a failure. Those white people you talk of also have vowed the same. Hopefully some day you will see people as people and not crayons

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6 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Today I see things for what they are. Everyone with the best interest of this country should be wary of this man that has been elected through an antiquated system and is now in the drivers seat as the leader of the free world. His mentally is that of a 12 year old and he is not a positive thing for this country. Tell those people in coal country, the ones he told he would bring back the jobs, where they are seeing the jobs come back. Those jobs a being done no b machine. The human aspect is not coming back to that industry. Those factory jobs everyone trust him to bring back are not coming as they too are mechanized. Not only that but this country and the world is changing in terms of energy. Clean energy is alive and driving ahead. Natural gas is coming to the forefront and coal is becoming  a thing of the past.


He removed restrictions on the coal industry that will now allow them to dump their waste into the creek that runs behind your cousins house where your niece and nephew play and catch pollywogs on warm summer afternoons. His health care is now poised to take away your aunts ability to check her breast for cancer. Or your friend who has a mother that gets her meals from Meals on Wheels.


You look at it and say that this is the best way to go. It is O.K. to speed an extra 300 million on guns and ammo but not right to feed that hungry child that plays with your child everyday. Or the little nephew who was born with a heart problem.


Open your eyes

Good post. I guess what I'm asking is do you really believe this just now start d happening? Politicians have long been evil and liars s and ncluding President Obama. Trump has done some good and lots horrible. I just won't continue to hope he fails. I'll never be ok with a straight up Democrat be the President that party has long lost their damn minds. I once voted democrat they pushed me away

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3 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

Can you accept the fact that in my world, black and white does exist? There is a clear and distinct separation. My life experience has been the deciding factor in who I became as a black man. What I think as a black man. How I saw and see the world. It may surprise you but I hate no one. And if I did it would not be because of his color. It would be the things he or she may do to their fellow man. Also, what he or she may NOT do for his fellow man.  

I can. I am a Mexican and I'm catholic. Try growing up in Utah 40 years s ago. 

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Just now, Sportsnut said:

I don't hope he fails. I want him out. He can do much damage in a short period of time. Just today, the UK and other have officially decided to change their intelligence sharing with us.

But why do they want to change? You don't believe there are people right now in the Government maybe Obama leftovers maybe not. May people like Cain who hate Trump who leaked this info? Do you really think Trump and his people leaked this info?


what are your thoughts on the FISA Warrants and illegal searches done by the Obama administration?

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4 minutes ago, Sportsnut said:

There in lies the difference. You would have no idea what it was like for someone like myself growing up 10 miles from the Grand Wizard and going to school with his grandson. "Don't go down that street!"

this has always been a problem to me. your right i dont. you also dont know what me and my family dealt with. racism is racism. i wont ever presume who grew up dealing with worst racism.


BTW many a street i couldnt walk down or church i couldnt enter or pool i couldnt swim

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1 minute ago, Sportsnut said:

It is very possible the leaks are coming from some of his confidants. I am of that thought. If there are no records of a FISA warrant, it does not exist. If it does, the record will show who is the primary person of interest and those that are caught up simply because they had communications with the people of interest. I think Obama did what he did, by calling for all the records concerning contacts with Russia to be saved and secured, was a smart move design to prevent Russia from meddling and to maintain a national security position on the matter.

are you aware today the people from the Obama Administration and NSA have reported of abuse of FISA? they self reported on themselves. they admitted they were illeagally spying and searching US citizens. some people besides Trump may want to scury after this investigation is done

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6 hours ago, paladin4ever said:

Very true, NOR. And aside from the usual vice-addicted population, there are tons of twentysomethings in the mix. I wonder if they came from other parts hoping to make it in the big city and quickly realized it's not all sunshine and roses. It takes a special breed to make it here. However, like Frank Sinatra once sang, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.

What's the cause of the increase?  Are other cities seeing the same thing?  

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4 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

It is very possible the leaks are coming from some of his confidants. I am of that thought. If there are no records of a FISA warrant, it does not exist. If it does, the record will show who is the primary person of interest and those that are caught up simply because they had communications with the people of interest. I think Obama did what he did, by calling for all the records concerning contacts with Russia to be saved and secured, was a smart move design to prevent Russia from meddling and to maintain a national security position on the matter.


This you must consider. What was done was done because it was some-ones job to do just that.

Exactly right.  

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4 hours ago, Sportsnut said:

Can you accept the fact that in my world, black and white does exist? There is a clear and distinct separation. My life experience has been the deciding factor in who I became as a black man. What I think as a black man. How I saw and see the world. It may surprise you but I hate no one. And if I did it would not be because of his color. It would be the things he or she may do to their fellow man. Also, what he or she may NOT do for his fellow man.  

Well said and welcome to the board. 


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