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OT: FISA Warrants


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It's definitely bullshit!

The collection of "upstream data" and then the unmasking of the "communicators" is terrible and bullshit. Definite abuse of the fourth amendment protections. Every administration has expanded the abuses like collecting upstream data, in the name of "keeping us safe". It will happen with this administration too more than likely.

Hell... The fourth amendment is like a piece of toilet tissue these days anyway. We have no reasonable right to refuse a search anymore, without it being circumvented by some loophole, even by shitty city police. A seat belt violation turns into an illegal search in the name of "safety" pretty often, so what is so startling about data collection at the mention of certain catch words and phrases? 

We should all be marching with pitchforks over the governments' ,that rule over us, wiping their ass with our fourth amendment rights constantly, rather than using the faux outrage as a tool for an argument on a damned message board. 

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8 hours ago, thc6795 said:

Where is the uproar DB66. NSA released actual proof that the Obama Administration was illegally spying on US citizens. Real proof not made up bs. Yet I don't hear shit from you dems? Why?

LOL..you don't get a warrant to spy on people without convincing a judge there is something to issue a a warrant for...see how that works??..they didn't randomly spy on people..stop listening to Donny.....O.o

the blame game once again??...you need to concentrate on the "nut job" CURRENTLY in the White House....

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Supposedly the Obama administration era NSA self reported illegally collecting upstream data on untold numbers of American citizens. 

This was also supposedly semi-acceptable as long as the collection and review involved a "foreign" actor and the American was not "unmasked" until there was actual proof of law breaking. 


I had to look pretty hard to find this link yesterday when I saw this thread, so I'm certainly not sure if this is 100 percent what THC was bringing up, but I do think it's not a bad discussion to have. It should be pretty common knowledge that our policing and clandestine services watch us nearly all the time and the list of invasions of our privacy grows year after year nearly every year. Many/the majority, seem to be ok with it as long as it's for "law and order" and/or to keep us safe. 


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1 minute ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Supposedly the Obama administration era NSA self reported illegally collecting upstream data on untold numbers of American citizens. 

This was also supposedly semi-acceptable as long as the collection and review involved a "foreign" actor and the American was not "unmasked" until there was actual proof of law breaking. 


I had to look pretty hard to find this link yesterday when I saw this thread, so I'm certainly not sure if this is 100 percent what THC was bringing up, but I do think it's not a bad discussion to have. It should be pretty common knowledge that our policing and clandestine services watch us nearly all the time and the list of invasions of our privacy grows year after year nearly every year. Many/the majority, seem to be ok with it as long as it's for "law and order" and/or to keep us safe. 


I'd bet any conservative media outlet would have this front and center, just like THC said it. 

I am curious though, is all media the enemy of the people or just any that is not wing nut? 

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This data collection stuff is pretty weird.

A key phrase or communication with a certain person can lead to a super computer somewhere intercepting and storing your data. Then, some weird, unknown person comes along and reviews the data. Your name is supposedly still unknown.

Now, let's say, this weird ass person reading your communications finds your life and communications to be like a good book and takes a liking to reading you. Then this weird ass person gets more curious and wonders who you are, and unmasks your identity etc. against your wishes and without your knowledge. 

Weird stuff man. Weird, scary stuff.

Whether we are doing anything wrong or not, and whether we personally care if someone is reading our personal communications or not, one has to admit that all kinds of doors are opened by this collection and review of data.


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1 hour ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Supposedly the Obama administration era NSA self reported illegally collecting upstream data on untold numbers of American citizens. 

This was also supposedly semi-acceptable as long as the collection and review involved a "foreign" actor and the American was not "unmasked" until there was actual proof of law breaking. 


I had to look pretty hard to find this link yesterday when I saw this thread, so I'm certainly not sure if this is 100 percent what THC was bringing up, but I do think it's not a bad discussion to have. It should be pretty common knowledge that our policing and clandestine services watch us nearly all the time and the list of invasions of our privacy grows year after year nearly every year. Many/the majority, seem to be ok with it as long as it's for "law and order" and/or to keep us safe. 


you need to go back to the Patriot Act passed by Bush...all the Liberals were opposed at the time losing privacy...now it's the republicans turn to complain about intelligence gathering....the republicans should have opened their eyes a lot earlier about this....

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

I'd bet any conservative media outlet would have this front and center, just like THC said it. 

I am curious though, is all media the enemy of the people or just any that is not wing nut? 

I really think this government of ours, both left and right of which there has become little difference between the 2 is the enemy of the people. There is no doubt the NSA and other agencies are doing illegal wiretaps and similar tactics. When you have one of the biggest data storage buildings in Utah in the world it should tell you something. Texts, phone calls etc are all being gathered. Where it leads to in the future in dangerous territory IMO. 

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13 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

you need to go back to the Patriot Act passed by Bush...all the Liberals were opposed at the time losing privacy...now it's the republicans turn to complain about intelligence gathering....the republicans should have opened their eyes a lot earlier about this....

There were many in the GOP that were against the Patriot Act but it has opened a huge can of worms allowing the government to do it's data gathering. Everyone thought it would be for intelligence gathering vs terrorists. But as usual our government over steps it's boundaries and does what the hell it wants. And this includes both sides.

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20 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

you need to go back to the Patriot Act passed by Bush...all the Liberals were opposed at the time losing privacy...now it's the republicans turn to complain about intelligence gathering....the republicans should have opened their eyes a lot earlier about this....

There's no doubt about it at all. It really goes back to the beginning of time in all honesty. Ever since the first caveman wondered what that other caveman was doing in that cave next door and stood by the entrance listening in ths wee hours of the morning. xD

But yeah, every time some attack happens, they strike while the iron is hot and we are all scared collectively, and they trick us into giving them a little more of our fourth amendment freedoms.

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1 minute ago, noonereal said:

pussy grabbers? 

“God bless you, Mr. Trump!” said Vincenzo Endrizzi, an ordained pastor from the blue-collar Southern archdiocese of Lecce, who was clad in a well-worn cassock dirtied from spending hard hours leading worship and who was seen sipping sacramental wine from a koozie while holding up a handmade sign denouncing the “Holy See deep state.”

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

Yes, every time wing nut news makes something up we need an investigation.


Like Russia? Wingnut Central there Pally.


How many months of Investigation? How much evidence did they turn it up? 0. Yet the leftist dogs that want to ruin this country can't shut the f****** about it. They need to be culled. 

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24 minutes ago, aZjimbo said:

Some would call that pretty sickening and others like Nor would laugh at this.

I have 4 brothers, and the 5 of us went to various all-boys high schools around the country. I first saw this stained glass work when one of my brothers shared it with the rest of my brothers, stating this window was in the chapel of his high school. He was joking, but he was also a victim when he was a young altar boy. Another of his classic, jabbing comments was that at his school, the kids on the playground were separated into teams of "shorts and skins" instead of shirts and skins. I guess I come from a "sick" family. By the way, we had an uncle who was a Jesuit. Great guy.


Now, jimbo, if you find yourself giggling at the picture in the least, get your ass to confession as soon as you possibly can. Share with the priest that you had a moment of weakness, and felt a tinge of humor in what you feel is a sickening image.

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