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Freedom for Flynn


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2 minutes ago, Troll said:

No one needs to be an 'expert' in anything....

to understand how you welched on the bet...



LOL..another conspiracy Judy??...you need to move on to your next case...the one against China!....🤡

and BTW no one here gives a shit about this bet except you and Ironmam, not even the guy who lost the bet GSB...humm..🤡

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1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

No parade to rain on. I could care less about a small section of idiots that use that flag for inappropriate uses. The flag was certainly not created to represent who/what you stated above. People that are ignorant of the subject matter and history are the ones outraged triggered just by the sight of it. I on the other hand am not ignorant, take pride in knowing a little about US History, and realize without what that flag truly represents (good and bad) we would likely not have an America that we have today.  And remember that I am black and from California (for now)...in case anyone wants to start calling me a racist. 

p.s. I agree that it doesn't fly anywhere. But if history was taught correctly in schools and the leftists didn't erroneously equate it to a Nazi flag, it could still be part of our great history. Not all history is peaches and cream...as much as some want to sterilize it to be. 

Uh huh... sad to say some subscribe to this line of horseshit. 

That line of thinking says start wearing sheets and cone hats with eyeholes cut out because..... well it’s history. 

And you can be purple or pink but as a black man you “should” understand. 


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1 hour ago, DBP66 said:

LOL..another conspiracy Judy??...you need to move on to your next case...the one against China!....🤡

and BTW no one here gives a shit about this bet except you and Ironmam, not even the guy who lost the bet GSB...humm..🤡

GSB got off easy.  Who the fuck would want to spend time with you...let alone eat with you. Your Trump tears would make the pizza all soggy...LOL

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1 hour ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Uh huh... sad to say some subscribe to this line of horseshit. 

That line of thinking says start wearing sheets and cone hats with eyeholes cut out because..... well it’s history. 

And you can be purple or pink but as a black man you “should” understand. 


I "understand" completely. I am not afraid nor ashamed of our history, symbols, nor fringe idiots that the media wants me to believe that are on every street corner ready to lynch black people. That is what apparently confuses you (an many others). I think that I'll just put you on the side the subscribes to the continued dumbing down of our society. Ignorance is bliss for the masses....well that's what they want you to think anyways. 

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2 minutes ago, maxchoboian said:

Well said. And a good example at the same time.


Of course it's well said. AND a great example. …. And I do see that I missed a word in transcription. FIFY. 

...and I loved that restaurant opened back up in CO yesterday. Need more patriots like that in CO. 

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2 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Of course it's well said. AND a great example. …. And I do see that I missed a word in transcription. FIFY. 

...and I loved that restaurant opened back up in CO yesterday. Need more patriots like that in CO. 

Missed more than a word. Looks like you fixed a couple, but still need another FIFY. Tough sentence, but we're getting closer to understanding what you are trying to say.

Regarding the restaurant opening for Mother's Day yesterday, there are certainly a lot of people being financially impacted a hell of a lot more than others, and decisions like this one don't surprise me, and I expect to see stories of more businesses doing the same. I see you used "patriots" just as one of those interviewed from the restaurant had. That's not sheep behavior, is it?

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1 hour ago, maxchoboian said:

Missed more than a word. Looks like you fixed a couple, but still need another FIFY. Tough sentence, but we're getting closer to understanding what you are trying to say. 

Regarding the restaurant opening for Mother's Day yesterday, there are certainly a lot of people being financially impacted a hell of a lot more than others, and decisions like this one don't surprise me, and I expect to see stories of more businesses doing the same. I see you used "patriots" just as one of those interviewed from the restaurant had. That's not sheep behavior, is it?

Based on what I can tell about you, you are all-good with what's going on in our country. You'll never understand because you don't WANT to understand. You will always support that ilk no matter how much they are destroying our country. 

I actually never heard or saw any interviews. I simply saw it on the news, and that's all I needed to see. Patriot's are what I call them. I hope that we see more of this. Their actions are nothing compared to the left's and media's response to this virus is doing to us in terms of overall health and socioeconomics of our nation. Only clowns (and Trump haters) that have the means to survive this whole ordeal lack the empathy for those who have had their lives destroyed and the millions more that will follow if this continues. I don't need to be a sheep to see that. How some are okay with this is simply stunning. 

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55 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Based on what I can tell about you, you are all-good with what's going on in our country. You'll never understand because you don't WANT to understand. You will always support that ilk no matter how much they are destroying our country. 

Oh, you're wrong. I get on here and read some of the football stuff and some of the OT stuff, seeing who thinks what, and weighing in with some of my thoughts. 

One thought is that you have gone off the deep end, so I reply to your posts on occassion. Posts such as you using such a juvenile term as "Ofuckma" (really, that's the best you can do?), or conspiracy claims so you can blame this virus on someone or some group you don't like. Then you reply with, "Well, then you must be fine with everything that is going on." Nope, and your reasoning is not sound.

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16 hours ago, DBP66 said:

wasn't the I.G. report from Horowitz suppose to music to your ears?...what is he going to find that the I.G. didn't?...NOTHING...🤡

Durham has criminal authority, which gives him the power to call a grand jury, compel testimony from witnesses and bring perjury charges. He is examining involvement in the FBI collusion investigation by, among others, U.S. and foreign intelligence services. Horowitz lacked criminal authority, had no ability to compel potential witnesses to give interviews and was largely restricted to examining justice department employees.


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3 hours ago, Slotback Right said:

Durham has criminal authority, which gives him the power to call a grand jury, compel testimony from witnesses and bring perjury charges. He is examining involvement in the FBI collusion investigation by, among others, U.S. and foreign intelligence services. Horowitz lacked criminal authority, had no ability to compel potential witnesses to give interviews and was largely restricted to examining justice department employees.


He is a fucking idiot welcher.

Dirty Obama and his merry team of criminals is being exposed daily. 

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20 hours ago, DBP66 said:

wasn't the I.G. report from Horowitz suppose to music to your ears?...what is he going to find that the I.G. didn't?...NOTHING...🤡

They will merely keep opening investigations because that's what Republicans like. The investigations never find any wrongdoing but that's not the point. The point is to investigate the shit out of things for years and drive down poll numbers.

They did it with Benghazi, the IRS "scandal", fast and furious gun-running "scandal", etc.

In their world, an open investigation is more damaging than actual criminal activity.

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22 hours ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Uh huh... sad to say some subscribe to this line of horseshit. 

That line of thinking says start wearing sheets and cone hats with eyeholes cut out because..... well it’s history. 

And you can be purple or pink but as a black man you “should” understand. 


Some people leave you scratching your head.  The confederates were traitors to the fullest definition of the word and the flag represented oppression as evidence in the founding confederate states Secession of Causes highlighting slavery as a primary reason.  they held the belief that blacks should be in servitude as a permanent inferior race.  

There’s nothing to be proud of as an AA from this period of American history.    


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Wonder if Canes was as irate when Obama pardoned terrorists. Was that part of the whole rule of law? And if so then Trump should be able to pardon whoever and it fall under the same category as Barry Hussein. 

What about Bradley Manning? Were you lefties as outraged when Obama pardoned that treasonous traitor as you are with General Flynn? 

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9 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

Wonder if Canes was as irate when Obama pardoned terrorists. Was that part of the whole rule of law? And if so then Trump should be able to pardon whoever and it fall under the same category as Barry Hussein. 

What about Bradley Manning? Were you lefties as outraged when Obama pardoned that treasonous traitor as you are with General Flynn? 

For starters President Obama didn’t pardon manning, it was a commutation which shortened the sentence but left the conviction on the books. A pardon is a complete exoneration.  


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All I know is when the Confederate gang shows up with that traitorous flag why is the Nazi flag always with them?  It's like their JV Flag of hate.  One the hatred of  blacks the other the  hatred of Jews.  Informed Blacks and Jews are not confused with their messaging.  I will assure you I'm not.  And I'm  as well read as you will find.  It's like telling me  a noose is just a really good slipknot

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31 minutes ago, Nolebull813 said:

And if so then Trump should be able to pardon whoever and it fall under the same category as Barry Hussein. 

The President is able to pardon whomever they want if they committed a federal crime but Trump just so happened to pardon someone who committed their crimes in service of his political party and has threatened to do it for others too.

That is corruption of the sort that you only see in banana republics.

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13 minutes ago, DevilDog said:

All I know is when the Confederate gang shows up with that traitorous flag why is the Nazi flag always with them?  It's like their JV Flag of hate.  One the hatred of  blacks the other the  hatred of Jews.  Informed Blacks and Jews are not confused with their messaging.  I will assure you I'm not.  And I'm  as well read as you will find.  It's like telling me  a noose is just a really good slipknot

I know gunny he cant really be a real black man and honor that flag. 


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