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Freedom for Flynn


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51 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

House intel transcripts show top Obama officials had no 'empirical evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion

Lies on top of lies on top of lies.  The FBI needs to cleaned out and rebuilt from scratch.  A bunch of lying, leaking, colluding and utterly corrupt persons who think the ends justify means and that they are above the rule of law.

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13 minutes ago, Bormio said:

Lies on top of lies on top of lies.  The FBI needs to cleaned out and rebuilt from scratch.  A bunch of lying, leaking, colluding and utterly corrupt persons who think the ends justify means and that they are above the rule of law.

I get it. It's DC. Shady shit been goin' on since forever there, I'm sure. But I'm absolutely blown away at the blatant corruption that is being infringed upon American citizens from the highest levels, and the never-Trumpers that don't care. They drank the kool aid and now they're ass deep into their position despite the mounting (by the day) evidence that is staring them right in the face. They're okay with it. I don't care if you hate Trump or not, this is NOT OKAY in any shape or form. Those people are down right scary now. The desperation is evident. They are hiding some serious shit that Trump, Barr, and Durham have been exposing...and.are about to expose. THAT is why there is no means that are too great to get Trump out. They know that they're effed if he gets re-elected. 

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7 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Fuck all of these assholes! I’m supposed to be retired and enjoying what I’ve built. But instead, I’m stuck in my house, and am so fucking pissed at these fucks, I don’t know what to do with myself right now...and trying to protect my nest from these assholes. And these MOFOs will come out and argue against this shit. Fuck them all. 😊





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13 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

The way to get out of criminal charges in America is just say your an illegal immigrant, or you raped someone. But you have to be in a blue state at the time you confess. 

Michael Flynn plead guilty twice in open court. To two different judges.

Somehow the Justice Department claimed that they couldn't prove their case.

Barr and his lackeys are a disgrace.

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12 hours ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

If that was the case Schiff and Company would be prison bitches by now.

Yet another Republican clown demanding prison for somebody who has committed no crimes and hasn't even been accused or indicted.

But Michael Flynn pleads guilty, TWICE, and he's "exonerated" and should sue the FBI.


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8 hours ago, Bormio said:

Lies on top of lies on top of lies.  The FBI needs to cleaned out and rebuilt from scratch.  A bunch of lying, leaking, colluding and utterly corrupt persons who think the ends justify means and that they are above the rule of law.


Michael Flynn plead guilty to lying to the FBI, twice.

About colluding with Russians.

Barr dropped the charges because he's corrupt.

Not one Republican right now seems to care about rule of law.

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Nobody here can refute a single word of this assessment.


Michael Flynn was an early, instinctive Trumpist.

The retired general was an enthusiastic backer of Donald Trump’s candidacy, leading chants of “Lock her up!” at the 2016 Republican National Convention. And his less public work bore the hallmarks of Trumpism too: brazen lying, shameless profiteering, conspiracy-mongering, and bigoted tweeting.

Nonetheless, Flynn didn’t immediately grasp how much the rules of the game changed when Trump won the 2016 election. When Flynn, the newly minted national security adviser, got in trouble with the law, he quickly took up the standard playbook of white-collar criminals in pre-Trump America. When the FBI caught him lying, Flynn copped a plea and agreed to cooperate with the government in exchange for a lesser sentence.

Only after that December 2017 plea deal did Flynn grasp the new reality: Cooperating with authorities might get you off easy, but staying loyal to the president will get you off entirely. So even though he’d already pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, Flynn changed his mind, tried to withdraw his plea, and began fighting the prosecutors he’d promised to help tooth and nail.

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13 hours ago, GardenStateBaller said:

Maybe I’ll get my pizza now! @DBP66 

LOL...why?!?....what did Flynn have to do with the bet we made about your boy Kushner??..NOTHING...you're so full of shit you don't even know what the bet was about now??..LOL..you OWE ME a pizza because his Duetsch bank accounts have been linked to laundering Russian money, that's what the bet was about!....I'll take a 1/2 pepperoni..1/2 sausage....MAN-UP and pay your debt...and stop spreading bullshit like your idol Trump does...🤡

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8 hours ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

Don't hold your breath...he is a welcher a a crybaby ❄..be already took his ball and ran home


Embaraased DBP alumni

LOL...says the only Bosco grad here who is dumb enough to be a Trumper....what a dumb-ass clown you are mam....and your boy GSB welched on his bet...SAD...you're 0-2 mam...🤡

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17 minutes ago, DBP66 said:

...LOL..GSB is just being a good little Trumper spreading "fake news" and you're being g a good little Trumper baaalieveing his bullshit...🤡

So does that mean you will continue to prefer crow over pizza ?

You got some funny taste buds buddy.



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Just in the last 2 years Trump has pardoned a convicted criminal who outed a CIA operative over a personal vendetta, and Barr has dropped the charges against an admitted crook who colluded with Russians to end sanctions, lobbied for a foreign government without disclosing it and then lied to the FBI about all of it.

In other words, the law and order party.

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