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OT: Possible Terrorist Attack at U.K. Concert


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15 hours ago, noonereal said:

true however I don't support genocide

The species will self eliminate, no extra effort is needed.  


Who is not civilized? I know you don't mean all Muslims.... do you? 

See, this is why I like rebuttal with NOR. You give him respect, he returns it. You call him names and give him crap, he tells you peace out. 

No, I never will and never have supported genocide. Not even when Muslims stone there women to death because some jealous lover wanna be calls her a whore. Not even when ISIS bombs a hospital killing patients and doctors. Not even when I watch a journalist beheaded on youtube by Islamic extremist. But I do get mad as all heck. I don't want to see all the Muslims dead. Just the sorry bastards that commit these heinous crimes against humanity.

I think it was you that said we should worry more about disease than terrorist. Did you read that there is a new strain of Ebola in Africa? 

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15 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Fair enough. Perhaps we are dealing with an certain amount of divisiveness due to the different "culture" between states. Racism is here, and it ALWAYS has been. Not just here, but throughout the world. The only way it can end (which quite honestly, I don't think it will ever end) , is by education and time. Forcing diversity down people's throats will get you what we have today...divisiveness. I liked what he was trying to do, but President Obama went overboard forcing shit on people. THAT is why we have Trump in office now. One can look at any race, and that race is racist towards other races. Racism is what it is. If I have a problem with people in a certain state, I just won't go there. That simple.  But I'm not going to go to that state and demand that they accept me.

And there are certain cultures that have no business being in contact with others. The middle east animals that have been at war for 5000 years have no business being here in western civilization, culturally nor religiously. Are there some who actually WANT to assimilate into America? Yes. No problem there. We have avenues for those people. But the VAST majority do not. I see it first hand. They have zero desire to be an American. That may be okay with you, but it's not with me. I have two young daughters who saw Arianna Grande last year in concert. Tell me THIS SHIT ain't hitting home for me. 

And we do have a culture here in America. And it's based on Christian teachings. It is CERTAINLY NOT based on the Koran or Muhammad's teachings. And we were once a true "melting pot". Send us your huddled masses. People came here and were proud to be Americans. THAT was our culture. Do I really need to explain to you what it's like now? I hope not. 

Good post to start out but you went a little south at the end. 

A few things to consider, Israel is part of the "middle east animals that have been at war for 5000 years." 

also keep in mind that Muhammad's teachings are based on Christs teaching which were based on the Jewish teaching. 

Maybe my experiences are different but I know of no Muslims that did not come here proud to be an American. Hence when someone speaks in such generalities about Muslims I know it not to be true. 

BTW, we have always melted by boiling over. Ask the Irish, the German's the Polish...

and finally I will say, having two young daughters is not justification for indiscriminate hatred.  

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8 hours ago, Cat_Scratch said:

See, this is why I like rebuttal with NOR. You give him respect, he returns it. You call him names and give him crap, he tells you peace out. 

No, I never will and never have supported genocide. Not even when Muslims stone there women to death because some jealous lover wanna be calls her a whore. Not even when ISIS bombs a hospital killing patients and doctors. Not even when I watch a journalist beheaded on youtube by Islamic extremist. But I do get mad as all heck. I don't want to see all the Muslims dead. Just the sorry bastards that commit these heinous crimes against humanity.

I think it was you that said we should worry more about disease than terrorist. Did you read that there is a new strain of Ebola in Africa? 

see, when people talk they tend to agree more than the left or right wants

when one posts from tribal devotion, well we have America 2017. :(

"new strain of Ebola in Africa?"

Not aware, more :(


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28 minutes ago, noonereal said:

"Concha clown" defined: 

one driven by tribal identification to the exclusion of fact.

hope this helps!



The whole board knows that your posts are low content, opinion-driven musings. That is why you you either run away or just make shit up when people bring facts to the table.

Again, the whole board knows this, so please stop acting like you're the one who actually knows what he's talking about.

You sound like Chip when he tries to belittle other posters' intelligence. It's laughable.


Hope this is helpful.

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7 minutes ago, concha said:



The whole board knows that your posts are low content, opinion-driven musings. That is why you you either run away or just make shit up when people bring facts to the table.

Again, the whole board knows this, so please stop acting like you're the one who actually knows what he's talking about.

You sound like Chip when he tries to belittle other posters' intelligence. It's laughable.


Hope this is helpful.

grow up

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Just now, concha said:


Upset, Nooner?


not at all

you have made yourself a worthless tribal clown who insults and posts dogma so I can't be bothered

You know, it is funny, I like you. I really do. I keep "rooting" for you.

but it's got to come from within brother

all the best, enjoy the day and your family

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Just now, noonereal said:

not at all

you have made yourself a worthless tribal clown who insults and posts dogma so I can't be bothered

You know, it is funny, I like you. I really do. I keep "rooting" for you.

but it's got to come from within brother

all the best, enjoy the day and your family


Most of my posting has been to point out facts like Russia collusion not being a crime per one of the most famous and well-respected jurists in the nation. A man who actually voted against Trump. That is "tribal", Nooner?

Or requesting actual evidence for the fantastical crimes that Trump and his campaign have supposedly committed? Evidence that the aforementioned Alan Dershowitz and the Dem Minority Leader point out does not exist? "Tribal", Nooner? Or "Reality"?


Go take a Midol and relax, Nooner.


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5 hours ago, noonereal said:

and finally I will say, having two young daughters is not justification for indiscriminate hatred.  

Having two daughter does not.  That wasn't my point.  But these animals blowing up kids does justify.  That said, I don't hate muslims(I don't HATE anyone), but I do have a healthy resentment and wariness towards them. And I feel VERY justified in feeling that way. 

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18 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Having two daughter does not.  That wasn't my point.  But these animals blowing up kids does justify.  That said, I don't hate muslims(I don't HATE anyone), but I do have a healthy resentment and wariness towards them. And I feel VERY justified in feeling that way. 

If I were you I'd worry less about ISIS and more about thug and violence programs on American television and the movies.. ..kids watch TV an average of 4 hours per day. And, they ain't watching Gilligan's Island.

Same with video games......we promote our own madness.

Violence sells, but when it turns real people get worried and concerned.





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7 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

kids watch TV an average of 4 hours per day.

 between 2011 and 2016, Q4 traditional TV viewing by 18-24-year-olds dropped by almost 10 hours a week, or by roughly 1 hour and 25 minutes per day. In percentage terms, Q4 traditional TV viewing by 18-24-year-olds was down by 7.1% year-over-year and has now fallen by 39% since 2011. In other words, in the space of 5 years, almost 40% of this age group’s traditional TV viewing time has migrated to other activities 



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18 minutes ago, noonereal said:

 between 2011 and 2016, Q4 traditional TV viewing by 18-24-year-olds dropped by almost 10 hours a week, or by roughly 1 hour and 25 minutes per day. In percentage terms, Q4 traditional TV viewing by 18-24-year-olds was down by 7.1% year-over-year and has now fallen by 39% since 2011. In other words, in the space of 5 years, almost 40% of this age group’s traditional TV viewing time has migrated to other activities 



Great for 18-24 year olds, I guess....

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1 hour ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Collusion, much like getting a BJ under the desk in the Oval Office isn't a crime. 

Lying about it, attempting to cover it up and obstruction of the investigation all are good reason for censure/impeachment though. Just to be fair in the debate and all. :P

Right to the heart of it.  Excellent post.  Those who are waiting for/expecting evidence (Even though investigation is ongoing) while ignoring all the smoke is either not understanding whats going on or is being disingenuous or is blinded by hatred for anything liberal.  For me he is not qualified for the Presidency, broken laws or not.  

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1 hour ago, World Citizen said:

Right to the heart of it.  Excellent post.  Those who are waiting for/expecting evidence (Even though investigation is ongoing) while ignoring all the smoke is either not understanding whats going on or is being disingenuous or is blinded by hatred for anything liberal.  For me he is not qualified for the Presidency, broken laws or not.  

Not true AT ALL. We don't hate nor are blinded. We all just see that the liberal left has become completely unhinged, and will do anything and say anything to disparage our President. We understand to not take the words of actors, celebs, and athletes as gospel for representing the people. There will be "smoke" for 8 long years, but there will be no "fire".  Every week there'll be some annonymous source this, annonymous source that....bla bla bla bla. And while this is happening, unemployment will continue to go down. GNP, real jobs and wages will increase, Stocks will soar. Illegal immigration will go down. Health care costs (for people how actually pay it) will finally stabilize and then go down. But we can count on the left to tell us that Melana wouldn't hold Donald's hand exiting AF1....twice!!!  LOL!  And he's qualified to be president....300 electoral votes said so. That's my opinion backed up with actual evidence.

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

This is what I was slow to accept. I now do, obviously. 

I can't say enough, a 25th amendment solution is in order.

You can say it all you want. But it ain't gonna happ'n, Cap'n.

Our president is doing everything he said he was going to do. And despite every effort by the looney left to show that he has, he's committed no crime....well accept for stealing the glue that keeps you all hinged together. I'm not sure if that's an impeachable offense or not though.

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33 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Not true AT ALL. We don't hate nor are blinded. We all just see that the liberal left has become completely unhinged, and will do anything and say anything to disparage our President. We understand to not take the words of actors, celebs, and athletes as gospel for representing the people. There will be "smoke" for 8 long years, but there will be no "fire".  Every week there'll be some annonymous source this, annonymous source that....bla bla bla bla. And while this is happening, unemployment will continue to go down. GNP, real jobs and wages will increase, Stocks will soar. Illegal immigration will go down. Health care costs (for people how actually pay it) will finally stabilize and then go down. But we can count on the left to tell us that Melana wouldn't hold Donald's hand exiting AF1....twice!!!  LOL!  And he's qualified to be president....300 electoral votes said so. That's my opinion backed up with actual evidence.

First, I don't speak for all the left.  2nd, are you saying the left is just making all this up?  You make it sound as if Trump is innocent in all this.  Unhinged?  That is what I meant by disingenuous.  I already said I feel he is unqualified regardless of any actual crime.  Enough smoke.  Answer this.  Has Trump brought ANY of this on himself? Has he done anything that concerns you? 

Health care cost going down? Have you seen Trumpcare?  Have you seen his budget?  

GTFOH with Melania holding Trumps hand.  Who gives a damn about that?  Because somebody brought that up has nothing to do with me.  What does actor's and celebs have to do with anything?  Disingenuous/hate much?  

The only thing going up for the average person is higher taxes to pay for the super rich tax breaks.  And he is cutting much needed social programs, education, research, environment(you believe in science don't you? The EPA's Pruitt doesn't), pretty much everything except military of course.  Talk about not giving a damn about the people.  You are fine with our Pres. lying to you every time he opens his mouth?  Your fine with a Pres. who thinks he alone can fix the world?  He said that.  I'll tell you what, Trump stops doing stupid shit and starts acting like he is capable of doing this job I will be supportive.  

300 electoral votes is evidence of what exactly? That he is qualified?  No. It means he is President now.

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