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OT: Possible Terrorist Attack at U.K. Concert


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13 minutes ago, concha said:

Bomber ID'd as Salman Abedi, 23 years old.

He had apparently been on the radar of the British authorities.

Further information being withheld at this point.

Im sure anyone who plotted with him is welcome to hide out in Cajun's trailer.

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1 hour ago, 181pl said:


Trump is fine. Most people see through shallow veil of the Dumbocrat agenda. Purveyors of lies and false accusations.


Attacks like last night were emboldened by the coward in office from 2009-2017.

Don't forget the coward clinton either during his 2 terms. At least he bombed a aspirin factory LOL.

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4 hours ago, noonereal said:

Good question. 

I'd like to hear some thought out responses. 


Go to "peaceful" community Muslim leaders and have them do their best to stop these attacks and or preach against it. It's not 100% fool proof but may help. If they don't want to be part of solution, ban any further Muslim entries and or deport any that show signs of being "extreme". This is extreme answer but is that big of an issue in European countries. 


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6 hours ago, noonereal said:


What is it he is doing?

Talk to me about N. Korea too while you are at it.


People, it's clear now. Trump is a liar. Yes he says what wing nuts want to hear but he has done none of it and lies every time he talks. Think about it. 

If I were a true conservative I'd want Trump out and Pence in. If I was sincere in agenda and not loving the false bravado. 



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On 5/22/2017 at 8:30 PM, Cat_Scratch said:

I honestly think he likes the confrontation... He suffers from the same problem Trump does, they just like to say stuff that is beyond the boundaries. 

Something in the swamp water that he drinketh.. 

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What happened to Arianna Grande? I must have missed something. The media is reporting more news about this skank then what happened in England. Remember Grande was the one who hated "fat Americans" licked a bunch of doughnuts and said give those to the homeless. She also stated she wished all her fans "a bunch of kids" would just die. Well they did...and now the media wants to play this frigging yaaaatch as the victim? Seriously. The media can suck rocks.  

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1 hour ago, thc6795 said:

What happened to Arianna Grande? I must have missed something. The media is reporting more news about this skank then what happened in England. Remember Grande was the one who hated "fat Americans" licked a bunch of doughnuts and said give those to the homeless. She also stated she wished all her fans "a bunch of kids" would just die. Well they did...and now the media wants to play this frigging yaaaatch as the victim? Seriously. The media can suck rocks.  


I think the media bit on the early twitter spike of people tweeting support to Ariana. I'm sure that she feels some level of responsibility for what happened, as would anyone. She has suspended her tour for one thing, which pretty much means the stupid terrorists win. You seem to have trouble seeing through your anger/hate/distrust on some simple stuff sometimes. Not picking, just observing.

I don't really like the chick much either, but, I can't seem to find the fault with reporting her viewpoint and that of many of her still living fans. I'd almost bet that the ones that died would feel the same way too.



Fuck letting the terrorists win. We are damned if we do, damned if we don't with them. They have one dumb ass blow himself up at an airport and every flying customer from now on has to let some creepo look at a scan of their body. One dumb ass blows up at a concert, and the rest of the tour gets cancelled. One dumb ass does some stuff or another and people on here are clamoring for a nuke to be fired off. No matter which action is taken... any action other than that of continuing on living as normal without giving up any of our freedoms or consenting to more invasion into our personal lives by government entities is a win for those bastards. 

I watch as we post on here and get the general idea that the terrorists won already. They're just sopping up the gravy with you folks now. Just sopping it up. So few folks defeated us too. The greatest country on earth defeated by a minute percentage of the world's overall population. Now they're just sopping it up. 



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2 hours ago, HawgGoneIt said:


I think the media bit on the early twitter spike of people tweeting support to Ariana. I'm sure that she feels some level of responsibility for what happened, as would anyone. She has suspended her tour for one thing, which pretty much means the stupid terrorists win. You seem to have trouble seeing through your anger/hate/distrust on some simple stuff sometimes. Not picking, just observing.

I don't really like the chick much either, but, I can't seem to find the fault with reporting her viewpoint and that of many of her still living fans. I'd almost bet that the ones that died would feel the same way too.



Fuck letting the terrorists win. We are damned if we do, damned if we don't with them. They have one dumb ass blow himself up at an airport and every flying customer from now on has to let some creepo look at a scan of their body. One dumb ass blows up at a concert, and the rest of the tour gets cancelled. One dumb ass does some stuff or another and people on here are clamoring for a nuke to be fired off. No matter which action is taken... any action other than that of continuing on living as normal without giving up any of our freedoms or consenting to more invasion into our personal lives by government entities is a win for those bastards. 

I watch as we post on here and get the general idea that the terrorists won already. They're just sopping up the gravy with you folks now. Just sopping it up. So few folks defeated us too. The greatest country on earth defeated by a minute percentage of the world's overall population. Now they're just sopping it up. 



You make very good points. i agree with just about everything you said. And that is exactly why we need a strong president willing to keep our boarders intact from illegal and non-vetted/poorly vetted immigrants/invaders. This shit isn't going to stop around the world because the terrorists will just attack the easiest targets if they can't get to us. Honestly, I'm done with giving a shit about some one-world, harmonic utopian society. I like international food as much as the next guy, but not at the expense of our citizens. Societies that are culturally on opposite ends of the spectrum need strong borders...for everyone's sake. Period. Europe,as a whole, has committed cultural suicide. Muslims are there to stay, and they're going to reproduce at an alarming rate.  Britain realized it(probably too late), and got the eff out of the EU. That shit doesn't have to happen here. Our president is doing his damndest to protect the citizens of the US and these effing hateful, intolerant, liberals are calling him, and anyone who agrees with him, a racist. EFF them!!!  So tired of this.>:(

Not a huge Trump fan, but I support him 100% on his polices. Let the man do his job. Tell the Dems to bring a candidate worth a shit to the table, and I'll support that person too if elected.

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8 hours ago, Cat_Scratch said:

Why not? Just one less failed species to worry about... 

true however I don't support genocide

The species will self eliminate, no extra effort is needed.  


8 hours ago, Cat_Scratch said:

One day (next 25+ years?) they will be civilized too.

Who is not civilized? I know you don't mean all Muslims.... do you? 

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9 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Europe,as a whole, has committed cultural suicide.


I tend to think we have done a similar thing here. 

The separation of states, to my mind, is one big divider. Especially when you realize that the minority often controls the majority because of the disproportionate power the less populous states hold.

The cultural differences between the right and left here may be bigger than the cultural differences being experienced in Europe.

We don't even have a  national language, how do we become one culture. We allow religion to divide us. How crazy. 


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8 hours ago, noonereal said:


I tend to think we have done a similar thing here. 

The separation of states, to my mind, is one big divider. Especially when you realize that the minority often controls the majority because of the disproportionate power the less populous states hold.

The cultural differences between the right and left here may be bigger than the cultural differences being experienced in Europe.

We don't even have a  national language, how do we become one culture. We allow religion to divide us. How crazy. 


Fair enough. Perhaps we are dealing with an certain amount of divisiveness due to the different "culture" between states. Racism is here, and it ALWAYS has been. Not just here, but throughout the world. The only way it can end (which quite honestly, I don't think it will ever end) , is by education and time. Forcing diversity down people's throats will get you what we have today...divisiveness. I liked what he was trying to do, but President Obama went overboard forcing shit on people. THAT is why we have Trump in office now. One can look at any race, and that race is racist towards other races. Racism is what it is. If I have a problem with people in a certain state, I just won't go there. That simple.  But I'm not going to go to that state and demand that they accept me.

And there are certain cultures that have no business being in contact with others. The middle east animals that have been at war for 5000 years have no business being here in western civilization, culturally nor religiously. Are there some who actually WANT to assimilate into America? Yes. No problem there. We have avenues for those people. But the VAST majority do not. I see it first hand. They have zero desire to be an American. That may be okay with you, but it's not with me. I have two young daughters who saw Arianna Grande last year in concert. Tell me THIS SHIT ain't hitting home for me. 

And we do have a culture here in America. And it's based on Christian teachings. It is CERTAINLY NOT based on the Koran or Muhammad's teachings. And we were once a true "melting pot". Send us your huddled masses. People came here and were proud to be Americans. THAT was our culture. Do I really need to explain to you what it's like now? I hope not. 

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