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So was Mueller’s office and the FBI dirty?


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13 minutes ago, Troll said:

Not asking about "subjects" for you to be 'subjective' on....

Asking what the ACTUAL LIE supposedly WAS...


Apparently you don't know either...



BTW: insinuating it's a bad question from an 'uninformed questioner'...

... does little to hide your ineptness here.


What started the shit with Flynn, in spite of all the "social media shadow crap" floating around, was that, before the Trump administration was in office, the Obama administration had just announced sanctions on Russia for which Flynn,  during the same time frame,, went and undermined to the Russian government through an ambassador. Then he eventually said that he hadn't had any contact with them before he or anyone on the Trump administration had officially taken their official capacities. 

I'm pretty sure that was the beginning of his issues (actively undermining the current but outgoing administration) but there was some more misleading stuff from him as well, but, I can't remember all of it now. 

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55 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Although, apparently you play one here, you aren’t a psychologist in the real world. End of story. Your opinion is noted though. 

But yet you condemn all politicians in DC as having traits of narcissm.  Your hypocrisy is a damn joke Blue.  But I know that flies right over your head.   

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1 hour ago, HawgGoneIt said:

What started the shit with Flynn, in spite of all the "social media shadow crap" floating around, was that, before the Trump administration was in office, the Obama administration had just announced sanctions on Russia for which Flynn,  during the same time frame,, went and undermined to the Russian government through an ambassador. Then he eventually said that he hadn't had any contact with them before he or anyone on the Trump administration had officially taken their official capacities. 

I'm pretty sure that was the beginning of his issues (actively undermining the current but outgoing administration) but there was some more misleading stuff from him as well, but, I can't remember all of it now. 

Well it sounds like your interpretation of that, is that when pressed, he didn't give investigators the appropriate information as to who he had been in contact with or omited someone ....is that it in a nutshell ?

anything else ?

If correct, what's the standard penalty for that i wonder....

.....and how does that equate to Some other politician 'lying to investigators' for saying something like "i don't have any other emails" ?

I don't know if he should be in jail or not...as i REALLY have not seen any evidence of anything either way...🤷‍♂️...but as all the "reporting" goes...

do you think someone could find "thousands" of examples of "double standards here ????


just sayin'


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2 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Golf. Is this a question to simply ponder? Because, although we are pretty bad ass here, it can’t be diagnosed here on PG. And frankly, that COULD describe pretty much every politician in DC right now. 👍


2 hours ago, Horsefly said:

So you say it can’t be diagnosed here on PG,  then you defy your own logic by saying it describes every politician in DC. 🤷‍♂️ 


Here. Let me help you. You're welcome.

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18 hours ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

You have never once admitted you were wrong.

Why would I admit being wrong on Flynn when my position is just a reiteration of the known facts?

The people who would have to admit being wrong are you and your clown posse but we know that isn't going to happen.

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18 hours ago, Blueliner said:

If you like what the dems and establishment are doing then I don't know what to tell ya, bro. If you think that Trump is worse than THAT. I don't know what to tell ya.

A perfect illustration of Republican logic and argumentation.

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2 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Honestly. He’s not hard to debate. It’s just time consuming to do so, and he just doesn’t know when to stop.

Literally the first dodge of a person who's in over their head.

"I could totally do it! So easy! I just don't have the time!"


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1 hour ago, Troll said:

Well it sounds like your interpretation of that, is that when pressed, he didn't give investigators the appropriate information as to who he had been in contact with or omited someone ....is that it in a nutshell ?

anything else ?

If correct, what's the standard penalty for that i wonder....

.....and how does that equate to Some other politician 'lying to investigators' for saying something like "i don't have any other emails" ?

I don't know if he should be in jail or not...as i REALLY have not seen any evidence of anything either way...🤷‍♂️...but as all the "reporting" goes...

do you think someone could find "thousands" of examples of "double standards here ????


just sayin'


Outside of any legalities...

My interpretation of that, is. He actively undermined the actual current administration by telling the Russian ambassador that there were no sanctions. That's pretty well treasonous and would be enough for the "social media gang" on here and across the internet to threaten taking up arms against someone for doing it had it been "shoe on the other foot." 

Instead we are discussing the finer points of "double standards" for lying to the FBI, because obviously, the shoe is on this foot and not the other one. 

All I know. Is apparently the guy lied to the FBI, and then when pressed, admitted it, hence, no need for further discussion about right, wrong or indifferent. He lied to them, then admitted as such. 

Not sure where you are coming from with some other politician (Presumably Hillary Clinton) lied to the FBI, unless you are on some of that social media shadow bullshit I mentioned before. Pretty sure she was found by the FBI to be honest in her questioning, or else there would probably have been charges against her, much like Flynn. She may have lied to the press, but not to the FBI apparently. It's pretty easy to conflate the two for people with soft minds. 

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3 hours ago, Troll said:

Not asking about "subjects" for you to be 'subjective' on....

Asking what the ACTUAL LIE supposedly WAS...


Apparently you don't know either...


BTW: insinuating it's a bad question from an 'uninformed questioner'...

... does little to hide your ineptness here.


Well, at least we have something of a point of agreement.  I don't feel like synthesizing the issue for you anymore than I already have just so you can can play your weak word dissembling games, which is cool because you find my synthesis too 'subjective' anyway.  So we both agree I don't need to be the one doing all the work here. 

You can read for yourself Mike Flynn's own sworn testimony about exactly what lies Mike Flynn pleaded guilty to.  Here:


Now you know.

And yes, I am aware, and have read, the subsequent filings.

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2 minutes ago, HawgGoneIt said:

Outside of any legalities...

My interpretation of that, is. He actively undermined the actual current administration by telling the Russian anbassador that there were no sanctions. That's pretty well treasonous and would be enough for the "social media gang" on here and across the internet to threaten taking up arms against someone for doing it had it been "shoe on the other foot." 

Instead we are discussing the finer points of "double standards" for lying to the FBI, because obviously, the shoe is on this foot and not the other one. 

All I know. Is apparently the guy lied to the FBI, and then when pressed, admitted it, hence, no need for further discussion about right, wrong or indifferent. He lied to them, then admitted as such. 

Not sure where you are coming from with some other politician (Presumably Hillary Clinton) lied to the FBI, unless you are on some of that social media shadow bullshit I mentioned before. Pretty sure she was found by the FBI to be honest in her questioning, or else there would probably have been charges against her, much like Flynn. She may have lied to the press, but not to the FBI apparently. It's pretty easy to conflate the two for people with soft minds. 

no soft mind needed, to point out that pursuit of crime, and punishment, depends ENTIRELY on the prosecutor...

and in a political world...well...

...that IS NOT,  just a 'finer point'. 🤔


I have no issues with your assessment here ( if accurate) as I have always said, if they are guilty, then they can take the punishment...

both sides...👍

I guess I just never had any interest in this case, he was not my friend, just the POTUS's... 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Blueliner said:


Here. Let me help you. You're welcome.

What are you calling out when he started off with a question?  😂 


3 hours ago, golfaddict1 said:

Is Trump a narcissist?  

  • grandiose sense of self-importance
  • preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • belief they’re special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions
  • need for excessive admiration
  • sense of entitlement
  • interpersonally exploitative behavior
  • lack of empathy
  • envy of others or a belief that others are envious of them
  • demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes


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2 hours ago, Troll said:

no soft mind needed, to point out that pursuit of crime, and punishment, depends ENTIRELY on the prosecutor...

and in a political world...well...

...that IS NOT,  just a 'finer point'. 🤔


I have no issues with your assessment here ( if accurate) as I have always said, if they are guilty, then they can take the punishment...

both sides...👍

I guess I just never had any interest in this case, he was not my friend, just the POTUS's... 🤷‍♂️

Yeah, mine either. Nor Hillary. 

As I said in a previous post, I'm assuming this release of notes and what not, then the accompanying news cycles, social media shadow evidence and ensuing debate, is all just the preface for the pardon that is to come, since Flynn has apparently changed his mind about his guilt and returned his fealty to the president. 

Not any skin off my ass either way. I don't care. You likely won't see me crying or upset that the president does it. It seems like something that I can see from miles away though. I'd be very surprised if Flynn isn't pardoned between now and January. This note release and hubbub surrounding is just too convenient. I think even Pence has made some statement now that he thinks this was all just an unintentional oversight by Flynn. 

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6 hours ago, Blueliner said:

Honestly. He’s not hard to debate. It’s just time consuming to do so, and he just doesn’t know when to stop. And the dipshit will carpet bomb the shit out of ya with archived posts from 2012 and responses to your last 27 posts....all at the same time That’s not debating. That’s neurosis and autistic behavior bordering on harassment He’s the only person that I have on ignore. And that’s saying something ‘cause I’ll fight with anyone. 😁

Be as that may, he owns your lapdog Ironman... runs rent free in that poor saps head.

He's no different from the Far Right on this forum just comes at you from the left and relentless at that and I have yet to see anyone counter effectively without excessive use of thumb down emojis and name calling.... and the lack of poise in rebuttals to Guru is pretty glaring.

I don't agree with everything Guru posts...


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52 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Be as that may, he owns your lapdog Ironman... runs rent free in that poor saps head.

He's no different from the Far Right on this forum just comes at you from the left and relentless at that and I have yet to see anyone counter effectively without excessive use of thumb down emojis and name calling.... and the lack of poise in rebuttals to Guru is pretty glaring.

I don't agree with everything Guru posts...


I call shenanigans on you bgw!  I just thumbs down him to keep him in the negative because he is a giant DOUCHE. No respect for someone who post hundreds of times a day about politics on a hs fb forum.. And never says any thing positive

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On 5/2/2020 at 10:42 AM, HawgGoneIt said:

What started the shit with Flynn, in spite of all the "social media shadow crap" floating around, was that, before the Trump administration was in office, the Obama administration had just announced sanctions on Russia for which Flynn,  during the same time frame,, went and undermined to the Russian government through an ambassador. Then he eventually said that he hadn't had any contact with them before he or anyone on the Trump administration had officially taken their official capacities. 

I'm pretty sure that was the beginning of his issues (actively undermining the current but outgoing administration) but there was some more misleading stuff from him as well, but, I can't remember all of it now. 

Sort of like what Kerry has done in Iran, no.

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Imagine what's running through the mind of an official in the world's premer law enforcement agency when he is actually wondering if the point of the effort being discussed is NOT to get to the truth but rather to elicit or manufacture a lie becasue someone has been targeted?



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6 minutes ago, concha said:


Just another example of a disingenuous and cherry-picking expedition by partisan hacks to turn a hand written note of little significance into something that it is not.

Straight from the playbook.

Right-wing media demands that notes be released. Ring-wing media combs through notes looking for something that they can frame as corrupt. Right-wing media writes copious amount of articles about "outrage" of fake corruption. Corrupt Justice Department uses right-wing media outrage as justification to drop charges that they never had any interest in prosecuting in the first place.

End cycle.

They discussed strategy before the January 24th meeting because they already had evidence of his guilt. Standard practice of knowing your shot before taking it.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that the police huddled together before interrogating OJ Simpson to try to get him to confess to his crime.

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