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Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation


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44 minutes ago, legendsofthefall said:

Running a business is completely different from running the world's superpower and he's proving that every day. 

A). I think we'd be better off with a business approach to leading the country than "political(lycorrect" approaches 

B). It's a 1 million % closer analogy than being a community organizer

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2 hours ago, Pops said:

You never really had credibility on these sorts of statements but it seems especially cynical and untrue within this thread

I understand how a zealot would think that.

Kinda makes me sad. Being genuine is not accepted by either side. 

Think I'll put vinyl siding on the chicken coop. 

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2 hours ago, aZjimbo said:

Well we all know how reputable the N.Y. Slimes is right? Not like they have an anti Trump agenda right georgie boy. Yet anything they say or report is your bible. 

you got nothing better then the old NY Slimes line....pretty weak Jimmy...shoot the messenger...

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3 hours ago, Pops said:

I take it the answer to the question you ignored was that you've never managed enterprise relationships


OMG!!!!!!! I am in a different line of work than you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Well then, all my business experience making deals and degree in finance is meaningless. 

how sad for me


Yes, you know that talking like a JERK is always best for "enterprise relationships." 

see how stupid you sound? 

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3 minutes ago, noonereal said:

this is the word that best describes this presidency and the 40% that support him.


anyone still want to argue with me that humans are a failed species?

55% of humans are not a failed species....the zimbos, david lee roths, conchas, pops, drummers......pretty much freakin hopeless.

Actually, you are hopeless too. You seemed to have now jumped on the correct wagon most educated people were on 11 months ago.

You could change your mind tomorrow....


Poll Date Sample

RCP Average


 5/11 - 5/18



39.7 approve 


54.7 disapprove (and falling quickly)


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4 hours ago, Pops said:

Choose to believe what you want

we'll just disagree 

do you think climate change is the biggest threat we face (as Obie claimed)?

i think that's asinine and dangerous 

Aside from the- deny science crowd- yes I think it is our greatest danger with regard to loss of life, financial cost, loss/degradation of the environment.  Thank goodness for Trump eh?  He can just speed this up for the impatient among us.  You and i won't have to face the consequences but someone is going to pay, maybe your kids or grandchildren.  

Even if you think Its a big con, Why not take advantage of the clean energy future.  There is going to be trillions$ in this thing called the future, Google it.  Every good Republican should already know this and I think the hate for Obama has turned off Republican's ability to think straight.  


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4 hours ago, Pops said:


Even Dems are saying that "even if" the accusations against trump are true, it's not illegal, so this was a domestic witchhunt driven 100% by partisan politics that was not only attempting to damage one party but our relationship with a hugely important player in the world stage which was at a post cold-war low from the previous administration 

if trump "took care of that", you can bet, based on his 50-year track record that he's getting something in return

the community organizer didn't have that finesse

Damn right he is getting something...for him.  He can't see past what it means for him.  He just can't

  Its a square block in a round hole situation.  I don't care who supports who but for anybody to deny this man's obvious shortcomings puts themselves in the same kiddie pool as Trump.  Sure you can cool down but the big pool is better.  

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1 hour ago, noonereal said:

learn the difference between a zealot and a reasoned independent. 

Learn the difference between reality and the fantasy between your ears

you are not most Americans -- you are a super-smug Northeast elitist intellectual who think he knows what's best for everyone else (which is basically the central tenet of Liberalism)

doesn't mean I don't like you -- I respect your POV (sort of forced to for domestic tranquility), but calling yourself anything close to reasoned is laughable -- you are a dyed in the wool hardcore socialist that just thinks he has enough finesse to extend a branch to the right-minded for an objective dialogue, but as soon as anyone disagrees you start using "OMG!!!!"s and calling names

just own who you are and I'll agree that '03 Bosco could have hung with '03 DLS....


















.... for 3 quarters

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30 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Aside from the- deny science crowd- yes I think it is our greatest danger with regard to loss of life, financial cost, loss/degradation of the environment.  Thank goodness for Trump eh?  He can just speed this up for the impatient among us.  You and i won't have to face the consequences but someone is going to pay, maybe your kids or grandchildren.  

Even if you think Its a big con, Why not take advantage of the clean energy future.  There is going to be trillions$ in this thing called the future, Google it.  Every good Republican should already know this and I think the hate for Obama has turned off Republican's ability to think straight.  


Part of the liberal establishment playbook is to act as if the "Save the Planet" phobia is accepted science -- it is not, far from it. it's just a liberal strategy to expand the base to guys like you since it's easier for them to pick environment alarmists off by going after a group (business) that is already being alienated.  Don't know how familiar you are with Obama's Cap & Trade, but the fees associated are just ill-conceived, unreasonable and clearly just pandering to one of their pet groups

im all for reasonable (vs political or hysterical) environmentalism

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7 hours ago, Pops said:

Have you ever managed relationships between large entities?

i have/ do

being stiff and politically correct inhibits the relationship 100% of the time.  Yes, he's the POTUS, but he was meeting with high level reps behind closed doors of one of the powerful and important countries on earth that the previous administration alienated much to our detriment

anyone that understands high level relationships (which excludes practically the entire liberal zealot base) knows this

what wouldn't have outraged you -- had he made some politically correct comments about climate change being the greatest threat we face?  (Like Obama did, while the world laughed)

One of the people he met with approved the bombing of a hospital.  There are photographs (taken by the Russians) of Trump smiling and shaking his hand.  https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/12/us/politics/russia-syria-aleppo-bombing-campaign-restraint.html?_r=0

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7 minutes ago, BigDrop said:

One of the people he met with approved the bombing of a hospital.  There are photographs (taken by the Russians) of Trump smiling and shaking his hand.

Don't know what to say without more facts (if this is even a fact)

-- who is this unnamed Russian you're saying operationally approved the bombing of a hospital and also met with trump?  

-- was the hospital targeted or inadvertent collateral damge

-- etc 

regardless, trump has said he'd meet with Kim-jong Un, who is arguably the most evil person on the planet, so I certainly am not going to defend him not exercising a morale standard in who he meets with

im more interested in what was discussed/ agreed and trump has a better track record than the community organizer in getting what he wants and giving only what he doesn't mind giving 

he's a dealmaker -- that's what he does 

he doesn't claim to be the moral authority like the rabid Left, but he's likely to more effectively deter crimes against humanity than Obie also -- our enemies have already been put in notice there's a new sheriff in town and those regimes hiding behind proxies (China, Russia) have also been put on notice -- you don't think trump told the Chinese Premier "Look, if you don't control your boy, Kim, then I'm going to, so take care of it unless you want me as a neighbor?"  Who gives a shit if they also ate chocolate cake?  I imagine there's a similar dialogue with Russia regarding Assad.  I guarantee you both those countries respect strength and trump conveys that infinitely more than Obie.


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2 minutes ago, Pops said:

Don't know what to say without more facts (if this is even a fact)

-- who is this unnamed Russian you're saying operationally approved the bombing of a hospital and also met with trump?  

-- was the hospital targeted or inadvertent collateral damge

-- etc 

regardless, trump has said he'd meet with Kim-jong Un, who is arguably the most evil person on the planet, so I certainly am not going to defend him not exercising a morale standard in who he meets with

im more interested in what was discussed/ agreed and trump has a better track record than the community organizer in getting what he wants and giving only what he doesn't mind giving 

he's a dealmaker -- that's what he does 

he doesn't claim to be the moral authority like the rabid Left, but he's likely to more effectively deter crimes against humanity than Obie also -- our enemies have already been put in notice there's a new sheriff in town and those regimes hiding behind proxies (China, Russia) have also been put on notice -- you don't think trump told the Chinese Premier "Look, if you don't control your boy, Kim, then I'm going to, so take care of it unless you want me as a neighbor?"  Who gives a shit if they also ate chocolate cake?  I imagine there's a similar dialogue with Russia regarding Assad.  I guarantee you both those countries respect strength and trump conveys that infinitely more than Obie.


It's not about Obie.  Nor Hillary.

It's only about Trump.  Trump.

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1 minute ago, BigDrop said:

It's not about Obie.  Nor Hillary.

It's only about Trump.  Trump.

Yeah, I saw your earlier posts

and also concha's very relevant response reminding you that your side blamed Bush for everything wrong right up until Trump was inaugurated and that it's only due to the institutional bias of the media that the headlines aren't "trump meets Russians: Strsined relations thawed among world Superpowers"

if it's just about trump, then let's all say "bravo"

but we all know this is about butt-hurt

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Just now, BigDrop said:

It's not about Obie.  Nor Hillary.

It's only about Trump.  Trump.

Don't think they can help it.  I've offered to join those on this site to start a topic on how awful Obama, Hillary are and we can all have at it, only if they stay on the damn topic Trump.  Its like talking to children..with ADD.

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4 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Don't think they can help it.  I've offered to join those on this site to start a topic on how awful Obama, Hillary are and we can all have at it, only if they stay on the damn topic Trump.  Its like talking to children..with ADD.

How about we just pin a thread called "whine here" and let you guys post there daily -- would clean up the board a lot and save Cajun from wearing out the "post new" button

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21 minutes ago, Pops said:

Yeah, I saw your earlier posts

and also concha's very relevant response reminding you that your side blamed Bush for everything wrong right up until Trump was inaugurated and that it's only due to the institutional bias of the media that the headlines aren't "trump meets Russians: Strsined relations thawed among world Superpowers"

if it's just about trump, then let's all say "bravo"

but we all know this is about butt-hurt

Pops, forgive me, but I am not a Democrat.  When you keep saying "your side" I honestly do not understand.  No, I did not vote for George W. Bush.  But I did vote for his father and liked him.  I voted for Reagan, too and would have voted for McCain except that I didn't like Sarah Palin.  

It is only about Trump.  Obama, Clinton-they are all gone.  They've been gone for months now.  It is only about Trump.

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1 hour ago, Pops said:

Don't know what to say without more facts (if this is even a fact)

-- who is this unnamed Russian you're saying operationally approved the bombing of a hospital and also met with trump?  

-- was the hospital targeted or inadvertent collateral damge

-- etc 

regardless, trump has said he'd meet with Kim-jong Un, who is arguably the most evil person on the planet, so I certainly am not going to defend him not exercising a morale standard in who he meets with

im more interested in what was discussed/ agreed and trump has a better track record than the community organizer in getting what he wants and giving only what he doesn't mind giving 

he's a dealmaker -- that's what he does 

he doesn't claim to be the moral authority like the rabid Left, but he's likely to more effectively deter crimes against humanity than Obie also -- our enemies have already been put in notice there's a new sheriff in town and those regimes hiding behind proxies (China, Russia) have also been put on notice -- you don't think trump told the Chinese Premier "Look, if you don't control your boy, Kim, then I'm going to, so take care of it unless you want me as a neighbor?"  Who gives a shit if they also ate chocolate cake?  I imagine there's a similar dialogue with Russia regarding Assad.  I guarantee you both those countries respect strength and trump conveys that infinitely more than Obie.


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3448951/Russia-accused-committing-obvious-war-crimes-Syria-50-die-hospital-school-bombings-report-finds-Moscow-killed-civilians-Assad-ISIS-month.html Pops, am I not correct?  The Russian Foreign Minister would have approved of this?  More:  http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/state-department-mocks-russias-denial-of-hospital-bombings/article/2607808

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2 hours ago, BigDrop said:

Pops, forgive me, but I am not a Democrat.  When you keep saying "your side" I honestly do not understand.  No, I did not vote for George W. Bush.  But I did vote for his father and liked him.  I voted for Reagan, too and would have voted for McCain except that I didn't like Sarah Palin.  

It is only about Trump.  Obama, Clinton-they are all gone.  They've been gone for months now.  It is only about Trump.

Thank God for Trump

Finally stopped you guys from blaming bush for everything 


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1 hour ago, BigDrop said:

What is this?

can you point me to the connection you're alleging -- didn't see it in either article which also included allegations that the US bombed a hospital (and this was under Obie, so just wondering if you have an issue that trump met with obama?)

what was very clear in articles is that us and Russia had a very acrimonious relations and now they dont


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