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Trump Told Russians That Firing ‘Nut Job’ Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation


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7 hours ago, World Citizen said:

Not speaking of a event.  Speaking to Trump as President.  Aside from his mental limmitations, which are considerable, Its the damage he has already done.  Environmental regulations are a great thing.  Before we had these our companies were polluting air, water and they were profitable.  Bring in regulations and we had cleaner air, cleaner water and companies are still profitable

 Trump wants to info that.  His EPA chief Pruitt doesn't believe in either science or he doesn't care and will help these companies go back to polluting our environment.  Not good for anybody.  Not sure how old you are but we use to have rivers catching on fire.  Rivers catching on fire.  We don't have rivers do that anymore, yet.

So basically he is a "disaster" because his ideologies aren't in line with yours? Excellent support to your argument. You still haven't answered the question...where's the disaster you speak of?  Whatever reversals of the mountainous amount of regulations bestowed upon free industry by our former(thank God)president certainly haven't caused any disaster that I'm aware of. Unless you count the mass infection of lunacy by an entire political party or having a bankrupting healthcare plan shoved down our throats as a disaster.  My air is still clean. My water is still drinkable. Florida and California are still above water. States that were ravaged by excessive regulation have a fighting chance to once again employ it's citizens. Unemployment's down. Wages and REAL jobs are up. Wall Street's good. ILLEGAL immigration is down.  Where is this disaster.?....other than the disaster that is the continuing collective meltdown of the left and the media.

I'm not saying that I 100% like Trump, but I'd take him over anything else that the looney left has to offer.  This is coming from someone who voted for Bill Clinton twice and Obama twice. Enough of this nonsense...seriously.

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8 hours ago, Warrior said:

I love all the "unnamed sources" with all these stories. Then when asked point blank "is there any evidence of collusion between Trump and the Russians" everyone's answer is the same...."well not at this time" but they are so matter of fact up until that point. It really is comical how most news media want it to be true so badly. 

Because the investigations are ON GOING???

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9 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

So basically he is a "disaster" because his ideologies aren't in line with yours? Excellent support to your argument. You still haven't answered the question...where's the disaster you speak of?  Whatever reversals of the mountainous amount of regulations bestowed upon free industry by our former(thank God)president certainly haven't caused any disaster that I'm aware of. Unless you count the mass infection of lunacy by an entire political party or having a bankrupting healthcare plan shoved down our throats as a disaster.  My air is still clean. My water is still drinkable. Florida and California are still above water. States that were ravaged by excessive regulation have a fighting chance to once again employ it's citizens. Unemployment's down. Wages and REAL jobs are up. Wall Street's good. ILLEGAL immigration is down.  Where is this disaster.?....other than the disaster that is the continuing collective meltdown of the left and the media.

I'm not saying that I 100% like Trump, but I'd take him over anything else that the looney left has to offer.  This is coming from someone who voted for Bill Clinton twice and Obama twice. Enough of this nonsense...seriously.

The last 7 months is the Left having one giant temper tantrum because they lost.

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24 minutes ago, TheRealCAJ said:

All the wingnuts on this forum are just downright.....hmmm, poor excuse for humans.

None of wingtnutist here gave Obama a chance from day one even before day one.

Our wingnut president (your president) perpetuated the 'birther' movement for years......should I go on?


This wingnut gave him a chance. MANY gave him a chance. He was elected as the first president with African roots. He won fairly convincingly both times. But the many who gave him a chance had had enough after 8 years of PC (among other things) shoved down our throats. I liked some of his ideas, but he took it too far too often eventually. He tried to fix racism overnight. Bad idea. People are going to naturally push back when forced to do something. And too many Americans were told to "take it, and don't forget to like it" too many times. Instilling the sense of entitlement and victimization was taken to another level by our former president, while the white male was basically made out to be the devil. This, in my opinion, was and is a disservice to people of all colors, and created a open divisiveness that remains today. Now all of the liberals who were "empowered", have straight up gone off the deep end.  You're seething with anger over a president that isn't doing a bad job despite the fact that apparently his wife didn't hold his hand. Apparently, this is news. We can thank the Huffington Post for that little gem. Good grief.

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3 hours ago, Blueliner said:

So basically he is a "disaster" because his ideologies aren't in line with yours? Excellent support to your argument. You still haven't answered the question...where's the disaster you speak of?  Whatever reversals of the mountainous amount of regulations bestowed upon free industry by our former(thank God)president certainly haven't caused any disaster that I'm aware of. Unless you count the mass infection of lunacy by an entire political party or having a bankrupting healthcare plan shoved down our throats as a disaster.  My air is still clean. My water is still drinkable. Florida and California are still above water. States that were ravaged by excessive regulation have a fighting chance to once again employ it's citizens. Unemployment's down. Wages and REAL jobs are up. Wall Street's good. ILLEGAL immigration is down.  Where is this disaster.?....other than the disaster that is the continuing collective meltdown of the left and the media.

I'm not saying that I 100% like Trump, but I'd take him over anything else that the looney left has to offer.  This is coming from someone who voted for Bill Clinton twice and Obama twice. Enough of this nonsense...seriously.

Since you don't mind the pollution you probably don't mind him deregulating wall street as well I guess.  Companies have never done better during all those crushing regulations.  Only thing I give credit to Trump for is less people coming across the border.  He doesn't believe in anything he said he was for.  All you have to do is look at his budget he just laid out.  Read that and tell me what he believes in.  It is my opinion that he does not care about you or me or anybody or anything besided his own infallible view point.  

It's not a meltdown and to continue viewing it that way is to miss what's going on.  There are a lot of people upset about things that are important to them and the people taking to the streets are evidence of that.  From the attack on our intelligence community, throwing a previous president under the bus while talking to other countries, doing the same thing to a citizen.  Politics stop at the waters edge, or so it used to.  Having Russians over at WH and not having American press only Russian.  WTF.  Yeah, I say this guy is a disaster and good luck with that drinking water.

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53 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Since you don't mind the pollution you probably don't mind him deregulating wall street as well I guess.  Companies have never done better during all those crushing regulations.  Only thing I give credit to Trump for is less people coming across the border.  He doesn't believe in anything he said he was for.  All you have to do is look at his budget he just laid out.  Read that and tell me what he believes in.  It is my opinion that he does not care about you or me or anybody or anything besided his own infallible view point.  

It's not a meltdown and to continue viewing it that way is to miss what's going on.  There are a lot of people upset about things that are important to them and the people taking to the streets are evidence of that.  From the attack on our intelligence community, throwing a previous president under the bus while talking to other countries, doing the same thing to a citizen.  Politics stop at the waters edge, or so it used to.  Having Russians over at WH and not having American press only Russian.  WTF.  Yeah, I say this guy is a disaster and good luck with that drinking water.

How was the tap water under previous admin?

Remember when previous admit cut food stamps and bailed out Wall Street? 

Russian ambassador visited White House over 20 times under Obama admin. Not a peep from the left. High rankings Dems had meetings with him and Putin, not a peep from the left. 

Remember when Clinton foundation got huge contributions from Russian back firms after uranium deal or Clintons 500 grand fee for giving speech in Russia? 

Remember Podesta Russian firm backed stocks that he supposedly passed on to his daughter? 

Remember Podesta group receiving the funds from Russia's biggest bank? 

Could keep going but it don't matter to those on left. It's ok when they do all that


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21 hours ago, CCBlackhatter said:

You'd be right. Pride in your work tends to bring more quality results in whatever it is you do.

I'll have a business at some point. I've got to spend a little more time accumulating my assets before I can seek out investors.

Thanks for the kind, yet sarcastic words.

Now can you expand on the notion that Trump has made the world more dangerous? Because I'm just not seeing it at this time. Sure he has rustled some feathers, but most Presidents have.



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5 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

60% of democrats think Russia actually hacked the voting machines to give the election to Trump. xD

good grief

I am a bit disappointed in you zulu

to say you got it wrong is being very polite





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12 minutes ago, noonereal said:

good grief

I am a bit disappointed in you zulu

to say you got it wrong is being very polite





That's a FNC poll from 12/16, that doesn't break down by party AFAIK.

I'm citing an Economist/YouGov poll from this very week, that asks the specific question, and breaks down responses by party.


That said, your disappointment is noted. xD

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4 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

That's a FNC poll from 12/16, that doesn't break down by party AFAIK.

I'm citing an Economist/YouGov poll from this very week, that asks the specific question, and breaks down responses by party.


That said, your disappointment is noted. xD

link, I googled everything

either way, imho, a good 70% of Americans are dolts and operate on sound bites

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9 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:


you don't think it fair to think probably not true or probably true? 

Seems only 22% think it's definitely true. 


Either way few really understand the stories in the news. Although I read the NY times from cover to cover for decades when I worked "for the man" I never really had the time to know what I know today. 65 hour work weeks, 3 kids and all that entails... 

In other words, the fact that most American's are dopes has much to do with what a busy country we are. IMHO of course. 

That is why I am really anger at Trump coming along and simply ignoring truth. People really believe a guy with the title of president and they should. But now that we can't... who knows what the future holds. 

It is good to see Fox imploding but I fear it's too late. Talk radio is a cesspool of misinformation. 

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So now the Brits are cutting information flow to our intelligence agencies - cause they leak like an effing sieve.  Our intelligence agencies sadly have become a cesspool for this sort of activity - there is nothing patriotic about it.  The leakers need to be rooted out, fired and even prosecuted.

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2 minutes ago, Bormio said:

No - the agencies themselves.  The information they shared with us about Manchester was on the front page of the NYT before the Brits got off the phone.

Funny how Trump started it, coincidence?

Frankly I think it mostly BS, in this case as it seems it was more about timing and differing approach, not secrecy. 

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It is not BS.  The Brits are ticked.  FBI leaks constantly, CIA is nearly as bad.  It is a huge problem getting worse - for every President and for American citizens affected.  People in those agencies need to keep their mouths shut.  But Comey set an example - blathering on inappropriately about Clinton.

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