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30,000 Ventilators for New York?


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In your abundant spare time during work hours where you are apparently not doing any righteous gubmint work and letting people go hungry,  could you share with the class any insights into the 30k respirators that Cuomo has demanded? You know, the topic of this thread?



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16 minutes ago, RedZone said:

Dr. Anthony  Fauci does.....according to the right-wingnut NY Post.


..crying "prepgridiron.com" concha NOT so much. 

Anything else?


Fauci gives no details whatsoever here lol. He basically says "Well, Cuomo says he needs that many, so we'll try and get them for him."

Hopefully you didn't have to waste too much time searching for this article. 🤷‍♂️ 

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51 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:

Fauci gives no details whatsoever here lol. He basically says "Well, Cuomo says he needs that many, so we'll try and get them for him."

Hopefully you didn't have to waste too much time searching for this article. 🤷‍♂️ 

Took 30 seconds to make crying concha look like the moron he is.....crying concha believes what trump believes what's NEW/S about that?

Took less than 30 seonds to make you look like, well......zulu1128.

Obviously, Fauci doesn't NEED the details to "believe".

Fauci vs zulu1128 and cryng concha?....a real no-brainer!

"“There are a lot of different calculations. My experience, I tend to believe Gov. Cuomo,” Fauci said."

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4 hours ago, The Guru said:

I predict that when this is all over, zulu will claim that he never supported Trump.

"I never praised Trump. Find a quote of me praising him!"

It's a side benefit of being completely useless: you can plausibly deny everything later.

Classic, zulu1128.

...zulu1128 and crying concha discussing New York's need for COVID-19 ventilators in pretty humorous though.

New York only has close to 100,000 COVID-19 cases...,and it's going up.

NYC sees another 3,500 coronavirus cases, 250 deaths in 24 hours




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1 hour ago, RedZone said:

Took 30 seconds to make crying concha look like the moron he is.....crying concha believes what trump believes what's NEW/S about that?

Took less than 30 seonds to make you look like, well......zulu1128.

Obviously, Fauci doesn't NEED the details to "believe".

Fauci vs zulu1128 and cryng concha?....a real no-brainer!

"“There are a lot of different calculations. My experience, I tend to believe Gov. Cuomo,” Fauci said."



Meanwhile, the model that Fauci bases most of his projections on says NY needs a maximum of 13K ventilators. 

Clearly his statement was more a "fine, whatever...we'll try and get them for him." I mean, I'm sure he has nothing else on his plate other than fact checking Luigi's off-the-cuff claims. 

But Chip is all excited, so that's cool I guess lol. 


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9 minutes ago, zulu1128 said:



Meanwhile, the model that Fauci bases most of his projections on says NY needs a maximum of 13K ventilators. 

Clearly his statement was more a "fine, whatever...we'll try and get them for him." I mean, I'm sure he has nothing else on his plate other than fact checking Luigi's off-the-cuff claims. 

But Chip is all excited, so that's cool I guess lol. 


Just stop, zulu1128.

There's NO way out for you.

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So, apparently the IHME data is actually grossly OVERSTATING the situation.

In New York there are currently 93k cases. Total. 

There are less then 90k active cases. Of all severities.

But the IHME site says currently New York should need hospital beds for over 56k people due to the virus (currently there are <10k).  Over 60% of confirmed cases need hospitalization? Huh? The current estimated peak is in 2 weeks? 76k beds. Huh?


On the one hand, great.  Maybe this thing isn't as bad as thought.

On the other,  how is it that New York is planning to need 30,000 ventilators?  40% of hospitalized cases need a ventilator? Really?


As of Thursday afternoon, health officials have confirmed at least:

  • 92,381 total cases in New York State
  • 2,468 deaths from the coronavirus in the state
  • 51,809 cases in New York City, including 1,374 deaths
  • an estimated 9,775 people with COVID-19 have been hospitalized in the state
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50 minutes ago, concha said:


So, apparently the IHME data is actually grossly OVERSTATING the situation.

In New York there are currently 93k cases. Total. 

There are less then 90k active cases. Of all severities.

But the IHME site says currently New York should need hospital beds for over 56k people due to the virus (currently there are <10k).  Over 60% of confirmed cases need hospitalization? Huh? The current estimated peak is in 2 weeks? 76k beds. Huh?


On the one hand, great.  Maybe this thing isn't as bad as thought.

On the other,  how is it that New York is planning to need 30,000 ventilators?  40% of hospitalized cases need a ventilator? Really?


As of Thursday afternoon, health officials have confirmed at least:

  • 92,381 total cases in New York State
  • 2,468 deaths from the coronavirus in the state
  • 51,809 cases in New York City, including 1,374 deaths
  • an estimated 9,775 people with COVID-19 have been hospitalized in the state

Wow what a surprise.

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2 hours ago, concha said:


So, apparently the IHME data is actually grossly OVERSTATING the situation.

In New York there are currently 93k cases. Total. 

There are less then 90k active cases. Of all severities.

But the IHME site says currently New York should need hospital beds for over 56k people due to the virus (currently there are <10k).  Over 60% of confirmed cases need hospitalization? Huh? The current estimated peak is in 2 weeks? 76k beds. Huh?


On the one hand, great.  Maybe this thing isn't as bad as thought.

On the other,  how is it that New York is planning to need 30,000 ventilators?  40% of hospitalized cases need a ventilator? Really?


As of Thursday afternoon, health officials have confirmed at least:

  • 92,381 total cases in New York State
  • 2,468 deaths from the coronavirus in the state
  • 51,809 cases in New York City, including 1,374 deaths
  • an estimated 9,775 people with COVID-19 have been hospitalized in the state

Seems very very important to you. Keep us ALL posted on the ventilator situation in New York. 👍

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10 hours ago, I AM IRONMAN said:

NY dems failed their people.  Billions wasted ...belly up in solar projects etc. They were warned in 2015 about a pandemic.....did nothing.  Blaming Trump...pathetic.

another idiot blaming N.Y. for the Gov't failures...who has more info. about global virus threats??...the states or the Fed. gov't.??....take a look at your paycheck stub...who do you pay more taxes to??...the Gov't. or the state you live in??...and so yesterday Trump is saying the Fed. Gov't is a "back-up" for the states now....the states should be able to handle things on their own!?!....we'll encourage a system that has states bidding against one another only to have the fed. Gov't come in and outbid all states?!?!....nice system we have in place huh?!?...Trump's doing a great job of leading from behind....a day late and a dollar short...as usual...😔

then Trump sends a bunch of ventilators to Cali. that don't work/broken...😔

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34 minutes ago, The Guru said:

Who could've possibly predicted that concha would go from serial liar to serial ventilator denier?



Not sure where I've "denied" anything about ventilators, Andy.

I've asked questions.

Which you have dutifully proven unable to answer.



Keep trying, Andy.

Maybe somewhere in a post of mine from 2016 or 2017 you'll find something.




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Just now, concha said:

Not sure where I've "denied" anything about ventilators, Andy.

I've asked questions.

Which you have dutifully proven unable to answer.

And no better issue to "ask questions" about then potentially life-saving ventilators.

This is the hill that you've chosen to die on.

Well, and all the other lying hills that you've died on previously.

And, yes, I don't have any clue about how many ventilators New York needs. I don't lie like you do. 


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1 minute ago, The Guru said:

And no better issue to "ask questions" about then potentially life-saving ventilators.

This is the hill that you've chosen to die on.

Well, and all the other lying hills that you've died on previously.

And, yes, I don't have any clue about how many ventilators New York needs. I don't lie like you do. 



You might find this surprising, Andy, but my life does not revolve around this site.

I don't live or die based on it. It is apparently far less important to my life than to yours.

For example, I don't feel any creepy compulsion to search through people's posts going back literally 2-3 years just looking for hopeful "gotcha" quotes. Until you, I didn't know of anyone who did that.

Oh, and you do lie, Andy. That has been proven.


How is progress getting unemployment benefits out to all the folks hurting down there in Florida, Andy?  Is your weird obsessive/compulsive use of the search function on prepgridiron.com helping to get it fixed?


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