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Say it aint so Joe


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1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

Tammy Bruce: Hypocritical Dems ignore Biden sexual assault allegations, but embraced Kavanaugh accuser

Dude you can rape women (Biden) beat women (Ellison), sell children (Wiener), as long as you hate Trump. 

If you're a Trump Supporter a woman can claim you raped her over 10 years ago. But not remember where not remember how, not remember who was there. Never tell anyone. Never report it. You will be ruined (Kavanauh).

So it's very simple. You want to ass rape a little girl all the while calling her dad a Ni^^er and get away with it. Just say you hate Trump.

Don't believe me? Explain the Racist Cajun.

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 They are covering this up the same way they covered up for Keith Ellison. 

 The Democrats cover up these heinous crimes and then try to virtue signal to suppress their guilt 

And left wingers on this site come here every day and start threads complaining about people they disagree with

 The fact that no left wingers on here have called out these heinous crimes just shows that they are complicit and condone the behavior. 

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1 hour ago, Nolebull813 said:

 They are covering this up the same way they covered up for Keith Ellison. 

 The Democrats cover up these heinous crimes and then try to virtue signal to suppress their guilt 

And left wingers on this site come here every day and start threads complaining about people they disagree with

 The fact that no left wingers on here have called out these heinous crimes just shows that they are complicit and condone the behavior. 

They are blind 🐑

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3 hours ago, Nolebull813 said:

 They are covering this up the same way they covered up for Keith Ellison. 

 The Democrats cover up these heinous crimes and then try to virtue signal to suppress their guilt 

And left wingers on this site come here every day and start threads complaining about people they disagree with

 The fact that no left wingers on here have called out these heinous crimes just shows that they are complicit and condone the behavior. 

Yep. I've been saying that. I used to want to try to understand and try to compromise with these leftists here. But clearly they have an insatiable appetite for hating everything Trump, conservatives (anyone that doesn't think like them), and are okay with what's happening to our nation...they root for the virus and against NOT killing our economy under the guise of "PEOPLE ARE DYING!!!". As much as I call these guys idiots, they aren't. They're simply fucked up and condone the transformation of America into a global-friendly, socialist nation. The world is playing along accordingly since many of these nations are complicit, and realize that suckling off of the American teet is no longer an option under OUR President Trump.  No longer do I want to compromise with people that can't be compromised with. I want them defeated. 

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And she received threats and received her own pain," Reade said. "I've basically had no substantive support from women's groups that are considered liberal or Democratic. I've had no support from any Democratic candidate, although I've reached out. And I've received either slanted reporting that ended up being talking points for Biden's campaign or silence from the mainstream media. So that's my contention and my concern."



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37 minutes ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Whatever Blue, you'll never be happy.

Biden has got to go, unfortunately it's set in stone and these crooked ass pols are gonna maintain the status quo, just like what your party is doing with the Orange dumbass.


Bro. it's simple. I'll be happy when dems, liberals and he media start acting right. Not necessarily how I WANT them to act. Just fucking right, already. We get it. You guys hate Trump. But what they've put this country through for the past 4 years is 10x worse than ANYTHING the Orange Meanie has done. Trump is not the be all, end all, but was and IS doing a fantastic job. But that's just me. But what I despise more is the way he's been treated by the establishment (left and right) and media. We all know it's bullshit, but only (about half) can put big boy pants on and deal with a President that was duly elected. Obama, as it turned out after I voted for him the first time, was fucking AWFUL. I listen to his BS and cringe. But ya know what? We didn't lose our collective shit over him even though we wanted him out. Fucking dcraps, media, liberal POSs are OBVIOUSLY doing whatever it takes, no matter the cost, to take down the Orange "dumbass". And the cost has been tremendous. I KNOW you see that, but you're invested in the Never Trumper camp now so you can't go back. It's sad really because you're probably a solid dude otherwise. Anyways....That is when I'll be happy. 

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55 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

Bro. it's simple. I'll be happy when dems, liberals and he media start acting right. Not necessarily how I WANT them to act. Just fucking right, already. We get it. You guys hate Trump. But what they've put this country through for the past 4 years is 10x worse than ANYTHING the Orange Meanie has done. Trump is not the be all, end all, but was and IS doing a fantastic job. But that's just me. But what I despise more is the way he's been treated by the establishment (left and right) and media. We all know it's bullshit, but only (about half) can put big boy pants on and deal with a President that was duly elected. Obama, as it turned out after I voted for him the first time, was fucking AWFUL. I listen to his BS and cringe. But ya know what? We didn't lose our collective shit over him even though we wanted him out. Fucking dcraps, media, liberal POSs are OBVIOUSLY doing whatever it takes, no matter the cost, to take down the Orange "dumbass". And the cost has been tremendous. I KNOW you see that, but you're invested in the Never Trumper camp now so you can't go back. It's sad really because you're probably a solid dude otherwise. Anyways....That is when I'll be happy. 

Trump needs to put "big boy pants" on and deal with the scrutiny he gets as President. All Presidents are the butt of jokes, and have been for decades. Has Trump received more scrutiny? Probably. Has he deserved more scrutiny? Probably, again.

He constantly gets himself into a pickle by talking too much. Then his supporters defend him by saying others shouldn't hang on to his every word. Bullshit. We all are accountable for what we say -- why would the President get a pass on accountabilty??? He's a little kid, in over his head, and has set the example for others to behave the same way as he does, which does not involve big boy pants at all.

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28 minutes ago, maxchoboian said:

Trump needs to put "big boy pants" on and deal with the scrutiny he gets as President. All Presidents are the butt of jokes, and have been for decades. Has Trump received more scrutiny? Probably. Has he deserved more scrutiny? Probably, again.

He constantly gets himself into a pickle by talking too much. Then his supporters defend him by saying others shouldn't hang on to his every word. Bullshit. We all are accountable for what we say -- why would the President get a pass on accountabilty??? He's a little kid, in over his head, and has set the example for others to behave the same way as he does, which does not involve big boy pants at all.

Max. The "being the butt of jokes" is not "joking" with Trump. It is downright hatred for the man. An undeserved and misdirected hatred that is plain as day to see since the msm is the lapdog of the left, that boils and overflows into pretty much every part of society. Hell, just to bludgeon Trump, the dems and media have destroyed our economy and have us all locked in our houses indefinitely (I know you don't agree, we don't need to debate this). 

So what if he "gets himself into a pickle"? He's a flawed human like the rest of us. He can do no right with you guys. He either talks to much or he's a coward. He's over stepping his boundaries or he's not doing enough. Bla bla bla. "In over his head"? You are smoking some of that Colorado ganja, aren't you? Trump created the best economy EVER before the China, WHO, and our own dems and media destroyed it. And he's doing a great job with virus considering all of the reports that he was given were absolute bullshit. The media is doing its best to keep the fear-mongering and doom and gloom going to serve their master's agenda....because they know that Trump will rebound the eff out of this country if they don't. And then what would the NEXT dem-made crisis be?

You clearly don't like him and think he's a kid. Fuck, maybe he is to an extent. But don't get me going on Obama or Hillary or Biden...and all of the other floating turds that the dems are prancing around. It sucks that you are willing to support what is happening, and that you're willing to put a man with dementia in the WH. The hypocrisy and hate knows know bounds.

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1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

Bro. it's simple. I'll be happy when dems, liberals and he media start acting right. Not necessarily how I WANT them to act. Just fucking right, already. We get it. You guys hate Trump. But what they've put this country through for the past 4 years is 10x worse than ANYTHING the Orange Meanie has done. Trump is not the be all, end all, but was and IS doing a fantastic job. But that's just me. But what I despise more is the way he's been treated by the establishment (left and right) and media. We all know it's bullshit, but only (about half) can put big boy pants on and deal with a President that was duly elected. Obama, as it turned out after I voted for him the first time, was fucking AWFUL. I listen to his BS and cringe. But ya know what? We didn't lose our collective shit over him even though we wanted him out. Fucking dcraps, media, liberal POSs are OBVIOUSLY doing whatever it takes, no matter the cost, to take down the Orange "dumbass". And the cost has been tremendous. I KNOW you see that, but you're invested in the Never Trumper camp now so you can't go back. It's sad really because you're probably a solid dude otherwise. Anyways....That is when I'll be happy. 

This is an honest and great post.  Kudos BL 👍

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1 hour ago, Blueliner said:

Bro. it's simple. I'll be happy when dems, liberals and he media start acting right. Not necessarily how I WANT them to act. Just fucking right, already. We get it. You guys hate Trump. But what they've put this country through for the past 4 years is 10x worse than ANYTHING the Orange Meanie has done. Trump is not the be all, end all, but was and IS doing a fantastic job. But that's just me. But what I despise more is the way he's been treated by the establishment (left and right) and media. We all know it's bullshit, but only (about half) can put big boy pants on and deal with a President that was duly elected. Obama, as it turned out after I voted for him the first time, was fucking AWFUL. I listen to his BS and cringe. But ya know what? We didn't lose our collective shit over him even though we wanted him out. Fucking dcraps, media, liberal POSs are OBVIOUSLY doing whatever it takes, no matter the cost, to take down the Orange "dumbass". And the cost has been tremendous. I KNOW you see that, but you're invested in the Never Trumper camp now so you can't go back. It's sad really because you're probably a solid dude otherwise. Anyways....That is when I'll be happy. 

Good luck Blue.... I would like to nuke the whole fucking thing and start over. 
Label, box me IDGAF. 

Theres not enough enough unhappiness here or there to make this ol’ boy unhappy.

So fuck off.  


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1 minute ago, BUFORDGAWOLVES said:

Good luck Blue.... I would like to nuke the whole fucking thing and start over. 
Label, box me IDGAF. 

Theres not enough enough unhappiness here or there to make this ol’ boy unhappy.

So fuck off.  


C'mon, man. Don't go away mad. You get to enjoy your life like a (somewhat) free American in GA. Our commie governor just extended our fun-filled stay at home extravaganza an additional month. 🤣

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1 minute ago, Blueliner said:

C'mon, man. Don't go away mad. You get to enjoy your life like a (somewhat) free American in GA. Our commie governor just extended our fun-filled stay at home extravaganza an additional month. 🤣

I ain’t mad... your boy Clay Travis is in Nashville!!

You can get your idolatry up with him. 

Im Golden, you don’t know me. 



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24 minutes ago, Blueliner said:

It sucks that you are willing to support what is happening, and that you're willing to put a man with dementia in the WH. The hypocrisy and hate knows know bounds.

You guess a lot, and are incorrect too frequently for your own good. By continually saying that I, and others on here, support what is happening, and are willing to put a man with dementia in the WH, is the behavior of a spoiled little kid. You scream out at anyone and everyone who thinks Trump is a joke, claiming we must then also want the economy to collapse, and must also be riding the Joe Biden horse. You are wrong. Get a grip on yourself.

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1 hour ago, maxchoboian said:

You guess a lot, and are incorrect too frequently for your own good. By continually saying that I, and others on here, support what is happening, and are willing to put a man with dementia in the WH, is the behavior of a spoiled little kid. You scream out at anyone and everyone who thinks Trump is a joke, claiming we must then also want the economy to collapse, and must also be riding the Joe Biden horse. You are wrong. Get a grip on yourself.

Now that's rich. The dude(s) with Stage 17 TDS telling ME to get a grip. Awesome🤣 And I'm not wrong. I AM RIGHT....your (and the rest of your goofy ass buddies) words continuously back up my belief. You are not very insightful at all. Not a strong point for liberals. 



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