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One Month in COVID-19 Time: Feb 26/Mar 26


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11 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Republican Attorneys General continue their effort to basically take health insurance away from people.  No plan to fix what needs to be fixed but just get rid of it with no replacement.  The Republicans have been at this for 10 years and still haven't come up with anything they want to replace it with.



Maybe they could have used the 25 million they demanded go to the JFK center or maybe the 350 million the dems demanded for refugee's? 

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1 minute ago, thc6795 said:

So the cons who were part of the process are wrong? You're an idiot. 

Yes they were wrong.  They lied on camera even though they had fellow Republicans on those committees.  I may be an idiot but I'm not stupid enough to post wrong information because I actually do my research to find out if I am right or not.  

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Just now, The Guru said:

Let me keep reminding you of your track record of lies here:

  • "accelerated drop in black unemployment under Trump"
  • "LFPR fell sharply among 25-54"
  • "LFPR fell the most among 25-54"
  • "LFPR caused Obama's unemployment rate to look better than it was"
  • "Unemployment rate actually increased before Trump took over"
  • Trump never promised 4%, 5% or even 6% growth


Except that most have been proven not to be.

Andy, why are you avoiding addressing your lie?

Is Andy denying that under Trump we have much lower unemployment, much lower underemployment, increasing incomes, better GDP growth?




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2 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

Yes they were wrong.  They lied on camera even though they had fellow Republicans on those committees.  I may be an idiot but I'm not stupid enough to post wrong information because I actually do my research to find out if I am right or not.  

Did Schiff Lie? Did Pelosi Lie? 

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2 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Maybe they could have used the 25 million they demanded go to the JFK center or maybe the 350 million the dems demanded for refugee's? 

You have every right to be uninformed and post things that are not true.  Thankfully being dumb on purpose isn't contagious.  I'm done.  Enjoy your state of ignorance.  

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7 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Maybe they could have used the 25 million they demanded go to the JFK center or maybe the 350 million the dems demanded for refugee's? 

The Kennedy Center is owned by the United States Government. They appropriated money to take care of staff and upkeep during the coronavirus.

Nothing untoward about it.

You're just stupid.

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41 minutes ago, World Citizen said:

You keep saying that we are prospering but the fact that most Americans are 1 catastrophe away from financial ruin says otherwise.  The ONLY people prospering are the super rich. This isn't Trumps fault but it is a fact that most people don't have enough saved to handle a medical emergency or some other crisis that life throws at us.  

@World Citizen

Economic inequality has been accelerating since right around 1980.  My 50,000 foot level take is Obama did indeed inherit an economic disaster, and he turned it around along the conventional economic metrics (really with Mitch blocking him...Turns out Republicans are only Keynesians when a Republican is in office), but Obama did not address the underlying structural issues (ie a significant % of households 1 disaster away from ruin). 

Trump inherited the Obama economy and it continued to perform about the same using the standard metrics (hence the resurrection of the almost 4 year old debate between Guru and Conch - Paraphrase of which is ~3+ years ago Conch said it was a major failing that Obama never had the economy over 3% GDP growth for a year, first since Hoover, but so far neither has Trump.).  The tax cut really led to two basic things, stock buybacks and further exacerbation of economic inequality.

Turns out global pandemic hits hard on all the weak points of the modern American economy.  I have significant doubts we will emerge the same as before...but that's a different conversation for another thread as this one strayed far afield from where it started.


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17 minutes ago, The Guru said:

Which is another lie much like your weak and pathetic attempts to call me a liar only to have them blow up in your face.

You're almost at pitiful levels now.


It's fun to watch you make these grandiose proclamations. 🤣

An unupdated number from a website is - in AndyLand - a "breathtaking" lie...

"He is 0.1% off. What a BREATHTAKING lie!!!"



And your lie is there for all to see, Andy.



You are a LIAR, Andy.  🤡



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4 minutes ago, 15yds4gibberish said:

Trump inherited the Obama economy and it continued to perform about the same using the standard metrics (hence the resurrection of the almost 4 year old debate between Guru and Conch - Paraphrase of which is ~3+ years ago Conch said it was a major failing that Obama never had the economy over 3% GDP growth for a year, first since Hoover, but so far neither has Trump.). 

I believe the context was that Obama was a bad President because he never had a year with 3% growth.

And if the unemployment rate had merely continued to drop at the same rate of decline as it had under Obama, the unemployment rate would've been........almost exactly what it was in February.

So at the end of the day concha has a .2% up tick in average GDP growth that came with a price tag of merely $1 trillion.

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1 minute ago, concha said:

"He is 0.1% off. What a BREATHTAKING lie!!!"

No, again, you said it increased when it actually went down .2% over the year.

Then you pivoted and were merely .1 % off.

You bungle numbers worse than anybody I've seen.

And you never learn.

You just keep coming back to embarrass yourself more.

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And Andy...

What major economic metrics were better under Obama than under Trump?

Unemployment? No. Trump has taken it to natural unemployment levels. Record lows. Underemployment also. Better jobs. More hours.

GDP growth? No. Better under Trump too.

Income? Higher under Trump and improving for low earners...


Tell us, Andy.




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2 minutes ago, The Guru said:

No, again, you said it increased when it actually went down .2% over the year.

Then you pivoted and were merely .1 % off.

You bungle numbers worse than anybody I've seen.

And you never learn.

You just keep coming back to embarrass yourself more.


No Andy. You are confusing conversations. The 0.1% occurred when you were poo-pooing Trump's initial unemployment numbers in 2017. It had to do with the last 2-3 months of Obama's presidency.

Do you just do this because you are so dishonest?

Stop being a liar, Andy.



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2 minutes ago, concha said:

What major economic metrics were better under Obama than under Trump?

This has already been covered. Now you're just desperate.


1 hour ago, The Guru said:

It's all the same economy. As I said years ago. Things just continued as they were.

You needed to lie and say it was "weak" before and now "prospering" because you're a shill.


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Just now, The Guru said:

This has already been covered. Now you're just desperate.




Andy apparently thinks saying things like "you're just desperate" is an effective debate technique. It's middle school bush league. In other words, right at Andy's competency level. 🤣

Andy,  you haven't "covered" a thing. 🤣

When unemployment is hardly moving for well over a year under one president and GDP growth is tepid for six straight quarters, and then a new president comes in and unemployment AND underemployment drop to record low levels and GDP growth picks up too, it is hardly "the same economy", Andy.  🤡

Unless you're trying to pull one of your bullshit games and saying "it's still the the American economy".  🤣




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12 minutes ago, concha said:

You are confusing conversations. The 0.1% occurred when you were poo-pooing Trump's initial unemployment numbers in 2017. It had to do with the last 2-3 months of Obama's presidency.

This is what you lied about though.


On 1/30/2018 at 9:35 PM, concha said:

Trump was handed GDP growth on the downswing and unemployment that had actually increased before he took office.

You're the one who's been more obsessed with the .1% figure.

I've been pounding you on the increase lie.

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6 minutes ago, concha said:

Andy apparently thinks saying things like "you're just desperate" is an effective debate technique.

Not at all.

This isn't a debate anymore.

You've lost.

All you're doing now is flailing fanatically trying to stay afloat because your lies have been piling up.


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9 minutes ago, concha said:

Andy,  you haven't "covered" a thing. 

I've covered your lies quite well, actually.

Let me keep reminding you of your track record of lies here:

  • "accelerated drop in black unemployment under Trump"
  • "LFPR fell sharply among 25-54"
  • "LFPR fell the most among 25-54"
  • "LFPR caused Obama's unemployment rate to look better than it was"
  • "Unemployment rate actually increased before Trump took over"
  • "Trump never promised 4%, 5% or even 6% growth"
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7 minutes ago, The Guru said:


You're the one who's been more obsessed with the .1% figure.

I've been pounding you on the increase lie.


They are the same thing, Andy. The 0.1% was the increase. It wasn't meant as a big point anyway. You latched onto it because you were losing the bigger argument (which you lost). 

Dumbass. 🤣



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10 minutes ago, The Guru said:

Not at all.

This isn't a debate anymore.

You've lost.

All you're doing now is flailing fanatically trying to stay afloat because your lies have been piling up.



If flailing is the same as "LMAO at you" then you're spot on, Andy. 🤣


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9 minutes ago, The Guru said:

I've covered your lies quite well, actually.

Let me keep reminding you of your track record of lies here:

  • "accelerated drop in black unemployment under Trump"
  • "LFPR fell sharply among 25-54"
  • "LFPR fell the most among 25-54"
  • "LFPR caused Obama's unemployment rate to look better than it was"
  • "Unemployment rate actually increased before Trump took over"
  • "Trump never promised 4%, 5% or even 6% growth"


This disproven loser isn't getting more effective with age, Andy.  🤣


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What might be the funniest about concha's mental breakdown is that after all these years he still doesn't understand what the arguments about.

He's freaking out about who has better numbers when my argument all along has been about his lies and inconsistencies.

Obama's economy was "weak" but Trump's is "prospering" is just dishonest and I've proven that.

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Here's another example.

On 3/8/2017 at 10:13 AM, concha said:

Under Obama we saw consistent job growth, but it was tepid.

How Trump's three years of job gains compares to Obama's

The average monthly gain so far under Trump is 182,000 jobs. During the last 36 months under Obama, employers were adding an average of 224,000 jobs a month.

Obama = tepid

Trump = "prospering"

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Andy is running from this:


When unemployment is hardly moving for well over a year under one president and GDP growth is tepid for six straight quarters, and then a new president comes in and unemployment AND underemployment drop to record low levels and GDP growth picks up too, it is hardly "the same economy", Andy.  🤡



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