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One Month in COVID-19 Time: Feb 26/Mar 26


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1 minute ago, The Guru said:

Trump predicts GDP growth could soon 'be in the 5s'

"We anticipate this next quarter to be, this is just an estimate, but already they’re saying it could be in the fives," Trump said — meaning GDP growth would top 5 percent.

Trump Claims Credit for an Economy He Calls the ‘Envy of the Entire World’

“As the trade deals come in, one by one, we’re going to go a lot higher than these numbers.”

Donald Trump’s promise of 4 percent economic growth a year did not happen in 2017

"We're bringing it (the GDP) from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent," Trump said at an Oct. 19, 2016, presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Yes, It is easy, concha, when you don't know what you're talking about which is where you find yourself most often.


I don't see a promise in there, Andy.

Optimism? Hyperbole, perhaps?

No promises.

FYI, I don't have access to the NY Times one.  I refuse to subscribe,


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20 minutes ago, concha said:

2)  Oh shit!  Andy is LYING!  Trump did not "promise" 4% or 5% or 6% growth. He simply said he thought it might be possible to get there. Andy is a LAIR!!!!  [See how this works, Andy?]

This one is even better, concha.


From the position page on the official White House website the week of Trump's Inauguration:

"To get the economy back on track, President Trump has outlined a bold plan to create 25 million new American jobs in the next decade and return to 4 percent annual economic growth," reads the White House site.


Good lord you're a dipshit.

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2 minutes ago, concha said:

I don't see a promise in there, Andy.

Trump is officially making an economic promise that will be nearly impossible to keep

"To get the economy back on track, President Trump has outlined a bold plan to create 25 million new American jobs in the next decade and return to 4 percent annual economic growth," reads the White House site.

The 4% GDP promise is one that Trump has made before, but now it is the official promise of the White House and the president.

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15 minutes ago, concha said:

So know we're using projections as fact?

Yes, since 2020 is not over and a crash occurred in the first quarter.

The point is that GDP growth was not going to be anywhere close to even 2.5% let alone 3% or 4%

In fact, I used an optimistic projection since one credible source projected 1.1% growth.

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1 minute ago, The Guru said:

This one is even better, concha.


From the position page on the official White House website the week of Trump's Inauguration:

"To get the economy back on track, President Trump has outlined a bold plan to create 25 million new American jobs in the next decade and return to 4 percent annual economic growth," reads the White House site.


Good lord you're a dipshit.


So, here we have Andy:

  1. Avoiding addressing the lies he's been caught in.
  2. Trying to pivot away from the facts presented showing we have been prospering compared to what Obama handed over to Trump.  Unemployment, growth, incomes...

Typical Andy.

Ass gets kicked? Ignore and change subject.  🤣


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15 minutes ago, concha said:

We'll never know now given the global pandemic, but you aren't using FACTS, Andy. 

We'll never know.


This is the new concha lie.

Every projection that I've seen was between 1.1% and 2.0% and yet concha thinks we'll never know what growth would've been.

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3 minutes ago, The Guru said:

Trump is officially making an economic promise that will be nearly impossible to keep

"To get the economy back on track, President Trump has outlined a bold plan to create 25 million new American jobs in the next decade and return to 4 percent annual economic growth," reads the White House site.

The 4% GDP promise is one that Trump has made before, but now it is the official promise of the White House and the president.


I know what it says in the title, Andy.

Where does TRUMP say it?


And don't think it's going unnoticed that you're shucking and jiving to avoid addressing the lies he's been caught in and to pivot away from the facts presented showing we have been prospering compared to what Obama handed over to Trump.  Unemployment, growth, incomes...


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2 minutes ago, concha said:

So, here we have Andy:

  1. Avoiding addressing the lies he's been caught in.
  2. Trying to pivot away from the facts presented showing we have been prospering compared to what Obama handed over to Trump.  Unemployment, growth, incomes...

What we have is concha being embarrassed yet again and just being mad that I don't make shit up like he does.

He's probably red-faced right now.


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Just now, The Guru said:

We'll never know.


This is the new concha lie.

Every projection that I've seen was between 1.1% and 2.0% and yet concha thinks we'll never know what growth would've been.


Andy continues his usual duck and dodge with a subject change...

  1. Avoiding addressing the lies he's been caught in.
  2. Trying to pivot away from the facts presented showing we have been prospering compared to what Obama handed over to Trump.  Unemployment, growth, incomes...


Now we're treat projections as fact.


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3 minutes ago, The Guru said:

We'll never know.


This is the new concha lie.

Every projection that I've seen was between 1.1% and 2.0% and yet concha thinks we'll never know what growth would've been.


Here' Andy calling something a lie that isn't a lie at all.

This is Andy...

  1. Avoiding addressing the lies he's been caught in.
  2. Trying to pivot away from the facts presented showing we have been prospering compared to what Obama handed over to Trump.  Unemployment, growth, incomes...
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Just now, concha said:


Here' Andy calling something a lie that isn't a lie at all.

This is Andy...

  1. Avoiding addressing the lies he's been caught in.
  2. Trying to pivot away from the facts presented showing we have been prospering compared to what Obama handed over to Trump.  Unemployment, growth, incomes...

Malfunctioning lie bot repeating things because he thought that it was going to turn out better for him than it did.


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51 minutes ago, Horsefly said:

Trump never said it was an aspirational projection.  That’s not in his vocabulary. 

but onto the real milestones!  I’m sure you’ll be joining me in congratulating the House for passing this much needed bill to our hurting countrymen. Everything is not about djt and his feelings and sensibilities .


Speaking of the Stimulus bill Bell. Some are saying President Trump might not invite Nancy to the signing. Although I understand why he wouldn’t, I really hope he does. This would be a great time to try and unite the country.

What I'd love to see is if he could get his hands on one of Nancy’s impeachment pens and sign the bill with that pen and then hand it to her. 

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4 minutes ago, concha said:

Where does Trump promise?

Trump predicts GDP growth could soon 'be in the 5s'

"We anticipate this next quarter to be, this is just an estimate, but already they’re saying it could be in the fives," Trump said — meaning GDP growth would top 5 percent.

Trump Claims Credit for an Economy He Calls the ‘Envy of the Entire World’

“As the trade deals come in, one by one, we’re going to go a lot higher than these numbers.”

Donald Trump’s promise of 4 percent economic growth a year did not happen in 2017

"We're bringing it (the GDP) from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent," Trump said at an Oct. 19, 2016, presidential debate in Las Vegas.


From the position page on the official White House website the week of Trump's Inauguration:

"To get the economy back on track, President Trump has outlined a bold plan to create 25 million new American jobs in the next decade and return to 4 percent annual economic growth," reads the White House site.

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25 minutes ago, concha said:


Andy about to be caught lying.


I said "weak" about the 2016 economy.

We were discussing the below in the context of his latest lie, NOT just 2016.  What a shameless LIAR Andy is!!!


  51 minutes ago, The Guru said:

And 2.3% in just his second term.

It was 2.5% in Trump's three years.

One is "weak" and other is "prospering."

This is precisely why you're labeled a liar.

You use bullshit stats and then when exposed on it you try to wiggle out by nibbling around the margins to claim that economies that were practically the same or simply inherited were "weak" and "prospering."


Andy, you lied.

Andy is a LIAR.


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28 minutes ago, concha said:


Andy about to be caught lying.


I said "weak" about the 2016 economy.

We were discussing the below in the context of his latest lie, NOT just 2016.  What a shameless LIAR Andy is!!!


  51 minutes ago, The Guru said:

And 2.3% in just his second term.

It was 2.5% in Trump's three years.

One is "weak" and other is "prospering."

This is precisely why you're labeled a liar.

You use bullshit stats and then when exposed on it you try to wiggle out by nibbling around the margins to claim that economies that were practically the same or simply inherited were "weak" and "prospering."



You lied.

Why are you a LIAR, Andy?



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6 minutes ago, thc6795 said:

Speaking of the Stimulus bill Bell. Some are saying President Trump might not invite Nancy to the signing. Although I understand why he wouldn’t, I really hope he does. This would be a great time to try and unite the country.

What I'd love to see is if he could get his hands on one of Nancy’s impeachment pens and sign the bill with that pen and then hand it to her. 

That’s such pettiness 

seriously?  That does something for you? 

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Why does Andy try to argue that things were great under Obama but when they get better under Trump (unemployment, real income, income growth for low earners, GDP...),  he claims it's all bullshit?



  1 hour ago, The Guru said:

And 2.3% in just his second term.

It was 2.5% in Trump's three years.

One is "weak" and other is "prospering."

This is precisely why you're labeled a liar.

You use bullshit stats and then when exposed on it you try to wiggle out by nibbling around the margins to claim that economies that were practically the same or simply inherited were "weak" and "prospering."



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