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One Month in COVID-19 Time: Feb 26/Mar 26


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And no morning would be complete without a concha update.

Here he was, again, claiming that the mere election of Trump led to more hiring despite having no evidence then and no evidence now.

On 3/12/2017 at 10:49 AM, concha said:

And my theory makes sense because I, unlike you, am smart enough to realize that companies expecting a Hillary win are not going to be able to turn on a dime and start hiring immediately. 

Three or four months later is an entirely different story.

Listen to yourself, jackass.  "Companies are hiring now because of Barry Obama".  Barry is on a long vacation, jackass.  According to you, Trump is all that is stupid and bad. Yet also according to you, employers are hiring now and ignoring that this terrible thing called Trump occupies the most powerful post on the planet. What a brilliant mind you possess. xD

Strong jobs report. Ten-year highs in construction and manufacturing (a pure coincidence, apparently). Consumer comfort report from Bloomberg at a ten-year high. Gallup economic confidence index at a record high.

All thanks to Obama, who is gone (maybe THAT'S the reason?).

You are a clown.

How Trump's three years of job gains compares to Obama's

The average monthly gain so far under Trump is 182,000 jobs. During the last 36 months under Obama, employers were adding an average of 224,000 jobs a month.

Obama = "tepid" "weak" "low" job growth

Trump = "prospering"



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