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Soul searching time for DLS


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6 minutes ago, Pops said:


what I mean, as you know, is that DLS is not one of these academy schools that have gone nuclear in roster development and are rarely in the top 10 in CA for “roster”

Oh, I thought you referred to the 2 SoCal "academy" schools, and then lumped DLS in with all the other "regular" schools. My point is that MD and SJB have taken things to another level, DLS and other have advantages as well and have chosen not to go all in as MD and SJB have, and then the majority of public schools are in a different group altogether.

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5 minutes ago, NorCalRuss said:

All of Folsom’s “great” players came from other states... 

Jake Browning is from another state?

Jordan Richards (NFL) is from another state?

Dano Graves is from another state? (Gatorade NATIONAL player of the year)


BTW- With traffic, you can probably get to Reno sooner than you could from Sacramento to Concord :) I expect your trolling game to be better if you want to play with the big boys. 

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1 minute ago, maxchoboian said:

Oh, I thought you referred to the 2 SoCal "academy" schools, and then lumped DLS in with all the other "regular" schools. My point is that MD and SJB have taken things to another level, DLS and other have advantages as well and have chosen not to go all in as MD and SJB have, and then the majority of public schools are in a different group altogether.

You view this as a continual spectrum 

I see a large break between the half dozen academies and the other 14,000 schools 

there have never been schools who have better classes of athletes than the beat colleges in the country and now there are a few every year and they’re the same few 

DLS had 3 kids with a William and Mary offer and have never had more than 7 kids earn a D1 scholarship — they went 6 years without a P5 D1 last decade 

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2 hours ago, The Guru said:

Go read spartanhood.

They beg to differ.

Haven’t been there in a couple of years 

I remember a spectrum if opinions, but I don’t hear anyone personally clamoring for a change 

to the contrary, I think we’re smug in our position and appreciate being in a no lose situation for foreseeable SBGs — was a no win situation for too long 

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5 minutes ago, Pops said:


I see a large break between the half dozen academies and the other 14,000 schools 


So do I. We agree there.

And then I see a significant break between the large-school privates (mostly Catholic) who are not at the academy level and the other 13,900 schools.

And yes, as you know, I went to a large-school private. We had an advantage for sure.

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2 hours ago, maxchoboian said:

DLS benefits from being able to accept kids from a much larger area than a standard public school district. Which of these DLS players were from the Concord area: DJ Williams, Maurice Jones-Drew, Aaron Taylor, Austin Hooper, Amani Toomer, Terrance Kelly, etc.?

No one has denied what you are saying but five of the six of the names you dropped last played for DLS before most of the current crop of players were even born.  Subtract Drew and Kelly and its probably all of them.

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3 minutes ago, frankyjames said:

"These are far from neighborhood kids." :) 

Read the first six words of my post, dumbass.

And speaking of six, six players who played over the course of the last 30 years were used as examples of of DLS's advantages.  Yes, we all know that there were more than six, but come on.  Exactly how many transfers did Folsom have on their roster just this season alone?  How many did DLS have?

It will be interesting to count the percentage players who will be on the East Bay's "Cream of the Crop"  list who are from DLS when it comes out in a few months.  We can compare that to the percentage of Folsom players that will be on the SJS list.

Someone else said it earlier....DLS has the same advantages as the SJB's and MD's of the world, they just choose not to always use them.  Yeah, I think if a five star landed on their doorstep, of course they will take him (once he passes the entrance exam).  But they are not going to go out an look for them as vigorously as might be done elsewhere.  I think DLS may have stood at that precipitous in the early 2000's, but then opted to take a step back. 


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1 minute ago, Rippers said:

Prove it.

It is public knowledge. We don't need to go round and round and drag names into the mud. Not the intent.

However the intent is to prove your bias (which I have) and show that you were willing to throw stones at others programs for the SAME EXACT thing that DLS takes advantage of, implying that it was OK for some but not others.

Take your L. :) 

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1 minute ago, Rippers said:

The only thing you are educating me on is the unfathomable depths of your stupidity.

See, now that is an example of throwing stones, since you apparently don't know what the term means.


You totally lost here. And you are making it worse. I shall throw you a bone.

Bottom line- Don't accuse others as doing the same as you are doing, just to cover up what you are doing. :) Most everyone can see right through it.

BTW- Sacramento has produced some great DLS players! :) 

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1 minute ago, frankyjames said:

It is right here. :) 

That is a question, not an accusation.  And if you want to use it, use it in full context of the post, you know the one that says "read the first six word of my post", even though I should have said eight.  The eight words were "no one has denied what you are saying" in reference to DLS having and using their boundary advantages, but not necessarily using them as vigorously as they could.

So again, how is that "covering up" and "throwing stones"?

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And @Rippers before you go on and on about all Folsom's "transfers" and include numbers, I shall provide some context to you ahead of time.

Folsom has had the MOST transfers it has ever had in it's history this season. Not surprising after 2 straight state titles. Even at 15 transfers, this represents less than 1 in 5 players on the Folsom roster being a transfer student.

Some context- less than 20 percent. So 80 plus percent are not transfers and generally have lived in Folsom since being a freshman.

Some more context- THERE IS NO WAY THE DLS ROSTER IS MADE UP OF 80 PLUS PERCENT OF PLAYERS THAT LIVE IN CONCORD. They just aren't considered "transfers" because of the way privates are allowed to operate. 


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